Don’t be greedy! ""Greed is human nature. There are always many people who try to learn the top ten magic skills and recognize themselves as tianjiao. They are the protagonists of heaven and earth. They practice several magic skills at the same time with luck. But how can anyone really go to the extreme for these ten extreme roads? Don’t say you can’t.

Even I dare not practice the second magic skill, and these ten magic skills are not what we really rely on! "
"Cang Lang, remember one sentence: There are no enemies in this world!"
"We cultivate the Ten Magic Skills to temper our mind with the help of magic skills and create a stronger achievement method than the Ten Magic Skills!"
"For the top ten magic skills, we need to practice one of them to the extreme, and then we can learn a few ideas by analogy. Do you know?"
Qingzun big sleeve fluttering mouth said.
Xiao Yu took a deep breath and fuels. "Thank you for waking up!"
"Well, then you can go there."
Qingzun nodded and said
"it’s the devil"
Xiao Yu hold fuels again and fly to the ten pillars in front.
Suddenly Xiao Yu consternation stare big eyes.
Because he found a figure sitting on each side of four columns.
There are four people!
"That’s … Rise of the Legend magic statue, black statue, red dragon magic statue …"
Xiao Yu heart flashing.
There were three pillars, and he recognized them at once!
There was still a column left, and he looked at it carefully for a while and suddenly gasped.
"Long Yan Mo Zun!"
That pillar is the magic statue of Long Yan.
He hasn’t seen this terrible former demon deputy leader since Long Yan joined the battlefield after he got out of trouble from Tianzhaozong!
I didn’t expect the other party to have always been a monty hole!
They all practice?
Xiao Yu eyes puzzled.
But then suddenly behind him came Qingzun’s long and clear voice, "Long Yan Daoyou has something important to discuss with you, but you can’t wait?"
Brush! ? Suddenly, my eyes have been closed, and the dragon’s inflammation magic statue has opened its eyes. Two eyes are dark, and the world seems to have melted into two night beads, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Three souls and seven spirits seem to be directly taken away by this pair of eyes.
The eyes Xiao Yushen glanced at it and looked at the green John Lone efreet behind him, and his body floated.
Xiao Yugen can’t react. A moment ago, Long Yan’s magic statue returned the giant column, and it has completely lost its trace.
Xiao Yu hurriedly looked round.
The two magic statues have appeared tens of millions of feet away.
"What a terrible speed"
Xiao Yu was shocked in his heart.
This is the realm of winning!
You can always be an ant if you don’t win the championship!
He is deeply aware of this truth again.
Xiao Yu took a deep breath and continued to rush toward the front ten pillars.
The black statue and the red dragon demon statue destroyed Yangcheng in World War I, and the flesh was badly damaged. At this moment, they were all wrapped in a hazy light to recover their injuries.
In Rise of the Legend’s magic statue, he was left with a spiritual spirit in his celestial cases, and he has been practicing here since he returned to the magic land.
After such a long time, his physical injury still hasn’t improved at all
"Why did you come here? This is a forbidden area. Did the devil send you here?" ? Suddenly the red dragon magic statue looked at Xiao Yu with shocked eyes.
Chapter two thousand four hundred and thirty-five Watch the magic work
Xiao Yu’s sudden arrival shocked the Red Dragon’s magic statue and black statue with their eyes wide open.
The Monty Cave is no other place. This is a forbidden area of the magic gate. Even their little demon master can’t come in without saying anything. It takes a lot of contributions to get permission from the demon master to enter the Monty Cave for cultivation.
But what makes this Cang Lang? How did he get in?
How long has he only joined?
Why did the devil let him in?
Xiao Yu smiled and stared at the red dragon magic statue and black statue and laughed. "I was brought in by Qingzun. Qingzun asked me to watch the top ten magic skills and choose one to practice by myself."
The red dragon magic statue and the black statue were completely surprised.
Really promised by the devil!
Or the eldest of the four demons, Qingzun!
How come…
What has this Cang Lang done to make an exception for Qingzun and bring him into the Monty Cave? "Small day out manufactory world war I you chickened out and led tens of thousands of people to abandon the city and flee. Did the Lord know about this? You must not dare to tell the demon master that if you know, don’t say that you won’t enter the monty cave and ask you for a big sin, you must have cheated the demon master to let the demon.
It’s so bold of the Lord to bring you to Monty Cave. Come with me to see the Lord, and I’ll expose you! "

It is also because of the slow pace of cultivation that Dongyan put more energy into exercising his body, which made his body reach a new level of strength and martial arts, and also rose to the peak of the small master’s territory.

Han Yuer’s practice is not bad, and the physical strength is not bad, but the overall combat effectiveness is still inferior to that of Xiao Yaobao Molin.
Zhu Yuque Zhu Zhu situation chilling Han Yuer almost they are now fighting capacity of four people and three demons is at the bottom, but if these two guys work together, even if Xu Ren doesn’t move some life-saving means, they may not be able to pick it up.
Xu Ren is fairly satisfied with their rising strength. Although they will be stronger in the face of the enemy in the future, it is really impossible to pursue speed excessively in uniting this thing, so as not to be vain.
In addition to Xu Renshou’s four men and three demons, his brother’s combat effectiveness has also improved, especially Xu Ren’s earlier contact with Brother Qianyue Xianzong.
Nowadays, everyone in Qianyue Xianzong practices martial arts and is Xu Ren. They have carefully prepared the martial arts institute, and their martial arts realm has also risen quickly. Like Jiangyang, the patriarch of Qianyue Xianzong, the martial arts realm has now reached the realm of a small master.
Yan Fang, the elder, is even worse than Jiang Yang, and has reached the realm of great master.
With the foundation of martial arts realm, the strength of these thousand-month immortals naturally grows rapidly.
Of course, their martial arts realm rose so fast because Xu Ren released all his feelings in those martial arts schools. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so because those people don’t need to touch the stones to cross the river to practice faster. It is because they practice according to Xu Ren’s perception that they can walk behind Xu Ren. They have no experience in Xu Ren and naturally realize that Xu Ren’s enlightenment is hard to surpass in this life.
Of course, it’s difficult, but it doesn’t mean that there is no chance. If someone is extremely talented and surpasses Xu Ren, there is still a chance to go up a storey still higher.
As far as it’s concerned, this result is the best, because the fighting capacity of Brother Qianyue Xianzong has really increased a lot after practicing martial arts.
His brother saw this and was also influenced by Brother Qianyue Xianzong to practice martial arts.
I’m afraid it’s not easy for them to chase brother Qian Yue Xian Zong later when they practice martial arts.
Take Marco, the patriarch of Zhenyang Xianzong in Japan, for example. He didn’t practice martial arts until he came to Beixuan Prefecture. Now the realm has reached the hard rock boundary, but the gap is very obvious compared with Jiang Yang, the patriarch of Qianyuan Xianzong who practiced martial arts earlier.
Yu said that his monks from other States had earlier contact with Xu Renwu Dian and later contact with Xu Ren Wudian Dian, but on the whole, the strength of these monks has been greatly improved compared with that before martial arts.
Ge Shu was also busy making plans to attack the pick empire during this period, and when Ge Shu smoothed the general situation, he took the girder imperial army to the direction of the pick empire
Xu Ren naturally accompanied all the way to deal with inferno. This kind of thing can’t be done without him.
Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Dong Yan, Xiao Yaobao Molin, Han Yuer and Zhu Yuque Zhu Zhu naturally have to accompany them.
All the way, the girder imperial army soon came to the edge of the pick empire.
The Daluo Empire has always coveted the title of the first empire in China. They have always been eyeing the Girder Empire, but at the same time they are also afraid of the Girder Empire. Because of their fear of the Girder Empire, they have built the border of the Girder Empire very firmly.
The meaning of Liang, a famous town on the border of Liang Empire, is very obvious, that is, to shock Liang Empire.
After the Imperial Army of Girder arrived outside the town beam, it camped on the spot and built fortifications.
Of course, Liang Shoujun, the town of Daluo Empire, couldn’t just watch, so Liang Shoujun, the town, also set out when the Liang Imperial Army set up camp to build fortifications.
This time, it was the pick empire that took the lead in provoking the war, and it was also defeated. Liang Shoujun of the town has also been paying attention to the situation here.
Town Liang Shoujun also knew that indefensible also don’t talk to girder imperial army penis directly to the girder imperial army launched an attack.
The imperial army of girder has long been on guard against the so-called "the enemy will have means to block the water", and it has never been afraid of this kind of fighting between the two armies.
The military god’s skill arrangement is very clever. The beam imperial army is resisting and harassing the beam army in the town of Daluo Empire while building fortifications.
Seeing that the fortifications of the imperial army were built day by day, Liang Shoujun of the imperial town of Luo was in a hurry, so he could send more military forces and monks to fight before, and even the demon king appeared in the later period.
However, even if the town beam demon king was out, it still failed to delay the speed of building fortifications by the army of the pick empire.
Moreover, another feature of the fortifications built by the Imperial Army of Girder is that after the fortifications are built, they can pose a threat to Liang Shoujun of Daluo Imperial Town.
As a result, Liang Shoujun, the town of Daluo Empire, fought more and more hard. By the end of the period, they had all returned to the middle of the pass, and the gates were closed. After the suspension bridge was raised, it was not necessary to beam the imperial army.
Xu Ren knew that this was Liang Shoujun’s procrastination in the town of Luo Empire, and the reinforcements of Luo Empire should have gone.
Geshu didn’t want to give the town beam of Luo Empire a chance, so he directly ordered the army to attack the city.
Girder empire army has been holding on for a long time. If it weren’t for the pick empire, Girder Empire wouldn’t have killed so many people.
There are a large population in one of the nine cities of the Girder Empire, and many of them are relatives of this Girder Empire Army. This time, the Girder Empire Army attacked Zhenliang very hard, which can be said to be regardless of life and death.
As a result, Liang Shoujun, who picked up the imperial town, can’t stay up a bit. Please come out and help the demons quickly.
Chapter one thousand and twenty Benefits
The town beam gate is closed, the suspension bridge is high, and the battle card is still hanging from the head of the city.
However, the Imperial Army of Girder can’t care about these undeclared wars. Now, can you stop the Imperial Army of Girder with only one battle card?
As the girder imperial soldiers will shout and kill, the girder imperial army attacked the town beam exhibition.
Although Liang Shoujun in this town hung up the battle card, in fact, they were ready to guard against the attack of the big beam imperial army. When Liang Dajun in Daluo Imperial Town also fought back.
However, when the soldiers of Daliang Empire fought against each other, they were very brave. At one time, Liang Dajun, the town of Daliang Empire, was beaten without temper.
In particular, the siege equipment of the Girder Empire is simply too powerful. The army of the Girder Empire has absolutely suppressed the town beam of the Daluo Empire from the moment it moved the siege equipment.
I feel that the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, but I can’t hold on. Please come out and help the inferno.
There are many demons in Zhenliang, and there are also many Three Demons.
Town beam inferno has appeared, and the brothers in the army of the girder empire can’t look at it any more, so they have also flown towards Liangchengtou, the town of Luo Empire.
Xu Ren is directly to draw up the stars on Sunday to cover the whole town of Liangchengtou.
Xu Ren was also very careful when he experienced the edge of the girder empire. He not only drew up the stars on Sunday, but also arranged a law that could resist the mixed poisonous fog.
Xu Ren’s array contains a lot of vitality. In this array, Shen Tengyun and Dong Yan can get a lot of increase in their own strength.
In fact, this time, the Imperial Army of Girder was also very careful to attack the city with that unique gas mask.
Many monks also wear those gas masks.
As soon as Xu Rencai appeared, he was directly surrounded by three blood demons.
It seems that those demons also know that Xu Ren is terrible and have long paid attention to him.
In fact, not only Xu Ren, Xiao Dong ‘er, Shen Tengyun, Dong Yan, Xiao Yao Bao Mo Lin, Han Yuer, and Zhu Yuqiu Zhu Zhu were also specially taken care of. They fought against three kings of The Hunger more than others against three kings of The Hunger
This situation is beyond Xu Ren’s expectation, so they came here for nothing. It turns out that they have become targets of demons.
In the face of three Three Blood Demons attacking Xu Ren, although they are not afraid, but their faces are full of dignified colors, Xu Ren did not think about it. However, judging from the situation, infernos are not all impulsive and reckless. They also study human monks and make different coping strategies for different human monks.
This is not good news for human beings in China. The smarter the inferno brain, the greater the threat to human beings.
Of course, although Xu Ren was worried in his heart, he didn’t dare to be careless about the confrontation between the three kings of The Hunger. He saw that his firm but gentle spirit condensed out three swords, while those three swords attacked the three three blood lords respectively.
The three Three Blood Demons know that Xu Ren’s sword shadow is fierce and naturally dare not let Xu Ren’s sword shadow be close.
And the three three blood devil attack power is not weak, three dozen one situation also let Xu Ren feel very headache.
However, even if Xu Ren felt a headache again, he had to continue the collision between the three three blood lords. His figure flashed and he had rushed to a three blood lords near.
The three blood demon king saw Xu Ren rushed to his crowd and immediately waved his bloody magic knife and cut it to Xu Ren Xu Ren, who also dare not neglect the Xinghai sword in his direct hand.
There was a loud noise, followed by Xu Ren’s rapid retreat.
However, Xu Ren’s retreat is not blind retreat. His retreat position is very objective, which is exactly where another Three Blood Demon is located.
Not to be outdone, the three kings of The Hunger waved their bloody swords directly towards Xu Ren to meet them.
There is another loud noise. Xu Ren’s figure is backward again, but the figure of the Three Blood Demons, which makes the bloody sword, is even more fierce than that of Xu Ren, and it seems to be out of control.

Xu Ren felt a lot in his heart, but he was more worried that Qianjiang Prefecture was the economic pillar of the girder empire, and if this suddenly supported the six magic sects with the economic pillar, the result could be imagined.

"It seems that we have to investigate the situation of Qin family as soon as possible, otherwise it will make people feel uneasy."
Shen Tengyun is not a girder empire, but he knows that if the six demons plan to regain control of North Xuanzhou, then the whole North Xuanzhou will be in chaos and his hometown will not be very good.
Although Shen Tengyun is indifferent to others at home, he still can’t let go of his father.
Shen Tengyun can’t let people go. Xu Ren and Xiao Xiaoer can’t let people go, so they are more eager to know the main reasons for the Qin family’s misfortune
Chapter six hundred and eleven Incredible
North Xuanzhou said that it was big, but it was not true. It was not too big. The three empires in the middle region were in a tripartite confrontation and temporarily maintained stability. Now the three dynasties in the north are in the period of cooperation, and the two dynasties in the east have been secretly competing, but because of their considerable strength, no one can resist anyone.
Lin Liji, a small country with a chaotic western environment, is controlled by Shanxianmen.
At first glance, North Xuanzhou is prosperous, but if you consider this prosperity carefully, it is very fragile.
Once a force destroys a certain junction, it may cause chaos in the whole northern territory
The best way for the six magic sects to re-enter North Xuanzhou is to gain profits from chaos. The most hope for North Xuanzhou to fall into chaos should be the six magic sects that have been hidden for more than 700 years.
However, it is not a good result for all the monks, Xuanji Xianmen and Xujia if the last six demons can re-enter the North Xuanzhou and the North Xuanzhou falls into chaos.
Xu Ren still hopes that North Xuanzhou is an anchored North Xuanzhou so that Xu Jiacai can grow steadily. At this time, if something happens, it will be very unfavorable for Xu Jiaxian.
"Come to our Jiangxin County to see if Rongzhitang and his Qin family industry sell anything in Guishi."
Xu Ren made up his mind to find out the Guishi of Qin family. If Guishi of Qin family is also controlled by the magic door, then the whole girder empire may face a test.
Into the jiangxin county after Xu Ren Shen Tengyun branch.
When they sneaked into Xianguo, they were acted by two people together. Shen Tengyun also knew that Xu Ren was churning out those things in Xianguo, and he would not have much problem to help Xu Ren confirm them.
Xu Renze inquired about the Qin family’s other industries. Although it was very troublesome, Xu Ren had perseverance and confidence.
After half a month, Xu Ren has found out all the Qin family industries. Some of them are heard from people, while others are from Dongyan.
Qin’s family property is really a great cause. The Dadan drugstore has Rongzhitang multiplier shop, hidden front pavilion and auction house Jubaoge headquarters, all of which are big businesses, and these big business bases in the north are in the hands of the royal family. I didn’t expect the Qin family in the girder empire to have such a family property.
Of course, it is not only the Qin family that can do these businesses in the Girder Empire, but the business of the Qin family is relatively large, and the joint title of Qianyue Xianzong is also louder.
Xu Ren visited several Qin shops in Jiangxin County and found that most of the things sold in Qin shops were involved in Guishi, especially when he came up with tricks to fool the magic monk Dan medicine, multiplier and even law array base in Guishi.
This Xu Ren has been finished. It is certain that the Qin family, the state capital of Jiangzhou, is inextricably linked with Guishi. If these messages are sent back to Qianyue Xianzong, then the Qin family Guishi and the magic door will be connected.
But although now Xu Ren has a result in his heart, he has some hesitation, because all this seems too simple, and it seems that it is not difficult to investigate the Qin family. But soon Xu Ren also realized that this simplicity is also a mystery to him. If the investigator has also been to Guishi, he may be able to see some doorways, but if he has not been to Guishi, he will not see anything. Even if he suspects that Qin Gudan’s medicine is coming, he will never associate it with Guishi’s magic door.
Just in case Xu Ren comes to Jiangzhou again, what he sees in several counties and cities is similar, but everything sold by Qin Jiapu is similar.
So let Xu Ren more sure Qin Guigui magic door is involved.
"What should we do if we take it?"
Shen Tengyun is also very tired these days. He has run so many stores and made a lot of efforts.
"I have sent the information here to Xianzong, and I think it can be counted that we have finished it properly. If we deal with Qin family, we can’t do anything. Anyway, Qin family is also a monster. A few of us alone can’t move Qin family. In case we still have to leave Jiangzhou as soon as possible, it will be difficult for us to leave when the time comes."
Xu Ren has always been cautious. This time, it was also because of the big things involved that he stayed in Jiangzhou for a long time. Now that things have been found out, they should leave earlier.
On this day, Xu Ren took Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Xiao Yaobao, Han Chan and Zhu Yuque to the border of Jiangzhou Prefecture. They wanted to rent a boat here and then go to a destination, Nianzhou Prefecture.
Xu Ren, where they are now, is not far from Gun State. It is about 500 miles by water, even if they wander around for a few days, they can arrive.
Even when Xu Ren was preparing to board the ship with little children, Shen Tengyun, little demon leopard, chilling and Zhu Yuque, Xu Ren suddenly felt that there were many smells around him, and those smells were not weak.
"Be careful. Someone may want to hurt us."
Xu Ren frowned, and his mind turned quickly to find out whether those smells were sent by Jiangzhou Qin family or Qianyue Xianzong Yan Hejiang to find trouble.
If it’s Yan Heqiang, if you know them, you need to know that since you met Luo Changsong, the elder of the Qianyue Fairy Sect, their pedestrian line has become low-key, and it’s hard for ordinary people to recognize them and predict their whereabouts. If it’s Jiangzhou Qin family, when will they attract the attention of Qin family? Moreover, the Qin family has to wait until they leave.
Although Xu Ren has a lot of questions in his heart, he has no time to think about them now. No matter which side the breath belongs to, if the forces are coming at them, they have to find a way to resolve it.
Swish swish swish-
Xu Renxiao woke up with a sentence, and dozens of figures have already flown and directly stopped Xu Ren and others near.
Xu Ren didn’t show any surprise, as if he didn’t look at these people at all. He winked at Xiao Xiaoer, Shen Tengyun, Xiao Yaobao, Han Xiao and Zhu Yuque, and then everyone adjusted their direction slightly and continued to walk to the dock.
"It’s quite heavy. It’s a pity that you can’t leave Jiangzhou again."
A rich and deep sound appeared.
Xu Ren looked around and found that it was a man who looked about forty years old.
This man is of medium height and looks good, with three moustaches, ruddy face and beautiful eyes, probably in the early days of his creation.

"Oh, is that right? Has your first-class class been trained in actual combat? " This makes Feng Lan’s curiosity somewhat.

"No, I hurt myself when I was training." Zhu Zhihao was a little embarrassed to explain that at this time, a girl followed the wind, Lan Lan, and whispered a few words in her ear. After seeing these words, Lan Lan’s face became a bit weird, especially Zhu Zhihao felt that Feng Lan’s eyes made him feel like a joke. Generally, everyone knew what the girl said at this time, which made Zhu Zhihao even more embarrassed. She didn’t stare at the talking girl, but people ignored him.
"Miss Lan, shall we go to dinner together?" Magwu invited again, but this time he changed his name.
"Sorry, there are classmates waiting for me. I walked first." Then I took a few girls to the dining hall. After she left, Zhu Zhihao snorted with Magwu and went in.
"Princess, you don’t know that the new student is really fierce, holding the bench feet and desperately greeting Zhu Zhihao. If it weren’t for Wang Yujie’s tutor, I don’t know when to fight." Just now, the girl was excited and gesticulated to Feng Lan’s preacher …
"That man dared to hit Zhu Zhihao, but Zhu Zhie should not let him go," Feng Lan said, and then everyone chatted about some topics.
At this time, Gao Chen was doing all kinds of extreme exercises in the Woods. If an ordinary person did these exercises, don’t say how many times he did it like Gao Chen, even if he did it again, he would be tired of his bones. This made Gao Chen realize that after tens of thousands of years of development, how can he practice his body to the strongest? This world has been deeply studied. Gao Chen is now doing a set of exercises called extreme exercises that Gary taught him!
After finishing it for the first time, Gao Chen, who is already in Grade 19, was tired to the ground. But at this time, Gary came over and kicked him up and shouted at him, "You can’t stand it if you don’t eat. Get up and cook for me."
Gritting his teeth and sweating again, his clothes have been wet for a long time, but Gao Chen didn’t stop. It’s not that he didn’t want to stop, but that Gary would yell a few words of waste even if he wanted to slow down. Are you really a waste? I can’t stop being aroused by my temper.
Watching Gao Chen sweat continuously, Gary didn’t feel any pain. After finishing several sets of exercises, he kindly let Gao Chen rest for ten minutes. When Gao Chen just wanted to lie down, Gary said, "If you want what you just did to be more effective, it will be more effective to transport gas at this time."
Knowing that Gary won’t harm himself, Gao Chen is busy with controlling the gas operation. After a week of gas operation, Gao Chen feels that his body seems to be much better. The gas is running round and round, and the muscles that have just been pulled by exercise are healing quickly. It is strengthened that if others control the gas, the roots can’t think about other things, but Gao Chen is different. He can make the gas body run like a hang-up. Gao Chen hits his property panel, but this sight makes him dumbfounded and then it is a strong surprise!
Chapter 20 Attribute Point Increase
At this point, all the emotions of Gao Chen instantly make excitement instead of not knowing when the defense magic royal has added a little and life has added five points. Although this seems to be rare, it says a problem, that is, it says that the growth of his various attributes is no longer as much as it used to be by equipment and upgrading. This is a great good news. If this growth rate can continue or be faster, then even if his level is low, his attack and defense have gone. At this time, Gao Chen is finally white. Why can people in this world be so strong without equipment? But now it seems that it is not the reason.
"It’s time to take a break and continue to do the same move just now. This time it’s ten times." Ten weeks after Gao Chen’s luck, Gary’s violent voice brought Gao Chen back to reality from ecstasy.
Just now, Gao Chen just did it twice, and he was so tired that he was about to lie down. But now Gary actually said it ten times, which changed Gao Chen’s face. If you can say it ten times, even if it is a hundred times, the temptation to increase the attribute point is no worse than the grade. But just now, Gao Chen can’t do so much. It’s like letting a person who rarely exercises run 5 thousand meters. He may be able to finish it with difficulty, but what if you want him to run 50 thousand meters? One result is that you are exhausted.
"How do you admit that you are a waste? I can’t even do this. That’s how I practiced in those days. If you are a waste, then you don’t practice and don’t practice any lighter skills. It’s better to go home and do it. "Gary’s words are very vicious and don’t show Gao Chen any mercy.
"I’m not a loser who does it ten times, even if I’m exhausted, I’ll finish it before I die." Gao Chen was also angry. He knew that Gary’s words might not be true. Maybe he couldn’t do it once at that time, but there was no one else to do it. But Gao Chen cheered himself up and thought that he could add more attributes after ten times. Then do what Gary calls extreme exercise.
Come to Gao Chen’s clothes again and you’re soaked. Before you come to catch your breath, Gary shouted again, "Are you really a waste?" Are you a man or not? Do it quickly and don’t stop! "
If Gao Chen says he is not a man, it makes Gao Chen angry. Even if he is a waste, it is better to say that he is not like a man. But it is obvious that his anger has no effect on Gary. Gao Chen is annoyed and thinks that after one year, he must beat you all over the place. It is too arrogant and not a thing. Finally, he finished this time for the second time. He did it for the third time without any pause and did it faster than the first time. This is his angry power!
Gary nodded with satisfaction. Gary’s greatest wish in his life is to teach an outstanding brother. Because of this psychology, he is very strict with every student. As a result, he not only got the title of devil tutor, but also let him have no students to teach recently. None of the students he trained satisfied him. Of course, none of them were satisfied with what he did. He often regretted that those students were so blind and looked forward to having a student who could satisfy him until Gao Chen appeared. He felt himself. The wish has been realized, both in will and personality, which makes him very satisfied. Now Gao Chen is actually doing it faster and faster. When he finishes it three times, Gao Chen thinks in his heart whether there are other ways. If he does this, he may be really exhausted.
The body doesn’t stop at all, but the self-qi is running slowly. Although it doesn’t have the power to run so fast, it is also running. Every time this qi goes to a place, it instantly excites the tired muscles there. Without the slightest fatigue, he can do it faster and faster. Of course, this doesn’t mean that he can do it as long as he wants, but his body consumption is still too strong. No wonder Gary forced him to eat so much. It seems that this is not unreasonable …
"It’s not bad. You really didn’t let me down when you were exercising." Gary praised him with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with Gao Chen’s younger brother. It’s not because he has no students to teach more. It’s Gao Chen’s firm perseverance that satisfied Gary. Gary has always believed that whether he is an amazing genius or not, he can still succeed if he is willing to work hard, but now Gao Chen lets him know that success will be closer.
"Thank you for your praise. Is it time to meditate and nourish your spirit?" After a few hours, I finally finished it for ten times. Gao Chen stopped to thank him sincerely. Although Gary is very violent, there is no denying that he is really a responsible tutor, which of course makes his heart increase!
"Well, I went back after a week’s operation, so I’ll stop practicing today. I’ll go first. Remember to eat, and I’ll help you first." Gary said with satisfaction, ignoring Gao Chen, who was sitting on a stump, and left alone.
After running for a week, Gao Chen saw a property board. This time, although the defense magic royal didn’t increase, the health value increased by five points again. It seems that defense and magic royal are not so easy to increase, but for this point, Gao Chen can understand that there are more properties and equipment in the game. Everyone is willing to pay ten times the price to get it, so you know the property value of each point. Today, you have increased your life by ten points and defended a little magic royal. This is already a lot!
A man came to the dining hall and didn’t sit down when he saw that the place where they had eaten was full of food. Gao Chen curiously asked a young man next to that place, "Who are those foods?"
"Isn’t this what Gary mentor you point? Gary’s tutor said that if you don’t finish eating, you will go to the dean and admit that you are a waste. "The young man said with a smile on his face.
Gao Chen endured without getting angry and looked at him to change his eyes. The young man looked at Gao Chen interestingly and ignored his curious eyes. Gao Chen was depressed and sat down, and then he ate hard until half the time when a sound canteen rang.
"Look at this, it’s really useless to eat so much. Is he a pig?" Listen to this annoying pitch and you’ll know who the owner is. Isn’t that Zhu Zhihao who was beaten by himself? When he finished speaking, a group of friends with him burst into laughter.
"Don’t it hurt to be beaten early, or are you really so cheap that you always want to be beaten by others?" Gao Chen’s mouth stopped for a while, and he said slowly that he was loud enough for everyone around him to hear clearly. Seeing Gao Chen like that is definitely like a horse rushing over and beating him up.
"Gao Chen, I tell you, you don’t want to be so arrogant to offend me. It’s not as good as you." Zhu Zhihao was really a little afraid that Gao Chen would come again when he saw that. After all, now he has no advantage over Gao Chen in strength. He said that he would do it. Zhu Zhihao was really afraid that Gao Chen would come and beat him like this. Did he suffer or did his friends forget it? Did they really dare to make moves against Gao Chen? Gao Chen is a general who protects the country. They are not enough alone.
"Don’t disturb the big ye to eat, or hum you know." He made a fierce move and then buried himself in what Zhu Zhihao wanted to say, but when he remembered the crazy situation of early Gao Chen, he seemed to have a dull pain again, swallowed his words back and hated "We’ll see" and then walked outside the canteen.
Seeing him go, Gao Chen continued to deal with the things on the table. It seems that Zhu Zhihao dialect has no effect on his roots. Gary nodded with satisfaction in the corner of the dining hall and then went through another door. After eating, Gao Chen returned to his yard only to find that the yard door was open, which surprised him. It wouldn’t be a thief. Remember to leave the door. But isn’t this the Magic Martial Arts Institute? There will be thieves here, too?
Be alert and walk into the yard to see a woman with her back to him. Seeing this figure quietly there, Gao Chen shouted, "Aunt, why are you here?"
"Why can’t I come? I’m here to see you. "Isn’t this Gao Chen’s cheap aunt Gao Tengjuan? She turned around and whispered that there was a feeling in her ear that Gao Chen regarded him as an elder!
"When did my aunt come to sit in the first room?" Gao Chen said to his family, Gao Chen has gradually felt into it and cherished these relatives in his heart.
"No, I heard from your tutor Wang that you had a long time ago. Can you tell me what happened?" When I said this, Gao Tengjuan’s voice became serious. Maybe all parents do, and they don’t want their daughters to make trouble outside!
"There is nothing like this …" Then Gao Chen said it again after the incident, and then looked at Gao Tengjuan carefully. He was really a little afraid that Gao Tengjuan would be angry!
Chapter 21 Crazy practice
"I already know what happened. I want to know if you know what you do?" Gao Tengjuan quietly listened to Gao Chen and asked with a face of serious looking at Gao Chen’s mouth.
"Of course I know that aunt heart what should I do? Should it be that you don’t fight back and scold or talk back? I can’t do this. Since I decided to practice martial arts, I swore that no one can bully me at will. If I still tolerate it everywhere, I will learn what martial arts. You know, they are not bullying me, but they want to trample on our high expectations. How can I tolerate it? " Gao Chen Landao may have been with Gary for a long time and unconsciously said that he didn’t even know that his voice was amplified.
"Very well, we want to see if Chen Er is impulsive. Since you all know what you are doing, be an aunt, but can you still say what you are? Just be careful. You know that Zhu Zhihao has two brothers, and their strength is not weak. And now your strength is still too low." Looking at Gao Chen, Teng Juan seems to see the battlefield commander, a thousand troops, a father and a brother. Isn’t this momentum that the Gaos should have? Yes, as Gao Chen said, if you are afraid of your hands and feet, you must learn something. It is better to be one. Gao Tengjuan is very pleased but has to tell Gao Chen a few words!

"Don’t go, don’t you want to learn divination? Although you have a bad talent, I will teach you not to go and learn?"

"get out!"
The more Qianling clasped her head with both hands, she didn’t yell back, and I could feel a cold war involuntarily after such a long separation.
"Don’t learn to pull down"
Hearing the penetrating sound of Yue Qianling coming from the balcony, Xiao Lianshan came over with a plate of fruit and casually asked while eating.
"Elder brother you put qian ling zha again? Look at the gas. "
"It’s nothing. I just told her that I smelled the last dish. You don’t know that I want to vomit when I smell Mapo tofu. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten it in my life …"
I haven’t finished my words yet. Xiao Lianshan’s fruit bowl has fallen to the ground, staring at me with a face of shock and confusion.
"Elder brother … you … you smell it? !”
"Why are you reacting so much?" I pointed to Xiao Lianshan and asked tentatively, "Lianshan, you should … you shouldn’t buy it from Qian Ling. I won, right? !”
"Brother, my dear brother, why can’t you say so earlier?" I stamped my feet in a hurry
I feel greatly wronged and stand with a wry smile to answer.
"None of you asked me!"
☆, Chapter seventy-nine Destiny
The next day, the competition was arranged in the afternoon, and Qianling was a listless sample from morning till now. I knew it was far away from her.
Compared with yesterday, it looks orderly today, but it will be different from yesterday. There are a lot of stones of different sizes in the courtyard
There is no banquet in the courtyard, which is particularly spacious. Everyone sits at the front with green tea in front of their seats.
"I don’t know how to get so many stones today?" Xiao Lianshan stared at the pile of stones and asked curiously
"That’s jade, also called jadeite original stone!" After all, the more thunder, the more knowledgeable people look at the pile of stones and frown and say, "Yesterday was a divination to predict the name of the dish. Uncle Gu didn’t want them to bet on stones today, did he?"
"Bet stone? !” Xiao Lianshan was very curious and asked, "What is there to bet on?"
Gu Anqi explained to Xiao Lianshan.
"The so-called gambling stone is rough jade to gamble. It takes a lot of knowledge and technology to know the advantages and disadvantages of jade through its skin. Today, there is no instrument that can detect it. The raw materials of jade are excavated and covered with a layer of rock shell. What is inside the shell is still unclear. The process of judging jade is called gambling stone."
Lan Qing wanted to think, shook his head and said for sure
"It shouldn’t be a bet stone. The so-called immortal can’t break an inch of jade. Even if you take high metaphysics, you can’t see through what’s going on in the stone. There are five things in the competition. Yesterday is better than divination. Today will not be the same."
While others were talking, Gu Xiaotian and Kong Guanwei Yu sat in the courtyard to be quiet.
"It’s said that fortune-telling fortune-teller cheated for ten years. It’s no problem to say that it’s a few years or even more. No matter whether the fortune-teller reacts or not, he can’t find anyone." Gu Xiaotian smiled deeply and said, "So I thought of a way to see if the seven players in the field are Jianghu magic sticks or straight talk."
Kong Guan got up and walked to the front of the pile of stones and said with an expression
"This is jadeite jade, which was pulled from a mine in Myanmar without selection. It’s up to you whether there is jade or waste stone in this pile of stones."
"The rules of the competition are very simple. There are seven of you, but there are five people in the first round, which means that two people will be eliminated. For example, whoever chooses the most valuable stone will win and rank the last two out!" GuXiao day very calmly said
GuXiao day opponent nodded and soon came in front of seven people side by side.
"I’m afraid you seven people don’t know anything about gambling stones. It’s really hard for you to choose for yourself. So I’ve found seven experts for you. You are all hot people in the gambling stone business in front of you, and what you seven have to do is to choose people from these seven experts to help you gamble stones!"
I suddenly realized after hearing GuXiao words and smiled and said
"This arrangement is really clever. The second competition is the life of the five Taoist techniques!"
GuXiao day up slowly walked to the front of the seven people to participate in the competition unhurried said
"It’s said that fate determines how much money each person brings. You seven have long been doomed. Just look at their faces and see who brings the most money and who is the most prosperous today. Usually, it’s a funeral, and no one knows. Today, I’d like to see who you are. It’s a psychic."
The thunder still confused shook his head and said
"Even if you invite seven experts in the stone gambling business, you can never be sure of gambling. It’s too formal to bet on luck."
"This arrangement really has his profound meaning." I smiled and explained to Yue Lei that "it’s hard for a fairy to break an inch of jade to bet on a stone. It’s only luck that counts, but everyone’s fortune has its ups and downs. If a person chooses a jade stone, of course, he will have a big fortune. Even if he gives him a good jade, he may have nothing."
Kong Guan took out a sealed carton and put it in front of seven people, solemnly saying
"In order to be fair, whoever chooses first will choose later. There are seven numbers in this box. You can choose which number to choose together, and the first person will be resigned!"
Song Huixuan is number one.
Zhou fuxuan is number two
Lu yongxuan is number three.
Teng Guoyuan chose No.4.
Changle Yuanxuan is the fifth.
Ouyang chose number six by mistake.
When the first six orders were arranged, I saw Lanqing’s face was very worried. I looked as if nothing was wrong and held up the note in my hand with a so-called expression.
Number seven!
What is Bai Lanqing worried about in my heart? The six people in front of me are not ordinary people. The more forward I go, the better my chances of winning. I chose the seventh one, that is, there is no choice left, and others give up. It can be seen that the face left in the end will not be good!
When Gu Xiao gave everyone a wick, the incense on the table had burned by a third.
The first candidate was in the first competition before Song Hui, and his divination was divined at will, which is still fresh in people’s memory today.
Choose one of the seven people in front of you today. It seems that it is not difficult for Song to come back.
He walked back and forth several times in front of seven people, and everyone watched carefully and finally stopped and nodded meaningfully in front of the third person.
I think Song Huixuan was somewhat disappointed in his heart. Yesterday, Song Huixuan’s divination and divination were impressive and memorable. He was the best of these seven people, but after all, Song Huixuan’s attainments in daoist magic were far higher than his physiognomy.
He chose human life to belong to sheep, heaven and fire, five elements of earth and wood, sun and water, intelligence, intelligence, kindness, water and prosperity, dark face, clear language and thoughtful people, resourcefulness and great knowledge. This person was born in the official position of Wuji when he was born in the official position of Wuji, so he said that he was sitting in the official position of Wuji, and Chen belonged to the water bureau, which made C’s anger and life very expensive.
But today, compared with the day’s luck, this person is less than satisfactory, because those who love water like the north, but his position today is just northwest. There must be fire to help dry water, but avoid gold and more water, but the metal in the five elements is in the west. His luck today is not very good!
Song Hui chose a piece from the pile of stones to solve the stone, and the stone was cut in a few minutes in front of everyone.
I know a little about jade, but a green line has been cut into stones, which is about three or four centimeters wide. Unfortunately, it is not very thick. I can’t make a few pieces of jade at most, but the color of jade is very transparent and the value should be high.
People in the courtyard are amazed at gambling on stones. This business has always been mysterious and exciting, but most of it is a technical work place. There are fewer people in the underworld than gambling on stones. I can’t help but hear it today.
But it’s even more amazing for everyone that Song Hui didn’t understand gambling stones, but it’s not surprising that he was able to choose such a jade stone by looking at it.
The second candidate was Zhou Fu, who walked back and forth as seriously as Song Hui, and chose the first person on the left.
Zhou Fu, a man named Lan Qing, specially told me that he is a senior, but I am somewhat disappointed to see him choose this man today. This man is born in autumn, and he must have gold to help him avoid soil, water and wood, and fire. This man is sitting on a financial column, killing life and killing life. Although it is not a prosperous day today, his fortune is not low!
But Zhou Fu seems to forget what day it is today. On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the cow is ugly and the sheep is washed. This person belongs to the sheep, which means that everything is not suitable today.
The stone has been solved, and Zhou Fu looks pale. It seems that he doesn’t believe that he has chosen people to choose stones.
There is a deep green crack in the stone before it is solved, and the color is soft, but it can be removed with one knife. There are many fine cracks in the green, and the root can’t be decorated completely, just like a waste stone.
☆ Chapter 10 Go against fate and change your life.
Before taking part in the competition, it was obvious that Song Hui was much higher than Zhou Fu in terms of axiology. At present, Song Hui temporarily ranks first.
The third appearance is Lu Yong, who chooses people faster than the first two. It seems that he has been optimistic for a long time and went to choose the last person in the queue.
When I look at Liu Yong’s candidate, I have to admire it. It seems that Liu Yong is really a hollow reputation. Let’s not talk about his candidate’s birthday list. There is a purple color in this life palace. I can be sure that this person will get money today. It seems that this Liu Yong is also a master of physiognomy!
Lu Yong selected a small stone from the pile of stones, and the stone-solver cut it across the board. A crystal clear jade appeared in the stone with a thick thumb. Everyone could not help but marvel at such a large piece of jade with such good color, which was absolutely priceless.
After the competition, the three people ranked Lu Yong, Song Hui and Zhou Fu in turn.
The fourth person is Teng Guoyuan. Unlike the first three candidates, he didn’t even look at everyone’s birthday, but walked around everyone and finally chose the thinnest one among the remaining people.
Gu Anqi told me that Teng Guoyuan is famous in Hong Kong’s metaphysical circle. Today, it is really remarkable to see his candidate. He views the five elements!
The reader first wants to distinguish the five shapes and five elements, which are Jin Mu fire, water, soil, gold, vajrayana, deep wood, wood resources, wealth and water. The article "Expensive fire, opportunity, fruit, soil, thick soil, rich soil, rich and rich treasury, white wood, thin white wood, green water, fat, black fire, not too sharp, red soil, thick today’s color, and yellow".
Wood-shaped people are thin, but their bones are straight and thin, but they are not withered. They are fresh and energetic, and the young people are upright and unscrupulous. The trick is admirable. Just now, Teng Guoyuan was selected just like this.
I just finished thinking that the man had chosen a stone, and the so-called gambling expert was even worse. None of the basic tools were ordinary, and the stone was solved. At that time, it shocked the place. Some people were even more than the stone Teng Guoyuan by Lu Yongcai just now. Even people who don’t understand it can see that it is more than enough to make two jade bracelets.

"Take this pill and I’ll find water for you." Cenluo grabbed her hand and her eyes were full of worries.

Liancheng kept his mouth shut and made no response to his words.
Cenluo tried to force the pills into her mouth, but raised his hand to put them slowly when he came into contact with her eyes.
"Take care of her and I’ll find water." Get up and look at Mo Wan with a complicated look. "If something happens to her, I won’t let you go."
He stamped his feet like a crane spreading its wings to detain him.
Mo wan looked at the direction in which his figure disappeared, and his eyes changed and then whispered, "I want her to die! I want her to die in the worst way! "
With a slight shake of her right hand, a delicate dagger suddenly appeared in her palm.
Put the dagger cover back to the ground. She approached Liancheng step by step, and her eyes were cruel. Before Liancheng, she squatted down and grabbed her collar and gritted her teeth. She asked, "Did you find someone to throw me on the street and then find those …" Recalling the past that made her feel miserable, Mo Wan was filled with hatred. "If you don’t talk, I will force you to say it!"
With a cold dagger reaching Liancheng’s face, she smiled fiercely and said, "If you don’t tell me, I’ll scratch your face!"
"You … you shouldn’t provoke me … you shouldn’t point the finger at my third sister because you can’t cope with me … I’m giving something back …" Slowly, with heavy eyes, Liancheng Chaos kept a little awake, and her vision was blurred and she couldn’t see clearly.
Mo wan’s face is ferocious and ugly at the moment, but she smiled lightly, just like a slowly blooming violet, from extremely elegant "I regret that I punished you too lightly, and a woman with a gloomy mind like you shouldn’t live."
The dagger plunged into her face, and she didn’t have a pit. She just looked at Mo Wan tilting her dagger across her face.
Bright red blood dripped down her cheeks, and her blue dress was like a piece of sad and sad red dying slowly.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to fight back, it’s not that she doesn’t want to resist, but that she can’t afford the slightest strength at this moment
Based on this, let alone fight back, even if she raises her hand and pushes Mo Wan, she can’t do it …
"If it is you, if it is you, you have caused me Gu Liancheng, you know? I hate you! I hate you for attracting Luo’s eyes and taking away my love! " Liancheng’s cheeks have been crossed by her, and blood trickled down her face. "What did you say you had?"? Huh? What did you say you had? Ordinary and pretentious, writing to Luo Hugh is just so unbearable, but you attract Luo’s attention and make him ignore me. I hate to see me … Chapter 1 Zhijian
"I like him. I love him more than my life … but we can’t be free together because of necessity. I can be with him. Without you, I can regain our old feelings with him … I met him very early, when he was a teenager … He was very embarrassed, his hair was disordered, and he was crying alone in the Woods, which was particularly depressing …" Mo Wan told the story that she and Cenluo had been together for a long time and closed her eyes as if she didn’t hear it.
Speaking at this time, her mind is very clear.
Ha ha! There was a weak smile on her lips.
It was the sharp pain in her face that made her chaotic brain clear. She knew that she had a high fever at the moment, how it caused it, and she knew that it would be run out of luck.
But she won’t give up living and hope until the end.
What can you do if you destroy it?
Even if she is ugly, her family and her lover will not dislike her.
She has this confidence!
So she wants to save Jun ‘er alive and take him back to Da Zhou and their home!
With a pill in your mouth, you know that this pill is definitely not a good thing without even thinking about it.
"You are a chess player or someone else’s chess player. When you are not, you will be destroyed by the chess player! You and I feel sad … "A faint sound came from her lips and teeth, and Mo Wan tipped the dagger into her abdomen directly." I’m a chess player? Who are you? Do you know everything? " She smiled, "when I have a great career, I will be the princess, and I will be the princess in the eyes of this day!" Chess? Even if I am used as a chess by my father, I am happy. Do you hear me? I am happy to be a chess player in my father’s hand! I’m not sad at all, but you’ve done so many great things since you returned to Beijing. What have you got? Say it! What did you get? You won’t die immediately, and I won’t let you die immediately. I’ll throw you off a cliff. If you are still alive, the pills just put into your mouth will make your life worse. There are no men in this deep forest. You can enjoy it and wait for the beasts to dance with you, and then you will be swallowed up by them and die! "
Mo Wan was very excited. She suddenly seemed to have great strength, and Liancheng flew away from the ground.
"I won’t die … I won’t die …" Liancheng language difficult intermittent way.
When Cenluo found water and returned, he saw blood in the moonlight. In an instant, he turned pale and suddenly fell off with a bamboo tube filled with water in his hand.
Find someone … He needs to find someone immediately …
The corners of his mouth shook, and there was a storm in his eyes.
Don’t lean … You want to die … You want to die …
If she …
I’ll cut you to pieces!
With fists clenched, he lifted his flying skill and jumped away.
"Two hundred meters east of the cliff …"
A delicate and charming sound rang in his ear.
The witch is the green skirt witch sound …
Galloping northward, the figure suddenly turned.
"Stop it …"
Mo Wan leans over the cliff, and Liancheng is about to throw it. However, when he hears a stereo behind him, he doesn’t even think about it, so he immediately lets go …
"Two young ladies …" It is such a coincidence that Yeluchen rested on this cliff not far from the shadow. When Cenluo’s mournful voice sounded, she suddenly opened her eyes from her lethargy and cried out sadly.
Yeluchen saw that she was going to the cliff like crazy, so she raised her hand and ordered her sleeping point again.
He doesn’t know what happened on the cliff. He wants her to be safe.
The misty mountain Huangfuyi just walked out of the desert of death and suddenly took a smoke at his heart.
A mouthful of blood gushed from his mouth.
"Report …"

In those days, the emperor who crossed the country succeeded in founding the country, but he didn’t kill the donkey and birds. The title was entitled to riches and honour, and the holy father was a great party. Later, he didn’t secretly guard against it, so he took it back and rewarded the monarch, his subjects and the people at that time.

These heavenly beings have such a high reputation because they all see the saints in their eyes.
Now, there is still nothing left in the present family, and everything is stirred into the emperor’s struggle for position halfway, which was destroyed by the emperor who ascended the throne after taking the wrong position.
Therefore, it’s really not easy for Ping Guogong to remain the top family of the dynasty without being demoted.
"So someone wants to level the horse?" Dong Yuling wants to come, someone should be jealous!
"It seems that the flat frenzy has been too powerful for so many years and has not declined." Lian Yan Jiing rubbed his forehead. "At the beginning, I wanted to make a flat frenzy, that is, if the jade imperial concubine Taifei was too enthroned, it would be that today’s queen is too afraid that the flat frenzy will not give marriage. Today’s emperor and jade imperial concubine have a deep affection, which makes people pressure the jade imperial concubine to seal a newly rich imperial concubine Taifei."
"…" Dong Yuling thinks that this matter is bloody, that is to say, the imperial concubine is the emperor’s true love queen, or is it used by the emperor to restrict the imperial concubine family?
With a sigh, Lian Yan Jing called into the floating clouds. "The floating clouds took a trip to Ping Guofu for the world and told the uncle that the imperial examination fraud case was involved in the imperial concubine empress, so that he was psychologically prepared."
The expression of "Shi Shi" clouds makes the zombie face more expressive.
Princess Qin Ru’s palace is the first daughter of Pingguofu. If such a big event really happens to Pingguofu, Wangfu won’t be able to get it right. The most important thing is that Wang Shi Qin Ru is in charge of this case.
It’s not so easy for the culprits behind the scenes to frame it if they have their own means to prepare for it after all these years.
"Words imperial concubine empress this is jealous! There is a rich man surnamed Hu in my butterfly village. They say he is related to the imperial concubine? " Dong Yuling thought of that year when Hu Yi, the gruyter, often bullied the children in the village and almost strangled Dong Er-di. Isn’t it because of this relative?
A while ago, Yunshi wanted to marry her to de gruyter. Isn’t it true that de gruyter is also related to the world?
How do you think about this matter? Let her have a bad impression on this noble lady. If it weren’t for the world, she would definitely doubt this expensive first. Chapter 11 Chapter 110 Analysis and then repay it.
I have been paying attention to Dong Ling Ling Lian Yan Jing, and naturally I know which one she said was in a better mood when she saw her so hateful. "It’s just that I don’t know if I can’t remember my relatives."
The implication is that you can retaliate against the imperial concubine and the Wangfu if you want to do whatever you want.
Dong Fengling blinked and understood the meaning of Shiqian. He couldn’t help but smile.
Hu Jia, that is, relying on the people’s knowledge of getting into trouble, always speaks through the title of imperial concubine.
Now she won’t make this gruyter kneel for mercy. Her name is not Dong …
Look at Dong Yuling’s undisguised smirk. It’s rare. Lian Yan Jing Youzi doesn’t hang a Zhang Liangshan face when she thinks of a woman in a aristocratic palace who does bad things. It’s the first time I’ve seen bad facts like Dong Yuling.
"I guess behind the scenes, I want to draw a frenzy. I don’t want to be prepared in advance to prove the innocence of Yu Guifei." Lian Yan Jiing pulled the topic into the formal.
"Do you know what’s so special about April 6th?" Lotus Yan Jing eyebrow suddenly talked about this.
"What’s so special?" Dong Yuling wondered if everything Feng Ze encountered was special.
"It was this day that the emperor was inspired and wrote the scientific examination questions." Lian Yan Jing sighed.
Dong Fengling leng leng immediately to react "that is to say, the emperor didn’t write the exam questions until early in the morning, and someone took them out and sold them later? This move is fast! "
"Stop is fast, you should be ready for the transaction, and the buyers are all waiting for the exam questions as soon as they come out, and they go out to buy and sell step by step." Lotus Yan Jiing was impatient and turned to Feng Ze and figured out a lot of keys in one sentence.
"Well, there shouldn’t be a person with a huge network behind the scenes. If Feng Zeyi hadn’t overheard and found a southern medicine to write an article, things would be revealed after Huiyuan. I’m afraid that after the imperial examination, I wouldn’t show any flaws, so it can be seen that the secret kung fu is extremely perfect." Dong Yuling said his own opinion that many people are easy to spill the beans, but this behind-the-scenes is done too well
Lian Yan Jing nodded. "That’s true, but Feng Ze’s sixth day of April can narrow the scope a lot. There are far fewer people who can come into contact with the examination questions in this day than later."
Dong Yuling raised his eyebrows and smiled. "It seems that the world has a score in mind."
Look at that smile and you will know that Lian Yan Jiing should have locked the suspect’s past life. She loves to watch suspense mystery dramas, whether it’s Di Renjie or Bao Qingtian or a famous detective Conan. The expression is like this after the reasoning has the result. Now it’s hard to be familiar with it …
"The holy father once said that the justice of the earth is long and slow, but it doesn’t leak." Lian Yan jiing smiled without a word, but his face was inscrutable.
"…" Dong Yuling’s head is covered with black lines. At present, she is most afraid of hearing what the holy father said!
Talk about the topic of almost Lian Yan Jiing see Dong Ling anxious to return really want to go back to see Dong Er’s brother and just let him go. After all, it’s this girl’s brother, and he will never be cut off.
What do you hate most about your big brother and little brother?
After bidding farewell to the world, Dong Fengling hurried home and came to the village entrance. He took a lot of vegetables and meat from the farm warehouse and came back to Dong Gu with big bags.
Go to the door and see Dong Hanxuan looking around and looking a little anxious. After seeing her, raise a big laugh and meet her in a hurry. "Elder sister, did you go to Shengjing? Brother, I will be back before noon! "

Said the black dress person came to the front of Shimen and pushed the door.

Jun Xuan saw that there was nothing inside except a very big tripod furnace.
When I saw this tripod furnace, Jun Xuan crossed a little uneasy in his heart.
I always feel that this man in black will put him in.
Sure enough, as soon as he came up with this idea, he heard the man in black say, "Thyme Haoran said that he had found a person who decided to take good medicine, and it seems that you are the little devil. It seems that riki can be refined successfully tonight."
Said, and will lift your porch higher to put him in the furnace tripod "advanced to wash chapter 499, 499 must save him.
Jun Xuan struggled desperately and wrapped his arms around the men in black, hanging his arms like a tail bear, but refused to come.
"Come on!" Black dress person sink said
But if you listen carefully, you can still hear a slight smile in his voice.
Jun Xuan sipped his lips, although it was funny, but his face was stiff.
Jun Xuan knew at a glance that this cauldron was coming to refine medicine, but a living person came to refine medicine, and that person was himself, which made him if he was not afraid.
The man in black sneered at him. At last, his conscience found that he no longer teased him, but took a dress and put it on him to set him free.
At this time, there was a sudden "bang"
With this loud noise, an abrupt wall with a high hole for one person appeared.
A handsome figure appeared in front of two people after the choking smoke dispersed.
Jun Xuan cried out in surprise at the sight of her.
Shen Qiqi looked at Jun Xuan’s sparkling eyes when he followed the sound.
At that moment, all the memories poured out from the depths of Shen Qiqi’s mind.
"Dabao!" Shen Qiqi exclaimed at the sight of the black dress person wearing Jun Xuan’s face, and he rushed away without thinking much.
Black dress person kept your porch moving like a ghost and then drifted out of the room.
Shen Qiqi followed after the past and found that the black dress person was not far from the door but was looking at her with his head cocked.
While Jun Xuan danced and wanted to pounce on Nai in her direction. He was carried by a black dress person and could not move at all.
"Dabao, are you all right?" Shen Qiqi is in a hurry to come, but he is afraid of angering the black dress person and dare not get too close. He can glare at him. "You let him go or I will be impolite."
"I wonder if the virgin will be rude to me?"
Hear Shen Qiqi say that men in black don’t anger the smile asks with interest.
"Cut the crap and let the children go"
Shen Qiqi directly deceives his body, but when his fingers become claws, he will catch his hand.
The black dress person was surprised. Obviously, he didn’t expect Shen Qiqi to move so fast that he would flash away from Jun Xuan. However, Shen Qiqi stopped him first as if he saw his intention, and at the same time, he grabbed Jun Xuan’s arm with the other hand and took him away.
Men in black naturally won’t let Shen Qiqi take Jun Xuan away so easily. When he sees Shen Qiqi pulling Jun Xuan, he will carry him to another direction and force him to pull.
Shen Qiqi is afraid of pulling and hurting the child so that he can let go.
Jun Xuan returned to the hands of men in black.
Shen Qiqi is short of breath, brandishing Emei thorn and flying, while the men in black take their time to avoid Shen Qiqi’s offensive and don’t attack. However, as for Shen Qiqi, he hasn’t even touched a corner of his clothes, which is like teasing her.
And Shen Qiqi didn’t dare to make efforts to fight physical strength with men in black because he was concerned about children.
It’s a pity that Shen Qiqi’s physical strength is far from that of men in black. Seeing that he is getting harder and harder, the men in black still easily know that he is not his opponent. Shen Qiqi’s heart is anxious to drag it away, but it is bad for him. She gritted her teeth and decided to cross the rubicon. Chapter 5 He finally became like her.
Seeing Shen Qiqi’s sharp angle, the black dress person was secretly surprised and took it seriously at the same time.
Shen Qiqi’s choice of angle is really tricky, but it is also very dangerous. If she fails to strike, it will be her own injury.
Seeing that Shen Qiqi is getting closer and closer, he is also dodging the men in black.

Then he slammed the door and left.

Xuan Ming Xin sighed.
The Black Gate From Sarah, he knew that the so-called black gate was the place where prisoners were detained or the place where the demon king dealt with people who didn’t like him.
The whole castle is divided into nine floors, and there are three floors. The top floor is black area, gray area and brown area. The fifth floor is white area, the third floor is orange area, and the first floor is pink area, which is the private area of Lord Sarah.
The demon clan in the orange area or the white area where the guests live has been demonized successfully by the demon king warrior wizard. The stronger the ranking power, the higher the residence.
And that brown area are the temporary experimental fields of those demonize human beings.
Finally, the gray area and the black area are all human beings who failed to demonize in exile, but the black area is directly connected with the fault. Anyone who failed to demonize in exile to the black area was either swallowed up by the violent flow and left his soul, or ate his companions alive and mutated into ugly monsters.
On which result Xuan Ming will become, the lich king is very willing to see it, but he didn’t expect to kill a Sarah halfway.
If it weren’t for Sarah’s special status, the lich king would have killed Sarah and thrown the Xuan name into the black area.
However, it is not clear what Sarah is. Sarah means that she is special, but she is always vague about it.
Suddenly there was a door sound. It turned out that Sarah had gone and returned to see her. She vomitted to stick out her tongue. Hey, hey, smiled and took the bowl to persuade Xuan Ming to eat.
Xuan Ming seems that this girl named Sarah is sometimes just like a child, simply terrible.
When the last ray of afterglow of the sun sets and dusk falls on Xuanming, his door is knocked again.
It was Sarah who poked her head out of the door, but Xuanming frowned uncontrollably.
Whether to come or not, he closed his eyes tightly
Sarah’s fingers slowly caressed Xuan Ming’s chest, moving slowly from his collarbone to his lower abdomen, and deliberately lingered for a while.
Laugh in a low voice but cover up the sound. The owner is deliberately depressed and excited.
Her fingers slowly picked out the mysterious clothes.
Xuan Ming endured Sarah’s fingers with closed eyes to tease the smiling face of Night Feather, trying to ignore the disgusting touch brought to him by her wandering fingers.
Yes, it is, but every day when the sun goes down, Sarah seems to be a different person. Generally, she is no longer so naive. At night, she is synonymous with debauchery and charm!
"Hehehe, don’t be so tight."
Sarah’s finger poked at Xuan’s chest maliciously and then she bowed her head and licked her tongue.
Xuanming shuddered. Don’t misunderstand that it was goose bumps …
"Mmm … it tastes good."
Sarah licked the corners of her mouth. "I have a good eye. You are really delicious."
"I just don’t know if it will be as delicious later?"
She picked the Xuan robe with her fingers and bent down to lick it.
This mysterious name doesn’t panic. Sarah has been playing with his body with her fingers the other day, but this time …
"Well …"
I don’t know what she bought that made him feel cold and excited.
Xuan Ming bit his teeth so hard that he wouldn’t make a shameful sound
"It’s so cute."

Feather anchor took Fluttershy and got up the courage to enter the "Liuxiang Pavilion" stairs.

All the way, the fragrance of singing and dancing is fragrant, and I feel as if I have really entered a dreamland.
A few coquettish girls surrounded the feather contact and Fluttershy, and kept greeting the feather contact, and Fluttershy reluctantly agreed with a smile and hid behind the feather contact with a blue face.
How to find the phoenix flying smoke? Feather Zhen secretly worried.
Just then, the madam came over and saw these two beautiful strange boys laughing like flowers. "Is this the first time for the two young men?" Do you want me to introduce you to a good girl? "
Feather beard brushed off the pimp and put on her slender fingers. Although feather beard came to the 21st century, it’s really strange to meet this situation for the first time.
Take a closer look at this pimp in her forties, dressed like a peony in full bloom, with a graceful figure. I think she was also a beautiful and charming woman when she was young. Seeing a big mole on her mouth in front of her, the image of a gaudy old lady is quite different. It seems that when she goes back, she must give advice to the director of costume drama. The characters can’t be made into faces.
Madam didn’t care at all and still smiled like a flower. "Don’t you already have a lover?"
Feather Zhen crustily skin of head and said, "I want to find Miss Feng Fei Yan."
The procuress looked at a feather and Fluttershy smiled and said, "Do you know how much gold you have to pay to see the phoenix flying smoke? And I think you two seem to be females? "
Feather and Fluttershy were taken aback. The procuress was so experienced that she saw through that they were disguised as men, but Feather stood up without weakness. "Why can’t a girl come to Liuxiangge?"
There was a stalemate when a little girl came upstairs and said to the procuress gently, "Mother Feiyan wants to see these two gentlemen."
It’s not good for the procuress to say that when she sees her baby cash cow. Throw a handkerchief and let my girl lead Feather Ao and Fluttershy upstairs.
My little girl led them into a quiet house and noticed that there was a signboard hanging on the door.
Walking into the refined house is like walking into a well-bred embroidered room. The room is elegant, exquisite and not tacky. On the south half of the wall, there is a huge shelf filled with various nationalities. By the window, it is an antique piano. A beautiful woman with graceful purple gauze is singing on the piano.
The melodious strings of the strings flow from the fingertips, sometimes high and sometimes sad, sometimes confused and beautiful, and the sound of the piano deeply attracts the ears of the feathers.
See feather Zhen and Fluttershy came in, purple beauty hands a stringed piano to a screeching halt, Tingting led the way, and the little girl closed the door and quit.
Feather gazed at the purple girl in front of her, her figure was light for ten years, and her eyes were as gentle as water and as pure and misty as the West Lake, which really made me pity.
I can’t believe that this fireworks field can produce such a stunning beauty.
Yu Zhen secretly thought, "If it is such a beautiful young woman with excellent piano and chess paintings in modern life, she must have been a sensational beauty and fashionable girl, but it is really sad that she has fallen into the mire in this era!"
Feng Feiyan also looked at her and Fluttershy carefully when Yu Zhen looked at Feng Feiyan.
Although both of them are now dressed in men’s clothes, the makeup and jade carving make them sharp-eyed and see through them at a glance. Both of them are girls.
Phoenix flies and smoke gently opens Zhu’s lips. "Are you looking for me?"
Feather Zhen was interrupted and smiled shyly. "You must be sister Feng Feiyan. I’m here for a long time, but I also want to find someone through you."
Feng Feiyan rushed to Feather and Fluttershy smiled and pointed to the chair. "Two girls please sit down."
She saw through her identity. Feather Zhen smiled awkwardly. She pulled up a chair and sat down with Fluttershy.
Feng Feiyan herself is as light as a cloud, and she sits opposite them, and the micro side of her face seems to wait for the feather.
After a silence in the house, the feather could not help but break the silence and she cleared her throat.
"Let me introduce myself first-my name is Lan Yuqian, and this is my sister Zhuang Fluttershy, Feng Feiyan. I wonder if you know a man named Mu Chenxing?" See the mountain from the feather gate.
Feng Fei, smoke, light eyebrows and slight frowning eyes, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do know Mu Gong?"
Feather is excited. This phoenix is really very frank. "Is he you …?" Suddenly realized that it’s hard to say things in person. Feather stopped the car quickly.
However, Feng Feiyan didn’t mind that she got up and walked gracefully to the window and looked at the moon and said, "He is not my guest, but he is my confidant."
Feather Qian said seriously, "Sister Feng, how can you be friends with such a person? Is he a thief or a pervert?"
Feng Feiyan "sloped" and smiled. She turned her head. "Sister Feather, you may have prejudice against Mu Gongyou. He is a gentleman and a good man."
Feathers pout angrily. Good guy? Hum!
This phoenix flying smoke looks really likable and gives people a very cordial feeling, but what about Mu Chenxing? Dare not compliment
Feather Zhen angrily thinking about face expression is very obvious.
"For the phoenix elder sister where can I find Mu Morningstar? He stole something very important from us, and I’m looking for him just to ask for my things back. "Feather Qi angrily.
"oh? Is this it? " Feng Feiyan turned around and took out a bag from the bed closet to put Lan Yuqiao and Fluttershy in front of him. At first glance, it turned out that he was really lost. The bag full of silver and silver tickets was full of those possessions.
"Mu Gong knew that you would come and specifically asked me to give it to you when you came. Anyway, this money is also for you to help the poor people. He is just joking with you." Feng Feiyan said airily.
Feather Qian happily wrapped up her bag, and she couldn’t help but sit up and take notice of Feng Feiyan. Such a large sum of property seems to be unworthy in her eyes. This famous prostitute in brothel really has something to offer.