An elder in the VIP table nodded with satisfaction. "Li Jue Ye Cong’s Seven-Force Boxing is not only destructive, but also surprisingly fast. It’s definitely inconvenient to add weapons to your hands than Jiang Feng’s self-cultivation. It seems that your chief is going to lose this trick!"

"The results haven’t come out yet, so what’s the point!" Yang dharma mouth said that, but his nervous eyes betrayed his true thoughts.
The elder responded without disturbing his eyes and fell into the ring.
"Spell speed with me! ? You are too tender! "
The next scene surprised everyone. When I grew up, my mouth closed.
Li off to cast seven force boxing at the same time Jiang Feng arm also follow waving! "whoosh!" In front of him, there was a sudden flash of wind, and the other side directly hit the black iron sword with the first punch.
That’ll be the day! ?
It’s not that everyone is surprised. Li Jue himself is also horrified. He remembers how this punch avoided the black iron sword and was taken in by the black iron sword.
Li Juegen didn’t believe how many punches he made in succession, but no matter which direction he hit, it was all a black iron sword!
Chapter 166 Shocked everyone
Let a person horror scene appeared the huge black iron sword was Jiang Feng conveniently waving into the ghosting.
Capture the trajectory of black iron sword by naked eye root method
"Impossible! What the hell is going on here! ?”
Li Jue looked unbelievable. On where he attacked, he broke Jiang Feng’s defense. Every punch was a black iron sword, and even Jiang Feng didn’t hurt a hair.
All this is just a moment. When everyone reacts, the attack is over.
They all had a petrified face and remembered what had just happened.
"Ha ha! Ok! Beautiful! The chief of Yunhuazong is just like this! " Yang dharma’s first reaction was to clap his hands at once, and then look at the elders who mocked him just now. All of them were livid.
Who would have thought that Jiang Feng could defend that offensive in the extreme situation just now?
"Yan xu zong chief just cast that is jianfa? It looks like an ordinary block! However, the speed of being able to fight with Qiliquan is really amazing! " Taiwan’s chief executives exclaimed
As a referee, Elder Wan Xuanzong was also amazed by the scene before him.
However, he is different from others, and it is not that simple to be amazed.
He is also a Jian Xiu, and he has a high attainments in kendo.
Being able to swing such a big sword into something accurately blocks the opponent’s offensive every time. There is a mystery in simplicity and a ray of simplicity in mystery.
This kind of feeling was once felt by luck when he was young. The person who brought it to him is now the master of the sword dynasty, blade master!
"How is it possible! How can a mere chief kendo of Yan Xuzong catch up with blade master must be how much I think! " The elder Wan Xuanzong shook his head at himself, which is simply impossible.
"You … how did you block me with seven punches! ?” Li has never been careless, cautious and ten steps away.
"Do you have a problem with the sword file?" Jiang Feng lifted the big sword. You couldn’t see any weight in his hand. "You have some strength. It seems that I thought more about it. Should it be my turn if you attacked for so long just now?" ?”
"What …"
Li off the whole people be cautious, body spirit force operation to the extreme.
"Don’t do anything! Rest assured that it will not hurt at all soon! "
Jiang Feng leaned forward and left foot stepped forward to listen to "Bang!" A Jiang Feng flies out.
Li unique pupil contraction suddenly shocked Jiang Feng speed.

Lu Chengqing smiled. Lu Qian naturally satirized Li Chongjiu’s establishment of a county school. As a family like Lujia, he has a family school to teach his brothers to read, so he doesn’t have to go to the county school to gather together.

This is also the monopoly of knowledge by the advantages of the gentry.
Lu Chengqing said, "However, it is not to be underestimated to hear that the county school was set up by Li Shijun, following the recommendation of the theory of learning from heaven and learning from scholars."
Lu Qian listened to the pinch and said, "I’ve heard that people who study in the county can’t compare with me. It’s a means for Li Chongjiu to support that kind of humble brother."
"Not only my uncle, but also my uncle. I heard that Zhao Gaos also sent people to study in the county school. Besides, this time, it is necessary to be over 20 years old to choose a good person for the county school. Zhao Gaos also heard that there are more than 100 people who have applied for the exam." Lu Chengqing said so.
Lu moved to a low hum and said, "People like Gao and Zhao really know how to have fun."
Lu Chengqing said, "It’s not fun, uncle. You think that if you don’t go to school through the county school, how many people can read it? If you study in the official county, you can choose twenty people, but you still choose my brother Ying Jiedi."
Lu Qian said silently, "I know what you mean, whether it’s going through the motions or not. We can’t take it lightly, otherwise Li Shijun will think that I don’t cooperate with Lu Jia."
Lu Chengqing said this for so long when he said, "My uncle’s younger generation is not bad, and there are also several commoners sideline talents in ethnology. If they are allowed to take the exam, I will definitely get the money from Lu’s family."
Lu Qian nodded Lu Chengqing’s words, "I know that you are in this state of mind, and now Lu Jia has you, the official of Zhuojun County. You must take care of your brothers to study in these counties, and then you can be an official. You can pull out the future well, which is our help. Of course, if Li Chongjiu can still keep the Youzhou dialect at that time."
Lu Chengqing listened to a smile and said, "It’s an uncle."
"There are also some hidden here that have been sent to the county to learn. We can’t let others say that we Lou family are stingy."
Lu Chengqing was talking slowly when Lu moved. At this time, there was a public official outside asking for an audience. Today is the day when Lu Chengqing took a meditation, so he didn’t go to the yamen to answer the egg.
When Lu Chengqing came to nave, the official said, "Report to Luo Cheng of Yuyang County, Lu Sima, who led his cronies to abandon the city and leave. The local gentry in Yongnu County, Yuyang County decided to surrender to me. Li Zhijun called Lu Sima to make a decision, such as taking over Yuyang County."
Lu Chengqing nodded and said, "I’ll go if I know."
When the official turned back, Lu Qian came up from behind the screen and said, "Although I had expected something, I didn’t expect it so soon."
Lu Chengqing said, "When Luo Yi dies, it’s hard to support himself in Yuyang County. I heard that McCullough intends to give Dou Jiande the two counties of Yuyang Zhuo County to Dou Jiande, but who expected that Gu Gong would have secretly wooed Luo Yi, a local gentry in Yuyang County, to die when Luo Yi died at a young age, and the local subordinates in Fawei also lost him. If he was a few days late, I’m afraid he couldn’t leave Yuyang County alive."
Lu Qian listened to his face and said with a heavy voice, "This is really a good means for Li Jiujiu. He took Yuyang County without a single soldier."
Lu Chengqing said, "This is also a foregone conclusion that Li Chongjiu defeated the Qidan Xi nationality Coalition forces to unify Youzhou in the first world war of Bailangshan. If Luo Yi can compete with him,"
Lu Qian said, "That’s not necessarily because McCullough is cunning and knows that Yuyang can’t keep it, so he will dedicate Yuyang County to Li Chongjiu, the eye of Yuyang County in Dou Jiande. All Dou Jiande is willing. This is not the method of killing three scholars with two peaches."
Lu Chengqing said with admiration, "My uncle’s analysis is thorough, so I think Dou Jiande Youzhou is one step ahead of my uncle’s nephew’s public body in World War I."
Lu Chengqing’s face is quite worried. Obviously, he is worried about the Dou Jiande-Lee Chongjiu World War I in the future.
Lu Qian couldn’t help but shake his head and see Lu Chengqing substituting himself more and more into the Sima position of Zhuojun County. It’s hard to be worried. It’s hard to think of Li Chongjiu, the top two in Dou Jiande, fighting for each other in Hebei. A letter was sent to Lu Chisong, the elder brother of Li Tang.
A day later, Li Chongjiu sent a water army to take Lu County of Yongnu County along Yongji Canal to the south, and then Weichi Gong led 3,000 troops to Beiping County to seize lulong county.
This Luo Yi McCullough was originally based on three counties, and after Weichi Gong settled in Beiping County, he threatened Gaoyao Yuyang County from the flank.
At present, the grassland in the north of Gaodao is camped by the Xi Department of Shide. The northeast of the grassland fan army is Anle County, the east is Liaoxi County, and the west is the only retreat to the south of Zhuojun County. Beiping County is cut off again.
At present, the traffic of Gaodao site is cut off and surrounded by Li Chongjiu’s heavy troops on all sides, but Li Chongjiu sent people to surrender to Gaodao for several days, but Gaodao refused to say that he would fight to the death.
It is scary to hear that Gao Dao refused to surrender and wanted Li Chong-Jiu-Yi to be the final county of Yuyang County.
Zhang Jinshu, a high-handed general, was discussing with several confidant cities at this moment.
Zhang Jinshu said, "You Zhou Li Shijun has made a promise to me, saying that if the head of the prince is beheaded and offered to Yuyang County to protect the prosperity of our life, I still hesitate. After all, the prince has always treated us well. What do you think?"
Several confidants listened and took a look around. When one person said, "Peiping County has been lost, Yuyang County is a piece of meat for Youzhou. We can’t follow this name and go to General Black. It’s also an early way to find a way out."
Another person said, "The prince treats us well on weekdays, but the trend of the times is no way out. Even if we don’t offer the city and Li Chongjiu comes in, it’s better to die than to look after ourselves. It’s time to make decisions."
Zhang Jinshu listened to secretly pleased that he came to have this plan. It’s hard to say for himself that he is going to tell the matter with the help of people’s mouths.
When Zhang Jinshu said, "Yes, we should be careful not to make any mistakes in this matter, or we will harm ourselves."
One man said, "The people in the general city are in a panic, and it is not difficult to say that he is a soldier, but the concern is that people who are loyal to the prince are not only impossible to be bought by us, but also brave and good at fighting. If the larger foe is broken, we may not be their opponents."
Zhang Jinshu laughed. "Don’t worry, I have my own way."
"The general has a clever plan?"
Zhang Jinshu said, "My government gave a banquet in honor of Yan Wangyi’s life, and more than 30 people entertained these people. Let these people enjoy the evening first, and then I sent these singers to the government to continue to entertain them. After the singers got drunk, the musicians went to the armory to cut the bowstring and hide all the swords and horses."
"Without minions, I think these meanings are like fighting against us, waiting for things to be done at night, and we will raise our torches and attack Yan Wangfu."
The confidant smell speech is nodded.
At the end of the night, the county burst into flames. Zhang Jinshu looked at this scene with a long knife and couldn’t help laughing. The high road had already gone to the city, and all the generals had already joined him. Now he needs to break Yan Wangfu.
Now Yan Wangfu has sent a signal that Zhang Jinshu will advance with a wave of his hand.
Fu Gaodao woke up from his sleep and heard the fire. When he lost his wife and children, he pulled out a knife from his pillow and thought about it.
In a panic, the government seized a man and shouted, "What’s the matter?"
"Report that someone has set fire outside the city of Yan Wang!"
A name came running sideways and said to Gao Daoyan, "The prince, our bows and arrows have all been twisted, and the sword has been put away."
High road immediately slapped the past drink a way "must be Zhang Jinshu told you to indulge in womanizing".
Talking, I saw someone running to say, "All the horses in the stable of the Prince of Yan were poisoned."
"Damn it, even this skill is counted." A betrayed anger ignited in the high road.
The front door crashed and shouted and killed everywhere.
"Kill me!"
When Gao Dao stormed into the fray, the righteous men followed Gao Dao to fight with their bare hands. Although they were unarmed, these righteous men still accompanied Gao Dao’s house to block the enemy who rushed in.
After Gao Dao killed more than a dozen people, even the knife was cut short. When he left the knife behind, he tried to resist the enemy and ran into his house.
Seeing his wife holding her old son is looking at herself with a face of panic.
"Can’t keep it" High Road drops to sit on the ground.

Shortly after Eddie Brooke was in a coma, a spider with strange patterns came out of nowhere and crawled towards Eddie Brooke.

In a coma, Eddie Brooke felt a corrosive burning sensation coming from his neck, which made him feel shocked and suddenly awakened the alcohol. He witnessed the strange spider that bit him die in front of him.
This strange spider didn’t die like a bee lost its sting after Du Yu got the repeatable bite.
Then a drowsiness swept over my mind, and Eddie Brooke passed out in such a dark and humid alley.
What he didn’t know was that a powerful force was spreading from his wound, and his whole body was constantly eroded and transformed by the burning sensation.
Eddie Brook became the second person to get Spider-Man bloodline reinforcement after Du Yu.
"Weak is your biggest mistake! If you want revenge, stop me! I will kidnap Gwen wherever she is at 12 noon in two days! You have something to stop me! "
Eddie Brooke woke up suddenly in his sleep for a second. He ejected from the ground at an angle that was difficult for ordinary people to understand and hung the weathered wall of the alley like a spider.
"I … this is … what’s the matter? !”
Eddie Brooke felt that he was completely different last night. A great force came from his body and his heart kept expanding.
"power! Did I gain strength? !”
Eddie Brooke realized that he was bitten by a spider last night. The spider was definitely not an ordinary spider, and then he thought that Spider Magic also had spider characteristics.
All this is connected in Eddie Brooke’s mind, and a serious picture appears in his mind.
"Spider-Man was bitten by this spider and gained super powers, and what he wanted to kidnap Gwen was the abnormal psychological demand after he gained power!"
Eddie Brooke’s eyes flashed with revenge and he held his fists tightly.
"Now I also got this force! Then who is weak! "
Peter said that Du Yu did not directly return to his base after leaving the Horn Daily, but went to make the green goblin enhancer into the green goblin Norman Oss according to the confusion.
Du Yu remember correctly, but there are good weapons and equipment in the green goblin’s home, which he is very interested in, such as green goblin reinforcer, green goblin skateboard, devil bomb and devil flying knife.
These green goblin suits still have some value for cuckoo.
Take the green goblin fortifier as an example. If Du Yu obtains it, it can be a way to improve the green goblin fortifier by Du Xue and build a green goblin team of its own.
Both the real world and the world have great real value.
Imagine that Du Yu needs to carry several green goblin enhancers to build a green goblin team in the world, and with the complete green goblin suit, it is much easier to experience some middle and low worlds than Du Xue and confusion.
Since the value is so high, of course, Du Yu has been robbed!
After all, the green goblin can’t win. Since he can’t win Du Yu, he should be prepared to be looted by Du Yu.
"Green goblin, wait for me to visit your home!"
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three Gwen is also very nai.
Norman Oss was one of the most famous entrepreneurs in new york before becoming a green goblin.
However, after being strengthened by the defective green goblin enhancer, he was born with a jealous and evil personality-the green goblin.
The first thing the green goblin wants to do after his birth is to kill the general who plans to withdraw his research project funds and invest in an exoskeleton mecha research company.
This night, the green goblin wore his green goblin armor, pedaled the green goblin skateboard and wore his trademark demon mask.
"Today is the test day for exploring the exoskeleton mecha of Taitai Company. That damn general will also go to the test site and let him go to hell with the mecha he wants!"
The green goblin starts his green goblin skateboard, leaps in a very strange posture and disappears into the night with a cold strange smile.
And shortly after the green goblin left, Du Yu appeared in the green goblin building.
The spider silk ejected from the wrist tightly wrapped around the top floor column and gently borrowed Du Yu to enter the green goblin house along the window.
"Green goblin? Your home? !”
Du Yuyin echoed around the room for a long time but no one responded.
"No home?" Du Yu slowly stepped into the room. "Then I’m welcome!"
"confusion! Come to a big cleaning. "
Out of the confusion, without hesitation, we can search the green goblin’s home quickly, just to find the green goblin to build a secret base at home.
It contain everything Du Yu wanted.
Hum! Covering half of Du Yu’s black mask, as the spiritual force swept away, Du Yu casually grabbed the wine rack and put the red wine on it.
Bang! The bottle stopper covered with wine smell was thrown to the ground at will and poured red wine into the belly. Du Yu made a deep belch.
"yeah! This taste is really good! The rich life really knows how to enjoy it. "
Du Yu couldn’t help but have an idea. After he returned to the real world, he had to exchange some wine and delicacies from VR shopping malls and take them out at any time to enjoy. When did he go to the world where food was relatively scarce, he couldn’t even eat a decent meal?
"master! Found it! "
With its extraordinary spy ability, confusion quickly found the green goblin hiding behind the floor-to-ceiling mirror. When the confused hand changed into a needle-shaped interface, it penetrated into the secret room password lock.
"Compared with Transformers, this world level of science and technology is simply playing house in kindergarten."
Confusion sneered that it was easy to crack the green goblin since the most stringent protection facilities were slowly hit with the floor mirror.
A secret room full of green tone shows that Du Yu saw a large number of green goblin enhancers on metal shelves, and a set of armor for green goblins. The arsenal is full of demon bombs with high power.
Du Yu didn’t care how the green goblin moved the institute library to his home in such a short time. He meant how many valuable things he could get from so many things in front of him.
"Confuse, you pack the green goblin science and technology materials, and I’ll get some experimental samples for Du Xue."
Du Yu strode to the shelf where the green goblin fortifier was placed, picked up a green-shiny medicine and started to be cold. I could feel the energy in it through the glass.
However, Du Yu is a little unhappy because VR system has not recognized the green goblin enhancer, which means that Du Yufa, a secret room green goblin technology, can carry their income on his own.
"Du Xue is also a suburban base. It seems impossible to move here."
Du Yu hesitated for a moment, took out an army backpack from the object, packed four green goblin potions, and then took away the green goblin suit together with the devil flying knife and the devil bomb.
"Since it is evil! Then the sin is thorough! "
Du Yu doesn’t plan to leave the Green Devil’s Chamber of Secrets like this. Since he can’t take things, destroy them! Didn’t VR say that people need to hate him if they want to get evil values?
So what could be more hateful to the green goblin than destroying the chamber of secrets?
Dantian Power Operation Du Yu Extracted Jiuyang Power, and the change of hands with blazing strength destroyed the green goblin’s elaborate chamber of secrets with roar and blink of an eye. He prided himself on green goblin technology.
In order to let the green goblin know that all this is done by cuckoo, Du Yu is even more aggressive in leaving provocative words on the wall of the green goblin house.
"Rebuild the chamber of secrets! Maybe I will destroy it again? "
Otherwise, when the green goblin solved his troubles and came home, as expected, he was ignited by the sight.
I would like to ask the body demon green goblin how to experience psychological distortion when his home is taken away by someone. The green goblin will definitely torture the event maker alive and die.
And that man is Du Yu, the bug who just robbed Lincoln State Bank.
"damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I’m going to kill you. No! I’m going to catch you and let you torture you alive! ······”
"ding! Get the green goblin Norman Oss hate, get 1 evil value, and the existing evil value is 11/1. "
The next morning, before the horn sounded, the daily workers gave them a day’s work.
Today, however, they received several times as much work as usual, frowning and staring at a mountain of newspapers. They secretly scolded James, the boss of Horn Daily, for being crazy!
Is it necessary to print so many newspapers on weekdays to wrap the blades? Or do you want to die?

It stands to reason that this kind of crossing Alsace and directly asking him for strength is not allowed.

When he heard the name Duke, the name Duke deeply stung his heart and reminded him of the last memory in his soul.
If Duke hadn’t stopped him, maybe he would have succeeded when he cracked the secret door for the second time, and he could have fled to a place where Kilgardan didn’t feel it.
Maybe it’s a corner of the universe or a planet in bad shape.
Either way, it is much better than it is now!
After all, Kilgardan is not an almighty god. If I had stepped earlier … Maybe … I wouldn’t have become this embarrassing appearance. After suffering, even my soul was extremely hard to ban an ice skeleton and become a puppet of the Burning Legion.
Naiozu hates it!
He changed his mind.
Joined the army of the high elves, the undead poured down in large tracts, as if they had been drained of blood by vampires and then carbonized and dissipated in the wind after thousands of years of weathering and erosion …
Mograine and sylvanas windrunner were dumbfounded, and they suddenly had a very bad feeling.
Immortal creatures will not die. They will’ die’ themselves, which can prove one thing. Their masters want them to be destroyed.
This is not an easy price to pay, even for the soldiers who don’t want money.
Nerazu did just that.
In exchange for that horrible figure in the middle school.
A quarter of an hour ago, antonidas attacked Youzi.
In a second, antonidas’s magic around him skyrocketed in several series.
It’s a dark force squeezed from the undead of hundreds of thousands of undead.
This terrible force is so heavy that it dyed the sky with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers in the center of the Great Lich into dark black. At first glance, it was a mass of black mud that was tumbling more than the huge Youzi.
Humans, elves, dwarves … Everyone who witnessed this scene showed fear.
When the air sinks, people try their best to suppress the cold air pumping sound.
Is this still a mortal against the enemy?
Suddenly, sylvanas windrunner lifted the reins, and Chocobo gave a loud scream.
"What are you doing?" Mograine immediately asked
"attack!" Sylvanas windrunner proudly replied.
"Wait! Duke told us to … "
"That’s right! He’s the commander in chief! But he’s playing antonidas, not Alsace! The Sunwell is being threatened and we … because we refuse to die! So we are here! "
Mograine and Abidis were speechless and immediately relieved.
Duke’s’ old problem’ has been committed again!
A commander-in-chief, he is almost perfect and picky, but there is a saying in the league that Duke always likes to strive for the greatest victory before the minimum cost.
A leader who cherishes the Ministry is easily loved by the Ministry.
Many times, you can’t just cherish the Ministry to win.
It was a terrorist opponent who destroyed the alliance and swept across most of the continent.
It’s a way to destroy your opponent forever by simply consuming.
Mograine and Abidis smiled at each other, and then Mograine held high the huge Ashbringer in his hand. "Brothers! What brought us here? Isn’t that it? isn’t it to punish Arthas, the fallen devil who killed our beloved king Terenas? Guy who don’t have that courage to face death, get your ass back to the boat now! Yu and I "
Sylvanas windrunner gave Mograine an admiring look, and she also raised the bow in her hand, "We have lost the sun, Quel Dore."
With a brave battle, 200,000 troops rolled north and chased Arthas back with momentum.
I feel that the surrounding army is moving towards Duke’s heart. "Those guys … but only in this way can I be the queen who is deeply loved by me."
It’s always a bit difficult for Duke to face an Azeroth world that is getting better and better.
Do not interfere!
He couldn’t bear to see that tragic scene repeated again.
It often leads to all kinds of unpredictable events, always worrying about whether those famous heroes in the past will grow old and become waste residue.
I am also afraid that because of the changes,’ he is no longer him’ and’ she’ is not that’ she’. When the best idea in my heart is different from reality, I will adapt myself.
Now, with the help of unified farsightedness, Duke saw the evil, rode a horse forward, Mograine saw the defense of the country, and held a bow and blond hair flying. sylvanas windrunner Duke suddenly really felt a spirit
What is a hero?
Heroes are abstract and die.
Heroes never have an accurate definition.

Li Xiaosong said, "I have taught myself a little about law. I can make contracts."

Xu laughed, "Very good, the sooner the better."
So Li Xiaosong printed the contract and added terms next to everyone.
Because the annual salary is 350 million, most of the terms are customized, and Xu Shi is a boss. There are very few customized terms, which makes everyone feel even more unbelievable.
The foreigner’s tone is simply to apply for them to be slaves. How can it be like spending money to support them?
However, after the contract is printed, everyone signs it and presses the handprint, Xu can take out his mobile phone directly.
Because it is really high-level transferable, it needs to be confirmed by the guest manager.
A minute later, a series of text messages woke up, making people’s hearts beat violently.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-four The breeze Zhai
When seven people saw their mobile phone text messages, their eyes widened instantly.
Everyone has seen the money, everyone has seen the balance figures in the bank card, but these seven people never thought that their bank card balance figures would be like this one day.
Except Hongshanjin, the other six heads are all 5, and the balance figures are all digits before the decimal point!
Numbers. What does this mean?
This means that there is an instant extra 50 million in their bank card!
Is this the concept of equality?
Although there is a family of 120 million in Hongshan Gold Card, although it is also very rich, there is still a father in the family. That is his father’s property, and it is not his place yet. There has never been more than 50 million in his card.
But now his bank card has exceeded 50 million.
This is something that Hongshan Jin did not think of.
Hongshan Jin was suddenly excited because he found that he could make money, too.
My father has never supported him to do science, hoping that he can inherit the huge gold, silver and jewelry empire left by his father a hundred years later, and he has never been able to prove his ability to his father, but now …
He can clap his chest to assure his father that science can make money.
I can make money!
I can not only make money, but also make a lot of money!
I can not only make a lot of money, but also be a great scientist!
I can still go down in history.
The thought of Hongshan Gold here made me tremble with excitement.
Seven people are shaking up now.
As the blade said, they never treat money like dirt, and they were equally excited when 50 million appeared in their account.
They are looking at Xu excitedly at the moment, as if to strip all the clothes and eat them.
They found Xu really a likable guy.
Perilla also shocked than aside.
Although Xu said that he would need an annual salary of 350 million yuan to recruit this team, she always denied that this was true because he probably wanted the East China Sea Seven Monsters to help him finish what he wanted to do.
But it was not until now that Bai Su realized that Xu was really rich!
Xu was able to wave before three point five hundred million these seven guys.
Everyone knows that these seven guys make a profit by short-term root method.
And 3.5 billion is not a joke. Maybe this 3.5 billion is likely to be lost.
Where on earth did this guy get so much money?
Where on earth did he get such great courage?
Perilla is more and more curious about Xu Shi.
This man is full of mystery everywhere, as if even his toes are mysterious.
He has a lazy smile on his face, which is warm and reassuring, and it is like falling into a mysterious bottom hole
Xu xian also laughs.
Xu Xiao is because he calculated the loopholes in the system.
If he used the money to hire several famous scientific experts from a company, then this 350 million can be counted as spending 350 million, but he hasn’t hired a company yet, and he is also a few unknown monsters, and these monsters haven’t been given to other factories yet. He spent this 350 million equivalent to losing 350 million.
Xu lost another five hundred million dollars, and he can start the shopping mall. He has been walking on the road of losing his family. Now he has lost three point five hundred million dollars, and the distance from the goal is getting closer and closer. Now there are one point five hundred million dollars left.
Xu can’t wait to know what’s inside the defeated mall, because he is now very dangerous and has a lot of crash skills. Before Gu Wu, he could rely on limited props to defend himself.
After all, there are too many rivals.
Xu No.1 adversary is, of course, the mysterious family that hindered his Xia Bingqing’s love for Beijing.
Xu No.2 is the international terrorist organization, the devil mantis. After all, it was solved by him. That organization will get the news sooner or later, and Xu will inevitably become the target they want to kill.
Xu No.3 adversary is the East China Sea City Flame Organization.
Xu felt a little surprised when he faced the old flame seven. What about the old flame six and the old flame five?
Xu is very clear that it is very likely that he will be finished when he is facing the third flame. Worse still, there are the second flame and the big BOSS.
None of these three rivals can afford to provoke now.
Xu must open the defeated mall as soon as possible, and he hopes that the defeated mall will bring him surprises.
And these three adversaries are Xu’s biggest three, and I don’t know how many adversaries there are in secret.
Those adversaries are all met in daily life, such as Zhu Zhiyuan and others, such as his humiliated cousin Xu Ruying and others, such as narrow-minded Dr. Zou, such as the member who was kicked by him to fly to wild one …
People can’t live in this world without enemies.
What he has to do now is to improve himself, which is why he behaves so like an outbreak.
"Now you finally believe me?"
Xu laughed.
A few people have become a little embarrassed expression.
Of course, this also represents their meaning.
Xu said, "But I have to arrange one of you first in the early stage of the company’s establishment."
Eating people is soft-spoken and short-handed
Now several people have become full of energy.
Xu said with a smile, "Because in the future, which company will be run by you, I still prefer to be the shopkeeper of cutting. I will give you the address of this company to choose, and the construction team will be given to you to find the decoration company, and you will also come to us. What we need to do is speed, quality and money, not the problem."
Even the company is in our hands?
Seven people feel shortness of breath has become some.
What they want most is to meet a boss, but they didn’t expect to meet the boss to this point today.
They are almost embarrassed.
See a few people are a little ashamed to answer Xu Bai. They immediately laughed. "Well, this matter is done. Don’t refuse. Trust me, your ability is greater than your imagination. I have given you enough letters. I hope you can give me enough feedback."
Xu didn’t say anything about the boss’s speech, but instead of being rude, he also said that they were talking.
They like this conversation, so do they, boss.
Even Hongshanjin has admired Xu to the extreme.
Maybe they didn’t stay for dinner. Maybe there are things to do.

Xu Ren felt a lot in his heart, but he was more worried that Qianjiang Prefecture was the economic pillar of the girder empire, and if this suddenly supported the six magic sects with the economic pillar, the result could be imagined.

"It seems that we have to investigate the situation of Qin family as soon as possible, otherwise it will make people feel uneasy."
Shen Tengyun is not a girder empire, but he knows that if the six demons plan to regain control of North Xuanzhou, then the whole North Xuanzhou will be in chaos and his hometown will not be very good.
Although Shen Tengyun is indifferent to others at home, he still can’t let go of his father.
Shen Tengyun can’t let people go. Xu Ren and Xiao Xiaoer can’t let people go, so they are more eager to know the main reasons for the Qin family’s misfortune
Chapter six hundred and eleven Incredible
North Xuanzhou said that it was big, but it was not true. It was not too big. The three empires in the middle region were in a tripartite confrontation and temporarily maintained stability. Now the three dynasties in the north are in the period of cooperation, and the two dynasties in the east have been secretly competing, but because of their considerable strength, no one can resist anyone.
Lin Liji, a small country with a chaotic western environment, is controlled by Shanxianmen.
At first glance, North Xuanzhou is prosperous, but if you consider this prosperity carefully, it is very fragile.
Once a force destroys a certain junction, it may cause chaos in the whole northern territory
The best way for the six magic sects to re-enter North Xuanzhou is to gain profits from chaos. The most hope for North Xuanzhou to fall into chaos should be the six magic sects that have been hidden for more than 700 years.
However, it is not a good result for all the monks, Xuanji Xianmen and Xujia if the last six demons can re-enter the North Xuanzhou and the North Xuanzhou falls into chaos.
Xu Ren still hopes that North Xuanzhou is an anchored North Xuanzhou so that Xu Jiacai can grow steadily. At this time, if something happens, it will be very unfavorable for Xu Jiaxian.
"Come to our Jiangxin County to see if Rongzhitang and his Qin family industry sell anything in Guishi."
Xu Ren made up his mind to find out the Guishi of Qin family. If Guishi of Qin family is also controlled by the magic door, then the whole girder empire may face a test.
Into the jiangxin county after Xu Ren Shen Tengyun branch.
When they sneaked into Xianguo, they were acted by two people together. Shen Tengyun also knew that Xu Ren was churning out those things in Xianguo, and he would not have much problem to help Xu Ren confirm them.
Xu Renze inquired about the Qin family’s other industries. Although it was very troublesome, Xu Ren had perseverance and confidence.
After half a month, Xu Ren has found out all the Qin family industries. Some of them are heard from people, while others are from Dongyan.
Qin’s family property is really a great cause. The Dadan drugstore has Rongzhitang multiplier shop, hidden front pavilion and auction house Jubaoge headquarters, all of which are big businesses, and these big business bases in the north are in the hands of the royal family. I didn’t expect the Qin family in the girder empire to have such a family property.
Of course, it is not only the Qin family that can do these businesses in the Girder Empire, but the business of the Qin family is relatively large, and the joint title of Qianyue Xianzong is also louder.
Xu Ren visited several Qin shops in Jiangxin County and found that most of the things sold in Qin shops were involved in Guishi, especially when he came up with tricks to fool the magic monk Dan medicine, multiplier and even law array base in Guishi.
This Xu Ren has been finished. It is certain that the Qin family, the state capital of Jiangzhou, is inextricably linked with Guishi. If these messages are sent back to Qianyue Xianzong, then the Qin family Guishi and the magic door will be connected.
But although now Xu Ren has a result in his heart, he has some hesitation, because all this seems too simple, and it seems that it is not difficult to investigate the Qin family. But soon Xu Ren also realized that this simplicity is also a mystery to him. If the investigator has also been to Guishi, he may be able to see some doorways, but if he has not been to Guishi, he will not see anything. Even if he suspects that Qin Gudan’s medicine is coming, he will never associate it with Guishi’s magic door.
Just in case Xu Ren comes to Jiangzhou again, what he sees in several counties and cities is similar, but everything sold by Qin Jiapu is similar.
So let Xu Ren more sure Qin Guigui magic door is involved.
"What should we do if we take it?"
Shen Tengyun is also very tired these days. He has run so many stores and made a lot of efforts.
"I have sent the information here to Xianzong, and I think it can be counted that we have finished it properly. If we deal with Qin family, we can’t do anything. Anyway, Qin family is also a monster. A few of us alone can’t move Qin family. In case we still have to leave Jiangzhou as soon as possible, it will be difficult for us to leave when the time comes."
Xu Ren has always been cautious. This time, it was also because of the big things involved that he stayed in Jiangzhou for a long time. Now that things have been found out, they should leave earlier.
On this day, Xu Ren took Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Xiao Yaobao, Han Chan and Zhu Yuque to the border of Jiangzhou Prefecture. They wanted to rent a boat here and then go to a destination, Nianzhou Prefecture.
Xu Ren, where they are now, is not far from Gun State. It is about 500 miles by water, even if they wander around for a few days, they can arrive.
Even when Xu Ren was preparing to board the ship with little children, Shen Tengyun, little demon leopard, chilling and Zhu Yuque, Xu Ren suddenly felt that there were many smells around him, and those smells were not weak.
"Be careful. Someone may want to hurt us."
Xu Ren frowned, and his mind turned quickly to find out whether those smells were sent by Jiangzhou Qin family or Qianyue Xianzong Yan Hejiang to find trouble.
If it’s Yan Heqiang, if you know them, you need to know that since you met Luo Changsong, the elder of the Qianyue Fairy Sect, their pedestrian line has become low-key, and it’s hard for ordinary people to recognize them and predict their whereabouts. If it’s Jiangzhou Qin family, when will they attract the attention of Qin family? Moreover, the Qin family has to wait until they leave.
Although Xu Ren has a lot of questions in his heart, he has no time to think about them now. No matter which side the breath belongs to, if the forces are coming at them, they have to find a way to resolve it.
Swish swish swish-
Xu Renxiao woke up with a sentence, and dozens of figures have already flown and directly stopped Xu Ren and others near.
Xu Ren didn’t show any surprise, as if he didn’t look at these people at all. He winked at Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Xiao Yaobao, Han Xiao and Zhu Yuque, and then everyone adjusted their direction slightly and continued to walk to the dock.
"It’s quite heavy. It’s a pity that you can’t leave Jiangzhou again."
A rich and deep sound appeared.
Xu Ren looked around and found that it was a man who looked about forty years old.
This man is of medium height and looks good, with three moustaches, ruddy face and beautiful eyes, probably in the early days of his creation.

Said the black dress person came to the front of Shimen and pushed the door.

Jun Xuan saw that there was nothing inside except a very big tripod furnace.
When I saw this tripod furnace, Jun Xuan crossed a little uneasy in his heart.
I always feel that this man in black will put him in.
Sure enough, as soon as he came up with this idea, he heard the man in black say, "Thyme Haoran said that he had found a person who decided to take good medicine, and it seems that you are the little devil. It seems that riki can be refined successfully tonight."
Said, and will lift your porch higher to put him in the furnace tripod "advanced to wash chapter 499, 499 must save him.
Jun Xuan struggled desperately and wrapped his arms around the men in black, hanging his arms like a tail bear, but refused to come.
"Come on!" Black dress person sink said
But if you listen carefully, you can still hear a slight smile in his voice.
Jun Xuan sipped his lips, although it was funny, but his face was stiff.
Jun Xuan knew at a glance that this cauldron was coming to refine medicine, but a living person came to refine medicine, and that person was himself, which made him if he was not afraid.
The man in black sneered at him. At last, his conscience found that he no longer teased him, but took a dress and put it on him to set him free.
At this time, there was a sudden "bang"
With this loud noise, an abrupt wall with a high hole for one person appeared.
A handsome figure appeared in front of two people after the choking smoke dispersed.
Jun Xuan cried out in surprise at the sight of her.
Shen Qiqi looked at Jun Xuan’s sparkling eyes when he followed the sound.
At that moment, all the memories poured out from the depths of Shen Qiqi’s mind.
"Dabao!" Shen Qiqi exclaimed at the sight of the black dress person wearing Jun Xuan’s face, and he rushed away without thinking much.
Black dress person kept your porch moving like a ghost and then drifted out of the room.
Shen Qiqi followed after the past and found that the black dress person was not far from the door but was looking at her with his head cocked.
While Jun Xuan danced and wanted to pounce on Nai in her direction. He was carried by a black dress person and could not move at all.
"Dabao, are you all right?" Shen Qiqi is in a hurry to come, but he is afraid of angering the black dress person and dare not get too close. He can glare at him. "You let him go or I will be impolite."
"I wonder if the virgin will be rude to me?"
Hear Shen Qiqi say that men in black don’t anger the smile asks with interest.
"Cut the crap and let the children go"
Shen Qiqi directly deceives his body, but when his fingers become claws, he will catch his hand.
The black dress person was surprised. Obviously, he didn’t expect Shen Qiqi to move so fast that he would flash away from Jun Xuan. However, Shen Qiqi stopped him first as if he saw his intention, and at the same time, he grabbed Jun Xuan’s arm with the other hand and took him away.
Men in black naturally won’t let Shen Qiqi take Jun Xuan away so easily. When he sees Shen Qiqi pulling Jun Xuan, he will carry him to another direction and force him to pull.
Shen Qiqi is afraid of pulling and hurting the child so that he can let go.
Jun Xuan returned to the hands of men in black.
Shen Qiqi is short of breath, brandishing Emei thorn and flying, while the men in black take their time to avoid Shen Qiqi’s offensive and don’t attack. However, as for Shen Qiqi, he hasn’t even touched a corner of his clothes, which is like teasing her.
And Shen Qiqi didn’t dare to make efforts to fight physical strength with men in black because he was concerned about children.
It’s a pity that Shen Qiqi’s physical strength is far from that of men in black. Seeing that he is getting harder and harder, the men in black still easily know that he is not his opponent. Shen Qiqi’s heart is anxious to drag it away, but it is bad for him. She gritted her teeth and decided to cross the rubicon. Chapter 5 He finally became like her.
Seeing Shen Qiqi’s sharp angle, the black dress person was secretly surprised and took it seriously at the same time.
Shen Qiqi’s choice of angle is really tricky, but it is also very dangerous. If she fails to strike, it will be her own injury.
Seeing that Shen Qiqi is getting closer and closer, he is also dodging the men in black.

Yuan Gungun picked up the glass and sent it to his mouth. He drank glug upside down and handed it to Yan Yanche.

Yan Yan Che took the glass and put it on the bed. She looked at her lips, and a funny milk stain reminded her of something …
"Why don’t you lick it?" he asked
Yuan Gungun paused. "Won’t you help me wipe my mouth?"
"What?" Yan Yanche provoked the knife-shaped eyebrows, not sure what she heard. What did she take him for? Who the hell is the servant?
Yuan Gungun held out small tongue and licked the milk stains into his mouth. He was so strange. He seemed unhappy when she licked it herself. This time she left it for him to wipe, he was still unhappy …
Yan Yanche got up and went to a nearby table to smoke a paper towel, then sat back and wiped her mouth rudely.
Yuan Gungun wrinkled her eyebrow because he was not gentle.
"Tell me how you got yourself into the water." Yan Yanche threw a paper towel and accurately entered the Hello Kitty doll trash can.
Yuan Gungun Leng Leng cried, "I went to get your watch, and on the way back, I met Sister Yao. We talked while walking, and then Sister Yao fell over me when she was unstable. I fell into the swimming pool when I was unstable. Later, Brother Ya saved me, and then you came."
Yan Yan looked at her coldly and shouted, "Why are you crying?"
Yuan Gungun got a fright, and his tears fell even more fiercely.
"Still crying?" He frowned with displeasure.
"Yes … I’m sorry I can’t do anything well … blare, you … your watch fell into the water with me … blare, I didn’t mean to … you let me go home … blare, I’ll let daddy compensate you … for you, okay?" Yuan Gungun suddenly burst into tears and said that tears were falling drop by drop.
Yan Yanche looked at her and reached out to wipe away her tears after half a ring. "You are so ugly."
Yuan Gungun cried and didn’t speak.
"I’m warning you to shut up. It’s noisy." Yan Yan frowned and put her in his arms.
"Blare … master … the water is so cold … and it keeps drilling into my body … blare … nose, ears, eyes and mouth … blare … I remember, but I can’t step on it … it’s terrible … it’s so uncomfortable … master … blare .. I’m dying … blare … I haven’t given birth to a baby yet and I haven’t eaten a lot of delicious food …
Yan Yanche didn’t speak but held her in silence.
I don’t know how long it took to cry less and less, leaving a little sob. Yan Che gently pulled them apart and looked at her face with tears and closed her eyes. Is this asleep? Crying yourself to sleep? Reach out and wipe away her tears, slowly help her lie down, help her cover up, and just watch her quietly.
In his sleep, Yuan Gungun took a nose and rubbed his eyes to continue his beautiful sleep.
Yan Yanche reached out and touched her white and tender face gently, so that he didn’t want to let go and stroked it back and forth.
Yuan Gungun, like feeling something, gently dawdled with his big hand like a coquetry kitten and gently called out "Master …"
Yan Yan was fascinated by her little face, and she gently kissed her mouth, and then quietly looked at her. The sunshine gently sprinkled on them, and the atmosphere was very warm for a while.
"Master Tyrannosaurus Rex …" Yuan Gungun, who slept in a daze, didn’t know what he dreamed of, and murmured a little.
Yan Yanche provoked the knife-shaped eyebrows to raise her hand and wanted to wake her up. Did she raise her hand and stop halfway? Finally, she let it go and wake her up. She was going to cry again.
In this way, Yuan fell asleep and watched quietly until it was dark, and someone got up and left.
The reason why the swimming pool was filled is that it drowned the watch. Everyone has confirmed the sentence, that is, "If you want to add a crime, just fill it in."
Yuan Gungun’s resilience is very strong, and she belongs to the type that she was "domestic violence" yesterday and forgot the day today, and she can continue to "domestic violence". If you want to say what impact this incident has brought to her, it is that she no longer dares to take a bath.
Let’s talk about Yuan Gungun’s four little babies, whose hobby is pestering beautiful women. Because they are very cute, maids are very popular. Every morning, they go out for a walk with their bellies flat, and at night, they drag their bulging bellies and come back with food taken late at night, which is very popular.
Little squirrel, little B, loves to eat like a pig, and likes to pester Yuan Gungun. Every time he is found out by Yan Yanche and thrown out, he never forgets to hold his hand tightly, Marie Laure Gigon.
A little white snake and a little white mother’s love depends on whether she likes going out.
Little Hedgehog Ball loves a mother’s love and steals money. Er … This hobby is a bit weird, but it does like stealing money. It likes to stab money and then wander around with’ Zhanli’ on its back. Finally, it hides them under the bed to see how caring and family-oriented it is.
Yan Yan Che is indifferent to the fact that they are jumping around, that is, if they don’t go into his room and don’t get tired of Yuan rolling, he will regard them as invisible, but once they get tired of Yuan rolling, he will get angry … According to Yas’s analysis, this psychology is called jealousy.
"Yuan Gungun!" There was a roar in the restaurant, followed by a miserable cry.
"Ah …"
Yan Yan Che Li grabbed Yuan Gungun’s ear and shouted, "Do you ignore my words? Isn’t it? "
Yuan Gungun stretched out his hand and gently pulled his arm with a bitter face. "I didn’t. It was Xiao B who got into his pocket. It was really not me."
Yan Yan put her ear and grabbed her tail in her pocket and threw it out.

Shuttle through one of the wagons, especially the gold-rimmed nanmu. There are tortoiseshell tassels on the top of the car, and golden flowers are carved on both walls. At first glance, you can tell that the people in the car are either rich or expensive.

But no one would have thought that sitting inside would be the queen of today.
Because there are many people in the street, the carriage goes very slowly
Night away some impatient.
"Do you think the neon spirit will have been born?"
"Nothing will happen, will it?"
"Zhang Shuo himself is a doctor too much. It should be fine to deliver the baby for Neon Ling himself."
Leaning in Feng Ying’s arms at night, she was surprised and talking to herself.
Feng Ying Mo Yuan held her in one hand and one in the other.
I couldn’t help laughing when I saw her like this.
"Why are you more nervous than when you were born in Nuo Nuo?"
"How can you not be nervous? How can I not be nervous because it has been so difficult for Ni Ling to have this child with Zhang Shuo for so many years because of the sequelae of Xiao Nvmu’s physical injury? "
"That’s Zhang Shuo’s sin. He’s the one who should be nervous."
Night away from hearing this, I was unhappy. "But I am a sister of neon spirit, and I am a neon spirit and not Zhang Shuo."
Feng Ying Mo smiled at her indifferently. "But no matter how nervous you are, it won’t help her."
After that, he shook his head with exaggeration and sighed, "Hey, is it true that once you become a mother, you will become a grandmother? Where did the calm night shop owner go?"
Night away with eyes Chen to him, "that’s your fault, too. I can’t be a mother if I want to. It’s all you."
"Yes, yes, yes, it’s all my fault." Feng Ying Mo smiled in a low voice and suddenly smirked close to "Nuo Nuo is five years old and it’s time for us to add a brother and sister to him."
As he spoke, he blew vaguely in her ear, leaving her neck stiff at night.
She has been using contraception for several years since she gave birth to Nuo Nuo.
Of course, this is her decision after consulting with Feng Ying Mo.
Because I want to open the age gap between Nuo Nuo and the second child
The reason is that I’ve watched too many throne fights and brothers and sisters, and I don’t want this to happen to their children.
Although this method can’t be completely eliminated, it certainly exists to some extent.
Little Nuo Nuo is an adult, and the second child is underage.
She and Feng Ying Mo thought it over that Nuo Nuo would be conferred as soon as he reached adulthood. At this time, other younger brothers and sisters were still children.
So there is less possibility of coveting.
There is tenderness and satiny. When the centrifugal tip comes from the ear bead at night, it shakes back and sees the phoenix shadow ink. Actually, it has already put its hand in it and rolled its lips and teeth to rub against her ear.
"Phoenix shadow ink in broad daylight?" The night is slightly breathing.
"What are you afraid of!"
Big hands took her face and wanted to kiss her on the lips and go outside. Chang’ an said, "The Empress Zhang Fu has arrived"-
Off-topic-finally, I thank the children’s papers for their support all the way and the outline and setting problems. This article is not very satisfactory. I know that the children’s papers still stick to it. I am grateful and will reflect on it and make persistent efforts. I hope that I will not let the children’s papers down. The new article has only occupied a pit at present. hp://
Hp:// Children’s papers, if you still want to believe in vegetarian food, please collect it first, and you will know it as soon as vegetarian food is updated. Thank you. Besides, there will be a few chapters, just a few chapters. Just a few people are happy. He is making her laugh.
Mo Xuan Nuo went out of the palace in a vegetable delivery car.
After leaving the palace, he suddenly emerged from the food basket and scared the old man to death.
He asked the old man to send him to Zhangfu. How dare the old man be rich?
The old man has been delivering food to the palace, and he naturally knows the famous emperor, but it is the pride of the two emperors, and although this little guy is young, it is not easy to provoke a risk-averse.
To be on the safe side, he will go back where he took it out. The old man insisted on sending him back to the palace again.
Mo Xuan Nuo has never seen such a pedantic and inflexible person.
How can he go back so easily when he finally gets out?
So the springboard car ran away.
He trotted so fast that the stalls on the roadside disappeared for a moment.
The old man was so anxious there that he jumped straight up.
After all, the child is too young to be afraid of any accident outside the palace. Then he will have ten heads that are not enough to cut off. After thinking about it, the old man decided it would be safer to go back to the palace and leave.
This compartment devoted to Xuan Nuo hid in a cloth stall and guessed that the old man should go before he crawled out.
The old man really disappeared, but he regretted it.
Zhang Fu, who has been with his mother several times, naturally knows where it is, but it’s not a little bit far to walk to Zhang Fu from where he is now, and I don’t know when it will arrive.
Just now, I should have let that person send it.
The little head is trying to think about what to do, and he sees a very luxurious carriage coming this way in the distance.
A dark and liquid eyes turned his mind.
He wiped a handful of dust on his face and silently estimated the distance. When the carriage was not far away, he suddenly rushed to the middle of the road and stopped in front.
When the driver saw a child suddenly running out, his face changed with fear and he pulled the reins urgently.
The carriage stopped just a few feet away from Mo Xuannuo.
"Which children don’t look at the road? Get out of the way! " The driver tapering throat nu way
Devoted to Xuan Nuo is "wow" a big cry.
As soon as the coachman saw passers-by stop to watch him, he was even more angry. "It’s far from you and I didn’t bump into you. Why are you crying?"
Then a slightly heavy man came out of the car.
"What happened in Huo An?"
"Back to the ye a kid himself suddenly rushed to the middle of the road …"
"But hurt?"
"No, I probably cried."
The conversation between the master and the servant made Mo Xuannuo cry even more fiercely in his ears. Not only that, he also cried while holding the car curtain in his small hand before running, and begged the driver pitifully, "Uncle, save me!"
Huo An one leng, which is this singing?
Palpitation carriage door curtain was lifted from the inside by a white slender hand.
Abundant god jade man sitting in the car.
"What’s the matter?"
Devoted to Xuan Nuo upturned face looked at it and struggled to move the chubby little body to climb up.
Huo An was in a hurry. "Hey, hey, what are you going to do?"
The little guy ignored him, but held out his dirty little hand and caught the man’s skirt, eyes, eyes, red nose. "They’re going to sell my uncle and save me …"

"Tell me how to annoy you." Huang Junyi chatted with him.

"I don’t like that aunt." Lian Er thought of Ziyun Creek and frowned and said, "I hate her body odor."
"What’s that smell?"
"Be sycophantic!"
Haoer was not happy when Lian Er said that. She shook her tail angrily and I lent you my site. How could you say that? What’s the smell of being sycophantic? This is an attack on life. She’s a fox. She also smells like this. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll go far away!
Lian son seems to know what Hao son said immediately, "I’m not saying you’re not …"
I didn’t expect this little guy to explain that Huang Junyi smiled gently.
Lian ‘er is a second liquid medicine with incredible spirituality.
He said Ziyun Creek had a smell he didn’t like.
However, this is not constructive because other departments don’t like other people’s tastes! Except himself.
Huang Junyi remembered Ziyunxi meeting Lian Er alone and asked, "Lian Er, what did she just tell you?"
Lian’s son is extremely dissatisfied with it. "I just picked flowers and planned to take a petal bath. As a result, she came to talk to me, you know? It’s the first time I’ve been accosted by a female animal, but Coco is actually an aunt. Do you think I’m easy? ?”
"Chi-"Huang Junyi smiled gently. "You are not happy because of this."
"No, I’m a mother. I have a drop of her blood in my body. How can she turn her elbow outward?"
Hao’s face is full of laughter. You are jealous of your mother.
Lian’s son said discontentedly, no, no!
It seems that Lian Er can’t say exactly what she doesn’t like Ziyun Creek.
Huang Junyi is thoughtful.
"By the way, little dad, I just saw a familiar mark on her left finger, like the Mazhu Shahua in Hades House, but I can’t remember where I saw it. I didn’t target her because I was jealous of my mother. I just don’t like her!"
Huang Junyi nodded his head, and his beautiful eyes flashed a sharp light.
Manzhu Shahua? How can there be a dead flower in Ziyun Creek?
Lian Er refused to eat at the same table with Ziyun Ao at dinner, saying that she would apologize to herself before she would eat. Ziyun Ao said that he loved to eat or not, but he wouldn’t die if he didn’t eat.
She didn’t ask him to apologize to his sister, but he asked himself to apologize to him.
You’re so young, you push your luck, and then you get it
Decisively regard him as the reason and ask Ziyun Ao to go back to the room and lock the door with a snap after dinner!
So they missed the last chance to make up in the evening.
Sleep separately.
Lian’s son is very wronged. He has never been so regarded! If it’s dad, his side will definitely be his side!
Sure enough, she has something in her heart, and her sister has no place for him.
He’s running away from home. He’s going to find his dad!
Anyway, she can drink water now and doesn’t need him anymore. It will make her feel an eyesore if he stays here.
In this way, the little milk bag pouted and wordlessly left the other side of Bauhinia School.
Lian’s son looks depressed on his shoulders.
"Tell me how to annoy you." Huang Junyi chatted with him.
"I don’t like that aunt." Lian Er thought of Ziyun Creek and frowned and said, "I hate her body odor."
"What’s that smell?"
"Be sycophantic!"
Haoer was not happy when Lian Er said that. She shook her tail angrily and I lent you my site. How could you say that? What’s the smell of being sycophantic? This is an attack on life. She’s a fox. She also smells like this. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll go far away!
Lian son seems to know what Hao son said immediately, "I’m not saying you’re not …"
I didn’t expect this little guy to explain that Huang Junyi smiled gently.
Lian ‘er is a second liquid medicine with incredible spirituality.
He said Ziyun Creek had a smell he didn’t like.
However, this is not constructive because other departments don’t like other people’s tastes! Except himself.
Huang Junyi remembered Ziyunxi meeting Lian Er alone and asked, "Lian Er, what did she just tell you?"
Lian’s son is extremely dissatisfied with it. "I just picked flowers and planned to take a petal bath. As a result, she came to talk to me, you know? It’s the first time I’ve been accosted by a female animal, but Coco is actually an aunt. Do you think I’m easy? ?”
"Chi-"Huang Junyi smiled gently. "You are not happy because of this."
"No, I’m a mother. I have a drop of her blood in my body. How can she turn her elbow outward?"
Hao’s face is full of laughter. You are jealous of your mother.
Lian’s son said discontentedly, no, no!