Everyone’s face was shocked, and Xuance’s eyes were full of surprise.

Suspection.i Lord narrowed his eyes surprised tunnel "Liu Xi strength I know that if the right place at the right time and the best can cross-border fighting to defeat the fighters such as the early congenital, Liu Xi was unexpectedly defeated by this small punch."
No.12 laughed. "So we have already said that this little body has great secrets."
10 laughed "suspection.i Lord you must not see the snow shine application to report? If you see the application report, you should know why you can beat Liu Xi. "
Huangfu said, "Are you saying this?"
No.10 Road, "Do you know djinn in the west of Hedong Red Hair River?"
Huangfu said, "Those nine-yang dogs are brothers with the same name?"
No.10 Road "It was their two brothers who died not long ago"
Suspection.i main road "dead? How to die? "
No.10 Road "Xu Kill"
"Xu kill?"
Suspection.i Lord immediately stare big eyes, "if I remember correctly Hedong red hair Hexi djinn are congenital mid-term fighters! Maybe kill them? Xu killed them after being seriously injured? "
No.10 shook his head and said, "Xu has a very strong cross-border fighting ability. When he can do his best, he can cross the border and kill fighters such as congenital middle stage. Do you think that Fa can defeat a fighter with a single blow in Hexi djinn Hedong Red Hair?"
Suspection.i Lord zheng first, then narrowed his eyes and said, "No wonder you value this little fighter who can cross the border so much. He is a genius. What’s worse, he has only practiced for two or three years. If such a person can cultivate well, it won’t take a hundred years to have a big climate. Then you can get a Iliad in the worse."
No.10 smiled openly. "As I said before, he is not only from the worse place, but also from the Dragon Hall. The most important thing is that he is a national. Even if we have a chance to enhance the overall strength, we must never let No.3 go. It has been said that the worse place will pave the way all the way before the three demons break out. It is necessary for the three demons to make a climate before launching a war."
Suspection.i main road "come? According to the Ministry, everything is ready for the three major demons. It’s not certain that war will be launched in 2008 or the year after. Will he grow up? "
No.10 sighed with his hands on his back. "It depends on God’s will, and he is just a straw. Whether he can achieve great things or not, we must work hard. The core force in Wulin is of course against the mainstream forces of the three demons."
Lord suspection.i also sighed, "The three magic religions have been prepared for more than 300 years. God knows if this catastrophe will go from Wulinbo to the mundane. If the real wave is too wide, the whole China will be in turmoil, fearing that development will go backwards for decades!"
No.10 nodded slightly. "Now all we have to do is seize every opportunity. Even a little more strength is good for Wulin."
Suspection.i advocate "the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of ordinary people, how can I be immune to the martial arts catastrophe? You can rest assured that I will cultivate Xu well. "
No.10 looked serious and sincere. "Righteousness is Lord Huangfu!"
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-five War Xuance
Xu can beat Liu Xi with one move, which certainly surprised Xuance.
But this is not enough for Xuance to admit that he is qualified to be the vice president.
Xuance narrowed his eyes and said, "I really didn’t expect you to beat Liu Ce, which surprised me, but it wasn’t enough to make you vice president."
Xu said, "Are you sure you will send someone out to fight me again?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "Are you going to send fighters in the early days of birth?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "Even if I beat the fighters in the early days of birth, I am still not qualified to be the deputy leader, right?"
Xuance paused to say "yes"
Xu said, "Then what is the significance of my first world war?"
Xuance froze.
Xuance knows that it’s impossible for middle fighters to let too powerful people fight and choose people with equal strength. This is what heroes should do.
Yes, as Xu said, even if he defeated the fighters such as the early congenital period, he was still not qualified to be the deputy leader.
So what’s the point of fighting?
What’s the point of fighting like an assessment given by Xuance?
Xuance said, "What do you think?"
Xu said, "Why don’t you just tell me how I can be the vice president?"
Xuance said, "Strength, qualifications and contributions."
Xu said, "Many of you went straight into the Dragon Hall. I am different. I climbed all the way from the Dragon Group. This is my qualification."
Xuance paused, "Dragon Group, Chinese escort, Dream Strong Group, primary institutions? Climb all the way? "
Xu said, "Is this qualified?"
Xuance paused and then said "qualified"
Xu said, "When I was a dragon group, I destroyed the dark workshop that affected the world. The virus developed by the dark workshop was enough to affect human genes. If it was produced on a large scale, it could destroy a smaller country. I took the lead in destroying this dark workshop. Is this a credit? When I was in the Huaxia Guard, I also set up a dream-strengthening group. When I helped the official get two contributions from the cave of the general of the twelve branches of Ziyue Changjiao, was it a credit? It is because of these merits that I was directly recommended to join the Longdian primary organization! Are these credits enough? "
Although Xu’s contribution to the country is not much, every one can go down in the history of the Dragon Hall.
Xuance obviously didn’t expect that Xu had done so many vigorous things at a young age and immediately said, "barely enough."
Xu said, "seniority and credit are enough for the existing strength, right?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "How can I sit in the deputy theme?"
Xuance said, "Only fighters who are born in the middle period are qualified to sit in the deputy theme."
Xu Tao: "In that case, why don’t you simply send fighters such as congenital metaphase out to me for World War I? If I can defeat the fighters such as congenital metaphase, does it mean that I am qualified to be the vice president? "
As soon as this sentence came out, everyone immediately stare big eyes.
Snow shine also stare big eyes.
Snow shine knows that Xu Shen has many magical places, but Xu is, after all, a mid-level fighter in the early congenital period. It is simply an idiotic dream to want to cross the border and wait for fighters in the middle congenital period. It is simply impossible.
Those fighters in the courtyard are even more puzzling. How can Xu have the courage to say such a thing?
Xuance also stared at the ghost and said, "Are you kidding?"
Xu said, "Why should I joke?"
Xuance squinted and said, "Do you really want to wait for the first world war in the mid-congenital period?"
Xu said, "Why not? Even if you want me to fight, it’s okay! "
The official Wulin’s most elite organization, the primary organization, has strong fighters like clouds, such as congenital metaphase. I don’t know how many Xuance can stand out from so many congenital metaphase fighters, of course, they have perfect strength.
If Xu Xuan Ce fought the first world war, wouldn’t it be a losing battle?
Xuance said, "Hum, you think very well. Even if I lose in World War I, I won’t be ashamed. After all, I am the vice president and it would be a very shameful thing if I were you in World War I. Do you think I would do such a shameful thing?"
Xuance waved his hand and shouted at the crowd, "Mr. Huo, please come out."
Xuance shouted that this man is a middle-aged man who has never spoken in the corner, and he has not paid attention to anything.
He looks very quiet, quiet, like a student studying hard at a cold window, like a lady without leaving the door.
He wears a blue gown, his face is white and clean, and he looks quiet, too.
Xuance pointed to Mr. Huo and shouted at Xu, "Mr. Huo’s name Huo Zhen was a fighter who broke through the realm of mid-congenital only three days ago. You are now a mid-congenital fighter and you are still very young. I will not say that you can have my realistic realm. If you can defeat him, I will be the first to agree that you should be the deputy leader, and I will never let him go no matter who dares to obstruct you!"
See Xuance actually shouted out the fighters such as congenital metaphase, and the suspection.i Lord’s brow also lifted.
Huangfu’s main roof said, "This guy actually shouted out the fighters in the middle of congenital period. Why can he win?"
No.10 laughed. "What we want is to make Xu defeated and defeated. Although sometimes it doesn’t make people happy, it makes people progress."
Lord suspection.i sighed, "But I can’t watch this scene, because when Huo Zhen comes out, Xu has lost the battle. I also hope that Xuance can let the fighters such as the congenital middle stage come out. I also want to see how Xu defeated the fighters such as the congenital middle stage. Now this scene is coming to an end."
Yes, this scene is coming to an end.
Of course, everyone will not believe that Xu can defeat Huozhen.
Although Xu can defeat fighters such as congenital mid-term, he is, after all, a mid-level fighter in the early stage of congenital cross-border combat, and there is a degree that can’t be exaggerated.

Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a kind of reincarnation that develops the potential to understand the sword. Entering Wan Jian’s reincarnation will surely bear the pain of penetrating the sword. That is, the longer Wan Jian wears heartache, the higher the potential, and the faster the skill will rise.

In the original, the middle name was typed in. When Wan Jian’s reincarnation lasted for one year, it was already firm but gentle, and it was about to enter the realm of heavenly sword.
This Jian Zongbao is far beyond people’s imagination. Imperial Heaven has sharp eyes and stares at the huge cave.
In the cave, several ground-breaking saburos keep gathering.
Suddenly a sound appeared.
"KaKa cheep … KaKa cheep …"
In an instant, a sharp sword awn emerged, criss-crossing the sword awn to directly cover the huge cave.
The corners of the mouth of Yutian stare at the center of Jianmang with a smile.
"Wan Jian returned to the Sect!"
The imperial heaven told me that his right hand was out …
Chapter 56 Wan Jian Guizong
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is a Juexue of Jianzong and a high martial art in the early stage of the storm.
Now’ Wan Jian Guizong’ has fallen into the hands of the Imperial Heaven, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.
The Imperial Heaven slowly flips and stares at the secret book’ Wan Jian’s Returning to the Sect’, which is a secret book that mathematical swordsmen dream of seeking. Turning to the first page, two lines of fine print can be seen: "Wan Qi is born and the sword rushes to waste the hole; Guiyuan martial arts Zongyuangong is long. "
A short poem is a Tibetan poem. Take the third word in each sentence and you can see that the word "self-defeating martial arts" is blank except for four sentences, which is a metaphor. It is like a blank sheet of paper to practice one’s strength.
Imperial day sharp eyes stare like a blank sheet of paper indifferently said, "Since the waste of martial arts to practice Wan Jian Guizong Hehe …"
Imperial heaven smiled like a disdain. Imperial heaven just smiled, and a flame slowly emerged in his hand, burning it directly.
The second dream was shocked and could not help but exclaim, "This is Wan Jian’s return to the Sect!"
The second dream is that the younger brother of the sword emperor is also the younger brother of the sword Sect. Now the imperial heaven burns the sword Sect and the second dream is more shocking than the heart.
Suddenly a scarlet light emerged, and the light directly connected to the red firm but gentle cave.
"Sting …"
A phantom, a scarlet figure appeared, and this figure kept waving. This man was sharp-eyed and full of firm but gentle strokes.
Yutian said indifferently with his hands on his back, "Do you want to hide my Yutian because it contains spiritual cheats?"
The secret script contains the meaning of sword and a person’s will, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect. The strong spirit of Imperial Heaven can naturally detect these will.
The will to burn the secret script of the Imperial Heaven turned into a sword, which directly emerged to reveal the true Wan Jian’s return to the Sect.
Suddenly scarlet light and shadow directly turned into ten thousand swords, like light and waves rushing to the sky.
Imperial heaven, hands with a negative back, poses with no intention of sword light
"Thorn … thorn …"
Moment achievement method cheats … After pouring into the imperial mind.
Imperial day smiled and said dryly, "Qi leaves the pulse wrist instead of being too blunt and dry, and Kun turns into softness, so that’s it …"
Imperial heaven eyes wide open and sharp eyes staring around like a sharp sword light.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is well known to Yu Tian, and Yu Tian also knows the cultivation method of Wan Jian’s return to the Sect.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect mainly refers to the fencing of every family, that is, the skill of fencing moves is to turn gas into swords, and the cultivation method is to rebuild it
Imperial heavenly heart already knows such as practicing, but there is no desire to practice for’ Wan Jian Guizong’ Imperial Heaven’ Wan Jian Guizong’. First, the martial arts body is abandoned to form a firm but gentle sword to help the imperial sword heal … The firm but gentle operation is increasing, and the other is to absorb foreign capability and turn it into firm but gentle to run through its abandoned cave.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is magical, but it won’t give up.’ Shenmojian’ is the most suitable way for Wan Jian’s return to the Sect to integrate into the’ Shenmojian’.
At the moment, Imperial Heaven stared around and said indifferently, "It’s not so simple to continue looking for Jianzong Land."
Yu Tian said that his second dream was to stare at Yu Tian strangely. "Is Yu Tian’s brother trained to return to Wan Jian?"
The second dream is to stare at ten thousand swords and stab them into the Imperial Heaven without any scars. Is this the practice of Wan Jian’s returning to the Sect?
The second dream is strange. The Imperial Heaven smiled. "Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is a martial art of Jianzong. I have no intention of practicing. If you want to practice, I can teach you."
A word falls in the second dream, and I am surprised that such a beautiful secret book should be directly given to myself. The second dream is like a deer jumping in the heart and staring at the sky with a strange feeling.
This scene is printed in Huaqing’s heart, and Huaqing stares at the Imperial Heaven with a hint of unhappiness and chafing.
Imperial heaven has gone far to a dark cave.
"Be careful, it’s a pity that thousands of ground-breaking Saburo entered the chamber of secrets in Hwa-Sung Do."
White eyes emerge and stare cautiously at the dark hole.
At the moment, a faint sword light reveals a danger.
The Imperial Heaven wonders where this cave is. In the original work, Jian Zong tells too little, and the Imperial Heaven doesn’t know how much.
Suddenly, the second dream came slowly with a hint of surprise. "It’s like Wan Jian’s reincarnation. The master said that Wan Jian’s reincarnation is the sword of Shuang Bao. This treasure can send a person’s potential, enhance a person’s skill, and help the swordsman understand and refine the sword."
The second dream said that there was also a trace of information in the royal heavenly heart.
Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a treasure, but it is also a torture treasure. Entering Wan Jian’s reincarnation, every second and every moment will experience Wan Jian’s wearing pain, exhausting the sword’s meaning and the sword’s light rushing to the body. That kind of pain is no ordinary pain.
People who enter the reincarnation of Wan Jian can feel all these bodies without half-dead scars. If they can persist, they can become a strong man. When they enter the reincarnation of Wan Jian for a full year,
Imperial Heaven stares at the dark cave and walks directly into the cave.
"The zither …"
"The zither …"
The light of the sword emerges, and the light of the sword rushes directly to the imperial mind.
The imperial heaven is poised, and this sword light only falls on the imperial heaven body, but it seems to be swallowed up and disappears.
The Imperial Heaven stepped forward and stared at a sword-line turntable with sharp eyes. This is the reincarnation of Wan Jian, that is, Jian Zongbao
Imperial day smiled and marched slowly towards the present Wan Jian reincarnation.
Every step, the number of sword light is doubled, and every step, the power of sword light is enhanced by one cup.
At this moment, the pain of Wan Jian’s continuous walking in the sky has slowly penetrated the mind for several swords.
Imperial heaven feels pain, but also feels his sword, constantly gazing at his soul and constantly refining his body.
"Wan Jian’s reincarnation deserves to be Jian Zongbao. This is really a treasure of cultivation."
With a wave of his hand, the Seven Treasures Immortal Ring has been shining, and the reincarnation of Wan Jian has disappeared …
Chapter 561 Huang Jian
"KaKa cheep … KaKa cheep …"
Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a man who releases a sword wheel and tries his best to refine his sword.
The sword’s light and sword’s meaning will increase several times as the Imperial Heaven moves closer.
Now the sword wheel disappears, and the shock wave and sword meaning are also dissipated.
The Seven Treasures and the Immortal Ring is a real treasure. Now, Wan Jian’s reincarnation is counted as the treasure in the hands of the Imperial Heaven.
Wan Jian reincarnation disappeared around the firm but gentle and sword meaning also disappeared, and the whole shape emerged. This is simply a sword burial.
Several swords are buried here and several weapons are buried here.
Some of these swords are corroded, and some of them still shine brilliantly. There is no doubt that they are full of sword light. The cave is firm but gentle.
Jian zong buried his sword here and gathered several swords.
At the moment, a pale figure emerges. This person is the second dream.
The second dream stared at the huge sword tomb with surprise. "This is the place where Jianzong buried his sword. Master once said that only a magic weapon was born here."

1 Chapter 1 Beat you to doubt life!

While helping Su Bo to treat her brother, the girl singing songs raised her little head and covered her beautiful eyes with hair. Yu Guang secretly looked at Su Yu’s eyes full of goodness.
Why did this man spill so many gold coins?
Alas, how can I repay this after I owe someone such a big favor?
Brother, if he wakes up, he will be angry with himself again.
The young girl bit her teeth, raised her eyebrows slightly, wrinkled her delicate and pretty face, and a touch of sadness appeared on her face. Her stubborn brother always made her feel a little headache.
Su Yu nature is ignored the girl at this time.
Su Yu has been watching calmly beside the gold coin, squatting at his feet to pick up the gold coin, and his expression is ferocious and crazy.
"Gold coins! Gold coins! A lot of gold coins, these are all me! "
Tiger’s face is crazy, his hand is shaking, his expression is ferocious and he keeps squatting to pick up the gold coins.
With those strong men behind Tiger, they looked at each other and saw the impulsiveness and greed in each other’s eyes.
The strong men screamed and shouted in front of them, "Grandpa Hu, let’s help you pick up the gold coins!" "
"get out! Who dares to touch my gold coins, I will kill them! "
Tiger roared, turned around, usurped the gold coin in one hand and held a thick stick in the other, and gave the strong men a beating!
Although the tiger doesn’t know martial arts, his intellectual strength is also higher than that of these little ones. They beat them up and screamed and retreated to watch the tiger in fear.
Compared with gold coins, life is more important!
Look at the tiger now, his eyes are red and panting, and his expression is very ferocious and terrible.
Whoever grabs Tiger’s gold coin is suspected of taking his life.
Every fighter in the four continents has his own pursuit, which is the foundation of their cultivation motivation and exploration of their own martial arts source.
Some fighters regard beauty as life, some fighters regard potential as life, some fighters regard family as life, and some fighters regard country as life.
And the bottom fighters like Tiger are suspicious of money!
Tiger has already lost dozens of gold coins from his wooden stick and tucked his arms.
"Tell you! These gold coins are all mine! Don’t even think about it! "
Tiger glared at his younger brothers fiercely, then got up and strode towards the door of the wine shop.
He is now preoccupied with finding a safe place and making a good plan about what to do with these gold coins.
Baiyang city can’t stay any longer, so it’s better to go to Nanjun. I heard that the beauty of Nanjun girls is also famous for their inheritance.
Tiger was so absorbed in his fantasy that he didn’t find Su Yu’s mouth behind him with a faint mocking smile.
The moment tiger was about to walk out of the pub.
Su Yu patted his waist on the sword.
The spirit of the true imperial sword flies out directly, with a touch of time and two points of strength. The scabbard is covered with complex patterns, and tiger’s hands are severely drawn.
Tiger’s hands were swollen with pain, and the gold coins in his hand flew out and fell back to the pub.
A surprised all looked at Su Yu in astonishment.
"Who will fight!"
Tiger roared, turned and roared
"hmm? Why do you still want to teach me a lesson? "
Su Yu smiled indifferently. The sword of the Emperor is still unsheathed, and it is shocking to be quietly suspended beside Su Yu.
"Oh, my God!"
"The imperial sword controls things. This is the strength of a hundred-year-old warrior!"
"This young master is so strong!"
They couldn’t believe that they exclaimed a lot, and they were quite knowledgeable. The farmer was shocked and murmured that everyone was blindsided.
The original brokeback guard was strong enough, but I didn’t expect this young master to be stronger!
This is a hundred years old!
Bai Yangcheng’s most powerful master, the Lord’s adult, is just this realm!
How old is this expensive young master? Has entered this realm? !
It’s appalling!
Tiger one leng then heard the sound and then turned to Su Yu’s hand to suspend the true imperial sword.
Centenary territory!
Tiger’s pupil suddenly tightens. This expensive boy has the strength of a hundred years old!
"Didn’t you just say that it was me who picked up these gold coins?"
Tiger muttered some fear and looked at Su Yu. His forehead broke out in cold sweat and his legs trembled unconsciously.
In the face of a hundred-year-old master, he can’t hold a trick for a mere intellectual rookie!
You know, the centenarian realm is two big steps higher than the intellectual realm!
A hundred years old?
Su Yu spilled a smile and didn’t bother to explain. He picked his eyebrows and smiled gently. "I mean what I say. I want you to take these gold coins out of this wine shop. They all belong to you."
Tiger tiger looked at the golden gold coins, his heart beat faster and his expression hesitated. He was afraid that Su Yu would continue to stop him.
This expensive young master didn’t want him to take away the gold coins so simply.
"Don’t worry, I’m not a murderer. I won’t kill you."

An elder in the VIP table nodded with satisfaction. "Li Jue Ye Cong’s Seven-Force Boxing is not only destructive, but also surprisingly fast. It’s definitely inconvenient to add weapons to your hands than Jiang Feng’s self-cultivation. It seems that your chief is going to lose this trick!"

"The results haven’t come out yet, so what’s the point!" Yang dharma mouth said that, but his nervous eyes betrayed his true thoughts.
The elder responded without disturbing his eyes and fell into the ring.
"Spell speed with me! ? You are too tender! "
The next scene surprised everyone. When I grew up, my mouth closed.
Li off to cast seven force boxing at the same time Jiang Feng arm also follow waving! "whoosh!" In front of him, there was a sudden flash of wind, and the other side directly hit the black iron sword with the first punch.
That’ll be the day! ?
It’s not that everyone is surprised. Li Jue himself is also horrified. He remembers how this punch avoided the black iron sword and was taken in by the black iron sword.
Li Juegen didn’t believe how many punches he made in succession, but no matter which direction he hit, it was all a black iron sword!
Chapter 166 Shocked everyone
Let a person horror scene appeared the huge black iron sword was Jiang Feng conveniently waving into the ghosting.
Capture the trajectory of black iron sword by naked eye root method
"Impossible! What the hell is going on here! ?”
Li Jue looked unbelievable. On where he attacked, he broke Jiang Feng’s defense. Every punch was a black iron sword, and even Jiang Feng didn’t hurt a hair.
All this is just a moment. When everyone reacts, the attack is over.
They all had a petrified face and remembered what had just happened.
"Ha ha! Ok! Beautiful! The chief of Yunhuazong is just like this! " Yang dharma’s first reaction was to clap his hands at once, and then look at the elders who mocked him just now. All of them were livid.
Who would have thought that Jiang Feng could defend that offensive in the extreme situation just now?
"Yan xu zong chief just cast that is jianfa? It looks like an ordinary block! However, the speed of being able to fight with Qiliquan is really amazing! " Taiwan’s chief executives exclaimed
As a referee, Elder Wan Xuanzong was also amazed by the scene before him.
However, he is different from others, and it is not that simple to be amazed.
He is also a Jian Xiu, and he has a high attainments in kendo.
Being able to swing such a big sword into something accurately blocks the opponent’s offensive every time. There is a mystery in simplicity and a ray of simplicity in mystery.
This kind of feeling was once felt by luck when he was young. The person who brought it to him is now the master of the sword dynasty, blade master!
"How is it possible! How can a mere chief kendo of Yan Xuzong catch up with blade master must be how much I think! " The elder Wan Xuanzong shook his head at himself, which is simply impossible.
"You … how did you block me with seven punches! ?” Li has never been careless, cautious and ten steps away.
"Do you have a problem with the sword file?" Jiang Feng lifted the big sword. You couldn’t see any weight in his hand. "You have some strength. It seems that I thought more about it. Should it be my turn if you attacked for so long just now?" ?”
"What …"
Li off the whole people be cautious, body spirit force operation to the extreme.
"Don’t do anything! Rest assured that it will not hurt at all soon! "
Jiang Feng leaned forward and left foot stepped forward to listen to "Bang!" A Jiang Feng flies out.
Li unique pupil contraction suddenly shocked Jiang Feng speed.

Masao Kitano said, "We’ve had enough of uncertain strategic goals, and we’ve changed our plans again and again, and I don’t want to try again."

Ship Yuexiu asked, "What do you want?"
Ship Yuexiu husband’s eyes flashed "How do you say?"
Every word, Masao Kitano said, "Help them fight against the Chinese army first, but don’t contribute. After the war expands, try to reach an agreement with the Chinese army to carve up Southeast Asia!" China’s military center of gravity will end up in the Taiwan Strait and Northeast Southeast Asia, which is also not in their interests as we fought a bloody sea of corpses. They will definitely agree to "lift the lid of the teacup and gently sip the tea." Southeast Asia is a good place. Iron, coal, tin, tungsten, rubber ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ship Yuexiu shook his head. "Kitano Jun’s government won’t allow you to do this. Apart from safeguarding our interests, our important purpose in sending troops to Southeast Asia is to attack China. It is more acceptable for the government to accept the law and the people to accept it!"
Kitano Masao gave me a mocking smile. "What do those stupid pigs know? What do they know except that China has always been arrogant and contemptuous since World War II? Have they seriously studied the strength of China? Can they see the progress of China? Do they know that the driving force behind the rapid development of that country with diplomatic difficulties is respectable and terrible? They know nothing! The elite of the armed forces of the navy and the army do their best to be just citizens, which is almost morbid pride? Joke, the blood of Japanese soldiers is not so worthless! I will fight for the interests of 100 million people! "
Ship Yuexiu husband didn’t talk, but he bowed his head and drank tea, but his old eyes burst with admiration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
For the Japanese army, choosing the right commander means winning half the battle.
Chapter 30 Dawn is pale
For Jakarta people, this night is so horrible that they will never forget this day, April 13, 1996, just as Chinese people will never forget the bloody night on April 9. Four days ago, Chinese tears in Jawa wrote this day into Chinese history, but tonight, Liu Zhe’s blood in Jawa wrote this day into the history of Jawa people.
Bombers bombed back and forth four times a night, throwing incendiary bombs as many as 2,400 tons of rocket launchers, and the barrels were all red. The rockets hit the city and fired as many as 21,500 rounds of five base shells. After a few hours, they went out and filled up with gasoline, and the man-machine machine machine came again and again. At least 600 accurately hit Jakarta, and the hit rate was n times higher than that of v2 missiles. Who told China to accidentally build so many fighters? It is inevitable that Xiaolong will replace 歼 6, but thousands of 歼 6 s will become a big problem if they are handled. Dismantle some high-value parts and engines and let them rot? Too waves; Converted into a drone? It is estimated that the army and the defense forces can’t finish fighting until they vomit; The export is even more ridiculous. How can I find a buyer who eats thousands of fighters unless the pro wants to fight a world war? Maintaining it not only takes up a lot of resources, but also has low efficiency! I’m bored, but I simply converted it into a man-made plane and simplified cruise missiles. Most of them were converted into missiles. When I was fighting for three years, I went out to more than 1,000 planes. The army of the monkey-fried wings with paws and paws generously dialed 1,200 planes with a stroke of a pen, and repeatedly told them not to send them back. So the monkey-fried paws fell into a disaster. Each plane was smashed with one or two tons of gasoline, and the gasoline flowed along the street and merged into a flame river. Let alone people and even bacteria, Liu Zhe vowed to turn Jakarta into a clean place. No one dared to live here for 700 years. Judging from the bombing effect, it seems that Jakarta has turned into a dead place. The reconnaissance plane reported that "90% of the city of Jakarta is shrouded in smoke and fire … we simply can’t see if Jakarta is still there!"
There was a message from the army, "2400 tons of bombs have been thrown away, and there is not even a smelly bomb left!"
Liu Zhe mumbled, "There are still fewer bombs."
Still less! ?
Tongyu senior colonel showed a look of going crazy. He dropped 2,400 tons of new bombs and old bombs into Jakarta at one breath. Man-machine poured more than 1,000 tons of gasoline into Jakarta. Is that less? What kind of explosion does that make your old man satisfied? Do you want some 1,000-ton nuclear shells?
The power of more than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs and more than 1,000 tons of gasoline is extremely amazing, not to mention that even the city dwellers and the rapid reaction engineers who stayed in the port were forced by the heat wave to retreat and then retreat, and the army launched a fierce attack.
Violent impact was chased by the fire. The soldiers threw away the weapons that were in the way, screaming and screaming that two soles of their feet flew over and rushed to the port protected by fire belts in an attempt to escape! The rolling stream of people flooded the earth, but the faces that were smoked black could not hide the fear of death. The waves of crying and screaming were enough to make the stone man move. This could be regarded as an impact, but it could not be regarded as an attack. No one was in the mood to attack the defense line of the rapid response division. They wanted to escape to the port and jump into the sea to get rid of the terrible heat wave.
It’s a pity that their opponents are determined to kill them all, and the rapid response engineer doesn’t even have any sympathy. Gao Ping’s two heavy machine guns, 20 mm machine guns and 17 mm rocket guns are killing and crying one by one, and all the routes leading to the port are hit by an airtight barrage. The paws of the people, regardless of the military and civilians, are smashed in less than a second. Every shuttle bullet sweeps past, and there will be a shower of blood. The crowd has become a fire, moths, falling down and screaming, and blood bodies are piled up in a metal storm.
This is not a war, but a one-sided massacre. No city has suffered such a terrible catastrophe since the end of World War II.
Thanks to the rapid development of satellite technology in Jakarta, everything is almost simultaneously broadcast to every developed city in the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, London, Washington, new york, Moscow and Berlin …………………………………………………………………………………………………. The guy who has always liked to talk about the threat of China is now uniform and closed his mouth. Now there is no such thing as the threat of China. The yellow disaster has come to everyone, so let’s help ourselves.
A large group of people who have been pointing fingers at China since the outbreak of the anti-Chinese exclusion incident have now shut up. It’s not that they don’t want to control, but they dare not control people over the Lord. This sentence is true for countries that don’t even have anti-aircraft guns. Otherwise, Hitler killed half of the European Jews. Why didn’t anyone organize to protest against the lawsuit against Lao Xi? As Liu Zhe said, "If we accidentally injure a civilian in Zhaowa, they will jump up and swear; If we kill a hundred civilians, they will send others to the Hague court; But if we kill Jakarta, they won’t even dare to fart! "
A large number of generals in Beijing’s Ministry of National Defense are staring at the screen with strange looks, with some approving, some disgusted and some angry.
Deep thinker;
The leaders of several countries in Zhongnanhai also looked at them and reacted like this.
The Minister of Economy pulled his fingers and calculated, "This big bombing will be the end of this city. Even if it is not finished, the economic level will be returned to 100 years ago, which is not as good as the Dutch colonial rule!"
The foreign minister’s facial muscles twitched slightly. "What a suck! Tell you to kill China! "
The prime minister looked nai. "I knew there would be big trouble if I let him out. I knew there would be big trouble if I let him out!"
The director of the National Bureau of Population Statistics hesitated to say, "How can it be said that there are 300,000 people killed and injured in the bombing?" Don’t say this number is really popular. Professionals are cows.
The defense minister nodded briefly. "Well done. Even if we have to retreat from the claw depression in the end, the claw depression people will be weakened for a hundred years and will never recover."
All qi qi turned supercilious look.
Crying or scolding is useless for Jakarta. The catastrophe suffered by this city will not be moved by people’s will. Ancient Gothic buildings, solemn Catholic churches, magnificent mosques and many places of interest are all the condensed history of Jakarta. However, Liu Zhe’s eyes are just some buildings that may be covered by enemy forces. Molotov cocktails explode and rockets fall into the sky. These historic buildings are fragmented and so terrible that Liu Zhe’s director is so terrible in Jakarta. Cultural relics and historical sites were almost destroyed in his hands. When a senior Jakarta government official called a press conference, he said with indignation, "If I want to list the butcher’s crime, I really don’t know where to start, let alone where to end!" But even if he says that Liu Zhe is thirsty, it may not be.
The sky finally dawned, but it was still dark. Smoke rose from the city and covered the sky. The smell was several kilometers. A straight light barely penetrated the smoke and fell in Jakarta. People saw a charred world fire engulfing most of the city. Many tall metal frames were twisted like a pile of noodles. Many walls were burnt to ashes and scattered when blown away; In the street square, the charred bodies in the park are piled up not in hills but in mountains and mountains; The river turned black and was full of cooked bodies; The gas is filled with poisonous gas and the stench of burnt human flesh is disgusting. The Jakarta people’s hair is burnt and their clothes are full of black holes, and they are covered with wounds and horror. The tide of refugees fleeing from this doomed city is extremely fierce and has no strength.
Stop Jakarta people from giving up this city, run away as far as possible and never come back. Think of Jakarta as a dream and a nightmare!
Many people watched Jakarta’s doomsday tragedy through satellite and sighed, "This city is finished!"
It’s true that after several rounds of bombing, a big war died in the war, and the total number of people who died in bombing far exceeded the Nanjing Massacre. There is no more popularity in this city, and it belongs to hell. What’s more frightening is that Liu Zhe’s anger has not subsided! Facing the morning light swept obliquely from the sea, he drew the bayonet and loaded it. The soldiers of the army coldly ordered "attack and grab Jakarta before the Japanese pig arrives!" Remember, the resister kills! Runners kill! Those who hold weapons kill! Kill the helpers of the government forces in Zhaowa! Those who harbor government troops kill! Those who can’t prove their identity kill! "
One of the bloodiest siege orders reached Jakarta and completely slipped into the abyss of destruction and then turned over.
Many years later, the first sentence in the memories of many veterans who participated in this war was "The sky was red and even the rising smoke turned dark red that morning, as if everything was stained with blood …"
Chapter 39 Let the city stay (1)
Last night, the bombing was really terrible. Even the presidential palace was flattened by an explosive bomb. That’s not to mention a series of tactical missiles hitting the presidential palace square. One of them kept drilling in. One of them penetrated the 20-meter-thick soil layer and the 3-meter-thick concrete isolation layer to prevent the explosion in the hole. The spare tire of the president leaked gas-the vice president and more than 30 officials shook the mountain in ashes. President Suharto closed his eyes and closed his despair, waiting for the end of the trial. It was his life. The thick iron gate blocked the shock wave for a long time. He opened his eyes and found that he It’s hard to figure out how the president got through this night. He refused to listen to all the reports about the bombing and the battle. Now he is like an ostrich, regardless of burying his head in the sand and refusing to see the approaching crisis. There are not many loyal confidants who are disappointed to see that he is not as tough and tenacious as he thought, and he is not much better than himself before the enemy.
President Suharto refused to see the approaching crisis and buried his head deep in the sand. However, this overwhelming crisis did not intend to let him go like this, but it was still pressing.
It’s finally dawn. President Suharto is in a better mood. He brought him coffee, and he was able to barely take a sip. Several officials were relieved. Fortunately, the president hasn’t collapsed yet. However, Liu Zhe is determined not to let Suharto be better than he just took the coffee boom! A 23mm heavy artillery shell hit the ground hard, and the dust rustled and fell across a soil layer of more than 20 meters thick and a concrete isolation layer of three meters thick. Of course, the 23mm heavy artillery can endure, but it still made the people inside scared white. The female secret jumped and knocked over the coffee in the president’s hand like a cat with its tail stepped on-of course, even if it was not knocked over, President Suharto was very annoyed. A slap in the face made the secret mouth bleed, and the horse was quiet. "What the hell is going on?"
Hutomo School, the security worker in charge of the underground palace, should enter and look frightened and shout, "The president is not good, and the Chinese army is attacking the city!"
President Suharto "siege?"
Hutomo School said, "Yes, the Chinese army attacked the city!"
President Suharto suddenly burst into a roar, "This is impossible! How can they dare to attack a big city with a population of 10 million with an army of 200 thousand? That’s impossible! This is impossible! "
Hutomo school wry smile also talk about two hundred thousand troops, at least more than half of this army was burned to ashes by the fire last night! How can we fight this battle when the remaining half of the equipment is almost destroyed by the fury of the Chinese army? Not to mention the so-called citizens.
It’s a joke that all the people are United to fight against the strong enemy. Didn’t you see that the citizens are fleeing to the countryside like floodgates, even ignoring the simplest luggage? Now Jakarta is almost undefended for the Chinese army. If they are willing, they can completely control the city in 20 or 30 hours! He dare not tell the president that the president’s psychology is on the verge of collapse. It is absolutely impossible for him to tell him this. Maybe it will lead to fatal disaster-the president can’t resist the Chinese army, but it is still easy to clean up a small school.
Whether President Suharto believes or not, the rapid response team really attacked the city. If Annan swept the north of Annan like an iron broom, now they are like razor blades. Meticulously clear away all the resistance forces on the battlefield, what kind of soldiers the commander takes, and Liu Zhe is so bloodthirsty that he loves to hate other soldiers. Of course, it’s not much worse to meet someone who resists, whether it’s sniper rifles or bird bullets, or whether the resister is male or female or young. Without saying that setting up a mortar, picking up a rocket launcher is a fierce explosion of incendiary bombs and fuel air explosive is their favorite thing. People in a building are almost finished. If the resistance is more intense, call the artillery rocket cover directly. Destroying a platoon by shelling is always the most troublesome thing in street fighting. No one knows where a bullet will blow his head off. An excellent sniper poses greater psychological pressure on enemy soldiers than a main battle tank. The monkey also knows this. Before the war, he bought svd Dragunov sniper rifles from the Soviet Union and armed a large number of sharpshooters. Some of them were clean, but even if these sharpshooters were very good at fighting snipers, rabbits would bite when they were in a hurry. So many sharpshooters can always do some damage to the rapid reaction division troops, right?
I have to say that this move is very poisonous. You know, during the Grozny war in Chechnya, Russian troops suffered heavy casualties, and more than half of these casualties were attributed to Chechen snipers. It can be seen that the lethality of snipers in street fighting is terrible. However, this move is not for the rapid response division. After they suffered a little loss, they immediately summed up the tactics against snipers, such as
A veteran who is proficient in ballistics can judge the approximate position of the sniper by looking at the bullet hole;
2. Man-machine flies over for reconnaissance and positioning;
Call the artillery after finding suspicious places;
4 rockets and several shrapnel cover the past;

Lu Chengqing smiled. Lu Qian naturally satirized Li Chongjiu’s establishment of a county school. As a family like Lujia, he has a family school to teach his brothers to read, so he doesn’t have to go to the county school to gather together.

This is also the monopoly of knowledge by the advantages of the gentry.
Lu Chengqing said, "However, it is not to be underestimated to hear that the county school was set up by Li Shijun, following the recommendation of the theory of learning from heaven and learning from scholars."
Lu Qian listened to the pinch and said, "I’ve heard that people who study in the county can’t compare with me. It’s a means for Li Chongjiu to support that kind of humble brother."
"Not only my uncle, but also my uncle. I heard that Zhao Gaos also sent people to study in the county school. Besides, this time, it is necessary to be over 20 years old to choose a good person for the county school. Zhao Gaos also heard that there are more than 100 people who have applied for the exam." Lu Chengqing said so.
Lu moved to a low hum and said, "People like Gao and Zhao really know how to have fun."
Lu Chengqing said, "It’s not fun, uncle. You think that if you don’t go to school through the county school, how many people can read it? If you study in the official county, you can choose twenty people, but you still choose my brother Ying Jiedi."
Lu Qian said silently, "I know what you mean, whether it’s going through the motions or not. We can’t take it lightly, otherwise Li Shijun will think that I don’t cooperate with Lu Jia."
Lu Chengqing said this for so long when he said, "My uncle’s younger generation is not bad, and there are also several commoners sideline talents in ethnology. If they are allowed to take the exam, I will definitely get the money from Lu’s family."
Lu Qian nodded Lu Chengqing’s words, "I know that you are in this state of mind, and now Lu Jia has you, the official of Zhuojun County. You must take care of your brothers to study in these counties, and then you can be an official. You can pull out the future well, which is our help. Of course, if Li Chongjiu can still keep the Youzhou dialect at that time."
Lu Chengqing listened to a smile and said, "It’s an uncle."
"There are also some hidden here that have been sent to the county to learn. We can’t let others say that we Lou family are stingy."
Lu Chengqing was talking slowly when Lu moved. At this time, there was a public official outside asking for an audience. Today is the day when Lu Chengqing took a meditation, so he didn’t go to the yamen to answer the egg.
When Lu Chengqing came to nave, the official said, "Report to Luo Cheng of Yuyang County, Lu Sima, who led his cronies to abandon the city and leave. The local gentry in Yongnu County, Yuyang County decided to surrender to me. Li Zhijun called Lu Sima to make a decision, such as taking over Yuyang County."
Lu Chengqing nodded and said, "I’ll go if I know."
When the official turned back, Lu Qian came up from behind the screen and said, "Although I had expected something, I didn’t expect it so soon."
Lu Chengqing said, "When Luo Yi dies, it’s hard to support himself in Yuyang County. I heard that McCullough intends to give Dou Jiande the two counties of Yuyang Zhuo County to Dou Jiande, but who expected that Gu Gong would have secretly wooed Luo Yi, a local gentry in Yuyang County, to die when Luo Yi died at a young age, and the local subordinates in Fawei also lost him. If he was a few days late, I’m afraid he couldn’t leave Yuyang County alive."
Lu Qian listened to his face and said with a heavy voice, "This is really a good means for Li Jiujiu. He took Yuyang County without a single soldier."
Lu Chengqing said, "This is also a foregone conclusion that Li Chongjiu defeated the Qidan Xi nationality Coalition forces to unify Youzhou in the first world war of Bailangshan. If Luo Yi can compete with him,"
Lu Qian said, "That’s not necessarily because McCullough is cunning and knows that Yuyang can’t keep it, so he will dedicate Yuyang County to Li Chongjiu, the eye of Yuyang County in Dou Jiande. All Dou Jiande is willing. This is not the method of killing three scholars with two peaches."
Lu Chengqing said with admiration, "My uncle’s analysis is thorough, so I think Dou Jiande Youzhou is one step ahead of my uncle’s nephew’s public body in World War I."
Lu Chengqing’s face is quite worried. Obviously, he is worried about the Dou Jiande-Lee Chongjiu World War I in the future.
Lu Qian couldn’t help but shake his head and see Lu Chengqing substituting himself more and more into the Sima position of Zhuojun County. It’s hard to be worried. It’s hard to think of Li Chongjiu, the top two in Dou Jiande, fighting for each other in Hebei. A letter was sent to Lu Chisong, the elder brother of Li Tang.
A day later, Li Chongjiu sent a water army to take Lu County of Yongnu County along Yongji Canal to the south, and then Weichi Gong led 3,000 troops to Beiping County to seize lulong county.
This Luo Yi McCullough was originally based on three counties, and after Weichi Gong settled in Beiping County, he threatened Gaoyao Yuyang County from the flank.
At present, the grassland in the north of Gaodao is camped by the Xi Department of Shide. The northeast of the grassland fan army is Anle County, the east is Liaoxi County, and the west is the only retreat to the south of Zhuojun County. Beiping County is cut off again.
At present, the traffic of Gaodao site is cut off and surrounded by Li Chongjiu’s heavy troops on all sides, but Li Chongjiu sent people to surrender to Gaodao for several days, but Gaodao refused to say that he would fight to the death.
It is scary to hear that Gao Dao refused to surrender and wanted Li Chong-Jiu-Yi to be the final county of Yuyang County.
Zhang Jinshu, a high-handed general, was discussing with several confidant cities at this moment.
Zhang Jinshu said, "You Zhou Li Shijun has made a promise to me, saying that if the head of the prince is beheaded and offered to Yuyang County to protect the prosperity of our life, I still hesitate. After all, the prince has always treated us well. What do you think?"
Several confidants listened and took a look around. When one person said, "Peiping County has been lost, Yuyang County is a piece of meat for Youzhou. We can’t follow this name and go to General Black. It’s also an early way to find a way out."
Another person said, "The prince treats us well on weekdays, but the trend of the times is no way out. Even if we don’t offer the city and Li Chongjiu comes in, it’s better to die than to look after ourselves. It’s time to make decisions."
Zhang Jinshu listened to secretly pleased that he came to have this plan. It’s hard to say for himself that he is going to tell the matter with the help of people’s mouths.
When Zhang Jinshu said, "Yes, we should be careful not to make any mistakes in this matter, or we will harm ourselves."
One man said, "The people in the general city are in a panic, and it is not difficult to say that he is a soldier, but the concern is that people who are loyal to the prince are not only impossible to be bought by us, but also brave and good at fighting. If the larger foe is broken, we may not be their opponents."
Zhang Jinshu laughed. "Don’t worry, I have my own way."
"The general has a clever plan?"
Zhang Jinshu said, "My government gave a banquet in honor of Yan Wangyi’s life, and more than 30 people entertained these people. Let these people enjoy the evening first, and then I sent these singers to the government to continue to entertain them. After the singers got drunk, the musicians went to the armory to cut the bowstring and hide all the swords and horses."
"Without minions, I think these meanings are like fighting against us, waiting for things to be done at night, and we will raise our torches and attack Yan Wangfu."
The confidant smell speech is nodded.
At the end of the night, the county burst into flames. Zhang Jinshu looked at this scene with a long knife and couldn’t help laughing. The high road had already gone to the city, and all the generals had already joined him. Now he needs to break Yan Wangfu.
Now Yan Wangfu has sent a signal that Zhang Jinshu will advance with a wave of his hand.
Fu Gaodao woke up from his sleep and heard the fire. When he lost his wife and children, he pulled out a knife from his pillow and thought about it.
In a panic, the government seized a man and shouted, "What’s the matter?"
"Report that someone has set fire outside the city of Yan Wang!"
A name came running sideways and said to Gao Daoyan, "The prince, our bows and arrows have all been twisted, and the sword has been put away."
High road immediately slapped the past drink a way "must be Zhang Jinshu told you to indulge in womanizing".
Talking, I saw someone running to say, "All the horses in the stable of the Prince of Yan were poisoned."
"Damn it, even this skill is counted." A betrayed anger ignited in the high road.
The front door crashed and shouted and killed everywhere.
"Kill me!"
When Gao Dao stormed into the fray, the righteous men followed Gao Dao to fight with their bare hands. Although they were unarmed, these righteous men still accompanied Gao Dao’s house to block the enemy who rushed in.
After Gao Dao killed more than a dozen people, even the knife was cut short. When he left the knife behind, he tried to resist the enemy and ran into his house.
Seeing his wife holding her old son is looking at herself with a face of panic.
"Can’t keep it" High Road drops to sit on the ground.

Zhang Lan nodded and looked at it again. Charles, who was full of remorse, pursed her lips and looked at Logan’s eager eyes again. He went on talking.

"Actually, I don’t blame Professor Charles for doing the same thing." After a comforting sentence, I turned back to the topic. "Well, the turning point of the story came. Before Mori left, he saw Eric say something to him that changed many people’s lives.’ Mutants are the future. Humans hope to oppose mutants and all of them should die!’ "
"Sen obviously agrees with this statement. After returning home, his parents will suffer. Every day, they are brainwashed by the concept of’ mutant’, just like hallucinating with drugs. If they stay at home, they will fall into this dreamland. His mother will be the first one who can’t bear to drill into her head and try to destroy the fantasy in her mind. Well, obviously, she died in the end, and the saddest thing is her husband’s father, Stryker!"
"The death of his wife has greatly stimulated Stryker, who will force his wife and children to death, that is, Sen will control the low temperature. Just as ororo said, this can effectively inhibit Sen’s ability. After the murderer is solved directly, Stryker, an ordinary person, has an obsession, that is, a mutant. However, because of his beloved wife’s death, his only son has been refrigerated by himself, and his mentality has changed dramatically. Stryker therefore hates mutants and is bent on killing all mutants."
"But he is an ordinary person how to kill all the mutants? He made reasonable use of the military resources’ Super Warrior’ project to study mutants and gathered a group of mutants, including a guy named Saber-toothed Tiger named Victor. Please remember that this is not the death of the Statue of Liberty, but another person who is very unhappy. This person is Logan, your brother’s biological brother. "
After a long speech, Zhang Lan stopped to organize the language and let everyone digest it at the same time.
Logan is acute. How can he wait? Then what? I have another brother? Where is he now? Say it quickly! "
"Well, the truth is, I don’t recommend Logan. You know you."
"If you don’t talk nonsense, it will be unfortunate in the past. I would rather live in pain than live like a savage!"
"Well, you chose it yourself, but the next thing is not suitable for too many people. If you know that Professor Charles still needs to trouble you, please connect me with Logan’s brain. You also need to know something."
Charles nodded his head and thought about connecting Logan’s consciousness with Zhang Lan. At the same time, Zhang Lan’s E-level [Illusion, Fantasy] was also ready, and the scenes that had been arranged long ago were conveyed to Charles, who relayed a Logan story to Logan.
Logan, whose original name was James Hoillet, was born in a wealthy Canadian family in the late 19th century.
Because of family disharmony, little James was withdrawn until one day his gardener Logan killed his father. The pain made little James wake up with super powers, and his hands grew out of bones, which killed Logan.
However, Schlegen is the biological father of James Jr. His biological father told Wolverine his life story before he died.
So little James and his brother Victor fled.
The latter two participated in many wars, from World War I to the Vietnam Campaign, until the two brothers were recruited by General Stryker to work as special workers. Soon after, they got tired of killing people. James later fled the organization and became a lumberjack in a Canadian forest farm and changed his name to Logan.
On the run, Logan always felt both fear and disgust about his natural abilities until he met and fell in love with an Indian female "Silver Fox" Kaya in the forest.
In this issue, the Stryker School came to attract Logan, but Logan fell in love and refused.
Kaya was later killed by Logan’s brother Victor (saber-toothed tiger). Angry Logan decided to accept Stryker’s mutant transformation experiment. The bones were filled with Edelman alloy and indestructible.
The transformation was successful. Logan heard that Stryker wanted to erase his memory, and the weapon made him escape from the transformation base. He was adopted by a kind old couple and felt the feeling of being pregnant. After that, the agent shot the old couple. Logan killed the agent and returned to Stryker base through channels and found that Kaya was not dead. She used to be Stryker’s purpose. After she approached Logan, she cooperated with Victor to make the medicine fake death to urge Logan to accept the experiment.
Desperate to leave Logan, Kaya screams and returns to defeat the abused Kaya Victor. Kaya tells Logan that her sister is really in love with Logan when she is arrested and threatened.
After Logan Kaya saved most superhuman beings in the experimental base and fought the real weapon Deadpool, Victor helped behead the dead servant.
Kaya suffered from abdominal bleeding in the aftermath of the battle. During Logan’s grief, Stryker hit Logan in the head with a super-alloy bullet. Stryker took the opportunity to kill Kaya, but missed it. Kaya manipulated and commanded him to go in one direction until his feet rotted. Finally, he was saved by military personnel.
The superhuman children rescued by Logan were led by Charles to Xavier College, and part of his life left Scott alone to grow up and stay in the college.
Logan, who was lying in the same place, was reborn, but his memory didn’t grow back. Although Kaya had a strange feeling, she didn’t have any emotion, and she lived a wandering life from then on.
This is the end of the story. Charles was silent and Logan left the room like a walking corpse.
Chapter 179 This is very common (2 more outbreaks)
Logan is driven out of his mind, and Jean wants to comfort him. Scott said nothing, but left first.
"Jean, I don’t suggest you go now. He needs to be quiet. Peter, just don’t let him near the garage."
Wen Yanqin paused, hesitated, and returned to Scott. When he was called, Peter looked unhappy.
"Blue, he is in a bad mood now, even if he wants to go to the garage, I can’t stop him!"
This was tamed by Logan once.
"It’s easy to beat him, but you can tell him that I know where Stryker is going quickly, or I won’t be late to go home and have supper with Aunt Mei!"
"Oh, I see."
Peter’s mouth was very angry, and he rushed out of the door with a few slow steps. At first, he looked warily at the ground and carefully identified it. After ignoring his head, he easily found Logan’s position and hurried to him.
"Blue believe today is not to tell Logan his life? And how do you know your life story, Brother Luo? And so detailed! "
In the face of Charles’ question, Zhang Lan didn’t rush to answer. He looked around at ororo, Jean and Scott one by one, then skipped the coldness and a pillar. Harry fixed his eyes on Charles.
In the sight of a few people, he still trusted to measure it or didn’t let ororo three people avoid direct mouth.
"Professor Charles, do you know what my superpower is?"
"Your powers? Isn’t it self-healing Is it manipulating sand? " Charles wondered
"I’m sorry that these are all the knowledge I learned through my super powers. Please let me introduce myself-[Transfiguration]"
When the smoke clears, Zhang Lan reveals his own body, that is, Blue Parker’s face is missing Hu Ge’s maturity, but he has a different kind of handsome vitality and a handsome guy. A match has never faded, and sharingan is even more evil.
Zhang Lan judo towards the ground. "Katie eavesdropping is not a good habit. Come out."
Before Peter went out, he acted Zhang Lan, but after seeing his eyes, it was obvious that Peter rolled his eyes and saw something, but then he relaxed his vigilance and said that this did not threaten him. He thought that what Zhang Lan said now would not mind being heard.
All in all, it can be Katie, the Kitty Pryde.
With Zhang Lan’s voice falling, Katie’s little head emerged from the ground, but she looked at Zhang Lan and looked at that unfamiliar but evil face, wanting to hug and flinching.
Zhang Lan must speak first when he sees this man’s generosity. He can’t always let the girl take the initiative to put her hands and face in place and smile gently. "What? It’ s just a change of face. Is this the real I don’ t like me? "
In the face of Zhang Lan’s words, Katie hesitated for a moment. After a short adaptation, the young pigeon plunged into Zhang Lan’s arms like a baby pigeon. The small head and forehead just bumped into Zhang Lan’s mouth. His hands tightly encircled his waist and the soft chest was squeezed, which made Zhang Lan very comfortable, but the beating frequency was a little fast.
Obviously Katie is still nervous.
Seeing this blue consciousness, I put Katie’s lower back on one hand and stroked her soft hair on the other hand to relieve tension. Several people around me are smiling and looking at the little couple who are embracing each other.
Finally, Katie’s heartbeat was calm and she came loose, hugging Zhang Lan’s little hand and reluctant to leave that warm embrace and wanted to retreat. After all, Zhang Lan seems to have business to say.
"Then I’ll go back to my room first."
Katie said, walking towards one wall, preparing to go straight back to the room. When she turned around, she kept warm and held her hand and pulled it back.
It’s a blue hand
Katie looked back at Zhang Lan in amazement. The evil spirit sharingan didn’t know what to do.
Zhang Lanwen said, "Well, calling you out is not to stop you from listening, but to tell you that I can listen to it when I’m finished."
With that, Katie will be scattered in front of her eyes and her hair will be pinned behind her ears. Everything is so natural but warm.
But don’t look at Zhang Lan’s indifferent face, but he is also nervous, leaning on the ground well and not disgusted with his actions. Instead, he enjoys his appearance and squints his lovely eyes like a kitten.
This move made Scott Qin, who had been watching for a long time, have a heart in the eye and smiled at him. Qin took the initiative to approach Scott and kissed him gently, and his love burst.
Dog food is everywhere
The two couples were caught off guard by the dog food, and three singles were caught off guard. Fortunately, Harry already has a beautiful assistant to be determined, and ororo is still young and envious, but only envious.
Charles, our old bachelor, has not yet had a partner for this dog food. He said that some of them have survived.
"Ahem that blue, if I remember correctly, your identity should be called’ Blue Parker’, right? Now a famous writer. "
Charles woke up with a start and looked at Zhang Lan affectionately. Zhang Lan and his wife came to their senses. After a few quick smiles, his right hand held Katie’s little hand tightly and he didn’t mean to say the lines that he had long wanted.
"Ah, my legal name to the earth is Blue Parker; Yes, but "
"The earth? What do you mean? Aren’t you from the earth? " Charles interrupted in surprise.
"For me, people who don’t live on this earth come from, um, far away. Your planet is almost a lot worse than the present earth, and people on our planet have the ability to know in advance about many’ specific things’, that is, they can see many things that others can’t."


These masters have been rushing towards the underground palace, their eyes are red and full of greed, as if they saw some great wealth, and they are generally scrambling for fear of being obtained by others.
There are also some really strong people. After the mountains and rivers are broken, they rise one by one and swallow up the source energy here.
"Good things, these are good things. There are bound to be many prohibitions in the underground palace. It’s the same to go early and go late. These mountains and rivers are all composed of energy, which contains a little bit of immortal laws. If all the parts are destroyed at this moment, enough immortal laws will be taken out!"
"A bunch of brain waste will let you go to the underground to explore the road first, and then I will kill you all and plunder your wealth after I have absorbed these laws of Xiandao."
"This boundless energy is the wealth in our underground palace, and it is also mine. I am destined to be the first to break through the God King and slay everyone in one fell swoop. No one is my opponent!"
These strong people are working hard one by one, opening their mouths and swallowing.
The chaotic energy in the sky is like strips of white horses, which are inhaled by these masters. From a distance, strips of white light fall like hundreds of meteors, and the scene is shocking.
Like Xiao Yu, they all know the mystery of this secret realm and know that all creatures and things are composed of a mysterious energy. Once destroyed, they will become energy again, which is unimaginable for themselves if absorbed.
See the sky full of energy, these people are trying to swallow and suck.
Xiao Yu’s eyelids will naturally not let go of this full face of energy. "Give me something good to swallow!"
He opened his mouth wide and started to melt the magic of the celestial body. The whole mouth directly turned into a giant black hole, and the spinning madman swallowed up the energy all over the sky.
The swallow immediately see high immediately.
Seeing the energy all over the sky is like finding the mouth of the sea. It rumbles and rolls towards his mouth, devouring and plundering. The energy all over the sky is surging violently. His strong absorption rate is suddenly reduced by more than half.
Some people can’t absorb all the energy and take the initiative to converge toward Xiao Yufang.
These strong people’s faces changed one by one, and their eyelids beat and murderous.
"Who absorbs the old energy? I don’t know how to live or die. I don’t know how to live or die. I must kill him!"
"Damn it, it’s impossible to swallow old energy for me!"
There are strong people who still swallow and suck, but the effect is very small, and they can barely absorb a little bit, which is negligible compared with the energy trend all over the sky
Xiao Yu is like a prehistoric monster, plundering all these things, and all of them are not as fast as he alone.
These strong men were furious and swept forward, and suddenly they found Xiao Yu’s figure.
"It’s you Xiao Yu!"
"Dare to grab the old energy and die!"
"When I swallowed the magic gas of Jiuquan, I felt that the swallowing speed was blocked. It must be you who gave me death!"
These strong men drank a magic weapon and stormed toward Xiao Yu. These strong men were not much weaker than Xiao Yu, and a blow was more powerful than terror.
Xiao Yu swallowed the last energy and swallowed it. After that, the body flashed a streamer and melted into the virtual instantaneous escape to quickly approach the underground.
He didn’t want the underground palace to be destroyed when the waves were too great, which was more likely and true than the mysterious one in the clock wave just now.
When they shoot down, they will directly smash through tens of thousands of miles and destroy everything.
"He fled to the underground palace!"
"Chasing the past must not let him get the chance there!"
"Fucking Xiao Yu is as cunning as a fox and will skin you alive!"
These strong men gnashed their teeth and rushed towards the underground.
Nine prison owners are still staring at the ancient mirror to monitor the crowd. When they see the destruction of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and reveal a huge underground palace, their faces change.
"No, how did they find the underground palace?"
"Youquan old son, didn’t you hide the underground place? How can they find out! "
"There are real treasures in the underground palace, and this time it will be cheaper for these big cosmic people."
? ? ?
Youquan prison master’s face sank slightly and suddenly laughed. "If they don’t get it, let them get it. If you put them in, let them get everything. If you get more, it’s my grave."
Xiao Yu rushed across and soon fell into the underground. Looking at the heaven in front of the underground, I saw that there were many arrays of lines around the underground, like cobwebs, which blocked off all directions.
Before that, the monks tried to bombard these lines, but with little effect, it was difficult to beat all these lines, and sometimes it triggered a ban and even swept out a glow to destroy everything.
"Bold Xiaoyu, hello, big dog dares to grab our energy!"
"Xiao Yu, you just spit out that energy today, otherwise today is your death!"
At this time, the road roared to the previous group of strong people, and they all chased up and brushed the area with murderous look.
Xiao Yu turned to scan the crowd and suddenly smiled. "What?" qR1
"Dog gall Xiao Yu how dare you “`"
A one-horned monk gulped a word before he finished, but he saw a flash of golden light and a strong breeze coming at him on the spot and beat him to dust.
Xiao Yu accepted the palm of his hand and said flatly, "Who dares me to fight one-on-one?"
Remaining monks have turned a mouth angrily rejected.
"Xiao Yu, you are too arrogant!"
"Son of a bitch, are you really a natural enemy?"
In front of the underground palace, the foreign monks smiled coldly and scanned the monks who came after them. They quipped that "a group of losers deserve to die for their breath."
Xiao Yu’s eyes swept away and smiled slightly. "Is this brother called?"
The foreign monk grimaced and said, "Xiao Yu, I know you’re a natural tyrant. I’ve seen your ghostly demon fighting. You can call me nine babies!"
Chapter seven hundred and sixty-five People gathered together
Xiao Yu’s eye pupil shrank slightly and looked deeply at the foreign monk. Seeing that the other person was more than ten feet tall and covered in scales, his long and narrow eyes were cold and shining like dragon pupils, which was daunting.
He was surrounded by a purple monk with a smile and a natural and unrestrained bearing, and he was filled with a little bit of flame.
See the purple monk instantaneous Xiao Yu can not but eyes jump heart became cautious.
"It’s them who kill the sky."
Xiao Yu instantly white each other identity.
When he entered a star domain auction house in the universe at the beginning of the year, he saw the purple monk who took out a heavenly treasure and attracted several strong people to kill him, and all of them became himself in the end.
This purple monk’s fame and Juexue is really a skyfire!
This nine-baby man can say with the purple monk that he is definitely a man who kills the sky!
Xiao Yu scanned their faces Gherardini way "what congenital tyrant body old don’t understand what you said? See if the two strangers are not people in our big universe! "
The monks who came after him were surprised at first, then relieved, and sneered one by one.
"It’s not only Xiao Yu who is going to die, but you two losers are also going to die!"
"Motherfucker, no one can escape today!"
"You three don’t know how to live or die and don’t kneel down for us!"
These monks are folded to drink up murderous look.
Nine babies and green fire are all face a heavy then ha ha low laugh eyes flashing cold light.
Jiuying laughed. "Look at this group of waste. I really don’t know how to live or die, Xiao Yu. I’ll kill them all for you first, and then I’ll kill you after I kill them!"

Du Feng stepped forward and interjected, "Has your family ever had a holiday with others?"

Cold sea is a heavy heart. How do you feel that the two catchers are so direct that they don’t give him any breathing space? Although he is angry in his heart, the names of the two people are loud. He dare not easily offend the original place and scratch his head for a moment. He replied, "It is common for businessmen to have some unhappiness when dealing with people. When it comes to killing my family, I can’t guess what will happen. If there is a holiday, it should not hurt the children and little sisters."
Zhao Tianheng moved his eyes to smile and suddenly asked, "Isn’t the master’s Taoist monk the four greatest?" Do you also believe in ghosts? "
Without waiting for an answer, Yuan replied first, "Everything has a spirit but a soul."
Zhao Tianheng, an apprentice, snorted with approval and listened to Du Feng’s way, "Master Yuan is really knowledgeable. Are you the master of helping the cold house?"
Nodding, he said, "It’s the poor monk’s shallow practice that makes life a little meager, so that the dead can rest in peace and their relatives can be gratified."
These words can be critical of Du Feng’s "Pepe", but he thinks that this monk looks extraordinary and his disciples must be first-class. But when he broke into the Lengfu Hall that day, he didn’t notice Yuan. I don’t know if he could notice that he had appeared.
Can’t help but feel annoyed that Du Feng was in a hurry that day, but he didn’t pay attention to the chanting in the hall. The monk must have been round to himself in the middle of the night, and he knew that he was not a simple person.
"Although I have only been in the old woman’s door for a short time, I am deeply impressed by the old woman’s true literary talent and martial arts. All kinds of donors who come from other mountains can rest assured." The evaluation of the circle is still very high
Zhao Tianheng looked at the back of his eyes and lifted something to guess that Leng Hai was going to the mountain, but when he didn’t see the deputy manager Ding, he asked, "Why doesn’t the deputy manager Ding?"
Leng Hai Zheng thought that he actually knew that Vice-President Ding Guan also had a mountain, and his father seemed to agree to the investigation of two famous people. With the passage, "Deputy President Ding Guan still has some things here that will take a day or two to get to the mountain", Leng Hai added that "it will take a few days for the giant Buddha in the grottoes to be properly placed, and Vice-President Ding Guan can’t get away"
Zhao Tianheng nodded and secretly thought that Deputy Chief Manager Ding was a good player, but when something happened, he could escort things outside and not see him. Immediately, he said, "The land of Buddha worship has always been a quiet place, and it is inconvenient for us to bother here. Let’s go to the mountain together!"
"I’m sorry to send you not far away." I turned around and told Yuan, "Yuan Tuer, you should go with them and recite the scriptures well. Don’t be careless."
"Yes" Yuan respectfully made a ceremony and waved his hand. Four monks came out of the slant hole carrying a big box. Du Feng saw and thought that this circle was already ready to go to the mountain. Looking carefully, the four monks recited the scriptures coldly. At this time, the four of them walked lightly and could not see whether the things in the box were heavy or light.
Du Feng secretly thought that this box is different from Leng Hai’s box, and it must be either Leng Hai’s curiosity or "Master, what is this?"
Round corner glanced at Du Feng with the wave and gestured to several monks around him. Du Feng smiled awkwardly and looked inside the box with a white cloth circle. "These are all to draw symbols to ward off evil spirits."
Leng Hai busy chimed in that "the white cloth spell in my courtyard was written by a master".
Zhao Tianheng listened to the funny quip, "I didn’t know when monks got these crooked ways."
"The scribbles made by white cloth are protective talisman and special. How can you confuse crooked ways?" Round face sank angrily.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t listen to Du Feng shrugged his shoulders and turned to the mountain.
Yuan, Leng Hai and his party said goodbye before they turned to the mountain trail. Du Feng was the last one to leave. He said, "If there is anything to bother you in the future, please thank the master for helping you."
Do a good impression on Du Feng with a smile and nod, "I know."
Du Feng was surprised to answer. It seems that he knew that Du Feng would come to Wang Daoyan. But what Du Feng said just now was a sudden intuition. Intuition told him that he would come here for what. Du Feng himself didn’t know. After all, it was an intuition.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t ask any more questions all the way. It was very quiet that Du Feng couldn’t see through him. However, Du Feng asked Leng Hai a lot of questions from his past to the present, but these were all urgent things.
A little while later, a group of people came to the cold house again, and the cold house was still in its original state, and the cold white cloth was blown up.
When they entered the posterior approach, the housekeeper was greeted and came to the hall. The housekeeper said that the cold distant mountain could not be quiet since Kricketot left. This round would make him turn over and do nothing polite. He led several monks to the hall with the housekeeper and ignored his affairs around him.
Left Leng Hai called Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng to sit down for a while, but they fell silent. There was a girl who served tea and handed water.
Leng Hai sat for a while and couldn’t help looking at Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng’s face, but they didn’t talk, and he didn’t know what to say. So he just sat and drank tea. After a while, Du Feng looked up and listened for a while, but he couldn’t understand anything. Then he asked Leng Hai, "How long has Master Yuan been practicing?"
"For two days, the master said that it would take seven days to keep quiet in this period. No one should make a big noise or walk around. The government ordered everyone to keep quiet and affect the ritual." Leng Hai said.
Du Feng nodded and thought that it was so cold and cheerless in the courtyard. In the slant hall, people ask questions again. Zhao Tianheng never leaves his mouth, but he just sits quietly sipping tea. It seems that he is in a very different mood. But he has never asked questions since the mountain threw out a few questions, but he has been paying attention to Leng Hai’s every move and movement. This combination gives people the heaviest psychological impact. Zhao Tianheng wants to see some clues from here.
Du Feng didn’t know what Zhao Tianheng was going to do. After sitting for a while, he felt like chatting, "Can you walk around?"
Leng Hai said, "My father has confessed that the arrest is arbitrary, just don’t disturb the master’s practice."
"This is natural" Du Feng said and went out of the slant hall.
Chapter 6 Monitoring Cold Bowing
Du Feng walked out of the slant hall and looked around at random. He went through the corridor. He came to the backyard and saw a servant girl walking in a hurry but walking very lightly. He thought for a moment and stopped the servant girl.
The servant girl took a quick look at Du Feng’s sudden appearance. She had already seen Du Feng and knew his identity as a fast catcher. Then she bowed down and said, "Don’t bother. I have a few questions to ask you. Just answer me truthfully."
The servant girl nodded repeatedly and looked very respectful.
Du Feng touched Ba He didn’t really want to ask anything, so he casually said, "The first question is who does your grandfather usually associate with? Have you ever had Jianghu people?"
The servant girl is passive and Nuo Nuo said, "I don’t know that the servant girl is a little servant girl around my wife, and I never know anything."
"Bi Er, what are you doing?" With a slight accent, the servant girl hurried back and took a few small steps to salute and said, "Bi Er visits Madame."
Du Fengwen looked and saw that it was a middle-aged woman with a brocade and a hairpin, fine eyebrows and big eyes. She looked at Du Feng and frowned slightly. It didn’t seem that she knew this person and didn’t pay much attention to Du Feng. She turned around and took Bi Er.
Behind the woman, she followed a woman with a frown and a blank veils. Ronaldinho was very beautiful. When she turned around, she looked at Du Feng with expectation. Du Feng immediately looked at this woman like this.
At this moment, I heard two butlers coming. He looked at the women who went out and said, "These two ladies are the second young master, the first lady and the third lady."
Du Feng nodded his head. Du Feng asked Lenghai that his eldest brother had two wives and knees, a man and two women. He had three wives and knees, and a man and two women died. The child was born to his second wife. But just now, the first lady was dressed in style, and the third lady usually tied a white cloth to her head.
This Du Feng doubts in his heart, but family affairs like this have always been difficult to break. Du Feng can secretly shake his head.
"Can these two ladies have a holiday?" I don’t know when Zhao Tianheng appeared behind two people and asked as soon as he came.
Road housekeeper got a fright and looked around. She couldn’t help but caress her chest and pretended to be too frightened. She didn’t hear the question clearly and did not answer it.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t care if the housekeeper answered or didn’t answer. Looking at the direction of the middle-aged woman who left, he said coldly, "The first lady didn’t get the second wife, but they have contradictions, right?"
The housekeeper’s face turned pale and he said quickly, "Isn’t it too much to say that the first lady and the second lady really don’t get along, but they don’t have conflicts because of what they have?"
Zhao Tianheng glanced sideways at Lu Guanjia. Lu Guanjia couldn’t help shivering. Zhao Tianheng asked, "Can she feel at ease if there are no descendants after being unfilial?"
Lu Guanjia sighed with a bitter face and said, "The second lady’s father is a martial artist named Pan Genglong, but it’s not bad. The second young master followed his father-in-law to practice martial arts when he was young, so he also cherished the second lady especially, but the first lady was huotang legally, and she was the eldest daughter of Cheng Hongzhuang, the owner of Chengjiazhuang Village across the town. The second young master loved her and had a rich family, and even the master gave her three points of comity."
Du Feng is curious about this. "What is the origin of Cheng Jia Zhuang Cheng Hong?"
Lu Guanjia whispered, "The martial arts of Cheng Hongzhuang, the master of Chengjiazhuang, is naturally not weak, and he has rich family wealth. In recent years, this generation has been quite famous for giving him the nickname" Breaking Hands "because his palm is strong and strong, and he has this nickname because he has expanded from the middle to both sides."
Zhao Tianheng said, "What about her martial arts?"
"The big lady knows some martial arts, but I haven’t learned martial arts since I married into the cold house. I don’t know how high or low it is." The road housekeeper seemed to know this time and said something about the big lady in the past.
It turns out that the second husband’s first lady’s name is Cheng Lingyu, and she walked through the Jianghu before she got married. Because her study was what her father did, many people gave her the nickname Xiao Liangyu.
Zhao Tianheng frowned and didn’t ask questions after hearing this, but he also had doubts about Cheng Lingyu, the first lady, because in his opinion, all three people who died were people with strong martial arts who broke their necks and died.
"The third lady is a woman again?" Du Feng remembered that just now, Mrs. San’s appearance and expression were unspeakable, and she always felt that she had something to hide.
"The third lady is the daughter of Qianjia Satin Village in the town, whose name is Qian Ya," said the housekeeper.
Two people listen to the road housekeeper said that many people have opinions on the second young master. His family seems to be very unusual, especially many questions about his huotang legally. They all think that a small cold house second young master has an affair with so many Jianghu people.
Out of the hospital, but I saw a man coming in from the cold house. This man was tall, square, big-faced, big-eared, and well-respected at the age of 20.
I learned from Lu Guanjia that this man is Sun Zhaoyu’s nephew from Lengyuan Mountain. His daughter has young marriage, but his daughter is dead. This Su Zhaoyu even came to mourn.
As soon as Sun Zhaoyu came into the hall, he went to greet Leng Yuanshan. He didn’t go to the memorial tablet of Leng Yuanshan’s daughter to worship incense. When he left, he went to Cheng Lingyu’s room and never went to the front hall. It seemed that he had no feelings for his dating partner since childhood, which surprised Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng but didn’t go to ask deeply.
After Su Zhaoyu left, he listened to Leng Yuanshan tearfully and scolded, "This beast has no affection at all. My daughter also has a media appointment with you. He, he, ah …"
"Father and sister are a little cousin and a bloody man. They naturally don’t like her eyes when she’s gone, so don’t hurt her father." Leng Haian comforted.
Du Feng was rather surprised when he asked his father and son Leng Hai, "Don’t ask if you wash your dirty linen in public."
Du Feng does have difficulties when he sees Leng Hai and Leng Yuanshan, and he no longer asks if he wants to know the scandal of Leng Yuanshan’s daughter. The boss who has set up a shop here will know that Du Feng did not ask for it.
For half a day, I got to know about the cold house Du Feng, and so did Zhao Tianheng. The two of them no longer stayed here. After Du Feng left, Zhao Tianheng went to the yamen, but he also followed the road. After Du Feng saw Zhao Tianheng, Zhao Tianheng casually said "drop by"
Du Feng is smiling. He said that this case is of great significance to Du Feng, but for Zhao Tianheng, it is called whether such a small case was broken by him or by Du Feng. Zhao Tianheng won’t care too much. Even if he breaks it, he won’t add any vegetables to his achievements. He doesn’t need vegetables in this position anymore. The only need is to get further trust from the core of Shenji House. For the top management of Shenji House, it is irrelevant to solve the case. Du Feng is still far from Zhao Tianheng’s position, so naturally he can’t understand it.
In the evening, they arrived at the county government. Because both of them had Dali Temple producer tokens, the county master personally met them. After a greeting, Du Feng went straight to the theme county master and let the chief explain that Du Feng was slightly disappointed after listening. They investigated themselves, and their investigations were all the same. It was nothing important.
Finally, Du Feng thought twice and decided to monitor Leng Fu, but he was a dog catcher. Although he was free to investigate the case, it didn’t help to mobilize the chief officer. Du Feng thought about it, and Zhao Tianheng could do it. Then he turned his head and said to Zhao Tianheng, "Do Zhao Mingfu think it is necessary for us to monitor Lengfu?"
Zhao Tianheng glanced at Du Feng’s heart and guessed what he was going to do. At this time, I remembered Lin Jiayu’s words when he left. I sighed in my heart and replied, "It is also desirable to avoid monitoring accidents again."

The House of Representatives is responsible for formulating bills and drafting laws.

The president is in charge of military affairs, administration and law enforcement.
And these three are hydra. Oh, my God.
What SHIELD also returned to the hands of Hydra.
If it weren’t for the need of eloquence in the new era, they could directly pass this bill and then directly implement the new law-just like the "genius college" incident!
But it’s the 21st century, and we still have to do it.
Black-box operation belongs to black-box operation, and it must be put out so that others can’t find fault.
It was only after everyone was seated that they found that none of the protagonists had come today.
Tony, Rhett, Susan, Johnny, Banna, Natasha, Barton, Rogers
None of them came.
This is obviously unexpected.
According to the summons, they must appear in the chamber of the Washington House before 9: 00 this morning.
Now, however, it seems that their summons is just a piece of paper.
After waiting for another ten minutes, Senator Senwei was untenable and asked someone to dial Tony’s number.
Tony’s words were dialed, and the large screen of the instant meeting room was lit up.
It’s Tony
Behind Tony in the picture is a blue sky and blue sea, and the picture is still ups and downs. He seems to be a sea.
"Wow, I think you will be more calm!" Tony sarcastic tone "I didn’t expect a man to be so fast. Hey Peter, I know I’ll give you the bet!" "
Listen to that casual remarks, it seems that when Senator Sen Wei dialed Tony’s words, Tony and others took a bet.
This is simply fear!
"Stark!" Senator Senwei growled, but there was a hint of joy in his look. "It’s time for you to come to trial. Where are you?"
-"If you can’t make it in five minutes, then you can wait for legal sanctions. We will vote directly to choose whether or not."
"Hey, who said we wouldn’t arrive?" Tony was very impatient to interrupt senator sen Wei’s words. "so you can win simply?" It is simply a delusion! "
"What about you?" Senator Senwei suppressed his anger. "You have four minutes and 32 seconds, or I will directly vote for you."
Before Mr Sen Wei’s condemnation was finished, thirteen figures suddenly appeared in the center of the Chamber.
Just like they used to be there.
Thirteen figures are Tony, Rhett, Susan, Johnny, Banna, Natasha, Barton, Rogers, Peter, Harry, Katie and Logan.
"Hey, I said we’d be there." Tony’s figure was very clear and audible, and there was no ambiguity in the audience.
It’s these thirteen figures who are afraid to compliment people when they do things at this time.
They are all lying in a sun chair, neatly lined up, and their faces are even shiny with the sun.
"You, you, this is a contempt for American law." Senator Sen Wei pointed to the fingers of all people and looked stern. "Soldiers, soldiers, take away their chairs for me! This pair is a scandal! "
-"And put the four men in handcuffs and put them in Washington prison after the trial!"
Mr. Senwei pointed to Peter and said that certain restrictions must be imposed on the return of these four people to the wanted list in the United States.
This gesture made his country’s leaders frown but didn’t say anything.
After all, this is an American department event, and they still don’t care about it.
Their purpose today is to restrain the United States from doing anything too much to make the world go beyond human beings to the opposite of human beings
This is their main purpose.
After all, there are many superhuman beings in their country.
It was they who silently watched the soldiers swarming in, carefully walking towards Peter and others, with their guns firmly pointed at four people.
This is no small role. You can’t be too careful.
In the face of the soldiers pouring in, Peter didn’t seem to see the same face sleeping with a big sunglasses. Generally, there was no movement. The soldiers slowly approached their hands with handcuffs and then-
Go through!
It’s like there’s no real soldier’s handcuffs passing through Peter, Harry, Katie and Logan.
"Aha, I didn’t think of that!" Tony sarcasm reappears "this is"
Chapter 437 Tony negotiation skills (a more)
"Aha, I didn’t think of that!" Tony sarcasm reappears, "This is an information projection that is one hundred years ahead of the earth. Haven’t you seen it?"
Tony’s look showed off and his pride was beyond words. It was obvious that Senator Senwei was furious.
"You are opportunistic!" Mr Sen Wei’s tone is tough. "The summons can clearly state that people are present to defend you."
"What is the meaning of man?" Tony is so-called "I didn’t arrive?" Can’t you hear me? Will you not be white if I can get it? "
-"Just like if I say’ Fuk Yu’ now, won’t you be angry because I’m not there?"
-"or are you going to do something for us? Just like you just did. "
A long list of sentences is clear and clear, and it is obvious that they are ready to cope with it, especially the sentence’ fukyu’ is particularly emphasized.
No, senator sen Wei’s face is really ugly to the extreme, and his face is angry and red, as if it would explode at any time