Masao Kitano said, "We’ve had enough of uncertain strategic goals, and we’ve changed our plans again and again, and I don’t want to try again."

Ship Yuexiu asked, "What do you want?"
Ship Yuexiu husband’s eyes flashed "How do you say?"
Every word, Masao Kitano said, "Help them fight against the Chinese army first, but don’t contribute. After the war expands, try to reach an agreement with the Chinese army to carve up Southeast Asia!" China’s military center of gravity will end up in the Taiwan Strait and Northeast Southeast Asia, which is also not in their interests as we fought a bloody sea of corpses. They will definitely agree to "lift the lid of the teacup and gently sip the tea." Southeast Asia is a good place. Iron, coal, tin, tungsten, rubber ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ship Yuexiu shook his head. "Kitano Jun’s government won’t allow you to do this. Apart from safeguarding our interests, our important purpose in sending troops to Southeast Asia is to attack China. It is more acceptable for the government to accept the law and the people to accept it!"
Kitano Masao gave me a mocking smile. "What do those stupid pigs know? What do they know except that China has always been arrogant and contemptuous since World War II? Have they seriously studied the strength of China? Can they see the progress of China? Do they know that the driving force behind the rapid development of that country with diplomatic difficulties is respectable and terrible? They know nothing! The elite of the armed forces of the navy and the army do their best to be just citizens, which is almost morbid pride? Joke, the blood of Japanese soldiers is not so worthless! I will fight for the interests of 100 million people! "
Ship Yuexiu husband didn’t talk, but he bowed his head and drank tea, but his old eyes burst with admiration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
For the Japanese army, choosing the right commander means winning half the battle.
Chapter 30 Dawn is pale
For Jakarta people, this night is so horrible that they will never forget this day, April 13, 1996, just as Chinese people will never forget the bloody night on April 9. Four days ago, Chinese tears in Jawa wrote this day into Chinese history, but tonight, Liu Zhe’s blood in Jawa wrote this day into the history of Jawa people.
Bombers bombed back and forth four times a night, throwing incendiary bombs as many as 2,400 tons of rocket launchers, and the barrels were all red. The rockets hit the city and fired as many as 21,500 rounds of five base shells. After a few hours, they went out and filled up with gasoline, and the man-machine machine machine came again and again. At least 600 accurately hit Jakarta, and the hit rate was n times higher than that of v2 missiles. Who told China to accidentally build so many fighters? It is inevitable that Xiaolong will replace 歼 6, but thousands of 歼 6 s will become a big problem if they are handled. Dismantle some high-value parts and engines and let them rot? Too waves; Converted into a drone? It is estimated that the army and the defense forces can’t finish fighting until they vomit; The export is even more ridiculous. How can I find a buyer who eats thousands of fighters unless the pro wants to fight a world war? Maintaining it not only takes up a lot of resources, but also has low efficiency! I’m bored, but I simply converted it into a man-made plane and simplified cruise missiles. Most of them were converted into missiles. When I was fighting for three years, I went out to more than 1,000 planes. The army of the monkey-fried wings with paws and paws generously dialed 1,200 planes with a stroke of a pen, and repeatedly told them not to send them back. So the monkey-fried paws fell into a disaster. Each plane was smashed with one or two tons of gasoline, and the gasoline flowed along the street and merged into a flame river. Let alone people and even bacteria, Liu Zhe vowed to turn Jakarta into a clean place. No one dared to live here for 700 years. Judging from the bombing effect, it seems that Jakarta has turned into a dead place. The reconnaissance plane reported that "90% of the city of Jakarta is shrouded in smoke and fire … we simply can’t see if Jakarta is still there!"
There was a message from the army, "2400 tons of bombs have been thrown away, and there is not even a smelly bomb left!"
Liu Zhe mumbled, "There are still fewer bombs."
Still less! ?
Tongyu senior colonel showed a look of going crazy. He dropped 2,400 tons of new bombs and old bombs into Jakarta at one breath. Man-machine poured more than 1,000 tons of gasoline into Jakarta. Is that less? What kind of explosion does that make your old man satisfied? Do you want some 1,000-ton nuclear shells?
The power of more than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs and more than 1,000 tons of gasoline is extremely amazing, not to mention that even the city dwellers and the rapid reaction engineers who stayed in the port were forced by the heat wave to retreat and then retreat, and the army launched a fierce attack.
Violent impact was chased by the fire. The soldiers threw away the weapons that were in the way, screaming and screaming that two soles of their feet flew over and rushed to the port protected by fire belts in an attempt to escape! The rolling stream of people flooded the earth, but the faces that were smoked black could not hide the fear of death. The waves of crying and screaming were enough to make the stone man move. This could be regarded as an impact, but it could not be regarded as an attack. No one was in the mood to attack the defense line of the rapid response division. They wanted to escape to the port and jump into the sea to get rid of the terrible heat wave.
It’s a pity that their opponents are determined to kill them all, and the rapid response engineer doesn’t even have any sympathy. Gao Ping’s two heavy machine guns, 20 mm machine guns and 17 mm rocket guns are killing and crying one by one, and all the routes leading to the port are hit by an airtight barrage. The paws of the people, regardless of the military and civilians, are smashed in less than a second. Every shuttle bullet sweeps past, and there will be a shower of blood. The crowd has become a fire, moths, falling down and screaming, and blood bodies are piled up in a metal storm.
This is not a war, but a one-sided massacre. No city has suffered such a terrible catastrophe since the end of World War II.
Thanks to the rapid development of satellite technology in Jakarta, everything is almost simultaneously broadcast to every developed city in the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, London, Washington, new york, Moscow and Berlin …………………………………………………………………………………………………. The guy who has always liked to talk about the threat of China is now uniform and closed his mouth. Now there is no such thing as the threat of China. The yellow disaster has come to everyone, so let’s help ourselves.
A large group of people who have been pointing fingers at China since the outbreak of the anti-Chinese exclusion incident have now shut up. It’s not that they don’t want to control, but they dare not control people over the Lord. This sentence is true for countries that don’t even have anti-aircraft guns. Otherwise, Hitler killed half of the European Jews. Why didn’t anyone organize to protest against the lawsuit against Lao Xi? As Liu Zhe said, "If we accidentally injure a civilian in Zhaowa, they will jump up and swear; If we kill a hundred civilians, they will send others to the Hague court; But if we kill Jakarta, they won’t even dare to fart! "
A large number of generals in Beijing’s Ministry of National Defense are staring at the screen with strange looks, with some approving, some disgusted and some angry.
Deep thinker;
The leaders of several countries in Zhongnanhai also looked at them and reacted like this.
The Minister of Economy pulled his fingers and calculated, "This big bombing will be the end of this city. Even if it is not finished, the economic level will be returned to 100 years ago, which is not as good as the Dutch colonial rule!"
The foreign minister’s facial muscles twitched slightly. "What a suck! Tell you to kill China! "
The prime minister looked nai. "I knew there would be big trouble if I let him out. I knew there would be big trouble if I let him out!"
The director of the National Bureau of Population Statistics hesitated to say, "How can it be said that there are 300,000 people killed and injured in the bombing?" Don’t say this number is really popular. Professionals are cows.
The defense minister nodded briefly. "Well done. Even if we have to retreat from the claw depression in the end, the claw depression people will be weakened for a hundred years and will never recover."
All qi qi turned supercilious look.
Crying or scolding is useless for Jakarta. The catastrophe suffered by this city will not be moved by people’s will. Ancient Gothic buildings, solemn Catholic churches, magnificent mosques and many places of interest are all the condensed history of Jakarta. However, Liu Zhe’s eyes are just some buildings that may be covered by enemy forces. Molotov cocktails explode and rockets fall into the sky. These historic buildings are fragmented and so terrible that Liu Zhe’s director is so terrible in Jakarta. Cultural relics and historical sites were almost destroyed in his hands. When a senior Jakarta government official called a press conference, he said with indignation, "If I want to list the butcher’s crime, I really don’t know where to start, let alone where to end!" But even if he says that Liu Zhe is thirsty, it may not be.
The sky finally dawned, but it was still dark. Smoke rose from the city and covered the sky. The smell was several kilometers. A straight light barely penetrated the smoke and fell in Jakarta. People saw a charred world fire engulfing most of the city. Many tall metal frames were twisted like a pile of noodles. Many walls were burnt to ashes and scattered when blown away; In the street square, the charred bodies in the park are piled up not in hills but in mountains and mountains; The river turned black and was full of cooked bodies; The gas is filled with poisonous gas and the stench of burnt human flesh is disgusting. The Jakarta people’s hair is burnt and their clothes are full of black holes, and they are covered with wounds and horror. The tide of refugees fleeing from this doomed city is extremely fierce and has no strength.
Stop Jakarta people from giving up this city, run away as far as possible and never come back. Think of Jakarta as a dream and a nightmare!
Many people watched Jakarta’s doomsday tragedy through satellite and sighed, "This city is finished!"
It’s true that after several rounds of bombing, a big war died in the war, and the total number of people who died in bombing far exceeded the Nanjing Massacre. There is no more popularity in this city, and it belongs to hell. What’s more frightening is that Liu Zhe’s anger has not subsided! Facing the morning light swept obliquely from the sea, he drew the bayonet and loaded it. The soldiers of the army coldly ordered "attack and grab Jakarta before the Japanese pig arrives!" Remember, the resister kills! Runners kill! Those who hold weapons kill! Kill the helpers of the government forces in Zhaowa! Those who harbor government troops kill! Those who can’t prove their identity kill! "
One of the bloodiest siege orders reached Jakarta and completely slipped into the abyss of destruction and then turned over.
Many years later, the first sentence in the memories of many veterans who participated in this war was "The sky was red and even the rising smoke turned dark red that morning, as if everything was stained with blood …"
Chapter 39 Let the city stay (1)
Last night, the bombing was really terrible. Even the presidential palace was flattened by an explosive bomb. That’s not to mention a series of tactical missiles hitting the presidential palace square. One of them kept drilling in. One of them penetrated the 20-meter-thick soil layer and the 3-meter-thick concrete isolation layer to prevent the explosion in the hole. The spare tire of the president leaked gas-the vice president and more than 30 officials shook the mountain in ashes. President Suharto closed his eyes and closed his despair, waiting for the end of the trial. It was his life. The thick iron gate blocked the shock wave for a long time. He opened his eyes and found that he It’s hard to figure out how the president got through this night. He refused to listen to all the reports about the bombing and the battle. Now he is like an ostrich, regardless of burying his head in the sand and refusing to see the approaching crisis. There are not many loyal confidants who are disappointed to see that he is not as tough and tenacious as he thought, and he is not much better than himself before the enemy.
President Suharto refused to see the approaching crisis and buried his head deep in the sand. However, this overwhelming crisis did not intend to let him go like this, but it was still pressing.
It’s finally dawn. President Suharto is in a better mood. He brought him coffee, and he was able to barely take a sip. Several officials were relieved. Fortunately, the president hasn’t collapsed yet. However, Liu Zhe is determined not to let Suharto be better than he just took the coffee boom! A 23mm heavy artillery shell hit the ground hard, and the dust rustled and fell across a soil layer of more than 20 meters thick and a concrete isolation layer of three meters thick. Of course, the 23mm heavy artillery can endure, but it still made the people inside scared white. The female secret jumped and knocked over the coffee in the president’s hand like a cat with its tail stepped on-of course, even if it was not knocked over, President Suharto was very annoyed. A slap in the face made the secret mouth bleed, and the horse was quiet. "What the hell is going on?"
Hutomo School, the security worker in charge of the underground palace, should enter and look frightened and shout, "The president is not good, and the Chinese army is attacking the city!"
President Suharto "siege?"
Hutomo School said, "Yes, the Chinese army attacked the city!"
President Suharto suddenly burst into a roar, "This is impossible! How can they dare to attack a big city with a population of 10 million with an army of 200 thousand? That’s impossible! This is impossible! "
Hutomo school wry smile also talk about two hundred thousand troops, at least more than half of this army was burned to ashes by the fire last night! How can we fight this battle when the remaining half of the equipment is almost destroyed by the fury of the Chinese army? Not to mention the so-called citizens.
It’s a joke that all the people are United to fight against the strong enemy. Didn’t you see that the citizens are fleeing to the countryside like floodgates, even ignoring the simplest luggage? Now Jakarta is almost undefended for the Chinese army. If they are willing, they can completely control the city in 20 or 30 hours! He dare not tell the president that the president’s psychology is on the verge of collapse. It is absolutely impossible for him to tell him this. Maybe it will lead to fatal disaster-the president can’t resist the Chinese army, but it is still easy to clean up a small school.
Whether President Suharto believes or not, the rapid response team really attacked the city. If Annan swept the north of Annan like an iron broom, now they are like razor blades. Meticulously clear away all the resistance forces on the battlefield, what kind of soldiers the commander takes, and Liu Zhe is so bloodthirsty that he loves to hate other soldiers. Of course, it’s not much worse to meet someone who resists, whether it’s sniper rifles or bird bullets, or whether the resister is male or female or young. Without saying that setting up a mortar, picking up a rocket launcher is a fierce explosion of incendiary bombs and fuel air explosive is their favorite thing. People in a building are almost finished. If the resistance is more intense, call the artillery rocket cover directly. Destroying a platoon by shelling is always the most troublesome thing in street fighting. No one knows where a bullet will blow his head off. An excellent sniper poses greater psychological pressure on enemy soldiers than a main battle tank. The monkey also knows this. Before the war, he bought svd Dragunov sniper rifles from the Soviet Union and armed a large number of sharpshooters. Some of them were clean, but even if these sharpshooters were very good at fighting snipers, rabbits would bite when they were in a hurry. So many sharpshooters can always do some damage to the rapid reaction division troops, right?
I have to say that this move is very poisonous. You know, during the Grozny war in Chechnya, Russian troops suffered heavy casualties, and more than half of these casualties were attributed to Chechen snipers. It can be seen that the lethality of snipers in street fighting is terrible. However, this move is not for the rapid response division. After they suffered a little loss, they immediately summed up the tactics against snipers, such as
A veteran who is proficient in ballistics can judge the approximate position of the sniper by looking at the bullet hole;
2. Man-machine flies over for reconnaissance and positioning;
Call the artillery after finding suspicious places;
4 rockets and several shrapnel cover the past;


These masters have been rushing towards the underground palace, their eyes are red and full of greed, as if they saw some great wealth, and they are generally scrambling for fear of being obtained by others.
There are also some really strong people. After the mountains and rivers are broken, they rise one by one and swallow up the source energy here.
"Good things, these are good things. There are bound to be many prohibitions in the underground palace. It’s the same to go early and go late. These mountains and rivers are all composed of energy, which contains a little bit of immortal laws. If all the parts are destroyed at this moment, enough immortal laws will be taken out!"
"A bunch of brain waste will let you go to the underground to explore the road first, and then I will kill you all and plunder your wealth after I have absorbed these laws of Xiandao."
"This boundless energy is the wealth in our underground palace, and it is also mine. I am destined to be the first to break through the God King and slay everyone in one fell swoop. No one is my opponent!"
These strong people are working hard one by one, opening their mouths and swallowing.
The chaotic energy in the sky is like strips of white horses, which are inhaled by these masters. From a distance, strips of white light fall like hundreds of meteors, and the scene is shocking.
Like Xiao Yu, they all know the mystery of this secret realm and know that all creatures and things are composed of a mysterious energy. Once destroyed, they will become energy again, which is unimaginable for themselves if absorbed.
See the sky full of energy, these people are trying to swallow and suck.
Xiao Yu’s eyelids will naturally not let go of this full face of energy. "Give me something good to swallow!"
He opened his mouth wide and started to melt the magic of the celestial body. The whole mouth directly turned into a giant black hole, and the spinning madman swallowed up the energy all over the sky.
The swallow immediately see high immediately.
Seeing the energy all over the sky is like finding the mouth of the sea. It rumbles and rolls towards his mouth, devouring and plundering. The energy all over the sky is surging violently. His strong absorption rate is suddenly reduced by more than half.
Some people can’t absorb all the energy and take the initiative to converge toward Xiao Yufang.
These strong people’s faces changed one by one, and their eyelids beat and murderous.
"Who absorbs the old energy? I don’t know how to live or die. I don’t know how to live or die. I must kill him!"
"Damn it, it’s impossible to swallow old energy for me!"
There are strong people who still swallow and suck, but the effect is very small, and they can barely absorb a little bit, which is negligible compared with the energy trend all over the sky
Xiao Yu is like a prehistoric monster, plundering all these things, and all of them are not as fast as he alone.
These strong men were furious and swept forward, and suddenly they found Xiao Yu’s figure.
"It’s you Xiao Yu!"
"Dare to grab the old energy and die!"
"When I swallowed the magic gas of Jiuquan, I felt that the swallowing speed was blocked. It must be you who gave me death!"
These strong men drank a magic weapon and stormed toward Xiao Yu. These strong men were not much weaker than Xiao Yu, and a blow was more powerful than terror.
Xiao Yu swallowed the last energy and swallowed it. After that, the body flashed a streamer and melted into the virtual instantaneous escape to quickly approach the underground.
He didn’t want the underground palace to be destroyed when the waves were too great, which was more likely and true than the mysterious one in the clock wave just now.
When they shoot down, they will directly smash through tens of thousands of miles and destroy everything.
"He fled to the underground palace!"
"Chasing the past must not let him get the chance there!"
"Fucking Xiao Yu is as cunning as a fox and will skin you alive!"
These strong men gnashed their teeth and rushed towards the underground.
Nine prison owners are still staring at the ancient mirror to monitor the crowd. When they see the destruction of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and reveal a huge underground palace, their faces change.
"No, how did they find the underground palace?"
"Youquan old son, didn’t you hide the underground place? How can they find out! "
"There are real treasures in the underground palace, and this time it will be cheaper for these big cosmic people."
? ? ?
Youquan prison master’s face sank slightly and suddenly laughed. "If they don’t get it, let them get it. If you put them in, let them get everything. If you get more, it’s my grave."
Xiao Yu rushed across and soon fell into the underground. Looking at the heaven in front of the underground, I saw that there were many arrays of lines around the underground, like cobwebs, which blocked off all directions.
Before that, the monks tried to bombard these lines, but with little effect, it was difficult to beat all these lines, and sometimes it triggered a ban and even swept out a glow to destroy everything.
"Bold Xiaoyu, hello, big dog dares to grab our energy!"
"Xiao Yu, you just spit out that energy today, otherwise today is your death!"
At this time, the road roared to the previous group of strong people, and they all chased up and brushed the area with murderous look.
Xiao Yu turned to scan the crowd and suddenly smiled. "What?" qR1
"Dog gall Xiao Yu how dare you “`"
A one-horned monk gulped a word before he finished, but he saw a flash of golden light and a strong breeze coming at him on the spot and beat him to dust.
Xiao Yu accepted the palm of his hand and said flatly, "Who dares me to fight one-on-one?"
Remaining monks have turned a mouth angrily rejected.
"Xiao Yu, you are too arrogant!"
"Son of a bitch, are you really a natural enemy?"
In front of the underground palace, the foreign monks smiled coldly and scanned the monks who came after them. They quipped that "a group of losers deserve to die for their breath."
Xiao Yu’s eyes swept away and smiled slightly. "Is this brother called?"
The foreign monk grimaced and said, "Xiao Yu, I know you’re a natural tyrant. I’ve seen your ghostly demon fighting. You can call me nine babies!"
Chapter seven hundred and sixty-five People gathered together
Xiao Yu’s eye pupil shrank slightly and looked deeply at the foreign monk. Seeing that the other person was more than ten feet tall and covered in scales, his long and narrow eyes were cold and shining like dragon pupils, which was daunting.
He was surrounded by a purple monk with a smile and a natural and unrestrained bearing, and he was filled with a little bit of flame.
See the purple monk instantaneous Xiao Yu can not but eyes jump heart became cautious.
"It’s them who kill the sky."
Xiao Yu instantly white each other identity.
When he entered a star domain auction house in the universe at the beginning of the year, he saw the purple monk who took out a heavenly treasure and attracted several strong people to kill him, and all of them became himself in the end.
This purple monk’s fame and Juexue is really a skyfire!
This nine-baby man can say with the purple monk that he is definitely a man who kills the sky!
Xiao Yu scanned their faces Gherardini way "what congenital tyrant body old don’t understand what you said? See if the two strangers are not people in our big universe! "
The monks who came after him were surprised at first, then relieved, and sneered one by one.
"It’s not only Xiao Yu who is going to die, but you two losers are also going to die!"
"Motherfucker, no one can escape today!"
"You three don’t know how to live or die and don’t kneel down for us!"
These monks are folded to drink up murderous look.
Nine babies and green fire are all face a heavy then ha ha low laugh eyes flashing cold light.
Jiuying laughed. "Look at this group of waste. I really don’t know how to live or die, Xiao Yu. I’ll kill them all for you first, and then I’ll kill you after I kill them!"

[oh, baby! Your hand is swollen and your face is swollen. Ha ha ha ha ha! 】

[I’m so tired after a long flight. Go to the hotel and have a rest.]
[It feels like a waste meow. It’s so miserable]
Travel is fun, but it’s really tiring.
Shi Xiaoyu’s leg is good because their whole program group has reserved seats in the back of the cabin, but the plane is not full, and there are still some seats in the end
They switched seats and took turns lying down.
When it was her turn, she told Jing Jiayuan to ask her to have a good rest after two hours. As a result, she woke up and found that she had slept for five hours while Jing Jiayuan had been sitting.
"Your leg ok? Are you already numb? " When Shinohara fish asked some concerns.
"It’s okay. It’s good to have a plane activity." Jing Guyuan smiled and helped her with her luggage
When Shinohara fish carried his luggage and went to Lin Yu to fly, he limped badly and occasionally jumped two steps. When a pair of quilt was damaged, Shinohara fish couldn’t help but look back at Jingjiayuan’s feet.
It seems that … it’s not that serious.
Jing Jiayuan said with a smile, "At that time, I sat outside and occasionally took it up and walked around. It was no problem."
Shinohara fish this just rest assured.
When entering the country, the stamp worker looked at Lin Yufei’s passport with a face of subway grandfather looking at his mobile phone and adjusted his glasses to look at others.
Is this … the same person?
Lin Yufei hurriedly tidied up her hairstyle, smoothed her hair and showed a standard smile with her teeth.
The staff only stamped his passport.
After they got out of the airport, they booked a commercial car with all the people and luggage carts. Lin Yufei held Jing Jiayuan’s leg and cried, "It’s too difficult for Brazil to live so far away!"
Xiao Ya saw his one eye. "All right, all right, we didn’t sleep all day to adjust the time difference when we got to the hotel later."
Lin Yufei immediately sit up straight "that can’t do! I didn’t eat well on the plane just now. It was too expensive to eat well in Dubai before, and now I can’t sleep on my stomach for a day. "
Xiao Ya "… What do you want to do?"
"What’s famous about Brazilian food? Why don’t we go out and find something delicious? "
Ji Shuyu immediately chimed in, "That’s a good idea. Why don’t we find something to eat nearby and then go to bed so that we won’t wake up hungry?"
It occurred to him that Xiaoxue is also a snack, which will make the plane more excited, and she will be hungry before long.
Jing Jiayuan "Ok, that’s settled."
Shi Xiaoyu "I heard that Sao Paulo is a famous food mecca in South Africa and I don’t know what’s delicious."
Lin Yufei, as soon as you listen, is excited "gourmet holy land! Wow, I’m looking forward to it. "
On the first night in Sao Paulo, I booked a three-star hotel at Jingjiayuan Qianwang. Although this hotel has three stars, it is being re-rated with a quasi-four-star standard, and all aspects are not bad.
According to their usual practice, it is still reserved for two or three people
A few people who came out of the hotel were already a little sleepy and wanted to find a restaurant as soon as possible.
But when it was Brazil, the streets were quiet in the morning. Occasionally, I could see some signs of the bar partying all night last night. I walked a few blocks without seeing a restaurant.
They even passed a Chinese restaurant and wrote business hours 1115 and 1223.
Song Xue simply collapsed "oh, no! The restaurant here doesn’t open until noon. What should they do for breakfast? "
Lin Yufei is also about to cry. "Isn’t this a gourmet sanctuary?"
"It’s probably a night-long carnival food sanctuary … closed early …"
A group of people walked three blocks before they finally found a fast food restaurant that was open 24 hours a day.
And then when they got the menu, they collapsed …
"What language is this?"
"What doesn’t have an English menu?"
"Ah, ah, ah, what are these?"
The menu is not English, but a language that everyone can’t understand.
At this time, Jing Jiayuan said, "This is Portuguese. Brazil used to be a Portuguese colony. The official language here is Portuguese."
Before he left, he communicated with the clerk. The clerk took out another menu from the drawer.
This menu still has no English, but it has food pictures and prices.
Everyone here is relieved.
"Elder brother, you are so awesome! Did you just say Portuguese? When will you learn? "
Jing Jiayuan laughed. "I can also say three sentences."
Lin Yufei "? Which three sentences? "
"The first sentence excuse me, health? Do you have a menu with pictures? The third sentence, can you speak English? " Jing Jiayuan said
Chapter 172
The five people behind him are all shocked. Can you still fuck like this?
Xiao Ya sighed with emotion, "We didn’t do the raiders. Fortunately, Jing Jiayuan prepared it, otherwise we would have been dumbfounded just now."
Lin Yufei gave a thumbs-up "666, brother, I must learn to teach me these three sentences later"
Song Xue said weakly, "I really want to learn whether you can speak Chinese …"
Ji Shuyu was a little excited. "Why don’t we learn three sentences by ourselves? Wouldn’t that be more?"
Song Xue: "What else do we have to learn?"
Shinohara suddenly said, "It’s cheaper."
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"This sentence is too soul. Yes, it is cheaper!"
"This sentence is enough to bargain in the market!"
While they were joking, they ordered food. With the menu with pictures, everyone ordered food smoothly.

The woman held back her fear and stared at the sky before her.

Imperial heaven is to look at the female in her twenties and hold the proud hand tightly. This man is the proud lady, that is, the proud mother, and Demonbane is the peeping object.
Yutian smiled coldly and watched the Chiyou sword turn into mummified body after drinking all the blood. Demonbane said indifferently, "My sword is like this!"
Proud lady held back her fear in one leng. "This is a magic weapon, and it’s a peerless magic weapon."
In a word, the human-god sword has disappeared with a wave of his hand.
Chiyou sword disappears, and the vision of heaven and earth disappears.
Yutian steps forward and goes directly to the sword worship villa in front of him.
Proud lady one leng has emerged in the heart of panic against the sky, so proud lady dare not stop a Demonbane has scruples about a sky is even more reckless.
A shocking war disappeared and several people recovered their momentum for a change.
Several people feel that this battle, especially those who have the sword, seems to feel a change in one move and one type.
Blade master is one of them.
Blade master closed his eyes with a hint of excitement. "The sword prison has passed through a good sword prison, and the emperor has honored to kill the sword and gave birth to the world. This is a master sword haha …"
Blade master exultation bowed down in the distance is exclaimed "uncle as today …"
Blade master went straight into the cottage without saying anything, "Go back!"
Blade master walked into the cottage and realized that the sword was twenty-three. blade master felt that the people in the Imperial Sword Prison felt that there was still room for growth in their’ Holy Spirit Sword’.
Blade master closed his sword name, but here he is galloping.
The name is heavenly sword, understanding heavenly sword, and perceiving this world war I in the heart. "The emperor respects killing this man. It’s really a day. The wizard’s killing sword is powerful, but it’s hard to control it. It’s not good to directly enter the magic road. This man understands the emperor’s sword. It’s a pity that this man is still in danger, especially the peerless magic soldier."
Ming said driving a fast horse to worship the sword villa.
Baijian mountain villa
Proud lady’s heart is bumpy and she stares at the main throne.
Proud lady is under the control of Demonbane, and now Demonbane has been killed by the Imperial Heaven, but the Imperial Heaven has come to worship the sword villa.
Proud lady said that she would take a sip of green tea carefully. "Proud lady, rest assured that I am not Demonbane. I came to worship the sword villa just to cast weapons and slay Demonbane, which is also a reward."
In a word, the proud lady was surprised. "The public casting weapon is the best in the world!"
A proud lady said that the Imperial Heaven shook her head. "The casting technology of the Sword Worship Villa is also famous. In recent years, it has cast a peerless sword, and it is also called the first sword of the day. I am also admired for coming here."
At first glance, Mrs. Luo Ao has said that the Sword Worship Villa is casting a beautiful sword, and the beautiful sword is about to succeed. Now there are more people in the Imperial Heaven who have changed somewhat.
The Imperial Heaven shook his head. "There are some things that I still want to talk to the swordsmen. Please ask the proud lady to take me there."
Proud lady said that the purpose of Bai Yutian could not be stopped, so she smiled, "Please come."
Baijian Mountain Villa builds a sword-casting place by the mountain and then goes to the back hill.
Proud lady led one side with proud days.
The proud lady looked at the side of the Imperial Heaven and couldn’t help asking, "The public casting magic weapon worships the sword villa. It’s famous for casting magic weapons. Now a peerless sword is about to be born. You can come and win it!"
Said the proud lady, with a sense of expectation, knowing that this Jianghu is going to be in chaos. If there is no strong martial arts generation sitting in the Sword Worship Villa, how much can Demonbane deter the gangster and the like? Once Demonbane dies, the Sword Worship Villa will also be bullied.
In the original work, Demonbane died and a beautiful sword was taken away. It was death that directly destroyed the sword worship villa.
Now Mrs. Ao expects everything in her heart, and wants to give a beautiful sword to ask for help.
With magic weapons in his hand and more peerless swords, Imperial Heaven won’t have much to gain, and his son will still have a chance then.
Proud lady thinks about Imperial Heaven in this way, but she just nodded her head. "A peerless sword is a rare magic weapon."
A proud lady doesn’t know what Imperial Heaven means.
At this moment, a hot gas emerges from the Imperial Heaven and goes directly into the grottoes.
The grottoes are hot, but they are places for casting swords.
At the moment, an old man with a bridled eyebrow has a hint of surprise. "This man is armed with magic weapons."
A word with a surprise.
The swordsmen like to watch the magic weapon, and even more like to cast the magic weapon. Now the magic weapon comes to the swordsmen, so it’s natural to be happy …
Chapter 533 Casting swords
Sword worship villa is a casting family.
The Zhong family is a foundry family. The Zhong family has forged peerless swords for generations, and now the peerless swords are about to succeed.
The Zhong Mei Zhong Shi clan is also a peerless sword caster, and now Zhong Mei comes to meet him in person from the Imperial Heaven.
Imperial step to stare at the old Zhong Mei Zhong Mei suddenly a turbidity eyes send out sharp meaning.
"It’s like the Lord of Wan Jian surrounded by magic soldiers."
Zhong Mei has a natural eye, and a pair of eyes can see the sword.
Imperial heaven smiled and walked into Jianlu, even though it looked like a sword of light.
The dark giant sword is surrounded by chains, and the poor flame keeps burning. This sword is a peerless sword, and it is contained in the soul of peerless sword. This towering giant sword is the breeding ground of peerless sword and soul.
Even though there are several peerless swords erected, this is a sea of swords. Each handle of these swords is a sword. Once these swords are injected into the soul of the sword, they immediately become peerless swords.
Imperial day smiled and stared aside Zhong Mei "peerless good sword really deserves to be peerless good sword"
In a word, Zhong Mei shook her head and chuckled, "The peerless sword that you came here has not yet been born. If you come here, please wait a few years!"
Zhong Mei is a sword maker. The sword maker only casts weapons, and eventually he is made to find a master for the magic soldier. This is also the wish of the foundry.

The square in front of the temple has been neatly arranged with a few pens, paper and ink.

Although the sun is hot, there is a circle of law to protect the whole square, and there is even a cool breeze to cool people’s minds.
Xia Huang stands behind the high-ranking officials in the main hall, and there is a big drum next to them, which is very eye-catching
The first time I saw the appearance of Xia Huang, Baiyun Tower, I couldn’t help but look at it. My eyes were really handsome and extraordinary.
All the students saluted and saw this year’s academic temperament. Xia Huang was very satisfied and replied, "Li!"
"The time limit for taking a seat is two hours …" A minister dequeued and read out the palace examination rules and commandments.
Scholars have been looking for cases for several times, and the Emperor Xia seems to be interested in it. "Now the country of Daxia is in a prosperous time. It is the responsibility of all of us to let Daxia continue its glory."
"palace examination’s policy has been printed on your desk. Before writing, the emperor had a saying that you should learn from each other."
"The question of today’s policy is not only that the emperor asks you, but also that the ministers ask each other on behalf of all the people."
Hearing this, I couldn’t help but feel heroic in my chest.
Suddenly Baiyun Tower got up before the case and bowed down again. All the students got up because of this infection.
This gift is sincere.
The Lord of the country deserves this gift.
Gaotai Xia Huangchang smiled and picked up the drumstick from one side, saying, "Your ambition to bang drums."
"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
As soon as the drums fell, the scholars took their seats and put pen to paper.
Chapter seven hundred and fifty Writing
Just now, I chatted with three senior brothers and sisters in the hospital and said a few words about Baiyun Tower, and I felt this group of learning style briefly.
It’s even more important to look at the billowing and lucky light beam.
As the saying goes, literature is the first martial art, and the second martial art is full of poems and profound knowledge, and some of them are not sure about the depth of these studies.
At this time, where will Baiyun Tower be afraid to be the top scholar in high school or the ability to explore flowers to deal with palace examination’s policy?
The problem of spreading the book policy jumps into the eye, and hundreds of words describe the current summer situation in detail
The strategies asked are also how to treat and respond to the current situation.
Think carefully about Baiyun Tower, an article about the hidden line of the Terran mainline from Kyushu.
When you think highly of transparency, you have your own momentum.
When I put away the last stroke of Baiyun Tower and looked back, I couldn’t help but be shocked by this article.
All things are born to support people, and terran and all things have their own cycles, so they should depend on each other and transform together.
Terrans are the masters of everything, and they have the responsibility to take care of everything.
Summer is now prosperous, so we should take care of Kyushu spirits.
The so-called attendance is not to help the troops, but to guide the Kyushu people to live a peaceful life.
People are peaceful all the time. This is the idea of Baiyun Tower article.
When I put pen to paper, Baiyun Tower didn’t expect to receive it so much.
The writing is comfortable, profound and transparent, and the brushwork is full of true meaning.
Tianyantong’s article is ten percent self-angry, and a white gas comes out through the volume. Although there is no royal mirror to escape from the soul-splitting Baiyun Tower, you can feel that the fate on your head must have added a lot.
This palace examination is not allowed to leave before the volume is sealed. It is sensed that there is still an hour when Baiyun Tower simply uses the platform to get busy.
Through the powerful sub-divine power, I can hide my soul and walk through the palace examination field to observe all kinds of writing.
Sure enough, it’s the most talented group in the summer. Their ideas are different, and many novel ideas make Baiyun Tower feel amazed and carefree.
Most of the students finished their articles half an hour ago, and the Baiyun Tower immediately put away the soul knowledge and fled into the sea of memory to continue to watch.
These articles are excellent things for you to learn about current events and sharpen your mood.
A trance and a golden gong sound awakened Baiyun Tower from observation, and the palace examination poetry field ended
Several columns of imperial city guards entered the hall and came to the front of all the schools to seal the volumes. The official of the national prison reading volume was already in place, and they were reviewed at the same time when they received the seals.
The scholars outside the main hall were given a banquet by the Lord of the country, and it was convenient to entertain them before the case was removed.
The Lord of the stone steps in the main hall has even set up a case for several students to eat at the same time.
The food is also exquisite, and the taste of cakes is very familiar. Careful induction turns out to be a small Chaoyang craft.
I didn’t expect Xiao Chaoyang to miss Baiyun Tower so much this half-day and find Xia Shimei in the hall of Qi Qi.
Just concentrate on the article and watch the same school. It is also inconvenient to find out what Xiao Chaoyang is.
At present, the main hall is densely covered with qi, which should be protected by heaven, and it is difficult to see through the eye.
However, it is easy to find Xia Shimei in Baiyun Building, which is connected with Xiao Chaoyang.
"Brother and sister hall? Father won’t let out of the temple at the moment … but it’s just right to see those old gentlemen marking articles …" Xia Chaoyang immediately responded to the fluctuation of master and brother’s qi activity.
"Just look at it, don’t talk nonsense." Although I know Xia Shimei’s Baiyun Building, I still told 1.
"Brother, don’t worry. Youngsters don’t dare to get close and won’t interfere."
Hearing this, Baiyunlou was relieved. After a moment’s reflection, he couldn’t help but ask, "What did you write?"
"That a few old gentlemen look too carefully to the senior articles ….. Yi see senior handwriting is this volume haha …"

It is also because of the slow pace of cultivation that Dongyan put more energy into exercising his body, which made his body reach a new level of strength and martial arts, and also rose to the peak of the small master’s territory.

Han Yuer’s practice is not bad, and the physical strength is not bad, but the overall combat effectiveness is still inferior to that of Xiao Yaobao Molin.
Zhu Yuque Zhu Zhu situation chilling Han Yuer almost they are now fighting capacity of four people and three demons is at the bottom, but if these two guys work together, even if Xu Ren doesn’t move some life-saving means, they may not be able to pick it up.
Xu Ren is fairly satisfied with their rising strength. Although they will be stronger in the face of the enemy in the future, it is really impossible to pursue speed excessively in uniting this thing, so as not to be vain.
In addition to Xu Renshou’s four men and three demons, his brother’s combat effectiveness has also improved, especially Xu Ren’s earlier contact with Brother Qianyue Xianzong.
Nowadays, everyone in Qianyue Xianzong practices martial arts and is Xu Ren. They have carefully prepared the martial arts institute, and their martial arts realm has also risen quickly. Like Jiangyang, the patriarch of Qianyue Xianzong, the martial arts realm has now reached the realm of a small master.
Yan Fang, the elder, is even worse than Jiang Yang, and has reached the realm of great master.
With the foundation of martial arts realm, the strength of these thousand-month immortals naturally grows rapidly.
Of course, their martial arts realm rose so fast because Xu Ren released all his feelings in those martial arts schools. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so because those people don’t need to touch the stones to cross the river to practice faster. It is because they practice according to Xu Ren’s perception that they can walk behind Xu Ren. They have no experience in Xu Ren and naturally realize that Xu Ren’s enlightenment is hard to surpass in this life.
Of course, it’s difficult, but it doesn’t mean that there is no chance. If someone is extremely talented and surpasses Xu Ren, there is still a chance to go up a storey still higher.
As far as it’s concerned, this result is the best, because the fighting capacity of Brother Qianyue Xianzong has really increased a lot after practicing martial arts.
His brother saw this and was also influenced by Brother Qianyue Xianzong to practice martial arts.
I’m afraid it’s not easy for them to chase brother Qian Yue Xian Zong later when they practice martial arts.
Take Marco, the patriarch of Zhenyang Xianzong in Japan, for example. He didn’t practice martial arts until he came to Beixuan Prefecture. Now the realm has reached the hard rock boundary, but the gap is very obvious compared with Jiang Yang, the patriarch of Qianyuan Xianzong who practiced martial arts earlier.
Yu said that his monks from other States had earlier contact with Xu Renwu Dian and later contact with Xu Ren Wudian Dian, but on the whole, the strength of these monks has been greatly improved compared with that before martial arts.
Ge Shu was also busy making plans to attack the pick empire during this period, and when Ge Shu smoothed the general situation, he took the girder imperial army to the direction of the pick empire
Xu Ren naturally accompanied all the way to deal with inferno. This kind of thing can’t be done without him.
Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Dong Yan, Xiao Yaobao Molin, Han Yuer and Zhu Yuque Zhu Zhu naturally have to accompany them.
All the way, the girder imperial army soon came to the edge of the pick empire.
The Daluo Empire has always coveted the title of the first empire in China. They have always been eyeing the Girder Empire, but at the same time they are also afraid of the Girder Empire. Because of their fear of the Girder Empire, they have built the border of the Girder Empire very firmly.
The meaning of Liang, a famous town on the border of Liang Empire, is very obvious, that is, to shock Liang Empire.
After the Imperial Army of Girder arrived outside the town beam, it camped on the spot and built fortifications.
Of course, Liang Shoujun, the town of Daluo Empire, couldn’t just watch, so Liang Shoujun, the town, also set out when the Liang Imperial Army set up camp to build fortifications.
This time, it was the pick empire that took the lead in provoking the war, and it was also defeated. Liang Shoujun of the town has also been paying attention to the situation here.
Town Liang Shoujun also knew that indefensible also don’t talk to girder imperial army penis directly to the girder imperial army launched an attack.
The imperial army of girder has long been on guard against the so-called "the enemy will have means to block the water", and it has never been afraid of this kind of fighting between the two armies.
The military god’s skill arrangement is very clever. The beam imperial army is resisting and harassing the beam army in the town of Daluo Empire while building fortifications.
Seeing that the fortifications of the imperial army were built day by day, Liang Shoujun of the imperial town of Luo was in a hurry, so he could send more military forces and monks to fight before, and even the demon king appeared in the later period.
However, even if the town beam demon king was out, it still failed to delay the speed of building fortifications by the army of the pick empire.
Moreover, another feature of the fortifications built by the Imperial Army of Girder is that after the fortifications are built, they can pose a threat to Liang Shoujun of Daluo Imperial Town.
As a result, Liang Shoujun, the town of Daluo Empire, fought more and more hard. By the end of the period, they had all returned to the middle of the pass, and the gates were closed. After the suspension bridge was raised, it was not necessary to beam the imperial army.
Xu Ren knew that this was Liang Shoujun’s procrastination in the town of Luo Empire, and the reinforcements of Luo Empire should have gone.
Geshu didn’t want to give the town beam of Luo Empire a chance, so he directly ordered the army to attack the city.
Girder empire army has been holding on for a long time. If it weren’t for the pick empire, Girder Empire wouldn’t have killed so many people.
There are a large population in one of the nine cities of the Girder Empire, and many of them are relatives of this Girder Empire Army. This time, the Girder Empire Army attacked Zhenliang very hard, which can be said to be regardless of life and death.
As a result, Liang Shoujun, who picked up the imperial town, can’t stay up a bit. Please come out and help the demons quickly.
Chapter one thousand and twenty Benefits
The town beam gate is closed, the suspension bridge is high, and the battle card is still hanging from the head of the city.
However, the Imperial Army of Girder can’t care about these undeclared wars. Now, can you stop the Imperial Army of Girder with only one battle card?
As the girder imperial soldiers will shout and kill, the girder imperial army attacked the town beam exhibition.
Although Liang Shoujun in this town hung up the battle card, in fact, they were ready to guard against the attack of the big beam imperial army. When Liang Dajun in Daluo Imperial Town also fought back.
However, when the soldiers of Daliang Empire fought against each other, they were very brave. At one time, Liang Dajun, the town of Daliang Empire, was beaten without temper.
In particular, the siege equipment of the Girder Empire is simply too powerful. The army of the Girder Empire has absolutely suppressed the town beam of the Daluo Empire from the moment it moved the siege equipment.
I feel that the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, but I can’t hold on. Please come out and help the inferno.
There are many demons in Zhenliang, and there are also many Three Demons.
Town beam inferno has appeared, and the brothers in the army of the girder empire can’t look at it any more, so they have also flown towards Liangchengtou, the town of Luo Empire.
Xu Ren is directly to draw up the stars on Sunday to cover the whole town of Liangchengtou.
Xu Ren was also very careful when he experienced the edge of the girder empire. He not only drew up the stars on Sunday, but also arranged a law that could resist the mixed poisonous fog.
Xu Ren’s array contains a lot of vitality. In this array, Shen Tengyun and Dong Yan can get a lot of increase in their own strength.
In fact, this time, the Imperial Army of Girder was also very careful to attack the city with that unique gas mask.
Many monks also wear those gas masks.
As soon as Xu Rencai appeared, he was directly surrounded by three blood demons.
It seems that those demons also know that Xu Ren is terrible and have long paid attention to him.
In fact, not only Xu Ren, Xiao Dong ‘er, Shen Tengyun, Dong Yan, Xiao Yao Bao Mo Lin, Han Yuer, and Zhu Yuqiu Zhu Zhu were also specially taken care of. They fought against three kings of The Hunger more than others against three kings of The Hunger
This situation is beyond Xu Ren’s expectation, so they came here for nothing. It turns out that they have become targets of demons.
In the face of three Three Blood Demons attacking Xu Ren, although they are not afraid, but their faces are full of dignified colors, Xu Ren did not think about it. However, judging from the situation, infernos are not all impulsive and reckless. They also study human monks and make different coping strategies for different human monks.
This is not good news for human beings in China. The smarter the inferno brain, the greater the threat to human beings.
Of course, although Xu Ren was worried in his heart, he didn’t dare to be careless about the confrontation between the three kings of The Hunger. He saw that his firm but gentle spirit condensed out three swords, while those three swords attacked the three three blood lords respectively.
The three Three Blood Demons know that Xu Ren’s sword shadow is fierce and naturally dare not let Xu Ren’s sword shadow be close.
And the three three blood devil attack power is not weak, three dozen one situation also let Xu Ren feel very headache.
However, even if Xu Ren felt a headache again, he had to continue the collision between the three three blood lords. His figure flashed and he had rushed to a three blood lords near.
The three blood demon king saw Xu Ren rushed to his crowd and immediately waved his bloody magic knife and cut it to Xu Ren Xu Ren, who also dare not neglect the Xinghai sword in his direct hand.
There was a loud noise, followed by Xu Ren’s rapid retreat.
However, Xu Ren’s retreat is not blind retreat. His retreat position is very objective, which is exactly where another Three Blood Demon is located.
Not to be outdone, the three kings of The Hunger waved their bloody swords directly towards Xu Ren to meet them.
There is another loud noise. Xu Ren’s figure is backward again, but the figure of the Three Blood Demons, which makes the bloody sword, is even more fierce than that of Xu Ren, and it seems to be out of control.

"Take this pill and I’ll find water for you." Cenluo grabbed her hand and her eyes were full of worries.

Liancheng kept his mouth shut and made no response to his words.
Cenluo tried to force the pills into her mouth, but raised his hand to put them slowly when he came into contact with her eyes.
"Take care of her and I’ll find water." Get up and look at Mo Wan with a complicated look. "If something happens to her, I won’t let you go."
He stamped his feet like a crane spreading its wings to detain him.
Mo wan looked at the direction in which his figure disappeared, and his eyes changed and then whispered, "I want her to die! I want her to die in the worst way! "
With a slight shake of her right hand, a delicate dagger suddenly appeared in her palm.
Put the dagger cover back to the ground. She approached Liancheng step by step, and her eyes were cruel. Before Liancheng, she squatted down and grabbed her collar and gritted her teeth. She asked, "Did you find someone to throw me on the street and then find those …" Recalling the past that made her feel miserable, Mo Wan was filled with hatred. "If you don’t talk, I will force you to say it!"
With a cold dagger reaching Liancheng’s face, she smiled fiercely and said, "If you don’t tell me, I’ll scratch your face!"
"You … you shouldn’t provoke me … you shouldn’t point the finger at my third sister because you can’t cope with me … I’m giving something back …" Slowly, with heavy eyes, Liancheng Chaos kept a little awake, and her vision was blurred and she couldn’t see clearly.
Mo wan’s face is ferocious and ugly at the moment, but she smiled lightly, just like a slowly blooming violet, from extremely elegant "I regret that I punished you too lightly, and a woman with a gloomy mind like you shouldn’t live."
The dagger plunged into her face, and she didn’t have a pit. She just looked at Mo Wan tilting her dagger across her face.
Bright red blood dripped down her cheeks, and her blue dress was like a piece of sad and sad red dying slowly.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to fight back, it’s not that she doesn’t want to resist, but that she can’t afford the slightest strength at this moment
Based on this, let alone fight back, even if she raises her hand and pushes Mo Wan, she can’t do it …
"If it is you, if it is you, you have caused me Gu Liancheng, you know? I hate you! I hate you for attracting Luo’s eyes and taking away my love! " Liancheng’s cheeks have been crossed by her, and blood trickled down her face. "What did you say you had?"? Huh? What did you say you had? Ordinary and pretentious, writing to Luo Hugh is just so unbearable, but you attract Luo’s attention and make him ignore me. I hate to see me … Chapter 1 Zhijian
"I like him. I love him more than my life … but we can’t be free together because of necessity. I can be with him. Without you, I can regain our old feelings with him … I met him very early, when he was a teenager … He was very embarrassed, his hair was disordered, and he was crying alone in the Woods, which was particularly depressing …" Mo Wan told the story that she and Cenluo had been together for a long time and closed her eyes as if she didn’t hear it.
Speaking at this time, her mind is very clear.
Ha ha! There was a weak smile on her lips.
It was the sharp pain in her face that made her chaotic brain clear. She knew that she had a high fever at the moment, how it caused it, and she knew that it would be run out of luck.
But she won’t give up living and hope until the end.
What can you do if you destroy it?
Even if she is ugly, her family and her lover will not dislike her.
She has this confidence!
So she wants to save Jun ‘er alive and take him back to Da Zhou and their home!
With a pill in your mouth, you know that this pill is definitely not a good thing without even thinking about it.
"You are a chess player or someone else’s chess player. When you are not, you will be destroyed by the chess player! You and I feel sad … "A faint sound came from her lips and teeth, and Mo Wan tipped the dagger into her abdomen directly." I’m a chess player? Who are you? Do you know everything? " She smiled, "when I have a great career, I will be the princess, and I will be the princess in the eyes of this day!" Chess? Even if I am used as a chess by my father, I am happy. Do you hear me? I am happy to be a chess player in my father’s hand! I’m not sad at all, but you’ve done so many great things since you returned to Beijing. What have you got? Say it! What did you get? You won’t die immediately, and I won’t let you die immediately. I’ll throw you off a cliff. If you are still alive, the pills just put into your mouth will make your life worse. There are no men in this deep forest. You can enjoy it and wait for the beasts to dance with you, and then you will be swallowed up by them and die! "
Mo Wan was very excited. She suddenly seemed to have great strength, and Liancheng flew away from the ground.
"I won’t die … I won’t die …" Liancheng language difficult intermittent way.
When Cenluo found water and returned, he saw blood in the moonlight. In an instant, he turned pale and suddenly fell off with a bamboo tube filled with water in his hand.
Find someone … He needs to find someone immediately …
The corners of his mouth shook, and there was a storm in his eyes.
Don’t lean … You want to die … You want to die …
If she …
I’ll cut you to pieces!
With fists clenched, he lifted his flying skill and jumped away.
"Two hundred meters east of the cliff …"
A delicate and charming sound rang in his ear.
The witch is the green skirt witch sound …
Galloping northward, the figure suddenly turned.
"Stop it …"
Mo Wan leans over the cliff, and Liancheng is about to throw it. However, when he hears a stereo behind him, he doesn’t even think about it, so he immediately lets go …
"Two young ladies …" It is such a coincidence that Yeluchen rested on this cliff not far from the shadow. When Cenluo’s mournful voice sounded, she suddenly opened her eyes from her lethargy and cried out sadly.
Yeluchen saw that she was going to the cliff like crazy, so she raised her hand and ordered her sleeping point again.
He doesn’t know what happened on the cliff. He wants her to be safe.
The misty mountain Huangfuyi just walked out of the desert of death and suddenly took a smoke at his heart.
A mouthful of blood gushed from his mouth.
"Report …"

Stay with the ninth-order Wu and see that Situhao has broken through the five elements to generate a sword all over the sky. Others are protecting the patriarch. He looks horrified and attacks the last wave of elemental swords. After that, he jumps back and flies with his sword in his hand. He wants to flee to Fengyun Jianzong.

However, at this instant, Situhao even sprayed three mouths of blood, and his forehead was pale and sweaty like beans. He looked hard to hide his painful expression, and his eyes and hair had recovered their normal color.
A nine-rank Wu is Bai Situhao, who is already a spent force. He must have suffered from the evil achievement method. The old man immediately flew the sword back to his hand from the ground with a long sword. His face was exposed and he smiled grimly. It seems that it is my turn to chop off your limbs and slowly torture you. I don’t need any ancient remnants. I want you to teach you ancient remnants, which is enough.
Laughing and talking crazily, the ninth-order Wu took the sword in his hand and forced it to Situhao step by step.
At this time, Situhao’s body was subjected to a powerful anti-itself force, which made his skin surface fluctuate greatly. Tianyuan magic tactic anti-itself force was crazy in his body, and his body bulged up one big bag after another, which could break through his skin and explode at any time.
Seeing that the ninth-order martial force forced itself to Stuart Hao to endure severe pain, the soul-taking technique was secretly put into use in an instant, and the sky cracked, the thunder blade and the halberd pointed to the sky, and the consciousness shouted loudly to the soul soldiers.
Situhao’s boss was taken aback when he raised his hand to crack the thunder blade. He was still dying and trying to get closer to his body. He couldn’t help but stagnate for a moment, but the strange scene of his footsteps was even more shocking.
Hundreds of swaying figures appeared around his body in an instant, and it was more horrible in the bright moon Yin Hui.
Kill SiTuHao reached such an order in consciousness. Hundreds of ghosts rushed at the ninth-order Wu Ben crazily.
At this time, the ninth-order martial arts was only white. Situhao’s display was the soul-absorbing technique, and the soul-absorbing technique had reached a very profound level. What surprised him most was that Situhao could summon hundreds of soul soldiers.
Hundreds of soul soldiers can’t reach this level even if they are the guardians of the evil spirit castle.
When the soul soldiers rushed into the ninth order Wu, he immediately waved his sword and made the fastest attack on the whole soul soldiers.
Nine-order Wu wielded a sword impenetrable, and those ghosts who were summoned rushed to the silver awning circle at the command of Situhao, regardless of life and death. One by one, the soul soldiers were killed and disappeared in the middle.
However, among these ghosts, they are also powerful. Although they can play half of their strength before their death, their opinions on various powerful techniques are not discounted at all. In that impenetrable sword waving, more than a dozen powerful soul soldiers actually found a sword waving and went straight into the sword awn to attack the ninth-order Wujin crazily.
Nine-order Wu waved the same round sword in a melee attack by more than a dozen powerful ghosts, and finally slowed down. Some ghosts took advantage of it to enter his melee and launch the fastest attack on him. Moments later, Nine-order Wu was torn to pieces by dozens of melee ghosts.
The ghost got the order from Situhao to kill the Ninth Order Wu. At this time, their life was completed and they immediately disappeared back to Situhao and became his soul guardian.
Hundreds of ghosts killed the Ninth Order Wu regardless of their lives. Although dozens of ghosts were lost in this attack, the number of ghost soldiers was more than 200, but when they desperately attacked the Ninth Order Wu, they were only killed in a moment and didn’t even arrive for two minutes.
Although the process of killing the Ninth Order Wu by the Soul Soldiers is very short, it is very long for Situhao. His body is experiencing the most powerful force to bite him. At this time, body form’s bag is getting bigger and bigger, and his blood is running very fast. Situhao can feel that his blood is boiling.
Situhao has been cross-legged on the ground at this time and wants egoistic force to suppress the huge self-eating force. However, his humble force is just some cannon fodder in front of the powerful self-eating force, and he has been defeated several times, and because of the force conflict, those self-eating forces have become more intense.
Longitudinal SiTuHao with very strong endurance at this time also don’t send a huge scream.
Tianyuan magic tactic itself is more powerful than when he was tortured by the method of insect jumping up. I don’t know how many times he screamed, and his body fell on the ground and struggled wildly.
The powerful self-eating force is getting stronger and stronger, and Situ Hao’s body is bulging and his bag is getting bigger and bigger, especially in his belly, which encourages Situ Hao to be pregnant with a pregnant woman in October.
Situhao’s clothes are bulging in his body, and he has collapsed into pieces of rags. He didn’t want a few Situhao’s body was already naked.
Situhao screamed again and again to vent his unbearable torture.
Arm muscles are the tightest. A giant bag encouraged Situ Hao’s right arm bag to burst, which made a loud noise. Blood was sprayed and shot straight. One of the broken flesh was shot to Lixu, and the ancient tree that hit a huge old tree kept swaying in the night.
The physical suffering did not make Situ Hao’s consciousness half blurred. On the contrary, his consciousness was unusually awake, which made him clearly feel that he was suffering from subtle pain.
Situhao witnessed his right arm bulging with a big bag and bursting into pieces, looking at the blood in a powerful self-repulsion, and he actually shot out a hundred feet away. This time, Bai Ji will die. Chapter 1 Advance to the sixth order.
The right arm was stirred up, and the big bag was smashed. Situhao had a split thunder blade in his hand and wanted to drop it. Although it was worth living and dying, Situhao didn’t want to lose this artifact. When the split thunder blade was about to fall to the ground, he immediately sacrificed it to his own knowledge.
At this time, it can be said that it is life and death. In Stuart’s mind, many people also flashed a lot of ideas.
Mother’s ghost is still in the abyss, and she hasn’t been repaid to her father yet. Now, although my grandfather is not as bad as before, his anger against him has not been dispelled, and several girls’ figures are rapidly emerging in his mind.
In fact, death is not terrible, people will be afraid of death, because death will make a person lose everything in the world, even if reincarnation, everything before will be annihilated in memory.
After these flashes in my mind, Situ Hao is full of longing for life, and there are still too many worries in his heart. He can’t bear to part with everything in this world.

"Elder brother, aren’t you going back to gian? Why are you still here? " Cheng Yuyang nothing good face asked.

"It’s me pestering my brother in Dongyang! I want to come to Xiuwen’s brother’s birthday party, but my mother won’t let me act alone unless Dongyang’s brother comes with me. "Si Tong was embarrassed to explain.
"Yuanyuan University, when the ancient professor said a word, how do you put it? Everything about my brother can’t affect other jobs. I didn’t expect to accompany the beautiful woman even to work," Cheng Yuyang said with a slightly sharp voice.
Silk tong leng a she is again silly also recognized Cheng Yuyang HuaLiYouHua.
"What are you talking about?" His eyes swept to the dance floor, Meng Yudong and Zhan Longhai talked intimately, and his mood was even worse.
"What am I talking nonsense about?" Cheng Yuyang looked at the silk tung looked at this koo expression for chapter 119 is not qualified.
"Your jokes are too serious. You see Tong Tong is scared by you." Song Yuanyuan grabbed Yu Yu and said, "Tong Tong, are you kidding your sister?"
"Let’s stop here and go in!" Jiang Xiuwen see atmosphere wrong horse said
Cheng Dongyang hugged Sitong’s waist and went in. Sitong didn’t say anything to Cheng Dongyang. "Brother Dongyang, I want to dance. Let’s go dancing!"
Cheng Dongyang spoiled her with a smile. "Let’s go dancing."
When he slipped into the dance floor with his arm around Si Tong, it happened that a new song ended. Meng Yudong was very tired when he came to dance with Yuanyuan and them. After dancing, he took a rest.
"Are you hungry? Let me get you something to eat! " Zhan Longhai asked very carefully.
Meng Yudong also not hungry nodded his head.
In a short time, Song Yuanyuan and Cheng Liuyu Yang also came to Song Yuanyuan to look for self-help. Zhan Longhai laughed. "Brother Aaron was quite careful. Why didn’t you find it before?"
"It’s not the case that men catch up with women like this." Cheng Yuyang looked at Meng Yudong’s reaction brother and came out with such a woman. She didn’t respond. "Dongdong, aren’t you angry? My brother is scared to think about it. What does my brother do?
"What qualifications do I have? Yu Yu, your brother and I don’t know at the moment. It’s a little late today and I have to work. I want to go back. "
"Eat something first!" Song Yuanyuan grabbed her. "You don’t need to be afraid of others in winter and winter. We are guests of Brother Arvino, regardless of others."
"Just watch Brother Lung bring you something to eat." Cheng Yuyang also held her down. She looked at her brother on the dance floor. The silk tong looked at how the underage brother got his hand!
"Brother Aaron, you won’t just take Dongdong alone, will you?" Song Yuanyuan came to ZhanLonghai laughed.
"Of course not. You know that I took three sets of tableware. You will eat first and then I will go to the endpoint." Zhan Longhai saw that they were together. It is good to chase Meng Yudong and win over Song Yuanyuan and Cheng Yuyang.
"That’s more like it." Cheng Yuyang divided the tableware for them. "How about eating first and then renewing the stall?"
"Come to my place. I live alone now," Song Yuanyuan said. "We can buy something to eat and be as crazy as we want."
"Dongdong, you must agree. Don’t forget that you still have a lot of things to tell us." Cheng Yuyang said before she could answer Qiangbai.
Dongdong smiled and agreed.
Three people talked and laughed and ate, and then Zhan Longhai joined in.
"Brother Lung, I asked you if you like winter and winter." Cheng Yuyang asked him directly when he sat down.
When asked, Meng Yudong blushed and said, "Yu Yu, stop joking."
Cheng Yuyang think Zhan Longhai is not much better than her brother. I don’t know how many women are not suitable for winter and winter.
"I’m going to wash my hands." Meng Yudong got up and said, feeling this strange atmosphere.
Do you know where to wash your hands? Zhanlonghai worried that she was strange here and asked.
"Aaron, maybe you have to wash your hands with Dongdong!" Cheng Yuyang hostile said
Meng Yudong really hurried away when he heard this.
When it’s time to wash her hands and look at herself in the mirror, she seldom wears makeup, let alone dresses like this. At this time, she feels a little strange in the mirror.
She washed her face and let herself look refreshed. I still can’t get rid of Cheng Dongyang and the girl together. That girl should be the Tong Tong in his words!
Such a beautiful girl is young, bright and moving.
She said to herself, don’t think that she is just a mistress from his wallet. She is not qualified to care who he came out of washing her hands with. She took her wrist by the other hand without taking a few steps.
"Come with me" Cheng Dongyang black face pulled her to the side lounge.
She consciously wants to open it and refuses to cooperate with "I’m going in"
"Meng Yudong, don’t challenge my patience." Cheng Dongyang said with one hand, and put her in her arms and looked at her beautiful little face. He suppressed the fire and burned more.
She has to compromise. Someone will come here at any time. She doesn’t want to be caught in such an embarrassing situation.
Cheng Dongyang took her to the lounge, locked the door and pressed the door panel. "I asked you how did you come?"
Somehow, she felt a little guilty and decided to answer honestly, "Aaron said to ask me to do him a favor and be his date."
"Aaron!" Cheng Dongyang is almost grind out this two word "when did you get so close to him Meng Yudong didn’t I warn you? I told you to stay away from him! "
Meng Yudong thought that he was so close and hugged another woman, and the two of them just danced with each other so tacitly. Her heart also said angrily, "Aaron saved me that night. He asked me to do him a favor and I couldn’t refuse."
"You can’t refuse to dress like this and let the whole world know that you are his girlfriend, can you?" Cheng Dongyang a listen to angry.
"This is just a misunderstanding. Aaron and I are ordinary friends." Meng Yudong didn’t want to talk to him again. "I have to go. Yuanyuan and Yuyu are waiting for me."
"Why didn’t you say Zhan Longhai was waiting for you?" Cheng Dongyang was so angry with her that he did not allow her to move according to her hand. "Meng Yudong, I repeat, you are not allowed to tell Zhan Longhai, do you hear me? I’ll call the driver to come and get your horse back. "
"I’m going to sleep at Yuanyuan’s tonight." Although she is so oppressed by him, she is in an absolute weakness, but Meng Yudong’s expression is still light and not afraid of his anger.
"Have you made up with Yu Yu?" He didn’t miss the three of them performing on stage, and she laughed at her songs, which made him move at this moment.
"Mayor cheng, would you please let me go? I think your partner will be looking for you everywhere if you disappear for so long. "Meng Yudong didn’t answer and wanted to earn him a bundle of chapter 1 lounge humiliation.

Don’t go anywhere, Ye Fanhe said, concentrating his attention and calming his fingers. Soon a box came out of the void.

This wooden box is not big. Fan He beat the wooden box with two pills, one red and one green.
You choose a kite to eat.
The kite woebegone and said, Brother Ye, help me choose.
Ye Fan River is a faint tunnel. Only when you choose it will it suit you. If I choose it for you, others will calculate your attack mode during the post-battle, and it will be traced.
Well, Feiyuan fingered two pills in that box for a long time before choosing the red one, Ye Fanhe sighed, but let Feiyuan swallow it.
He has already taken the green pills and adjusted his breath on the spot.
The horn of heaven is still blowing, and the emperor of heaven is the general of the Emperor of Heaven and commands the magic weapon. The horn of heaven can summon more than one billion magic weapons, and I’m afraid the Luofu disaster will come this time.
Ye Fanhe thought that the red pill taken by the flying kite had changed in her body.
The crimson flame flew from every pore of her body, and the kite suddenly became a burning man.
After Ye Fanhe’s green pill went away, his eyes gradually turned green, but he didn’t suffer as much as flying kites.
Flying kites endure the pain of burning with flames. It’s really rare for Brother Ye to suffer like this.
Then enjoy it. Ye Fanhe closes her eyes and the girl dances gently in the flame, and she doesn’t care about Ye Fanhe’s attitude. She knows that every moving Ye Fanhe can feel it, otherwise there is no need to build herself.
One day you will look at me with your eyes open and look straight at your cowardice.
The girl’s lips are micro-moving, and Ye Fanhe doesn’t know what she is talking about.
Leitian and others heard the horn of heaven, and the sense of crisis in their hearts became stronger. How much can Leitian mobilize Jin Xian for the cloud Mo Ran Road Luofu School?
In the cave, I know that seven Jin Xianyun Mo Ran answered
How long will the seven fairies last if the Heaven King conflicts?
Enough to come to other caves.
How do you know it
Because of Luo Fu Jin Xian deduction, I’m afraid Luo Fu is trying to force Li Bihu to rise in strength this time, otherwise Jin Xian would have come to help.
Leitian didn’t ask what the deduction was, but Luo Fu’s move to send a hundred days of land was shocking enough, and a cave was enough to prop up a famous faction, so it was given to the night emperor
Although this is equivalent to making the night emperor’s door at the forefront, the cost is not huge. The other three sects don’t know that this matter is not linked.
Luo Xiu stand hand way I have no news about this matter.
Leitian mind move she will know, but although she is the core brother didn’t achieve true fairy before such an important thing is certainly not to tell her, mainly for fear that she will be accused of telling secrets by magic.
Rain also said that Louvre wouldn’t send such a cave by itself, otherwise, Louvre’s plot would be quite huge.
The rain just came up with another aspect, Luo Fu. What if you calculate even the other three sects?
It’s not impossible for one orthodoxy to continue. Jin Xian, the predecessor of Louvre, got twice as much luck. It’s nothing unacceptable for Louvre to destroy the other three sects.
In order to finally withstand the pressure of heaven, nothing will be lost in the heart of the Louvre fairy.
What benefits can Qing Di Gate get from it?
No, it has to be agreed in Qingcheng Mountain as soon as possible. Jin Xian, the Qingcheng Mountain Sect, will show his kindness to himself. It would be ungrateful if he doesn’t even send back the news.