1 Chapter 1 Beat you to doubt life!

While helping Su Bo to treat her brother, the girl singing songs raised her little head and covered her beautiful eyes with hair. Yu Guang secretly looked at Su Yu’s eyes full of goodness.
Why did this man spill so many gold coins?
Alas, how can I repay this after I owe someone such a big favor?
Brother, if he wakes up, he will be angry with himself again.
The young girl bit her teeth, raised her eyebrows slightly, wrinkled her delicate and pretty face, and a touch of sadness appeared on her face. Her stubborn brother always made her feel a little headache.
Su Yu nature is ignored the girl at this time.
Su Yu has been watching calmly beside the gold coin, squatting at his feet to pick up the gold coin, and his expression is ferocious and crazy.
"Gold coins! Gold coins! A lot of gold coins, these are all me! "
Tiger’s face is crazy, his hand is shaking, his expression is ferocious and he keeps squatting to pick up the gold coins.
With those strong men behind Tiger, they looked at each other and saw the impulsiveness and greed in each other’s eyes.
The strong men screamed and shouted in front of them, "Grandpa Hu, let’s help you pick up the gold coins!" "
"get out! Who dares to touch my gold coins, I will kill them! "
Tiger roared, turned around, usurped the gold coin in one hand and held a thick stick in the other, and gave the strong men a beating!
Although the tiger doesn’t know martial arts, his intellectual strength is also higher than that of these little ones. They beat them up and screamed and retreated to watch the tiger in fear.
Compared with gold coins, life is more important!
Look at the tiger now, his eyes are red and panting, and his expression is very ferocious and terrible.
Whoever grabs Tiger’s gold coin is suspected of taking his life.
Every fighter in the four continents has his own pursuit, which is the foundation of their cultivation motivation and exploration of their own martial arts source.
Some fighters regard beauty as life, some fighters regard potential as life, some fighters regard family as life, and some fighters regard country as life.
And the bottom fighters like Tiger are suspicious of money!
Tiger has already lost dozens of gold coins from his wooden stick and tucked his arms.
"Tell you! These gold coins are all mine! Don’t even think about it! "
Tiger glared at his younger brothers fiercely, then got up and strode towards the door of the wine shop.
He is now preoccupied with finding a safe place and making a good plan about what to do with these gold coins.
Baiyang city can’t stay any longer, so it’s better to go to Nanjun. I heard that the beauty of Nanjun girls is also famous for their inheritance.
Tiger was so absorbed in his fantasy that he didn’t find Su Yu’s mouth behind him with a faint mocking smile.
The moment tiger was about to walk out of the pub.
Su Yu patted his waist on the sword.
The spirit of the true imperial sword flies out directly, with a touch of time and two points of strength. The scabbard is covered with complex patterns, and tiger’s hands are severely drawn.
Tiger’s hands were swollen with pain, and the gold coins in his hand flew out and fell back to the pub.
A surprised all looked at Su Yu in astonishment.
"Who will fight!"
Tiger roared, turned and roared
"hmm? Why do you still want to teach me a lesson? "
Su Yu smiled indifferently. The sword of the Emperor is still unsheathed, and it is shocking to be quietly suspended beside Su Yu.
"Oh, my God!"
"The imperial sword controls things. This is the strength of a hundred-year-old warrior!"
"This young master is so strong!"
They couldn’t believe that they exclaimed a lot, and they were quite knowledgeable. The farmer was shocked and murmured that everyone was blindsided.
The original brokeback guard was strong enough, but I didn’t expect this young master to be stronger!
This is a hundred years old!
Bai Yangcheng’s most powerful master, the Lord’s adult, is just this realm!
How old is this expensive young master? Has entered this realm? !
It’s appalling!
Tiger one leng then heard the sound and then turned to Su Yu’s hand to suspend the true imperial sword.
Centenary territory!
Tiger’s pupil suddenly tightens. This expensive boy has the strength of a hundred years old!
"Didn’t you just say that it was me who picked up these gold coins?"
Tiger muttered some fear and looked at Su Yu. His forehead broke out in cold sweat and his legs trembled unconsciously.
In the face of a hundred-year-old master, he can’t hold a trick for a mere intellectual rookie!
You know, the centenarian realm is two big steps higher than the intellectual realm!
A hundred years old?
Su Yu spilled a smile and didn’t bother to explain. He picked his eyebrows and smiled gently. "I mean what I say. I want you to take these gold coins out of this wine shop. They all belong to you."
Tiger tiger looked at the golden gold coins, his heart beat faster and his expression hesitated. He was afraid that Su Yu would continue to stop him.
This expensive young master didn’t want him to take away the gold coins so simply.
"Don’t worry, I’m not a murderer. I won’t kill you."

Zhang Lan nodded and looked at it again. Charles, who was full of remorse, pursed her lips and looked at Logan’s eager eyes again. He went on talking.

"Actually, I don’t blame Professor Charles for doing the same thing." After a comforting sentence, I turned back to the topic. "Well, the turning point of the story came. Before Mori left, he saw Eric say something to him that changed many people’s lives.’ Mutants are the future. Humans hope to oppose mutants and all of them should die!’ "
"Sen obviously agrees with this statement. After returning home, his parents will suffer. Every day, they are brainwashed by the concept of’ mutant’, just like hallucinating with drugs. If they stay at home, they will fall into this dreamland. His mother will be the first one who can’t bear to drill into her head and try to destroy the fantasy in her mind. Well, obviously, she died in the end, and the saddest thing is her husband’s father, Stryker!"
"The death of his wife has greatly stimulated Stryker, who will force his wife and children to death, that is, Sen will control the low temperature. Just as ororo said, this can effectively inhibit Sen’s ability. After the murderer is solved directly, Stryker, an ordinary person, has an obsession, that is, a mutant. However, because of his beloved wife’s death, his only son has been refrigerated by himself, and his mentality has changed dramatically. Stryker therefore hates mutants and is bent on killing all mutants."
"But he is an ordinary person how to kill all the mutants? He made reasonable use of the military resources’ Super Warrior’ project to study mutants and gathered a group of mutants, including a guy named Saber-toothed Tiger named Victor. Please remember that this is not the death of the Statue of Liberty, but another person who is very unhappy. This person is Logan, your brother’s biological brother. "
After a long speech, Zhang Lan stopped to organize the language and let everyone digest it at the same time.
Logan is acute. How can he wait? Then what? I have another brother? Where is he now? Say it quickly! "
"Well, the truth is, I don’t recommend Logan. You know you."
"If you don’t talk nonsense, it will be unfortunate in the past. I would rather live in pain than live like a savage!"
"Well, you chose it yourself, but the next thing is not suitable for too many people. If you know that Professor Charles still needs to trouble you, please connect me with Logan’s brain. You also need to know something."
Charles nodded his head and thought about connecting Logan’s consciousness with Zhang Lan. At the same time, Zhang Lan’s E-level [Illusion, Fantasy] was also ready, and the scenes that had been arranged long ago were conveyed to Charles, who relayed a Logan story to Logan.
Logan, whose original name was James Hoillet, was born in a wealthy Canadian family in the late 19th century.
Because of family disharmony, little James was withdrawn until one day his gardener Logan killed his father. The pain made little James wake up with super powers, and his hands grew out of bones, which killed Logan.
However, Schlegen is the biological father of James Jr. His biological father told Wolverine his life story before he died.
So little James and his brother Victor fled.
The latter two participated in many wars, from World War I to the Vietnam Campaign, until the two brothers were recruited by General Stryker to work as special workers. Soon after, they got tired of killing people. James later fled the organization and became a lumberjack in a Canadian forest farm and changed his name to Logan.
On the run, Logan always felt both fear and disgust about his natural abilities until he met and fell in love with an Indian female "Silver Fox" Kaya in the forest.
In this issue, the Stryker School came to attract Logan, but Logan fell in love and refused.
Kaya was later killed by Logan’s brother Victor (saber-toothed tiger). Angry Logan decided to accept Stryker’s mutant transformation experiment. The bones were filled with Edelman alloy and indestructible.
The transformation was successful. Logan heard that Stryker wanted to erase his memory, and the weapon made him escape from the transformation base. He was adopted by a kind old couple and felt the feeling of being pregnant. After that, the agent shot the old couple. Logan killed the agent and returned to Stryker base through channels and found that Kaya was not dead. She used to be Stryker’s purpose. After she approached Logan, she cooperated with Victor to make the medicine fake death to urge Logan to accept the experiment.
Desperate to leave Logan, Kaya screams and returns to defeat the abused Kaya Victor. Kaya tells Logan that her sister is really in love with Logan when she is arrested and threatened.
After Logan Kaya saved most superhuman beings in the experimental base and fought the real weapon Deadpool, Victor helped behead the dead servant.
Kaya suffered from abdominal bleeding in the aftermath of the battle. During Logan’s grief, Stryker hit Logan in the head with a super-alloy bullet. Stryker took the opportunity to kill Kaya, but missed it. Kaya manipulated and commanded him to go in one direction until his feet rotted. Finally, he was saved by military personnel.
The superhuman children rescued by Logan were led by Charles to Xavier College, and part of his life left Scott alone to grow up and stay in the college.
Logan, who was lying in the same place, was reborn, but his memory didn’t grow back. Although Kaya had a strange feeling, she didn’t have any emotion, and she lived a wandering life from then on.
This is the end of the story. Charles was silent and Logan left the room like a walking corpse.
Chapter 179 This is very common (2 more outbreaks)
Logan is driven out of his mind, and Jean wants to comfort him. Scott said nothing, but left first.
"Jean, I don’t suggest you go now. He needs to be quiet. Peter, just don’t let him near the garage."
Wen Yanqin paused, hesitated, and returned to Scott. When he was called, Peter looked unhappy.
"Blue, he is in a bad mood now, even if he wants to go to the garage, I can’t stop him!"
This was tamed by Logan once.
"It’s easy to beat him, but you can tell him that I know where Stryker is going quickly, or I won’t be late to go home and have supper with Aunt Mei!"
"Oh, I see."
Peter’s mouth was very angry, and he rushed out of the door with a few slow steps. At first, he looked warily at the ground and carefully identified it. After ignoring his head, he easily found Logan’s position and hurried to him.
"Blue believe today is not to tell Logan his life? And how do you know your life story, Brother Luo? And so detailed! "
In the face of Charles’ question, Zhang Lan didn’t rush to answer. He looked around at ororo, Jean and Scott one by one, then skipped the coldness and a pillar. Harry fixed his eyes on Charles.
In the sight of a few people, he still trusted to measure it or didn’t let ororo three people avoid direct mouth.
"Professor Charles, do you know what my superpower is?"
"Your powers? Isn’t it self-healing Is it manipulating sand? " Charles wondered
"I’m sorry that these are all the knowledge I learned through my super powers. Please let me introduce myself-[Transfiguration]"
When the smoke clears, Zhang Lan reveals his own body, that is, Blue Parker’s face is missing Hu Ge’s maturity, but he has a different kind of handsome vitality and a handsome guy. A match has never faded, and sharingan is even more evil.
Zhang Lan judo towards the ground. "Katie eavesdropping is not a good habit. Come out."
Before Peter went out, he acted Zhang Lan, but after seeing his eyes, it was obvious that Peter rolled his eyes and saw something, but then he relaxed his vigilance and said that this did not threaten him. He thought that what Zhang Lan said now would not mind being heard.
All in all, it can be Katie, the Kitty Pryde.
With Zhang Lan’s voice falling, Katie’s little head emerged from the ground, but she looked at Zhang Lan and looked at that unfamiliar but evil face, wanting to hug and flinching.
Zhang Lan must speak first when he sees this man’s generosity. He can’t always let the girl take the initiative to put her hands and face in place and smile gently. "What? It’ s just a change of face. Is this the real I don’ t like me? "
In the face of Zhang Lan’s words, Katie hesitated for a moment. After a short adaptation, the young pigeon plunged into Zhang Lan’s arms like a baby pigeon. The small head and forehead just bumped into Zhang Lan’s mouth. His hands tightly encircled his waist and the soft chest was squeezed, which made Zhang Lan very comfortable, but the beating frequency was a little fast.
Obviously Katie is still nervous.
Seeing this blue consciousness, I put Katie’s lower back on one hand and stroked her soft hair on the other hand to relieve tension. Several people around me are smiling and looking at the little couple who are embracing each other.
Finally, Katie’s heartbeat was calm and she came loose, hugging Zhang Lan’s little hand and reluctant to leave that warm embrace and wanted to retreat. After all, Zhang Lan seems to have business to say.
"Then I’ll go back to my room first."
Katie said, walking towards one wall, preparing to go straight back to the room. When she turned around, she kept warm and held her hand and pulled it back.
It’s a blue hand
Katie looked back at Zhang Lan in amazement. The evil spirit sharingan didn’t know what to do.
Zhang Lanwen said, "Well, calling you out is not to stop you from listening, but to tell you that I can listen to it when I’m finished."
With that, Katie will be scattered in front of her eyes and her hair will be pinned behind her ears. Everything is so natural but warm.
But don’t look at Zhang Lan’s indifferent face, but he is also nervous, leaning on the ground well and not disgusted with his actions. Instead, he enjoys his appearance and squints his lovely eyes like a kitten.
This move made Scott Qin, who had been watching for a long time, have a heart in the eye and smiled at him. Qin took the initiative to approach Scott and kissed him gently, and his love burst.
Dog food is everywhere
The two couples were caught off guard by the dog food, and three singles were caught off guard. Fortunately, Harry already has a beautiful assistant to be determined, and ororo is still young and envious, but only envious.
Charles, our old bachelor, has not yet had a partner for this dog food. He said that some of them have survived.
"Ahem that blue, if I remember correctly, your identity should be called’ Blue Parker’, right? Now a famous writer. "
Charles woke up with a start and looked at Zhang Lan affectionately. Zhang Lan and his wife came to their senses. After a few quick smiles, his right hand held Katie’s little hand tightly and he didn’t mean to say the lines that he had long wanted.
"Ah, my legal name to the earth is Blue Parker; Yes, but "
"The earth? What do you mean? Aren’t you from the earth? " Charles interrupted in surprise.
"For me, people who don’t live on this earth come from, um, far away. Your planet is almost a lot worse than the present earth, and people on our planet have the ability to know in advance about many’ specific things’, that is, they can see many things that others can’t."

Although Wang Feng didn’t understand the Manchu spoken by the Tatars, he saw that the wall Tatars had bent their bows and arrows, and then Ma Bai’s intentions were met.

Glancing at the arduous task of the two armies, Wang Feng decisively ordered that "the soldiers should speed up the pursuit, and the Tatar archers who follow the wall behind the Tatar can’t stand us".
"Speed up to kill into the three tunpu … rush …"
"Kill …"
Keep your strength up for a hundred days, and it’s like a wild horse suddenly getting out of control and rushing forward
Full of murderous look, more than a dozen Tatars just showed the expression of survivors after shouting to Tatars’ ears. The Tatars were shocked by this roar loud.
Relax your nerves, tighten up again, and try your best to run to the city gate.
The wall saw that the captains were chasing faster and faster, although I didn’t know what was going on outside the city but what left more than 10 people in front of them.
But a very simple truth is that the wall Dalai still knows that the army should never be allowed to approach the wall or the gate.
So the only thing on the wall is to raise the broadsword in his hand quickly and growl at the infantry who have bowed their bows and arrows around them.
"Arrow archer Ma put an arrow to stop the captains from being sought after …"
"Swish swish …"
More than a dozen arrows, he ordered to fly out of the city wall to pursue the long-sought-after at an increasing speed.
The city wall swung its teeth and saw with its own eyes that the arrows fell into the long-sought-after, five captains fell to the ground after being sought-after.
However, the loss of five people is obviously not as big as the three bunkers.
Attacked by arrows and rain, the captains were sought after. Instead of retreating, Wang Feng led them to rush faster, faster and braver.
After three rounds of arrows and rain interception, the three tunpu were open and the gate finally appeared ten paces away from Wang Feng.
But what makes Wang Feng feel anxious is that more than a dozen Tatars have rushed into the gate by themselves, and two thick wooden gates are being pushed by several Tatars to change and close together.
After a close call, Wang Fengmeng rushed out a few steps forward, and then he made a pike and stabbed it. He inserted the pike into the city gate along the unclosed door, which happened to be stuck and was about to close the city gate.
The gate is stuck by a pike, and the most worrying thing is that it has just rushed into the gate.
When a few red-eyed Tatars raised their broadswords and wanted to cut off the pike and close the gate early.
Following behind Wang Feng, several long-sought-after men followed suit and quickly inserted their pike into the door.
See the gate temporarily closed Wang Feng consciousness long breath a sigh of relief to the behind have dared to order.
"Brothers, just behind the gate, more than a dozen Tatars rushed into Santunpu with me …"
No matter how big the Tatar’s strength is, he can’t hold dozens of long-sought-after people at the same time
Just now, there was a crack in the door, and dozens of soldiers pushed the gate together to grow bigger and bigger until one person could enter. They had long been standing next to the pike and quickly showed their figure to the gate hole, and they stabbed the pike.
After a string of spears pierced the body and sounded before, a large amount of blood flowed out of three blood holes in the Tatar body and then fell to the ground and became a corpse.
It’s even more difficult to suddenly lose three people’s strength to block the Tatar behind the city gate.
Although we tried our best to open two wooden doors, the joint efforts of dozens of soldiers of Tiger and Leopard Army are getting bigger and bigger.
Until the pike platoon can rush in, the same department pushed the door together and Wang Feng roared
"Three long-sought-after Ma Chong went in and killed all the Tatars in the city gate cave."
Three spears and three long gunmen thrust forward round after round.
Hiding behind the city gate, the Tatars fought back desperately, but their weapons were too short, waving broadswords and not touching the long-sought-after guns, which had pierced their chests.
After several rounds, we never saw a living Tatar in Chengmen Cave.
After more than a dozen people were lying in various postures covered in blood, a strong scent of blood quickly spread to the city gate hole.
"Here’s the gate …"
Wang Feng’s heart was excited and shouted, and then he was still immersed in shock at the side. The central big order said, "What are you doing here? The first row of spearmen attacked the wall to eliminate the remains of the wall."
"The remaining two pike platoon units are scattered to eliminate the remnants of the fort and the whole three bunkers are under martial law …"
"Is the captain …"
Three platoon leaders shouted with their own dissatisfaction and rushed into the three bunkers.
Then all kinds of screaming and killing screams … Three tunpu rings in succession.
Chapter 45 Dourgen anger
After half an hour, the Dalai Lama stayed behind in Santunpu, and dozens of infantry followed the service department to grow up.
At the same time, all kinds of results were quickly remitted to Wang Feng like snowflakes.
When Wei Zheng took the artillery platoon into Santunpu and walked to Wang Feng, Wang Feng’s mouth was already smiling from ear to ear because of various gains.
Seeing Wei Zheng Wang Feng quickly converging and smiling, he reported that "the general pike team successfully occupied Santunpu and eliminated all the Tatar defenders in Santunpu …"
"This is the general who has counted all kinds of results so far …"
A material storage point of the main force of Dalai has overestimated the possibility of various seizures as much as possible.
But when Wei Zheng really saw Wang Feng handing himself the list, he didn’t know why Wang Feng kept smiling from ear to ear, because there were too many materials hoarded in the Three Tunpu of Tatar …
If you don’t say goodbye, the Tiger and Leopard Army is in urgent need at present, and the number of troops is small, so more than 2,500 young and middle-aged people are put in a bunker.
Besides, there are 1 million Jin of grain, 252,000 Jin of silver, 32,000 Jin of gold, 4 guns, 145 guns, 5,000 Jin of lead bullets, 5,000 Jin of pig iron …
Plus, he captured the word Wei Zhengneng at this moment to form this harvest, which is’ countless’
Take a deep breath and calm down the excitement and excitement in my heart. The defender asked Wang Feng with a firm tone and ordered, "Mr. Wang, all the captured departments should be taken back once. If we can’t go back once, we will always pull a word twice. A grain of grain, a catty of gunpowder and a lead bullet can’t be left for the Tatars."
"In particular, all kinds of firearms and gunpowder seized from the Tatar arsenal must be ensured to be transported back to the barracks in case of loss. These equipment are the foundation for the future development and growth of our butch army …"
General Wang Feng brought life way "please rest assured that we have a total of three tunpu seized all kinds of horses and xu thousand horses plus all kinds of carts to transport these captured department back absolutely no problem …"

In this way, after meeting Wang Yuyao and others, Liu Xuan found a solid elixir. Because of the dream simulation institute, the success rate of Liu Xuan’s refining fixed elixir is much higher than that of ordinary alchemist plus the yin and yang fruit in his hand. He has refined three furnaces of elixir, two furnaces of elixir and three in each furnace, a total of six solid elixirs. Otherwise, Wang Yuyao and Gale are both high-order gas condensate. I’m afraid he would have made them two advanced.

He will go back to Taiji Gate camp because he has four solid magic pills left in his hand, that is, four, even Liu Xuan. However, the first one can’t be guaranteed to be advanced there, and he swallowed the second one directly, but fortunately, he was lucky and didn’t even advance three like Ram Xueqing.
This is not true at all. Although tamarix chinensis lour Xuan and Ram Xueqing are both peaks of gas coagulation order, they are also peaks. Compared with Zhuhang, Li Zhi and Yang Yiteng, their repair is not enough. These three people are old-fashioned Tianjiao brothers. Five years ago, the peak repair of gas coagulation order was already carried out. If it weren’t for ten wars, they would have impacted the pulse order, and the only difference between them is this solid magic bullet.
Liu Xuan’s three solid magic pills created three teams to create a strong pulse, which saved Taiji Gate’s losing game, but they didn’t know that the external situation was much more tragic than they thought. Taiji Gate and the secret door had entered a white-hot stage, and all Xuanmen forces had paid attention to them and joined the war. On the contrary, the ten wars, which were called the first prosperity of Tianqin Xuanmen, lacked the attention of most people.
79, and war I.
If the Taiji Gate and the Tianji Gate merge in a big battle, choose the Taiji Gate Mountain Gate. If the Tianji Gate wins, this is the Tianji Gate, the new Shanmen Taiji Gate. All the power maps will be drawn to the Tianji Gate Map. If the Tianji Gate fails, it will be just the opposite. It will be fine if Taiji Gate needs to receive the power and clan property of the Tianji Gate.
Compared with Tai Chi Gate, the biggest weakness of a thousand-year-old secret door lies in the number of people in the top ten Xuanmen, and the number of a disciple is 10,000. There is absolutely no way to compare with the secret door. Just because the number of main personnel is far less than that of Tai Chi Gate does not mean that they are not opponents of Tai Chi Gate.
The top ten Xuanmen have sent their own teams to watch the battle. The opportunity like this is really rare for Tianqin Xuanmen. Fighting like this has also touched some people, whether it is for the gas coagulation stage or the pulse-changing stage, that is, Xuandan territory.
Gankun Cave, Ghost Valley and Taizong, the three clans closely related to Taiji Gate, have come from Duogankun Cave, and the name Xuandan Mountain Ghost Valley has also come. Although there are three Xuandan Mountain monks, the pulse order has come to more than a dozen. It can be seen that the importance attached to this joint war is not weaker than that of Gankun Cave and Ghost Valley.
Gankun Cave is both a war-watching and a war-facing. Because of Gankun Cave and its clan doors, neither side has engaged in any tricks such as sneak attack, but directly played the gongs and drums face to face, and they will play normally as soon as they arrive.
Tai Chi Gate is a standard monk versus formation, and the ground is a conation. There are ten teams, and each team is less than 500 people, just like fighting the Danes. Among these 500 people, there are some people who focus on defense, long-range and maneuvering, which is equivalent to shield soldiers, archers and cavalry among ordinary people.
In the sky, there is a gas condensation order. The gas condensation order is not as neat as the intentional order. After all, the gas condensation order can be used by the imperial sword, and the flight maneuverability far exceeds the intentional order. These gas condensation orders are gathered in twos and threes and also cooperate with each other. Generally, they are the main fighters.
The secret door is not. With the high-level gesture of the secret door, a robot soldier and a robot beast are placed at the Taiji Gate Mountain Gate. Almost every cat’s younger brother controls his own strength. At that time, Taiji Gate is crowded with people, but when you look closely, they are robots made of some iron wood.
Huangfuxing’s expression is quite dignified. In the Great Patriotic War, this battle became famous because it was an infant-level machine beast. The machine beast is not the same as a spiritual practice. I am afraid it will take hundreds of years from an ordinary person to an infant-level, but the machine beast is different. Since the cat door has the strength to manufacture the first machine beast, it is not impossible to allow the third and fourth machines.
However, it’s just resources that are needed for the secret door. In recent years, the secret door has been filled with big machines and beasts all over the world. Similarly, the secret door has collected a lot of money. If the resources allow the secret door to become a baby, I’m afraid it will far exceed the number of babies in Taiji door.
It’s even more so when you’re a baby. Others don’t know that in recent years, the top management of Taiji Gate can deal with the secret. The secret door Xuandan has twice as many machines and animals as the big monk of Taiji Gate Xuandan.
At noon, a melodious drum came from Taiji Gate Mountain, which means that it has already meant that Taiji Gate is a bit stiff. Since the secret door came out and fought, it is natural that they are sure that they will come from Taiji Gate Mountain with a shout of war drums.
"get ready!"
Hearing the roar of the mountain, some senior brothers in charge of commanding the battle have ordered that the master of the mountain can be seen through the layers of fog at this time, but he saw chariots driven to the mountain by him.
"No, it’s a siege gun!"
My brother, who practiced eye surgery, immediately saw what the secret chariot was. After those chariots, it turned out to be a siege cannon.
Looking around, there are so many chariots, and there are so many chariots.
You should know how powerful the siege cannon is. If it is attacked by siege artillery, it is absolutely not weaker than the gas condensation force. A blow is very comparable to the pulse-stepping attack.
"Bad can’t let them gun gas condensate order brother attack to stop the cat door gun"
I heard the high-rise Taiji Gate make my brothers take off one after another and fly towards the siege cannon of Shantianji Gate.
However, before they flew into the melee chariot, huge crossbows suddenly appeared, and a bowstring sounded. The younger brother of Taiji Gate immediately turned into a rain of blood. An uncle’s bolt came and hundreds of Taiji brothers were killed in the disorderly arrows, and they were all brothers of Taiji Gate.
This is a modern science and technology ancient cold soldier against Taiji Gate. Although it is snobbish, it didn’t play out at all. My brother who just attacked Qi Ning was immediately beaten back by the other side.
However, before the Tai Chi Gate can stabilize the array angle, a siege cannon exploded, and the whole Tai Chi Gate immediately turned into a sea of fire.
Because they live side by side in the Tai Chi Gate of the Great War, there is no guardian mountain array all over the mountain. Even if they are good at defending shield soldiers, they can’t bear the bombardment of siege artillery, which is equivalent to the power of gas condensation force.
As a result, the secret door spewed fire, and the Taichi gate immediately became a human hell. Although there were nearly ten thousand brothers in the mountains and plains, they could not withstand the siege fire attack.
"There is no problem with these people who control the giant guns."
Although the cat door fire disrupted the condition of Taiji door, the sneer at Erxian soon found out that something was wrong. Siege cannon, a heavy firepower weapon, was not much throughout Tianqin, not because it could not be built, but because it was not well controlled.
Generally speaking, it is good to have a dozen siege cannons in a ten thousand-man army. It takes more than a dozen ordinary people to control each siege cannon. This thing is not only heavy, but also extremely difficult to load. It often takes two or three people to complete a shell.
But the secret door is different. Look at the mountain siege cannon, and you can see that each siege cannon can be controlled by only three people, and it is also a chariot control, which means that there are only two people who actually control the siege cannon.
And live in World War II
"No, these people are not ordinary people, neither spiritual nor martial arts, and it seems that there are still some problems in their minds."
The top management of Taiji Gate soon found out that it was wrong. Only after paying a tragic price did they find that there were a lot of secret masters. These manipulative siege cannons and crossbows add up to five or six thousand people. Is this still a small clan gate outside the top ten Xuanmen? When did the secret door get so many people?
Seeing that Taiji’s younger brother was brutally murdered by the secret door, the top of Taiji’s door also changed his face. Even the always steady sneer at Erxian was impatient. The old man smiled at Huangfuhang. "Report to the owner that a large number of people have disappeared in Tianqin in recent two years because of Yanbei. Afterwards, it was verified that these things were related to the invasion of the northern army of the evil Hyderabad Shinto, but in the end the clues were broken. According to our verification, these missing people were catalyzed by some powerful drugs, which made them lack of spiritual catalysis. Although these catalytic people, However, there are some amazing strengths that can reach the strength of the martial arts. I think the ordinary people who control the siege cannon and the crossbow should also belong to the catalyst. It seems that these people should all be missing. The secret door is also involved in this matter. This time, the secret door dares to challenge me. Taiji door is to help them control the machine with the help of these ordinary people. Please ask the head to make a complaint to its top ten mysterious doors! "
Huangfuxing frowned and pondered for a long time. "This is an important matter. I can express my feelings to Gankun Cave in the future, but don’t expect too much. After all, it’s not because we find some special forces and personnel that we can cancel it. The most likely thing is that Gankun Cave agrees to investigate the secret door afterwards. At that time, let’s not think about these things in Taiji Gate. Tell Zongmendi that he will bravely move forward and kill the deserters!"
Huangfuhang’s order was quickly implemented and he fought back at Taiji Gate. Seeing that there was blood in Qianshan, there were some loneliness in his heart.
With the high-level command of Taiji Gate, many younger brothers who have deep feelings for Taiji Gate have been inspired. Some of them have poor spiritual strength. Seeing that ordinary attacks can’t produce big ones for siege cannons or destroying crossbows, they brazenly blew themselves up and exploded in the big secret door camp, which stopped the mechanical offensive of the secret door.
Seeing that the situation is slightly stable, the scar-faced old man waved his hand and moved the pulse steps on the mountainside of Taiji Gate. These pulse steps are the main strength of Taiji Gate. Compared with Xuandan’s pulse steps, it may not be enough to see, but the hundred-person pulse steps team is a force that dare not underestimate the pulse steps of Taiji Gate. When put together, there are more than 300 people, including the pulse steps of Taiji Gate, which are attached to the major families of Taiji Gate. The strength of the pulse steps of three hundred people is absolutely far beyond the damage caused by the thousand-name coagulation steps.
These pulse steps were immediately suppressed when they were attacked by the secret door. The strong ones in these pulse steps often went to a few siege cannons. In a short time, the siege cannons of the secret door had already been damaged. Nearly half of them saw the situation in front of the mountain gate stand firm and meet the peak of the day. The top of Taiji Gate felt a sigh of relief. If the pulse steps were dispatched and the secret door could not be suppressed again, then Taiji Gate might really be finished.
They breathed a sigh of relief here, but the secret door was not in a hurry. It seems that they really don’t care about the life and death of these catalytic people until these catalytic people disappeared and the secret door didn’t move again.
"This is the first wave of attacks …"
Taiji Gate just breathed a sigh of relief here, but a word from Huangfuhang changed everyone’s face.
Yes, this is the first wave of attack on the secret door, and it seems that the secret door has not even been dispatched by the real brother. Although the secret door has always been the mechanical owner, these catalytic people alone have consumed nearly one-third of the combat power of Taiji Gate, and the death toll alone has exceeded 1,000.
After waiting for more than half an hour, the drums rang again, and with the drums knocking on the earth, waves shook slightly, and huge black shadows slowly appeared from the horizon.
The main fighting force of the machine beast’s secret door has finally appeared. The so-called machine beast is a combination of mechanical puppet beasts. However, the puppet beasts are transformed from monster beasts, but the parts of the machine beast are all transformed from spiritual materials. Some of the main parts of the body of the machine beast are replaced by spiritual materials. The fighting power of the machine beast is not worse than that of the puppet beast, and the cost is cheap. However, the manufacturing process is too cumbersome and it is actually involved in several techniques such as runes, refining devices and array methods. Although the cost is low, it is not common spiritual practice.
There is a wide range of machine-beast refining, which requires not only refiners, runes, magic arrays and even a lot of manual assembly. Although it is not difficult to take these things out alone, it is quite difficult for a single spiritual practice to do it.

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, I haven’t warmed up for a long time to see my brother kill him, little girl, so you just follow me." Say that finish, Zhao Tianyou rushed out like a meteor and rushed into the dragon teeth army group to see broken bones flying around like a meat grinder, but it’s not meat but bones.

Looking behind him, I am still stunned by Chen Xi. "Girl, don’t be stunned with a brother!" To return to stupidly, Chen Xi recovered from Zhao Tianyou’s fighting posture. "Oh ~ ~ Oh ~ ~ Here comes ~ ~" In this way, Zhao Tianyou Road girl looked at the raging double swords a few steps later, and the cold mountain was captured by naked eyes, and the dragon teeth soldiers were cut off continuously. If they approached two people for more than ten meters, they would be cut off by invisible double swords. No matter whether you jumped from heaven and earth or left and right, any enemy who wanted to get close to them was killed.
"Zhao Tianyou appeared from time to time, and the girl’s side struck the dragon teeth soldiers to clear the crisis. There was an instant ahead. Looking at the battle and smiling, Zhao Tianyou Chen Xi felt for the first time that the man in front of him was not only an otaku but also a true hero. The battlefield fighting posture fascinated Chen Xi. It is good to walk silently with him. He doesn’t need to worry about anything. He will guard you with double swords in his hands. That’s how Chen Xi feels at this time.
Before you know it, you’re almost at the center of the destination city, and the dragon teeth soldiers have receded. I don’t know how many dragon teeth soldiers have been killed, 12 thousand or more
"That you all right? Is it really possible for me to add magic to you and fight like this? " Chen Xixian is very worried. After all, he is almost a little weak with ordinary people.
"You don’t worry about your brother, but you can reply to the magic brother yourself, but the real man in the spirit is hahaha." Chen Xi can see that Zhao Tianyou seems to be very worried at this time, which means that Chen Xi, a fighting madman, did not think of it.
"Little rabbit cub Hugh rampant whoa! In the ban again! " A figure stopped Zhao Tianyou and Chen Xi in front. "Who is this idiot? Do you know the girl? Are you an acquaintance? " Zhao Tianyou turned to ask Chen Xi Chen Xi behind him and shook his head. "I don’t know him either, but he seems to say that he is forbidden."
"Bath towel? What do you do with slippers and soap? " Zhao Tianyou looked at the bath towel with a bright eye (Yu Jin)
I am forbidden to poof! A 40-year-old spit out "you big ye, you are the bath towel! Your house is full of bath towels, soap and slippers!
Chapter 9
Zhao Tianyou’s face is already dark at this time "you shameless bath towel! How dare you curse! Brother is not a man until he cleans up today! “
Zhao Tianyou figure flash double sword instantaneous cut to the eyes of the forbidden "I gather together" in the forbidden frighten hurriedly posture defense it’s a pity that it’s too late to a cover in the forbidden was hit fly at this time is located in a dozen meters away in the forbidden got up a little embarrassed but didn’t suffer any injuries.
"Who the hell are you? You should not be a famous person, and you are also a hero with two swords. Few people say who you are?" Yu Jin got up and magic restored the injury.
"I am your big ye! Yeah, that’s right. It’s your uncle to me! " Zhao Tianyou gave a serious answer to Yu Ban, saying, "Little rabbit is ok, you wait for the old one to maim you later." Yu Ban has been so angry that this generation, including Cheng Yingling, has never seen such a person. "I’ll beat you up later." Zhao Tianyou also replied.
Yu Jin has a black face and flashed a guy to pose and see Yu Jin unveiling his pike. "Wei Guo is good at Yu Jin." Zhao Tianyou doesn’t say much about gesturing his finger at Yu Jin. "Come on, bath towel" Yu Jin pike picked and instantly played a dozen fireworks. "Small, this is your own death. Don’t blame me." The voice just fell off the gun and Mang has reached "Bang Bang Bang Bang". In the blink of an eye, the number of people is ten, and they attacked Zhao Tianyou like a poisonous snake.
"I didn’t expect this method to be good, but it’s still not enough." Zhao Tianyou thought to himself that after a block, he took a look at the posture and introduced the heroic spirit to the forbidden property, such as:
Name Yu Jin
Tendon force d
Endurance E+
Agile c
Magic d
Xingyun E+
Bao ju yi hei snake gun D+
Bao ju er Fang Jian D+
Two-star spirit star
"Sure enough, the gunner is lucky. Even if you know the sword, you can’t get rid of this stalk. Go to the bath towel with peace of mind!" Zhao Tianyou seems to regret it.
In the forbidden still don’t talk to see at this time in the hands of the forbidden will pike flat your gun to Zhao Tianyou himself instructed bust crouching seems to be to liberate treasures.
"You this is a ghost into the village? I am drunk this modelling! ! !” Zhao Tianyou’s forehead is really empty. This treasure has a liberating posture. Are you a shrine? Would you please tease me?
I just don’t talk. Letting Bao ju kill you can solve my heart. I hate making you mean. "Black snake gun is dark and poisonous." As Bao ju’s real name is released in the forbidden treasure, black poison curses around the black snake gun. An air pressure makes Zhao Tianyou’s body heavy. "Does it curse people’s treasures? It’s a bit interesting to prevent the enemy from escaping because of its magic. "Zhao Tianyou looked at Yu Ban and launched a treasure to attack himself. Looking at the man in front of him, he didn’t seem to have any evasive meaning or put on a defensive posture." This blow from the size will send you back to Yinglingtang. "The black snake gun stabbed Zhao Tianyou in the chest
"Double Star Chop" Zhao Tianyou released his sword trick when the forbidden gun tip hit his chest position. At the same time, with the constant emergence of countless slashes, he chopped himself. The black snake gun rushed to eliminate the dust, flying everywhere, and the buildings around him were covered with sword marks. Finally, in the eyes of the forbidden surprise, his treasure was slowly destroyed. Finally, several slashes were cut to his body, and he flew far away from the forbidden. He still didn’t recover from the surprise just now. "Double Star Chop? This move is that you are an unyielding brave warrior and Zhao Tianyou. "At this time, you are forbidden to sit on the ground and have no idea that you are pointing at Zhao Tianyou.
"Bingo is right, but there is no reward!" Zhao Tianyou will double sword shoulder leisurely answer this to ban "your sister! I don’t play anymore and I have to go home! Always go back to the throne! When I met this malefic, I was really unlucky! Meowed ~ ~ ~ "At this time, Yu Jinhao sat down with his hands beating his chest and crying.
"Hey! You are somehow the five heroes of Wei, which is also too vivid. "Zhao Tianyou has been trying to spit out Zhao Tianyou’s plan to ban him in the past. At this time, he revealed a trick and succeeded in laughing.
"ah!" With a cry, Zhao Tianyou suddenly turned back and found a black shadow attacking Chen Xi. Like flint, Zhao Tianyou threw his double swords at the black shadow. Nai knew that even if the attack was successful, he would die. The black shadow retreated and pulled away. He also wanted to take the opportunity to sneak a look at the situation and gave up.
At this time, Zhao Tianyou came to Chen Xi to take back the double swords. "Oh, hey, this guy, you played well. You planned to fool me by acting, and secretly tried to kill my royal master." Zhao Tianyou applauded.
"It’s worthy to be Zhao Tianyou, an indomitable warrior like a beast, or should I ask you to kill blood?" As the voice fell, a female ghost appeared in public view.
Jade snow skin, hibiscus looks like a natural standard gold armor, brilliant scales, silver infiltration, red forehead, jade hands, slender hands, double swords, heroes, eyes and eyes, ten thousand kinds of enchanting eyes can be picked up, but these words can form the woman in front of you (have you guessed who she is? Look)
Feng Touxie, a charming girl with a cloud on her temples, stepped on the stirrup.
Gold solid armor lined with red yarn lion man belt waist end span
Frost knife slashes the jade fiber of the male soldier and takes it from the fierce soldier.
Natural beauty begonia flowers take the lead.
A woman named herself as "One Hundred Heroes in Liangshan, One Zhang Qing Hu San Niang"
Yingling introduced
Name Hu Sanniang
Jinli E+
Endurance e
Agile d
Magic d
Lucky d
Treasure with double knives? ? ? Red brocade lasso? ? ?
Two-star spirit star
"I’ll go! See the beauty, Haosen! " Zhao Tianyou a face of pig elder brother like "I want to know what will you here? What are you going to do to us? " Zhao Tianyou seems to want to make sure of something.
"We don’t know! We know that anyone who approaches evil holes will be killed! " Tenure San Niang coldly said, "your sister! This is unscientific. You are all located in the seat of God. How can the spirit be controlled by that evil hole here? " Zhao Tianyou couldn’t figure out, "Can’t the seat of the Spirit make people black?" Zhao Tianyou clapped his hands and seemed to think that this might be too much for you.
Chapter 10
"No matter if you can’t go to the evil hole! Even if you beat the two of us, the adult behind you will, after all, make moves. Even you won’t be the adult’s opponent. "When Yu Jin said this sentence, you can feel Yu Jin’s deep fear of the mysterious man.
"No matter what, I will lead my little girl there."
Yu Jin wanted San Niang to look at each other. "In this case, I have long wanted to fight with you. You are among the strongest people in the Three Kingdoms." Yu Jin took the black snake gun and held the gun. The veins stood out suddenly and violently in his arms to prepare for the first world war.
Chen Xi, the "strongest person in the Three Kingdoms", didn’t expect that he summoned the spirit to be such a powerful person.
Tenure "three niang this is my fight in the ban! Please stay out of it. I want my gun and sword to beat him! " In the forbidden rushed this wanted three niang shouted.
"good! No matter what you say, I won’t do it and I won’t do it to that girl. We Liangshan people keep our word! " Hu Sanniang also wants to see this duel between the spirits of the Three Kingdoms.
"Five Liang generals of Wei will be banned from participating in weapons. Shuang Bao has a black snake gun and a fangs sword!" Yu Jin’s body slightly flexed and his gun pointed to the front, and he once again reported his name and the names of two treasures! For Yu Jin, I want to play a fair game now.
Unexpectedly, Zhao Tianyou didn’t get sick, but looked serious and said, "Shu is unyielding and brave, and Zhao Tianyou has a powerful move!" It’s essential to have respect for a respectable opponent.
Yu Jin raised a smile and was recognized and respected by his opponent. This is very worrying. He is a fighter and a famous soldier. Although he was in danger during his lifetime, it will not affect himself. At this time, the two of them are at war!
At this time, when Yu Ban moved, he held a gun at Yu Ban’s point and ran to Zhao Tianyou on the S-line route, shaking his spear like a poisonous snake.
"It seems a little interesting." Zhao Tianyou’s eyes felt that it was dangerous to ban the spear head. Zhao Tianyou took the afternoon mandarin duck sword to his chest. This is the first shot of your gun and went straight to the throat.
Looking at the unhappy spear, Zhao Tianyou tilted his head to avoid this shot, but at this time, he avoided the spear, changed his trajectory and passed by the neck. I didn’t expect that Yu Jin’s right hand suddenly shook a few times, and the spear head and the front section of the gun body of Yu Jin’s black snake gun had an incredible angle to bend over and lock Zhao Tianyou’s neck.
"Magnetic" in the forbidden spear failed to pierce Zhao Tianyou’s neck and left a small mouth, so Zhao Tianyou’s double sword blocked Zhao Tianyou’s neck wound and felt a poisonous spell. Zhao Tianyou felt his body getting heavier and his mind was in a trance, and his reaction slowed down. At this time, he took advantage of the forbidden opportunity to increase his strength, and his hands were the fastest, the most hateful and the most sharp angle.
"Dangdang Dangdang" sword gun fierce confrontation Although Zhao Tianyou received the curse of the black snake gun, the influence was still not weak. The wind continued to attack and defend the body, and the injuries continued to appear. The magic has come and gone, and the injuries have not recovered. The two people have come and gone, and the road has split and the offensive has not diminished.
Beside watching Chen Xi and Hu Sanniang held their breath, or they forgot to breathe because of a battle.
At this time, Zhao Tianyou hit the black snake gun in the forbidden hand. "That’s it, Yu Wenzhe. I’ll let you go back to Yingling Hall! Shuangliu star chop "
Yu Jin summoned the fangs sword and struck again. "I gave you this sentence intact, Zhao Tianyou! The fangs flash! " Bao ju released light and flashed through the center of the two men’s engagement. When Bao ju attacked, it produced an explosion with a diameter of several hundred meters and the dust was flying.
As the smoke dispersed in a huge pit of several tens of meters, Zhao Tianyou’s left hand and right hand stabbed the sword in the forbidden place, and Zhao Tianyou drew out the right hand sword "poof", and a stream of blood gushed out from the forbidden place, spitting blood and slowly hanging his head.
"Yu Wenze, you are very good. Let’s get together again at Yingling Hall!" Zhao Tianyou slowly turned to Chen Xi in the forbidden body slowly dissipate at this time "! It was a great battle! I also have to fight for World War I one day. Haha ~ ~ "Slowly, the sound disappeared in the ban.

As he cursed, there was an earth-shattering noise, and the earth trembled with this heartbreaking explosion. The 166 th division commander stumbled and sat down at the bottom of the trench. He was frightened and fell from the wall to his helmet.

"What the hell happened? What exploded? " The Soviet officer who fell down with the 166th division commander was even more flustered. He watched in horror as huge black smoke rose from a forest outside the trench and asked incoherently.
"damn it! That’s our ammunition depot! Someone blew up our ammunition! " The division commander of 166 was so angry that his voice trembled a little. If his troops did not replenish, they could last for several hours. If his troops ran out of ammunition, everything would be finished.
Thought of this, the teacher of the 166th Division quickly got up from the ground and went back to his bunker. It was necessary to get through the nearest field hospital to the ammunition depot. Then there came a sound. He immediately asked, "Did the ammunition depot explode?" What the hell happened? Say it quickly! "
"report! Comrade teacher! We saw that the 16 troops were on fire around the ammunition depot. They were on fire in the direction of the ammunition depot! " The person in charge of the field hospital said that the incident made the 166 division commander confused again. He had to hang up again and then skillfully arrested him to get through the 16 division headquarters.
"hello? The 16th division? I ….. "Before he finished speaking, the other end came to the busy tone. I don’t know why the lines arranged in the two forces were so dropped without any warning.
What’s going on in the 16th Division? What’s the problem? Why did they attack the ammunition storage site? What does all this have to do with the Germans? Why has the German army been shelling the 166th Division since just now, but it has not fired a shot at the 16th Division next to it?
"Boom!" This explosion was different from his explosion. As soon as the commander of the 166 th division knew his weapon, he knew that it was not the German cannon but the Soviet army standard 122 mm howitzer. This shell stabbed the commander of the 166 th division like a sharp knife.
The 16th Division defected? This kind of urgency has fallen to the Germans? Impossible, right? The 16 th division commander is an old comrade. How can such a funny thing happen at this time? The brain is full of confusion. The 166 th division commander has no idea to hold his ground because he is worried about his flank and was once considered as an impregnable flank.
There was no way to tell which direction the 122-mm artillery gun that had fallen into its position came from, but the 166th division commander decided to contact the 16th division headquarters to confirm what was wrong.
"You! Take people! Go to the 16th Division HQ in person! Make it clear to the people over there what we have encountered and ask them why they attacked us! " A trusted officer was called, and the commander of the 166th division frowned and told him that he wanted to send a telegram to confirm, but unfortunately, there was no reply from the 166th division.
"yes! Comrade teacher! " The officer also knew the seriousness of the matter, and quickly ran through the trench with a dozen guards from the division to the junction of the two divisions. They bent forward carefully and soon came to the place next to the 16th division.
However, when he saw the position clearly, the officer couldn’t believe his eyes, some arms wrapped in white cloth, and the Soviet soldiers were in a fierce fire, shouting to surrender their guns without killing while approaching the position of the 166 th Division.
I didn’t think much about this officer, so I found the nearest telephone and reported everything he saw to my teacher. "The 16th Division is attacking us! The 16 th Division is attacking us! "
Actually, he came to report the funeral, and the 166th division commander also knew what was happening there. Soon after he sent the liaison troops, he came to the joint department of the two armies to fight and report. Now he has to believe the fact that some front-line troops defected.
Chaos filled the entire Soviet front, and the commander of the 166 th division finally reached a forced instruction "hit the fire!" Attack the 16th Division position! Hit hard! Send a message to the remaining troops! Tell them that the 16th Division has defected! They are German associates! "
Then the commander who reached the attack order once again grabbed the words and tried to contact General rokossovsky of the general headquarters, only to find that the line from the front line to the general headquarters was also cut off.
"Damn it! Damn it! What the hell happened today? Why is everything so evil? " Thumping the receiver in his hand on the table, the division commander of the 166th division bitterly scolded him. When he swore, a round of 122-mm artillery shells landed around his headquarters, and a piece of black soil was raised. Just now, he may not be sure that this time he really set the direction of these 122-mm artillery shells-it was the artillery position of the 16th division.
In the headquarters of rokossovsky near Stalingrad, he was looking shocked and listening to some officers report this information, which made the war-hardened general unbelievable.
He heard that some generals at the front had defected and had already shelled each other; He heard that some anti-aircraft gun positions stopped fighting back and let German paratroopers land safely on a large scale; He heard that a special train supporting the front line was bombed and attacked. This train was the Soviet Union’s own troops.
There are rumors everywhere. A military headquarters in the front line has lost its alliance, and even some troops have attacked their own people. The whole front line has become a mess, and there is no way to take effective measures to end this strange riot.
What makes rokossovsky laugh and cry even more is that many places have heard that the Soviet general rokossovsky has been killed and the Germans are about to surround Stalingrad-in some places, there are really German shadows. These German "forward troops" attack villages, killing people and setting fires everywhere, telling people that they are coming to Stalingrad.
"How did they do it?" If you can’t guess that all this is German mischief, rokossovsky can find a crooked neck tree to hang himself. He looked up and stared at the map and said to himself.
Chapter 9 Winning in Chaos
"Drop height! Play the skydiving indicator to let the people behind prepare for skydiving! " A German pilot in the cockpit said to his co-pilot
The co-pilot beside him immediately nodded, and then stretched out his hand to turn the overhead plane from the closed position to the playing position. The plane kept bumping and shining, and outside the driving glass, you could see the dense German planes flying in the sky.
This is because they rarely perform general health in broad daylight except for training, which reduces paratroopers’ casualties. Most of the time, they fly at night. This time, they are bold and healthy during the day, which is somewhat unexpected.
However, from the very beginning, it was very unexpected. For example, in broad daylight, they did not encounter large-scale shelling after they crossed the actual control line of the Soviet and German armies.
"Prepare for skydiving!" Seeing that the indicator light has turned green, the plane cabin is waiting for this moment. German paratroopers battalion commander Borrell woke up his hands. They are now the best paratroopers in the world, with the world’s richest health experience and ground combat experience.
At night, they can get together in the shortest time, not to mention it’s so bright during the day. The cabin door is pulled by Borrell’s hand, and the cold wind is poured into the cabin from the outside. Everyone can’t help but squint their eyes and check that the parachute equipment is finished, shouting one after another.
"all right! Gentlemen! No matter what happened last night, it’s our turn now! " Borl took a look at his hands and didn’t deliberately raise his voice. After that, he patted Donna on the shoulder and hung his parachute hook on the fixed rod of the aircraft cabin.
"Damanhur!" When jumping out of the cabin, Bourroul shouted the slogan of paratroopers, which was their saddest place and the place where they experienced the fire test and became demons. Now this place is their belief and their general will to inherit steel.
Then he saw the whole day and saw the number of people jumping out of the plane and being pulled by parachutes. What made him even more excited was that he saw a huge glider hanging from a paratrooper chariot rushing to a distant place. This spectacular sight is really rare at ordinary times.
Two escort FW-19D fighter jets swooped down at a normalized Soviet anti-aircraft gun, and the fire-tight shells hit the anti-aircraft gun position with white smoke, which eventually dispersed, and it became a pile of scrap iron and corpses lying in ruins.
What shocked Bourroul even more was that a new type of helicopter was hovering around the battlefield, saying that it was new. It might be a bit excessive because it was an improved Odin helicopter at first glance, but this kind of aircraft was more powerful than Odin’s firepower, with rocket launching slots on both sides and two large-caliber machine guns on the nose. The whole plane was like a flying gunboat, carrying ammunition everywhere in the battlefield.
These planes are hiding in all directions. It seems that they have just swept the whole area. Now German paratroopers are dropping them, but they have escaped safely, but still left a few circling trees.
It seems that the main reason for suppressing the ground is that these planes have made great contributions to ensuring that there will be no heavy casualties during the paratroopers’ descent. This time, the Germans have really saved blood, not only the special forces, but also produced a set of classic special forces assault tactics from later generations.
Just concealed the ground, the colored smoke bombs of German special forces indicated the target of attack. First, the Stuka-2 attack aircraft carried out a large-scale attack, and then the helicopters were fixed to eliminate it. The whole process cost the Germans 14 Stuka-2 attack aircraft, and 17 helicopters were shot down before the Soviet anti-aircraft gun position near the German landing zone was cleared.
If the German special forces, who were responsible for clearing the positions of Soviet anti-aircraft guns, had not killed some positions of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns last night, the German attacks and attacks today would have paid a heavier price.
In order to speed up the deployment of paratroopers, the Germans used a large number of gliders, including some big ones that could take three soldiers. These gliders were put on the battlefield before the paratroopers, and now a defensive position has been established on the ground. General Studente, the paratroopers commander, hoped to make the battlefield more chaotic because he felt that his soldiers were more suitable for the chaotic fighting state than the enemy, so he did the same thing again, playing tricks in Holland and Belgium.
He threw a large number of dummies with burning devices and threw them to the periphery of the battlefield. These dummies had the same effect as in those years. They caused a lot of confusion and made the Soviets overestimate the scale of reduction. At one time, the Soviets rumored that the Germans had occupied Stalingrad and burned almost half of the Caucasus by fire.
The extremely chaotic scene also caused the Germans a lot of trouble. Two paratroopers just hit a helicopter propeller because of the wind direction. The cruel picture frightened all the paratroopers who saw this scene. A plane crashed and seven people died. This accident made the Germans reach the no-landing zone, and even Studente submitted the matter in detail.
The German side was in chaos because of the cooperation of multiple arms, and the Soviet army was also in chaos because of various kinds of chaos created by people. They didn’t know what the Germans were doing, and they didn’t even get the exact size report of the German paratroopers because of communication confusion and mutual suspicion.
Many barracks and rear reserve areas were destroyed by attack planes and helicopters guided by special forces, but the rest were hard to organize, but the German paratroopers’ assault collapsed again. These "temporary workers" of the Soviet Red Army in the rear sent an alarm to delay the attack of some German paratroopers. It is purely self-deception to expect them to do something.
These Soviet second-line troops finally fought back, only to find that German paratroopers were everywhere in all directions. The telephone line was cut off, and the channel was full of German troops reporting that the main forces had attacked each other in a mess, and they were unable to take care of the paratroopers behind them. Everyone knew what the situation was.

"Oh, is that right? Has your first-class class been trained in actual combat? " This makes Feng Lan’s curiosity somewhat.

"No, I hurt myself when I was training." Zhu Zhihao was a little embarrassed to explain that at this time, a girl followed the wind, Lan Lan, and whispered a few words in her ear. After seeing these words, Lan Lan’s face became a bit weird, especially Zhu Zhihao felt that Feng Lan’s eyes made him feel like a joke. Generally, everyone knew what the girl said at this time, which made Zhu Zhihao even more embarrassed. She didn’t stare at the talking girl, but people ignored him.
"Miss Lan, shall we go to dinner together?" Magwu invited again, but this time he changed his name.
"Sorry, there are classmates waiting for me. I walked first." Then I took a few girls to the dining hall. After she left, Zhu Zhihao snorted with Magwu and went in.
"Princess, you don’t know that the new student is really fierce, holding the bench feet and desperately greeting Zhu Zhihao. If it weren’t for Wang Yujie’s tutor, I don’t know when to fight." Just now, the girl was excited and gesticulated to Feng Lan’s preacher …
"That man dared to hit Zhu Zhihao, but Zhu Zhie should not let him go," Feng Lan said, and then everyone chatted about some topics.
At this time, Gao Chen was doing all kinds of extreme exercises in the Woods. If an ordinary person did these exercises, don’t say how many times he did it like Gao Chen, even if he did it again, he would be tired of his bones. This made Gao Chen realize that after tens of thousands of years of development, how can he practice his body to the strongest? This world has been deeply studied. Gao Chen is now doing a set of exercises called extreme exercises that Gary taught him!
After finishing it for the first time, Gao Chen, who is already in Grade 19, was tired to the ground. But at this time, Gary came over and kicked him up and shouted at him, "You can’t stand it if you don’t eat. Get up and cook for me."
Gritting his teeth and sweating again, his clothes have been wet for a long time, but Gao Chen didn’t stop. It’s not that he didn’t want to stop, but that Gary would yell a few words of waste even if he wanted to slow down. Are you really a waste? I can’t stop being aroused by my temper.
Watching Gao Chen sweat continuously, Gary didn’t feel any pain. After finishing several sets of exercises, he kindly let Gao Chen rest for ten minutes. When Gao Chen just wanted to lie down, Gary said, "If you want what you just did to be more effective, it will be more effective to transport gas at this time."
Knowing that Gary won’t harm himself, Gao Chen is busy with controlling the gas operation. After a week of gas operation, Gao Chen feels that his body seems to be much better. The gas is running round and round, and the muscles that have just been pulled by exercise are healing quickly. It is strengthened that if others control the gas, the roots can’t think about other things, but Gao Chen is different. He can make the gas body run like a hang-up. Gao Chen hits his property panel, but this sight makes him dumbfounded and then it is a strong surprise!
Chapter 20 Attribute Point Increase
At this point, all the emotions of Gao Chen instantly make excitement instead of not knowing when the defense magic royal has added a little and life has added five points. Although this seems to be rare, it says a problem, that is, it says that the growth of his various attributes is no longer as much as it used to be by equipment and upgrading. This is a great good news. If this growth rate can continue or be faster, then even if his level is low, his attack and defense have gone. At this time, Gao Chen is finally white. Why can people in this world be so strong without equipment? But now it seems that it is not the reason.
"It’s time to take a break and continue to do the same move just now. This time it’s ten times." Ten weeks after Gao Chen’s luck, Gary’s violent voice brought Gao Chen back to reality from ecstasy.
Just now, Gao Chen just did it twice, and he was so tired that he was about to lie down. But now Gary actually said it ten times, which changed Gao Chen’s face. If you can say it ten times, even if it is a hundred times, the temptation to increase the attribute point is no worse than the grade. But just now, Gao Chen can’t do so much. It’s like letting a person who rarely exercises run 5 thousand meters. He may be able to finish it with difficulty, but what if you want him to run 50 thousand meters? One result is that you are exhausted.
"How do you admit that you are a waste? I can’t even do this. That’s how I practiced in those days. If you are a waste, then you don’t practice and don’t practice any lighter skills. It’s better to go home and do it. "Gary’s words are very vicious and don’t show Gao Chen any mercy.
"I’m not a loser who does it ten times, even if I’m exhausted, I’ll finish it before I die." Gao Chen was also angry. He knew that Gary’s words might not be true. Maybe he couldn’t do it once at that time, but there was no one else to do it. But Gao Chen cheered himself up and thought that he could add more attributes after ten times. Then do what Gary calls extreme exercise.
Come to Gao Chen’s clothes again and you’re soaked. Before you come to catch your breath, Gary shouted again, "Are you really a waste?" Are you a man or not? Do it quickly and don’t stop! "
If Gao Chen says he is not a man, it makes Gao Chen angry. Even if he is a waste, it is better to say that he is not like a man. But it is obvious that his anger has no effect on Gary. Gao Chen is annoyed and thinks that after one year, he must beat you all over the place. It is too arrogant and not a thing. Finally, he finished this time for the second time. He did it for the third time without any pause and did it faster than the first time. This is his angry power!
Gary nodded with satisfaction. Gary’s greatest wish in his life is to teach an outstanding brother. Because of this psychology, he is very strict with every student. As a result, he not only got the title of devil tutor, but also let him have no students to teach recently. None of the students he trained satisfied him. Of course, none of them were satisfied with what he did. He often regretted that those students were so blind and looked forward to having a student who could satisfy him until Gao Chen appeared. He felt himself. The wish has been realized, both in will and personality, which makes him very satisfied. Now Gao Chen is actually doing it faster and faster. When he finishes it three times, Gao Chen thinks in his heart whether there are other ways. If he does this, he may be really exhausted.
The body doesn’t stop at all, but the self-qi is running slowly. Although it doesn’t have the power to run so fast, it is also running. Every time this qi goes to a place, it instantly excites the tired muscles there. Without the slightest fatigue, he can do it faster and faster. Of course, this doesn’t mean that he can do it as long as he wants, but his body consumption is still too strong. No wonder Gary forced him to eat so much. It seems that this is not unreasonable …
"It’s not bad. You really didn’t let me down when you were exercising." Gary praised him with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with Gao Chen’s younger brother. It’s not because he has no students to teach more. It’s Gao Chen’s firm perseverance that satisfied Gary. Gary has always believed that whether he is an amazing genius or not, he can still succeed if he is willing to work hard, but now Gao Chen lets him know that success will be closer.
"Thank you for your praise. Is it time to meditate and nourish your spirit?" After a few hours, I finally finished it for ten times. Gao Chen stopped to thank him sincerely. Although Gary is very violent, there is no denying that he is really a responsible tutor, which of course makes his heart increase!
"Well, I went back after a week’s operation, so I’ll stop practicing today. I’ll go first. Remember to eat, and I’ll help you first." Gary said with satisfaction, ignoring Gao Chen, who was sitting on a stump, and left alone.
After running for a week, Gao Chen saw a property board. This time, although the defense magic royal didn’t increase, the health value increased by five points again. It seems that defense and magic royal are not so easy to increase, but for this point, Gao Chen can understand that there are more properties and equipment in the game. Everyone is willing to pay ten times the price to get it, so you know the property value of each point. Today, you have increased your life by ten points and defended a little magic royal. This is already a lot!
A man came to the dining hall and didn’t sit down when he saw that the place where they had eaten was full of food. Gao Chen curiously asked a young man next to that place, "Who are those foods?"
"Isn’t this what Gary mentor you point? Gary’s tutor said that if you don’t finish eating, you will go to the dean and admit that you are a waste. "The young man said with a smile on his face.
Gao Chen endured without getting angry and looked at him to change his eyes. The young man looked at Gao Chen interestingly and ignored his curious eyes. Gao Chen was depressed and sat down, and then he ate hard until half the time when a sound canteen rang.
"Look at this, it’s really useless to eat so much. Is he a pig?" Listen to this annoying pitch and you’ll know who the owner is. Isn’t that Zhu Zhihao who was beaten by himself? When he finished speaking, a group of friends with him burst into laughter.
"Don’t it hurt to be beaten early, or are you really so cheap that you always want to be beaten by others?" Gao Chen’s mouth stopped for a while, and he said slowly that he was loud enough for everyone around him to hear clearly. Seeing Gao Chen like that is definitely like a horse rushing over and beating him up.
"Gao Chen, I tell you, you don’t want to be so arrogant to offend me. It’s not as good as you." Zhu Zhihao was really a little afraid that Gao Chen would come again when he saw that. After all, now he has no advantage over Gao Chen in strength. He said that he would do it. Zhu Zhihao was really afraid that Gao Chen would come and beat him like this. Did he suffer or did his friends forget it? Did they really dare to make moves against Gao Chen? Gao Chen is a general who protects the country. They are not enough alone.
"Don’t disturb the big ye to eat, or hum you know." He made a fierce move and then buried himself in what Zhu Zhihao wanted to say, but when he remembered the crazy situation of early Gao Chen, he seemed to have a dull pain again, swallowed his words back and hated "We’ll see" and then walked outside the canteen.
Seeing him go, Gao Chen continued to deal with the things on the table. It seems that Zhu Zhihao dialect has no effect on his roots. Gary nodded with satisfaction in the corner of the dining hall and then went through another door. After eating, Gao Chen returned to his yard only to find that the yard door was open, which surprised him. It wouldn’t be a thief. Remember to leave the door. But isn’t this the Magic Martial Arts Institute? There will be thieves here, too?
Be alert and walk into the yard to see a woman with her back to him. Seeing this figure quietly there, Gao Chen shouted, "Aunt, why are you here?"
"Why can’t I come? I’m here to see you. "Isn’t this Gao Chen’s cheap aunt Gao Tengjuan? She turned around and whispered that there was a feeling in her ear that Gao Chen regarded him as an elder!
"When did my aunt come to sit in the first room?" Gao Chen said to his family, Gao Chen has gradually felt into it and cherished these relatives in his heart.
"No, I heard from your tutor Wang that you had a long time ago. Can you tell me what happened?" When I said this, Gao Tengjuan’s voice became serious. Maybe all parents do, and they don’t want their daughters to make trouble outside!
"There is nothing like this …" Then Gao Chen said it again after the incident, and then looked at Gao Tengjuan carefully. He was really a little afraid that Gao Tengjuan would be angry!
Chapter 21 Crazy practice
"I already know what happened. I want to know if you know what you do?" Gao Tengjuan quietly listened to Gao Chen and asked with a face of serious looking at Gao Chen’s mouth.
"Of course I know that aunt heart what should I do? Should it be that you don’t fight back and scold or talk back? I can’t do this. Since I decided to practice martial arts, I swore that no one can bully me at will. If I still tolerate it everywhere, I will learn what martial arts. You know, they are not bullying me, but they want to trample on our high expectations. How can I tolerate it? " Gao Chen Landao may have been with Gary for a long time and unconsciously said that he didn’t even know that his voice was amplified.
"Very well, we want to see if Chen Er is impulsive. Since you all know what you are doing, be an aunt, but can you still say what you are? Just be careful. You know that Zhu Zhihao has two brothers, and their strength is not weak. And now your strength is still too low." Looking at Gao Chen, Teng Juan seems to see the battlefield commander, a thousand troops, a father and a brother. Isn’t this momentum that the Gaos should have? Yes, as Gao Chen said, if you are afraid of your hands and feet, you must learn something. It is better to be one. Gao Tengjuan is very pleased but has to tell Gao Chen a few words!

"Pa" A Luo Baguio suddenly earned a slap in Jingxiang’s arms and slammed her face. "Nothing would be so ridiculed by Tianyue if it weren’t for your princess?"

"Princess forgives princess forgives!" Shizuka felt a tingle in her heart, and her heart beat like a drum.
Luo Baguio, who is in the mood to pay attention to Shizuka, remembers that she was humiliated just now, and she couldn’t wait to drink Jun Yan’s blood and beat him! What is wrong with her, Princess Nangan, that he should be so disgusted with her! As everyone knows, she never thought of marrying Jun Yan, but it was altruistic to achieve her goal. As a result, marrying Xuanyuan Tianyue was unsuccessful, and she finally chose to marry Jun Yan as a last resort. Unfortunately, she became angry from embarrassment when Jun Yan refused to buy her account.
"You said that I, Luo Baguio, vowed not to report this revenge!" Luo Baguio looked at Haoyuelou in hatred, and the snowy figure had already passed several times in my mind.
Shizuka knelt down and didn’t dare to give a thought, but she thought that the more the day was, the more she helped Jun Yan. Is the princess going to let him go? But she dare not say it now.
I didn’t expect this to be too bad. Just now, there was quite an atmosphere in which they fought against the enemy together.
Chapter 64 Vast Mountain Covenant
On the second floor of Haoyue Building, a "man" in a snowsuit stands on the railing. His face is slightly dignified with one hand. If the stars are deep as the sea, it seems to be thinking about something.
I don’t know how long it took before a black figure approached and looked at the thin figure in front. A complex color passed through his dark eyes.
"It’s getting late, don’t rest!" The light sound suddenly came, and the snow-colored robe made a slight movement.’ He’ suddenly turned around and looked at the black brocade robe man behind him. He could not see the emotional change because she had already hidden it in her pupils.
Feng Jiuyou’s footsteps were slightly indifferent and said, "Didn’t you have a rest?"
"I just can’t sleep, maybe I’m not used to sleeping here for a while, but you don’t have to do your duty like this, and nothing will happen to me this big night. You should rest early," said shallow indifferently.
Not used to sleeping on the couch here? Feng Jiuyou looked at the beautiful face in front of him, which was the most beautiful face he had ever seen and the most camouflage face. From this face, she never saw any unnecessary emotions. She expressed her thoughts over and over again like a puppet without feelings.
But her words betrayed her. In the early years, they traveled all the way to the north and south to fight for the country. Most of the time, even in the cold winter, it was no exception. At that time, she never said that she was not used to it. She was never a coquettish person. Among them, she had the highest martial arts but the most injuries.
She has something on her mind-
She is more silent than before when she comes back from Yueguo. Sometimes he can see her alone in a daze. Her mood seems to be a little more than before. It should be said that she has never been so absent-minded. Is that person really so important?
"I just can’t sleep and walk around, but the full moon is coming again. Will it be okay this time?" Feng Jiu-you suddenly gathered his eyebrows, and a trace of worry passed under his eyes. Staying in a place like this on a full moon is easy to expose his identity, and things beyond their control may happen if he is not careful.
The shallow corners of the mouth smiled with confidence. "It’s just a full moon night. Don’t worry. Since I will come here, I am naturally prepared for everything. Now that the mountain appointment has arrived, those two people should also show up."
Looking at her face, she was confident and radiant, and her heart suddenly gave birth to some relief. At last, she was still angry. He was afraid that in the end, she was not like her. If he wanted to continue …
"Well, it’s getting late. I’ll go back and have a rest. You also have a rest early." Phoenix Nine You gave a gift and then turned away from the snowy figure and walked forward.
"Nine you come to me if there are other things? You’ve become more and more concerned about me recently. "Shallow look at the departing figure and suddenly say with a smile.
Chicken nine deep and remote footsteps don’t things … There are more heart for her? There was a panic in his eyes, and his hands could not help but hold on to this moment. The silence was beating like a drum.
"I know that although you are worried about Nan, you treat him as your own brother, even if you are afraid that I will blame him for advocating bringing your heart and being good at making decisions. I also want to thank Nan for being worried and showing up in front of others. It’s time for him to show up and let them show up today. It’s just a matter of trying to train them. Only when they are strong, Haotiancheng can go all the time and not be embezzled by other countries." Looking at Feng Jiu You indifferently, she said that it is impossible to be careful after all. She has been sheltered and grown up, and now she will train him into an eagle to spread its wings and fly to protect the land of Haotiancheng, so that even if she dies one day, she can rest assured.
Phoenix nine deep and remote eyes closed and suddenly turned around. The dark and keen eyes suddenly looked at the opposite figure and said, "What about you … are you ignoring this vast city?"
She? Shallow corners of the mouth slightly took indifferently and said, "Where is it that regardless of me, I will naturally watch carefully and carry forward this vast city. I am relieved that the four of you can not keep this vast city peaceful for a hundred years?"
"Don’t forget that my promise was aimed at you. If you die, I promise to automatically lift Haotiancheng. I naturally have no more work." Feng Jiu you snorted coldly.
Shallow silence means that she naturally knows that they have been risking their lives together for many years. However, if she wants to live, she must have such an opportunity. Recently, her health is getting worse and worse …
These days, she always dreams about what happened in the past, but it’s all a silhouette. Since the injury increased, the activities of heart-eating methods have become more frequent than before, and she is afraid that she will go crazy before the full moon night.
"After all, the heart is a child and needs your care. You are the most trusted people in my life. I will give him to you. I have already made arrangements here in Haotiancheng. If you really don’t want to pay attention to these trivial things, it doesn’t matter. You are a unruly person because you have been trapped by me for years. You are still the brightest when you leave Haotiancheng!" Suddenly, she turned around and looked at the horizon, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyes. Recently, I don’t know what happened. She was always depressed, perhaps because she knew where she was going to return … Does this mean that she is still nostalgic for this world?
A child’s heart is a child. What about you? You are only ten years old and one year older than your heart …
Phoenix nine you look dim and look at the lonely and thin figure in front of her. Over the years, she has resisted too many things and taken on too many responsibilities. Even now, she has planned them.
What she doesn’t know is that he always shines because of her. If it weren’t for her, he would just be an unnoticed young master of the Phoenix family. Maybe he would have died long ago. She became his place and he vowed to protect her all his life.
If you leave her, no matter how bright the phoenix is, it will fall instantly. It is like an oil lamp without a wick, even if there is more oil, it will not last long.
"I see …"
If it is true that he is here for anything tonight, he just wants to see her, hoping to see her more in that limited time, that’s all!
After a night’s rest, this boundless mountain appointment is finally coming.

Mo Yan clung to her lips to prevent herself from crying. She really had a bad time these days, but the road was to choose a day by herself, no matter how difficult it was, she had to grit her teeth and stick to it. She also wanted to go back to the past and spend a worrying day with Mo Yu, but she couldn’t go back. She couldn’t go back.

Just let her bear her grief! She doesn’t want Mo Yu to feel sad again! Therefore, she would rather be indifferent and hurt Mo Yu once and for all. She would rather let Mo Yu recognize that she is such a cold lover than let Mo Yu know her current situation and then worry about her day and night.
Mo Yu followed Shen Menglu and had a good day. That’s enough. Mo Yan is relieved to know that Mo Yu has a good life.
Mo Yan shed tears in the wing, and Mo Yu outside the wing was also in tears. She knew Mo Yan as if she knew herself. Mo Yan pretended to be strong and indifferent, and it made Mo Yu’s heart ache even more …
When Shen Menglu arrived at Anzhai, the night was already deep.
"Miss, you are here." Mo Yu has calmed down and saw Shen Menglu meet him excitedly.
Shen Menglu frowned when he saw Mo Yu outside the wing. "Where’s Mo Yan?"
"Inside" Mo language pointed to the wing.
"Like a Mo language, you should keep the door palace and talk to Mo Yan alone." Shen Menglu cast a deep glance at Mo language and then stepped into the wing. If she didn’t guess wrong, the former sisters must have left their hearts.
"Mo Yan has seen Mu Fei Niangniang!" As soon as Shen Menglu stepped into the wing, Mo Yan was greeted by her to inquire after her.
"Get up and let you wait!" Shen Menglu chair sit see mo yan so active it seems that she is also very anxious to see her "you also sit down! I asked you to come here today. You should be white, right? "
"It’s the maiden’s handmaiden!" Mo Yan humbly replied to the chair but did not sit down.
"Then tell the palace what happened to Taidian Taifei?" Mo Yan didn’t sit Shen Menglu and didn’t force her to meet the mountain and ask her questions.
"Before the empress handmaiden answered, the handmaiden had an unkind invitation," Mo Yan said and knelt down at Shen Menglu.
"Go ahead!" There is no lunch, and Shen Menglu is waiting for Mo Yan’s request.
"The handmaiden implores the empress to save the temple!" Mo Yan is almost humble with his head down.
"Mo Yan, you can ask Taiwai from the palace" to save Zhu Yinqi, even if Mo Yan doesn’t say Shen Menglu, he will do it.
"Empress wants nothing but the safety of the temple." Mo Yan smiled bitterly. No one understood the meaning of Zhu Yinqi to her. Zhu Yinqi in her heart was her god and her department.
"Mo Yan, if you plead with the Palace, you won’t say any more. Since the Palace intervenes in the Temple, it will help him." Mo Yan is infatuated with Zhu Yinqi and Shen Menglu. "You can tell the Palace what you know so that the Palace can come up with corresponding strategies to help the Temple."
"It’s empress! Thank you, empress! Handmaiden believe empress is narain people will say it "get Shen Menglu affirmative reply mo yan secretly relieved.
Shen Menglu frowned at Mo Yan’s remarks, but Mo Yan gave her a hat that seemed a little big, but Shen Menglu didn’t question it and waited for Mo Yan to speak.
"Empress actually injured Toffee, not the temple, but the handmaiden." The first sentence Mo Yan said surprised Shen Menglu.
"Mo Yan can eat indiscriminately, but he can’t talk nonsense. The palace knows that you are too affectionate, but no matter how you want to maintain it, you shouldn’t tell such a lie. You should know that you can’t afford the consequences." Shen Menglu looked cold, so Mo Yan’s accountability was not credible.
"Empress handmaiden didn’t lie, handmaiden said it was true." Mo Yan’s eyes were lonely and bitter, and all kinds of things happened in Taidong Palace last night were carefully explained.
Before going to bed, Zhu Yinqi, as always, ate the mysterious grass and hired Mo Yan to serve as a bedroom. Mo Yan just waited on Zhu Yinqi to lie down, and Wei Chengou came. Last night, it was particularly strange that Zhu Yinqi turned her away and said that she had disappeared, but she broke in despite the imperial secretary’s stop.
"Did the palace say that you can’t understand people?" The good thing was interrupted. Zhu Yinqi’s face was very ugly, and his attitude towards the captain was also very bad.
"The temple male and female servants have something to say to you." There is a trace of depression, panic and pallor in the face of Wei Da.
"Have something to say at this time? Don’t you see that the palace is inconvenient now? " Zhu Yinqi leans to expose bare Mo Yan to Zhu Yinqi.
"It’s very important for the male and female servants in the temple to speak … please … please give the male and female servants a little." Seeing that Zhu Yinqi was overwhelmed by Mo Yan, her heart was almost broken. She really understood what Zhu Yinqi would rather have an identity than even a maid-in-waiting woman, but refused to have her as a justified toffee.
"You want to listen to you in the palace, but the palace now gives you two choices. Get out and wait outside the temple. When the palace announces you, you can come in and say that you have taken off your clothes. You can say that while serving the palace." Zhu Yinqi looked at the palace, and his eyes were red and despised.
"Temple, if you want male and female servants to serve you, you can let her go!" Wei Lao is really fed up with Zhu Yinqi’s humiliation to himself. Today, if she had something urgent to tell Zhu Yinqi, she wouldn’t run to him again and humiliate herself.
Zhu Yinzhen and Shen Menglu were extremely humiliated by Zhu Yinqi on the day before their wedding. It is clear to me that Zhu Yinqi was naive enough to tolerate and cooperate in exchange for Zhu Yinqi’s pity and attachment, but she was wrong. During that period, Zhu Yinqi was completely ridiculed and indifferent, and Zhu Yinqi’s self-abuse and indulgence also made him feel sorry for himself.
"Will reinvent the wheel! It’s not that you haven’t waited on me with her. You two will enjoy the palace together. "Zhu Yinqi pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile.
"The temple male and female servants today really have something to say to the temple temple you have to do this? Are the servants and concubines really so worthless in the eyes of the temple? " There were tears in Wei’s eyes. Zhu Yinqi’s humiliation embarrassed her and made her feel painful.
"How valuable do you think you are? Go back to your prime minister’s house with grievances! " Zhu Yinqi’s interest has been interrupted by the captain. He rolled over and sat up, and then ruthlessly ordered Mo Yan to "serve the toffee empress take off your coat."
Mo Yan was stupefied, then got up meekly, walked beside Wei Yi and said in a low voice, "The empress has sinned!" He said, he will begin to untie the clothes of the captain.
"unbridled! How dare you! " Wei Wei drank angrily and waved Mo Yan’s hand. "Is the humble maid’s palace untouchable like you!"
You’re a dirty bitch? ! A flash of pain flashed through Mo Yan’s eyes, and she hung her head and said how noble she was. At the beginning, she did things to please Zhu Yinqi a thousand times more than she did.
"Empress, should you touch the handmaiden or not?" Mo Yan’s low-spirited counterattack made his face suddenly change.
"bitch!" Angry from embarrassment, the captain raised his hand and slapped Mo Yan’s face hard.
Mo Yan was hit wide in the head. She buried her face in stupefaction and didn’t cry or cry. Today, the momentum was very different. This made Mo Yan very surprised to change to the captain. Even if she refused to accept Zhu Yinqi’s malicious humiliation, she would leave at best. She never showed her arrogance in front of Zhu Yinqi. Today, the captain is very abnormal.
"Wei Wei, did you come to the palace to run wild today?" The crisp slap made Zhu Yinqi’s face sink. Before he walked three or two steps, he held Wei Chengba without mercy. "What’s the matter? You don’t even care about the palace with the support of the Prime Minister’s Office, do you? Even the palace women dare to fight! "

The past is like dust flowing from the fingers.

Acacia string dust edge shallow red dust a dream flick
Reincarnation for fate, looking back at the old fate
It is difficult to travel in the cold ancient road of Tianshan Mountain.
Flashy lost soul broken edge is a dream!
At that moment, the music score composed of sand and stone, which was destroyed by Ziyun proudly, actually solidified again in that instant.
The staff stone pieced together by finely divided sand is like a note staff constantly beating and changing its position.
These sand stones were once again attracted by the magic flute!
This is a prehistoric case.
There are so many sand stones, but none of them go wrong. After the neat formation is broken up, it reunites quickly and then falls apart one by one. Chapter 59 Can I take this as your admission of defeat?
"Xuan Bing is frozen-"Ziyun proudly sets her eyebrows, and she doesn’t believe that there is anyone who can be worse than controlling the gas!
Xuanbing sword is sharp, and the light radiates from its whole body.
There is only one speed to stab Ryutsuki!
However, those flying sand and stones suddenly turned into a wall, which quickly blocked the fire. Before Ryutsuki, the Xuanbing sword froze the sand and stone wall, which naturally penetrated itself to freeze the ice.
Ziyun proudly looked at her eyebrows and frowned, so she didn’t believe that she couldn’t play other songs!
Sand and gravel in her hand seem to have the power of total annihilation, and she actually plucked the strings made of sand and gravel like a fiddle!
The sound of collision between fine sand and fine sand is like the sound of nature beating the magic flute of Ryutsuki.
Qing feng Jian cong
Falling flowers are meeting.
Beauty smiles and heroes.
Moon knife doesn’t understand people’s dreams
Red dust and glitz are fleeting.
Strong and dedicated, Qian Shan alone.
How can Zhu Yan be as short as the years go by?
Carved cage, green silk, old friend snuggling up to Liu Meng
Words choked and tears poured into the smoke.
The sword is sharp and the shadow is cold, and the rivers and lakes are hurting.
Who pities the Iraqis for dressing alone?
Qingfeng sword is meeting from the fallen petal.
Bang bang-
The manipulated sand and gravel seemed to have magic, and changed notes with the proud tune of Ziyun.
This scene makes some people in the place not shocked!
Who can play the flute and resist the sand stone! Who can play such a beautiful tune by fiddling with a piano made of sand and stones with his bare hands?
It’s like a musical clash and a staggered melody.
I can’t tell who fiddled with who’s ears and who moved the strings!
She sings—
The long yearning for water flowing east in Baishou is endless.
Look at the sky and don’t break off your hatred with a sword.
He plays-
Too one round becomes floating for thousands of years without leaving a trace.
In the dead of night, I left the piano to remember my enmity alone
She fiddled with sand to make strings.
Carved cage, green silk, old friend snuggling up to Liu Meng