Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a kind of reincarnation that develops the potential to understand the sword. Entering Wan Jian’s reincarnation will surely bear the pain of penetrating the sword. That is, the longer Wan Jian wears heartache, the higher the potential, and the faster the skill will rise.

In the original, the middle name was typed in. When Wan Jian’s reincarnation lasted for one year, it was already firm but gentle, and it was about to enter the realm of heavenly sword.
This Jian Zongbao is far beyond people’s imagination. Imperial Heaven has sharp eyes and stares at the huge cave.
In the cave, several ground-breaking saburos keep gathering.
Suddenly a sound appeared.
"KaKa cheep … KaKa cheep …"
In an instant, a sharp sword awn emerged, criss-crossing the sword awn to directly cover the huge cave.
The corners of the mouth of Yutian stare at the center of Jianmang with a smile.
"Wan Jian returned to the Sect!"
The imperial heaven told me that his right hand was out …
Chapter 56 Wan Jian Guizong
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is a Juexue of Jianzong and a high martial art in the early stage of the storm.
Now’ Wan Jian Guizong’ has fallen into the hands of the Imperial Heaven, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.
The Imperial Heaven slowly flips and stares at the secret book’ Wan Jian’s Returning to the Sect’, which is a secret book that mathematical swordsmen dream of seeking. Turning to the first page, two lines of fine print can be seen: "Wan Qi is born and the sword rushes to waste the hole; Guiyuan martial arts Zongyuangong is long. "
A short poem is a Tibetan poem. Take the third word in each sentence and you can see that the word "self-defeating martial arts" is blank except for four sentences, which is a metaphor. It is like a blank sheet of paper to practice one’s strength.
Imperial day sharp eyes stare like a blank sheet of paper indifferently said, "Since the waste of martial arts to practice Wan Jian Guizong Hehe …"
Imperial heaven smiled like a disdain. Imperial heaven just smiled, and a flame slowly emerged in his hand, burning it directly.
The second dream was shocked and could not help but exclaim, "This is Wan Jian’s return to the Sect!"
The second dream is that the younger brother of the sword emperor is also the younger brother of the sword Sect. Now the imperial heaven burns the sword Sect and the second dream is more shocking than the heart.
Suddenly a scarlet light emerged, and the light directly connected to the red firm but gentle cave.
"Sting …"
A phantom, a scarlet figure appeared, and this figure kept waving. This man was sharp-eyed and full of firm but gentle strokes.
Yutian said indifferently with his hands on his back, "Do you want to hide my Yutian because it contains spiritual cheats?"
The secret script contains the meaning of sword and a person’s will, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect. The strong spirit of Imperial Heaven can naturally detect these will.
The will to burn the secret script of the Imperial Heaven turned into a sword, which directly emerged to reveal the true Wan Jian’s return to the Sect.
Suddenly scarlet light and shadow directly turned into ten thousand swords, like light and waves rushing to the sky.
Imperial heaven, hands with a negative back, poses with no intention of sword light
"Thorn … thorn …"
Moment achievement method cheats … After pouring into the imperial mind.
Imperial day smiled and said dryly, "Qi leaves the pulse wrist instead of being too blunt and dry, and Kun turns into softness, so that’s it …"
Imperial heaven eyes wide open and sharp eyes staring around like a sharp sword light.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is well known to Yu Tian, and Yu Tian also knows the cultivation method of Wan Jian’s return to the Sect.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect mainly refers to the fencing of every family, that is, the skill of fencing moves is to turn gas into swords, and the cultivation method is to rebuild it
Imperial heavenly heart already knows such as practicing, but there is no desire to practice for’ Wan Jian Guizong’ Imperial Heaven’ Wan Jian Guizong’. First, the martial arts body is abandoned to form a firm but gentle sword to help the imperial sword heal … The firm but gentle operation is increasing, and the other is to absorb foreign capability and turn it into firm but gentle to run through its abandoned cave.
Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is magical, but it won’t give up.’ Shenmojian’ is the most suitable way for Wan Jian’s return to the Sect to integrate into the’ Shenmojian’.
At the moment, Imperial Heaven stared around and said indifferently, "It’s not so simple to continue looking for Jianzong Land."
Yu Tian said that his second dream was to stare at Yu Tian strangely. "Is Yu Tian’s brother trained to return to Wan Jian?"
The second dream is to stare at ten thousand swords and stab them into the Imperial Heaven without any scars. Is this the practice of Wan Jian’s returning to the Sect?
The second dream is strange. The Imperial Heaven smiled. "Wan Jian’s return to the Sect is a martial art of Jianzong. I have no intention of practicing. If you want to practice, I can teach you."
A word falls in the second dream, and I am surprised that such a beautiful secret book should be directly given to myself. The second dream is like a deer jumping in the heart and staring at the sky with a strange feeling.
This scene is printed in Huaqing’s heart, and Huaqing stares at the Imperial Heaven with a hint of unhappiness and chafing.
Imperial heaven has gone far to a dark cave.
"Be careful, it’s a pity that thousands of ground-breaking Saburo entered the chamber of secrets in Hwa-Sung Do."
White eyes emerge and stare cautiously at the dark hole.
At the moment, a faint sword light reveals a danger.
The Imperial Heaven wonders where this cave is. In the original work, Jian Zong tells too little, and the Imperial Heaven doesn’t know how much.
Suddenly, the second dream came slowly with a hint of surprise. "It’s like Wan Jian’s reincarnation. The master said that Wan Jian’s reincarnation is the sword of Shuang Bao. This treasure can send a person’s potential, enhance a person’s skill, and help the swordsman understand and refine the sword."
The second dream said that there was also a trace of information in the royal heavenly heart.
Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a treasure, but it is also a torture treasure. Entering Wan Jian’s reincarnation, every second and every moment will experience Wan Jian’s wearing pain, exhausting the sword’s meaning and the sword’s light rushing to the body. That kind of pain is no ordinary pain.
People who enter the reincarnation of Wan Jian can feel all these bodies without half-dead scars. If they can persist, they can become a strong man. When they enter the reincarnation of Wan Jian for a full year,
Imperial Heaven stares at the dark cave and walks directly into the cave.
"The zither …"
"The zither …"
The light of the sword emerges, and the light of the sword rushes directly to the imperial mind.
The imperial heaven is poised, and this sword light only falls on the imperial heaven body, but it seems to be swallowed up and disappears.
The Imperial Heaven stepped forward and stared at a sword-line turntable with sharp eyes. This is the reincarnation of Wan Jian, that is, Jian Zongbao
Imperial day smiled and marched slowly towards the present Wan Jian reincarnation.
Every step, the number of sword light is doubled, and every step, the power of sword light is enhanced by one cup.
At this moment, the pain of Wan Jian’s continuous walking in the sky has slowly penetrated the mind for several swords.
Imperial heaven feels pain, but also feels his sword, constantly gazing at his soul and constantly refining his body.
"Wan Jian’s reincarnation deserves to be Jian Zongbao. This is really a treasure of cultivation."
With a wave of his hand, the Seven Treasures Immortal Ring has been shining, and the reincarnation of Wan Jian has disappeared …
Chapter 561 Huang Jian
"KaKa cheep … KaKa cheep …"
Wan Jian’s reincarnation is a man who releases a sword wheel and tries his best to refine his sword.
The sword’s light and sword’s meaning will increase several times as the Imperial Heaven moves closer.
Now the sword wheel disappears, and the shock wave and sword meaning are also dissipated.
The Seven Treasures and the Immortal Ring is a real treasure. Now, Wan Jian’s reincarnation is counted as the treasure in the hands of the Imperial Heaven.
Wan Jian reincarnation disappeared around the firm but gentle and sword meaning also disappeared, and the whole shape emerged. This is simply a sword burial.
Several swords are buried here and several weapons are buried here.
Some of these swords are corroded, and some of them still shine brilliantly. There is no doubt that they are full of sword light. The cave is firm but gentle.
Jian zong buried his sword here and gathered several swords.
At the moment, a pale figure emerges. This person is the second dream.
The second dream stared at the huge sword tomb with surprise. "This is the place where Jianzong buried his sword. Master once said that only a magic weapon was born here."

The House of Representatives is responsible for formulating bills and drafting laws.

The president is in charge of military affairs, administration and law enforcement.
And these three are hydra. Oh, my God.
What SHIELD also returned to the hands of Hydra.
If it weren’t for the need of eloquence in the new era, they could directly pass this bill and then directly implement the new law-just like the "genius college" incident!
But it’s the 21st century, and we still have to do it.
Black-box operation belongs to black-box operation, and it must be put out so that others can’t find fault.
It was only after everyone was seated that they found that none of the protagonists had come today.
Tony, Rhett, Susan, Johnny, Banna, Natasha, Barton, Rogers
None of them came.
This is obviously unexpected.
According to the summons, they must appear in the chamber of the Washington House before 9: 00 this morning.
Now, however, it seems that their summons is just a piece of paper.
After waiting for another ten minutes, Senator Senwei was untenable and asked someone to dial Tony’s number.
Tony’s words were dialed, and the large screen of the instant meeting room was lit up.
It’s Tony
Behind Tony in the picture is a blue sky and blue sea, and the picture is still ups and downs. He seems to be a sea.
"Wow, I think you will be more calm!" Tony sarcastic tone "I didn’t expect a man to be so fast. Hey Peter, I know I’ll give you the bet!" "
Listen to that casual remarks, it seems that when Senator Sen Wei dialed Tony’s words, Tony and others took a bet.
This is simply fear!
"Stark!" Senator Senwei growled, but there was a hint of joy in his look. "It’s time for you to come to trial. Where are you?"
-"If you can’t make it in five minutes, then you can wait for legal sanctions. We will vote directly to choose whether or not."
"Hey, who said we wouldn’t arrive?" Tony was very impatient to interrupt senator sen Wei’s words. "so you can win simply?" It is simply a delusion! "
"What about you?" Senator Senwei suppressed his anger. "You have four minutes and 32 seconds, or I will directly vote for you."
Before Mr Sen Wei’s condemnation was finished, thirteen figures suddenly appeared in the center of the Chamber.
Just like they used to be there.
Thirteen figures are Tony, Rhett, Susan, Johnny, Banna, Natasha, Barton, Rogers, Peter, Harry, Katie and Logan.
"Hey, I said we’d be there." Tony’s figure was very clear and audible, and there was no ambiguity in the audience.
It’s these thirteen figures who are afraid to compliment people when they do things at this time.
They are all lying in a sun chair, neatly lined up, and their faces are even shiny with the sun.
"You, you, this is a contempt for American law." Senator Sen Wei pointed to the fingers of all people and looked stern. "Soldiers, soldiers, take away their chairs for me! This pair is a scandal! "
-"And put the four men in handcuffs and put them in Washington prison after the trial!"
Mr. Senwei pointed to Peter and said that certain restrictions must be imposed on the return of these four people to the wanted list in the United States.
This gesture made his country’s leaders frown but didn’t say anything.
After all, this is an American department event, and they still don’t care about it.
Their purpose today is to restrain the United States from doing anything too much to make the world go beyond human beings to the opposite of human beings
This is their main purpose.
After all, there are many superhuman beings in their country.
It was they who silently watched the soldiers swarming in, carefully walking towards Peter and others, with their guns firmly pointed at four people.
This is no small role. You can’t be too careful.
In the face of the soldiers pouring in, Peter didn’t seem to see the same face sleeping with a big sunglasses. Generally, there was no movement. The soldiers slowly approached their hands with handcuffs and then-
Go through!
It’s like there’s no real soldier’s handcuffs passing through Peter, Harry, Katie and Logan.
"Aha, I didn’t think of that!" Tony sarcasm reappears "this is"
Chapter 437 Tony negotiation skills (a more)
"Aha, I didn’t think of that!" Tony sarcasm reappears, "This is an information projection that is one hundred years ahead of the earth. Haven’t you seen it?"
Tony’s look showed off and his pride was beyond words. It was obvious that Senator Senwei was furious.
"You are opportunistic!" Mr Sen Wei’s tone is tough. "The summons can clearly state that people are present to defend you."
"What is the meaning of man?" Tony is so-called "I didn’t arrive?" Can’t you hear me? Will you not be white if I can get it? "
-"Just like if I say’ Fuk Yu’ now, won’t you be angry because I’m not there?"
-"or are you going to do something for us? Just like you just did. "
A long list of sentences is clear and clear, and it is obvious that they are ready to cope with it, especially the sentence’ fukyu’ is particularly emphasized.
No, senator sen Wei’s face is really ugly to the extreme, and his face is angry and red, as if it would explode at any time

Tang Rou jumped with a face of dust and became a face of Zhang Hu.

Meng Chen first saw a strange look in Tang Rou’s eyes, but as usual.
"This girl doesn’t know that Meng has offended you somewhere and made you so angry. This poisonous hand attacked me?"
Meng Chen a face of koo very some injustice.
At this time, you must never expose the title of "Yan Fei Shuang Thief". Otherwise, you will be thrown into the spaceship. Then he will even become the first person who has been dashed to death …
"It’s time to test a wave of acting skills!"
Meng Chen drums in his heart.
But Meng Chen is not guilty of those blood Dan. He paid a price to get it. Some teams would have suffered casualties if it weren’t for him and Liu Fei.
At this time, it is enough to see that Meng Chen is thick-skinned
"ah! You liar! You are a big liar! Ah! "
Tang Rou is going crazy. This man should act for him. How can there be such a shameless person in the world? !
"all right! Have you had enough trouble? If Meng Chen is really a’ swallow of double thieves’, will Mu Ya come out safely? This matter is not allowed after this! "
At this time, sitting in a plush chair and witnessing a drama, Yan Shuang stopped and said
It doesn’t matter whether Meng Chen is a "double thief" in his heart. What matters is that this young man rescued Mu Ya.
Moreover, Yan Shuang is another important identity of Meng Chen.
Protect the country Hou Meng Zhantian!
"like! It’s like when he was young, but at that time he didn’t have such a big deal as you … "
Brilliant double beautiful eyes staring at Meng Chen eyes have a little tenderness seems to be said to himself.
At this time, even if Meng Chen is as thick-skinned as a wall, he can’t help but be slightly red and gorgeous. Sitting in a plush chair, his enchanting posture is full of curves and exquisite charm of a mature woman.
"This pair of cabinet owners don’t ever know dad? Look at this situation seems very unusual! It seems that Dad, you are also a temperament person! "
Meng Chen eyebrows slightly drooping heart annoys.
"I want you to come here this time to tell you that we can reach the imperial city in the next day. You can visit your friends at Luoxian Pavilion at any time. What difficulties you encounter after holding this symbol may help you. After all, I still have some words in the East Spirit World."
In the beautiful eyes, there are some Xu Jingying flashing and looking at Meng Chen, which seems to be very anxious to hug her in her arms.
"I didn’t expect it to be more than ten years since" farewell to General Meng ".Things have changed, but his son is so big …"
Yan Shuang said that he personally handed the operator to Meng Chen, and the sound was hoarse.
"Two predecessors, when the Battle of the Tiger Gate was destroyed, my father died. I wonder if my predecessors ever heard any news?"
Meng Chen is very urgent. He wants to know more about what happened in those days. He wants to know whether Dad is alive or dead.
Li Xuan once said that the collapse of the Zhantian Legion was due to someone secretly leaking military secrets in the imperial city.
Even from Li Xuan’s mouth, I learned many times that people behind the scenes manipulated the emperor’s affairs and avoided it.
As far as we know, Meng Chen knew that Xuanyin Sect also participated in the encirclement and suppression of Zhantian Legion, but little was known about ginseng in the imperial city.
The reason why Meng Chen went to the imperial city this time was partly because he wanted to see his mother Li Kui, and the other half was naturally to find out who was behind it.
"Your father must still be alive! I don’t know how much he has suffered when he should have been imprisoned for more than ten years! "
When Meng Zhantian was imprisoned, her bright eyes changed and there was a cold mans in her eyes.
"Over the years, I have been secretly investigating your father’s fall, but I have gained nothing. The opponent is very powerful and the means are secret. It is certain that it will be in the imperial city!"
At this time, there is a piece of jet with bright hands for no reason. There is a touch of purple flame jumping in the big jade with a cold light.
"Soul jade? Is this my father-"
"Yes, this is the only thing your father left me in those days. If you want to see this soul jade still on, I will know that your father is still alive, no matter where he is … with whom …"
Yan Shuang beautiful eyes faint looking at the hands of the soul jade.
"Today I give him to you! Even if it finally goes out, you should return it! Can you promise me? "
"I won’t let it go out."
Chapter 154 Mysterious old man
Outside the spaceship, Meng Chen looked at Lang Lang’s star by boat alone and was in a trance.
"It’s all so real but like a dream."
It’s almost three months since I came to this world. In the past three months, Meng Chen has experienced adventure, family repression, life and death test, parting from his lover and witnessing the strangeness of this world.
Only the faith in my heart has not changed.
He wants to live here, he has a family, a beloved woman, brothers and friends, and he wants to protect everything here.
"hey! There is still a long way to go! "
After a moment of trance, the boy couldn’t help grinning

"The car! The car is on! Dear Gao Cai, don’t miss the hour. "The chief of Jixian County is also dispatched around the carriage, and there are even armored soldiers escorted."

Zhou Zhou’s congratulatory letter was also packed in a carriage, and six scholars were crowded together.
"Sit tight." As soon as the coachman shook his whip, the car jolted and started.
The assistant of the shopkeeper in Zhaoxian Building outside the car is holding a fist in front of the door and saying, "I hope a few high talents can jump into Longmen once in high school!"
Zhou Zhou’s congratulatory letter, two people’s faces are floating and smiling, and the drivers are cheering each other up and saying that they will definitely go to high school.
The carriage went all the way, and the people on the street suddenly stopped pointing and talking.
And when we got to the front of Fangmen, Fangding was also afraid to stop the door, but the people who were going out stopped the car.
Hundreds of government soldiers marched slowly along the Kuangguang Street in Youzhou City, guarding more than a dozen carriages.
The street patrol saw that not only did it not stop before, but it also removed the wooden fence to let the taxi team pass quickly.
Soon after, more than a dozen carriages stopped in front of the county magistrate’s house. It is said that the Houxian County Trial Gongyuan is still under construction, so Zhuoxian County first tried to choose the county magistrate’s house.
Looking at the mighty stone lion in front of the sheriff’s office, most of the candidates held their breath.
There are also people whispering that the examiner is a person this time?
"It is reasonable to say that the most qualified examiner should be Zhou Ji Bar, but it is impossible to avoid suspicion."
"I don’t know if I’m here, but the most respected person in the Chief Mansion is Wei Chief. This imperial examination in Youzhou is the first of its kind in a county. Wei Chief should come to the abbot even if he has a lot of work to do."
"If Wei Chief invigilates, then we will not play twelve times to be careful about this person’s law enforcement. If anything goes wrong, I’m afraid it will be a promising life."
Speaking of which, several candidates all turned white.
"You are all wrong. As far as I know, we are all candidates of Zhuojun County, Wei Chief. Of course, we should also avoid suspicion. Therefore, it is most likely that the secretariat of the government is Wen Changshi or Chen Sima."
Others said, "It’s more than enough for him to learn to take the examiner when he was awarded the post of Wen Lin Lang, because he recruited four imperial examiners in the country in those days."
"So my father’s several official documents about Wen Changshi are concise and neatly described, and the layout is very delicate. There is quite a style of writing in the Wen Lin Pavilion in the Northern Qi Dynasty. We can greatly increase our hopes in the exam by imitating this style."
"It’s a good word. I’ll remember the articles in the Wen Lin Pavilion that year. The teacher made me recite a lot. Let me think about it. I still remember a few songs."
Just talking, the left, middle and right gates of the Chief Mansion are slowly opened when everyone stops.
Out of the gate, the official ranks let the candidates queue up to enter the venue, check the candidates’ quotations one by one, check the appearance, and then search the test basket and test box before letting the candidates in.
The search was very careful and took a long time. By the time the sun was high, it was already a bit hot.
After this search for the prosecution, all the candidates entered the gate together
Stop in front of Houyuanmen and wait to enter the examination room.
"It’s Wei Junshou!"
"Look at Wen Changshi!"
Youzhoucheng said it was not big or small, but many of the candidates had seen two people drinking with their parents and recognized them at a glance.
The two men came together, so who is the examiner?
Everyone speculated.
Aside the chief government officials drink loudly way
At this time, Wei Zhi Wenyanbo retreated to one side and raised his hand to yi Yuanmen. Another person came to see this person, and many candidates were excited.
Their heart andao didn’t expect the examiner to be Li Secretariat.
See Li Chongjiu came to the field and said to everyone, "Do you know or not? It’s Li Chongjiu, the secretariat of Youzhou."
The outstanding candidates were all low-pitched and immediately quarreled. One side official hurriedly shouted, "Those who talk nonsense again will be disqualified from the county examination."
All the examinees just kept their mouths shut. Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "The county test is a grand ceremony for judging talents in a county. Youzhou County Sheriff’s Office takes five scholars from the rural virtuous county school, and a total of ten people enter the county magistrate’s office. The best one is awarded with seven positions, and the second one is awarded with seven positions, and the remaining seven people are awarded with six Cao officials in the county magistrate’s office for three years before releasing the place outside."
Although all the candidates already know it, they are all excited to hear Li Chongjiu say it lightly.
It is rare to go to the gentry’s younger brother to be an official, saying that brown can be interpreted from seven to seven, and all officials have first-class brothers, but it is rare to learn from the facts.
All eyes can’t help but give birth to hope.
Chapter four hundred and four When you get fish
How can you recommend an official if you want to monopolize everything from the humble gentry to the noble gentry
However, today’s imperial examinations give people equal opportunities to study, and people are somewhat proud of themselves. Who denies that they have no hope of passing the exam?

Even if the 33-year-old Su Yonglin is not as energetic as the 23-year-old himself, the 33-year-old Su Yonglin is far more experienced and capable as a handler than the 23-year-old himself.

Su Yonglin needs to distribute these energies and abilities evenly in the whole process of decision-making and implementation.
He needs to arrange a list of departments of civil affairs, finance, justice, diplomacy, military affairs, science and technology, etc. He is so busy that he is tired of illness at last.
It is difficult for him to lead the country with absolute power from beginning to end.
Such talents are hard to meet in a thousand years.
Now Su Yonglin’s assignment to himself is the final policy veto for military and R&D workers.
He is super capable of handling about one-sixth of the original workload, which is equivalent to the world’s strongest 100-meter flying man participating in the 100-meter race league for high school students.
Highlight a relaxed hanging field
Compared with the rest of the nine-member decision-making group, he felt unprecedented pressure.
Originally, this country was actually an imperial emperor, and Su Yonglin mastered the Ministry and actually assumed the responsibility of carrying the pot on his back to protect others from the wind and rain.
Officials of other departments need Su Yonglin to make decisions and do specific things regardless of their status.
Su Yonglin is a good leader. When there is a problem, he will first blame himself. People who make mistakes in the Ministry are often more disciplinary than disciplinary measures.
Now, it is up to them to decide and be responsible from the problem generation to the discussion to the decision-making to the specific implementation department.
They need this responsibility and no one can help them.
Only then did they find that these things, which used to be Su Yonglin’s one-sixth workload, suddenly overwhelmed them.
Tian Jue, who is the best among several people and has the strongest pressure resistance, has only finished three-fifths of his own work.
Everyone else has almost finished half of the work, and there is still a lot of work to be done. It’s dark, the sun and the moon are all Su Yonglin.
In this tense moment, they just keep making some low-level mistakes, which makes everyone more busy.
What number is wrong, what noun is wrong, and what is wrong?
Then there was a flurry.
So they couldn’t help sighing what kind of work monster Su Yonglin was.
So complicated, heavy work and heavy pressure were shouldered by one shoulder. In the past eleven years, I was disconnected once and rarely made mistakes. I took the big country through the ghost gate several times and built a huge empire.
Oh, my God. It’s really a god. It’s a god.
This is really more different from people and pigs.
While sighing, they crustily skin of head threw themselves into heavier work and continued to deal with the seemingly endless politics.
Chapter 1527 Internal heat is so big, be careful not to hurt yourself.
Su Yonglin was completely idle after finishing the work here.
He went back to the palace to rest for a few days, eating, drinking and reading, and it was nothing to do every day. He even helped Zhao Xirui to take care of children.
While teaching children to read Chinese characters, he took out his long-neglected exercise plan to exercise and rebuild his strong body and perfect figure.
During that time, even Su Zeying, the eldest son who had just finished his primary school degree and was preparing to sprint for a higher degree, was busier than him.
He is not used to living like this. After more than ten years of hard work, he can’t change his habit in just a few days. After a period of leisure, he really can’t hold back, so he runs around.
The first thing to go is definitely the R&D department of the Ministry of Industry.
In the R&D department, Su Yonglin watched the technical workers improve the steam drainage machine according to the news from Datong Coal Mine, and watched the technical workers sum up all kinds of theoretical knowledge and tried to deduce some important scientific laws based on these theoretical knowledge.
Su Yonglin doesn’t really remember these physical and chemical things clearly, but he also remembers gravity and Newton’s first and second laws, which are of little help to the technical workers at present.
But he did his best to tell them what he could remember, hoping that they could find some solutions to their current problems from the products accumulated by the inspiration and sweat of these geniuses.
Su Yonglin, who has forgotten or doesn’t know anything at all, can also do whatever he can, and he has not stinted in investing money in them, so that they can not worry about their own brains.
At the same time, adhering to the idea that the people are the root force to promote historical progress, Su Yonglin also issued a letter of encouragement to the Chinese people from the beginning of the first month of the twelfth year of Hongwu.
He announced that the types of hair creation can be rewarded, and so on, with rich material rewards and spiritual rewards, and vigorously mobilized the people’s brains, hoping to find a real grassroots king like Edison from the vast sea of people.
At present, the foundation of science and engineering in China is still weak, and it is still of great significance for grassroots to become a king. They can create a new discipline with any inspiration or creativity for the imperial science and engineering school to study for a long time.
Everything is created without rules, identity, bondage and results.
What Su Yonglin can do is to wait and then become the "golden father" behind all the creators with strong financial resources, and create the best environment for them so that all geniuses can live up to their expectations and give full play to their talents.
After visiting the Ministry of Industry, Su Yonglin wandered around.
He went to see the situation of Tian Jue.
Tian Jue is in charge of the Douchayuan and the daily operation of the Renaissance Association. Although he has many hands, many things need him to decide and take responsibility. The pressure is much greater.
When Su Yonglin went to Duchayuan for a stroll, he saw Tian Jue’s face flushed and scolded a department for accusing it of making a mistake, so that everyone should spend more time cleaning his ass.
The young official of Douchayuan was scolded and depressed, and he was very depressed without saying a word.
Because Tian Jue was so angry, all the officials in Douchayuan bowed their heads and looked bad. The whole scene was quite depressing.
Su Yonglin quickly stopped Tian Xuan before seeing this scene.
"Chairman? Why are you here? "
"Everything is done. Let’s see what’s going on here."
Su Yonglin walked over and patted Tian Jue. "Be careful not to hurt yourself when you are so angry."
"I’m not … not this thing is mainly he … he …"
Tian Jue’s constipation expression with a face of anger and I don’t know where to tilt provoked Su Yonglin to laugh.
"Good good deal with politicians is calm is angry? In most cases, getting angry can make things worse. When I get angry, I say it’s time for a rectification movement. "
Listen to Su Yonglin’s warm language and utter horrible words. Looking at his expression, it seems that this is a cold joke, so Tian Jue’s heart is well-deserved, and a cool breeze blows through his heart, so he is so light and dissipated.
So he pulled a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "You’re exaggerating …"
Su Yonglin ha ha a smile
"Come on, don’t get angry. Dealing with the problem when you get angry is enough for you to do one more thing. If the Ministry makes a mistake, you won’t be punished by law."
"White …"
Tian Jue turned off the fire.
Su Yonglin turned and looked at the grateful young official, then stretched out his hand and patted the young official on the shoulder and smiled.
"Go to work. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and I will know that mistakes can improve a lot."
"Chairman …"
The young official’s eyes turned red, and big tears fell away. Then he took a sniff and wiped his eyes, saluted Su Yonglin, and left Douchayuan to handle affairs.
Get up as soon as you have a head start.
After calming down the situation, Su Yonglin pulled Tian Jue out of his mental state and said he wanted to take a walk with him.
Tian Jue refused to say that she had a lot of things to do, and Su Yonglin dragged him out for a walk.
"I remember that you have always been calm and wise, whether you belong or whether your colleagues are calm and indifferent to you. How has it changed now?"
Tian Jue smell speech a sigh followed by a wry smile.
"Chairman, I never hide anything from you. To be honest, I was very excited when you decided to set up a nine-member decision-making group. I was very excited when you were calm. I was very excited when you pretended to be practical.
But until now, I didn’t realize that I was a little too early to be happy. I just felt great pressure when I was given such a part of the work to deal with, and I hit my head all at once.
When dealing with things these days, I sometimes get the illusion that some things need to be asked for instructions from you before I deal with them several times. I got up with the documents and walked to the door before suddenly remembering that this is my job. "
Chapter 152 Tian Jue no longer anxious
Su Yonglin is not surprised that Tian Jue is honest.
Rather, it is really strange not to feel this way.
Besides Tian Xuan, several of him should be the same.
Su Yonglin looked at Tian Jue and smiling.
Tian Jue nodding.

Don’t be greedy! ""Greed is human nature. There are always many people who try to learn the top ten magic skills and recognize themselves as tianjiao. They are the protagonists of heaven and earth. They practice several magic skills at the same time with luck. But how can anyone really go to the extreme for these ten extreme roads? Don’t say you can’t.

Even I dare not practice the second magic skill, and these ten magic skills are not what we really rely on! "
"Cang Lang, remember one sentence: There are no enemies in this world!"
"We cultivate the Ten Magic Skills to temper our mind with the help of magic skills and create a stronger achievement method than the Ten Magic Skills!"
"For the top ten magic skills, we need to practice one of them to the extreme, and then we can learn a few ideas by analogy. Do you know?"
Qingzun big sleeve fluttering mouth said.
Xiao Yu took a deep breath and fuels. "Thank you for waking up!"
"Well, then you can go there."
Qingzun nodded and said
"it’s the devil"
Xiao Yu hold fuels again and fly to the ten pillars in front.
Suddenly Xiao Yu consternation stare big eyes.
Because he found a figure sitting on each side of four columns.
There are four people!
"That’s … Rise of the Legend magic statue, black statue, red dragon magic statue …"
Xiao Yu heart flashing.
There were three pillars, and he recognized them at once!
There was still a column left, and he looked at it carefully for a while and suddenly gasped.
"Long Yan Mo Zun!"
That pillar is the magic statue of Long Yan.
He hasn’t seen this terrible former demon deputy leader since Long Yan joined the battlefield after he got out of trouble from Tianzhaozong!
I didn’t expect the other party to have always been a monty hole!
They all practice?
Xiao Yu eyes puzzled.
But then suddenly behind him came Qingzun’s long and clear voice, "Long Yan Daoyou has something important to discuss with you, but you can’t wait?"
Brush! ? Suddenly, my eyes have been closed, and the dragon’s inflammation magic statue has opened its eyes. Two eyes are dark, and the world seems to have melted into two night beads, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Three souls and seven spirits seem to be directly taken away by this pair of eyes.
The eyes Xiao Yushen glanced at it and looked at the green John Lone efreet behind him, and his body floated.
Xiao Yugen can’t react. A moment ago, Long Yan’s magic statue returned the giant column, and it has completely lost its trace.
Xiao Yu hurriedly looked round.
The two magic statues have appeared tens of millions of feet away.
"What a terrible speed"
Xiao Yu was shocked in his heart.
This is the realm of winning!
You can always be an ant if you don’t win the championship!
He is deeply aware of this truth again.
Xiao Yu took a deep breath and continued to rush toward the front ten pillars.
The black statue and the red dragon demon statue destroyed Yangcheng in World War I, and the flesh was badly damaged. At this moment, they were all wrapped in a hazy light to recover their injuries.
In Rise of the Legend’s magic statue, he was left with a spiritual spirit in his celestial cases, and he has been practicing here since he returned to the magic land.
After such a long time, his physical injury still hasn’t improved at all
"Why did you come here? This is a forbidden area. Did the devil send you here?" ? Suddenly the red dragon magic statue looked at Xiao Yu with shocked eyes.
Chapter two thousand four hundred and thirty-five Watch the magic work
Xiao Yu’s sudden arrival shocked the Red Dragon’s magic statue and black statue with their eyes wide open.
The Monty Cave is no other place. This is a forbidden area of the magic gate. Even their little demon master can’t come in without saying anything. It takes a lot of contributions to get permission from the demon master to enter the Monty Cave for cultivation.
But what makes this Cang Lang? How did he get in?
How long has he only joined?
Why did the devil let him in?
Xiao Yu smiled and stared at the red dragon magic statue and black statue and laughed. "I was brought in by Qingzun. Qingzun asked me to watch the top ten magic skills and choose one to practice by myself."
The red dragon magic statue and the black statue were completely surprised.
Really promised by the devil!
Or the eldest of the four demons, Qingzun!
How come…
What has this Cang Lang done to make an exception for Qingzun and bring him into the Monty Cave? "Small day out manufactory world war I you chickened out and led tens of thousands of people to abandon the city and flee. Did the Lord know about this? You must not dare to tell the demon master that if you know, don’t say that you won’t enter the monty cave and ask you for a big sin, you must have cheated the demon master to let the demon.
It’s so bold of the Lord to bring you to Monty Cave. Come with me to see the Lord, and I’ll expose you! "

In those days, the emperor who crossed the country succeeded in founding the country, but he didn’t kill the donkey and birds. The title was entitled to riches and honour, and the holy father was a great party. Later, he didn’t secretly guard against it, so he took it back and rewarded the monarch, his subjects and the people at that time.

These heavenly beings have such a high reputation because they all see the saints in their eyes.
Now, there is still nothing left in the present family, and everything is stirred into the emperor’s struggle for position halfway, which was destroyed by the emperor who ascended the throne after taking the wrong position.
Therefore, it’s really not easy for Ping Guogong to remain the top family of the dynasty without being demoted.
"So someone wants to level the horse?" Dong Yuling wants to come, someone should be jealous!
"It seems that the flat frenzy has been too powerful for so many years and has not declined." Lian Yan Jiing rubbed his forehead. "At the beginning, I wanted to make a flat frenzy, that is, if the jade imperial concubine Taifei was too enthroned, it would be that today’s queen is too afraid that the flat frenzy will not give marriage. Today’s emperor and jade imperial concubine have a deep affection, which makes people pressure the jade imperial concubine to seal a newly rich imperial concubine Taifei."
"…" Dong Yuling thinks that this matter is bloody, that is to say, the imperial concubine is the emperor’s true love queen, or is it used by the emperor to restrict the imperial concubine family?
With a sigh, Lian Yan Jing called into the floating clouds. "The floating clouds took a trip to Ping Guofu for the world and told the uncle that the imperial examination fraud case was involved in the imperial concubine empress, so that he was psychologically prepared."
The expression of "Shi Shi" clouds makes the zombie face more expressive.
Princess Qin Ru’s palace is the first daughter of Pingguofu. If such a big event really happens to Pingguofu, Wangfu won’t be able to get it right. The most important thing is that Wang Shi Qin Ru is in charge of this case.
It’s not so easy for the culprits behind the scenes to frame it if they have their own means to prepare for it after all these years.
"Words imperial concubine empress this is jealous! There is a rich man surnamed Hu in my butterfly village. They say he is related to the imperial concubine? " Dong Yuling thought of that year when Hu Yi, the gruyter, often bullied the children in the village and almost strangled Dong Er-di. Isn’t it because of this relative?
A while ago, Yunshi wanted to marry her to de gruyter. Isn’t it true that de gruyter is also related to the world?
How do you think about this matter? Let her have a bad impression on this noble lady. If it weren’t for the world, she would definitely doubt this expensive first. Chapter 11 Chapter 110 Analysis and then repay it.
I have been paying attention to Dong Ling Ling Lian Yan Jing, and naturally I know which one she said was in a better mood when she saw her so hateful. "It’s just that I don’t know if I can’t remember my relatives."
The implication is that you can retaliate against the imperial concubine and the Wangfu if you want to do whatever you want.
Dong Fengling blinked and understood the meaning of Shiqian. He couldn’t help but smile.
Hu Jia, that is, relying on the people’s knowledge of getting into trouble, always speaks through the title of imperial concubine.
Now she won’t make this gruyter kneel for mercy. Her name is not Dong …
Look at Dong Yuling’s undisguised smirk. It’s rare. Lian Yan Jing Youzi doesn’t hang a Zhang Liangshan face when she thinks of a woman in a aristocratic palace who does bad things. It’s the first time I’ve seen bad facts like Dong Yuling.
"I guess behind the scenes, I want to draw a frenzy. I don’t want to be prepared in advance to prove the innocence of Yu Guifei." Lian Yan Jiing pulled the topic into the formal.
"Do you know what’s so special about April 6th?" Lotus Yan Jing eyebrow suddenly talked about this.
"What’s so special?" Dong Yuling wondered if everything Feng Ze encountered was special.
"It was this day that the emperor was inspired and wrote the scientific examination questions." Lian Yan Jing sighed.
Dong Fengling leng leng immediately to react "that is to say, the emperor didn’t write the exam questions until early in the morning, and someone took them out and sold them later? This move is fast! "
"Stop is fast, you should be ready for the transaction, and the buyers are all waiting for the exam questions as soon as they come out, and they go out to buy and sell step by step." Lotus Yan Jiing was impatient and turned to Feng Ze and figured out a lot of keys in one sentence.
"Well, there shouldn’t be a person with a huge network behind the scenes. If Feng Zeyi hadn’t overheard and found a southern medicine to write an article, things would be revealed after Huiyuan. I’m afraid that after the imperial examination, I wouldn’t show any flaws, so it can be seen that the secret kung fu is extremely perfect." Dong Yuling said his own opinion that many people are easy to spill the beans, but this behind-the-scenes is done too well
Lian Yan Jing nodded. "That’s true, but Feng Ze’s sixth day of April can narrow the scope a lot. There are far fewer people who can come into contact with the examination questions in this day than later."
Dong Yuling raised his eyebrows and smiled. "It seems that the world has a score in mind."
Look at that smile and you will know that Lian Yan Jiing should have locked the suspect’s past life. She loves to watch suspense mystery dramas, whether it’s Di Renjie or Bao Qingtian or a famous detective Conan. The expression is like this after the reasoning has the result. Now it’s hard to be familiar with it …
"The holy father once said that the justice of the earth is long and slow, but it doesn’t leak." Lian Yan jiing smiled without a word, but his face was inscrutable.
"…" Dong Yuling’s head is covered with black lines. At present, she is most afraid of hearing what the holy father said!
Talk about the topic of almost Lian Yan Jiing see Dong Ling anxious to return really want to go back to see Dong Er’s brother and just let him go. After all, it’s this girl’s brother, and he will never be cut off.
What do you hate most about your big brother and little brother?
After bidding farewell to the world, Dong Fengling hurried home and came to the village entrance. He took a lot of vegetables and meat from the farm warehouse and came back to Dong Gu with big bags.
Go to the door and see Dong Hanxuan looking around and looking a little anxious. After seeing her, raise a big laugh and meet her in a hurry. "Elder sister, did you go to Shengjing? Brother, I will be back before noon! "

"Is the master after them?" Stealth state Sharla Cheung asked

"No, someone will pick them up naturally." Duanmuming looked back at Wu Yueer and Beigongxue. The two women were really frightened. When Duanmuming looked back at them, their eyes showed fear and took a step back.
Duanmu Ming knows that this is because he just frightened them with his cruel performance, but this is what they have to go through. If they want to follow their bloody scenes, there will definitely be more and more. If they can’t accept it, they’d better leave early.
Shi Duanmu Ming didn’t realize that he unconsciously showed cold habits, as if the nature in his bones was more like a coat than the brand in his soul.
Duanmuming’s crossing the branch naturally caused a lot of dissatisfaction among "just people", and three or four people came out immediately.
"Young man, your hands are a little too hard. The other party didn’t return and molested the two ladies behind you. It was not malicious or intentional. How could you break his limbs so much!" This is an old man who said it was a bit of a lesson to the younger generation.
"Don’t be so fat when you do things. You should definitely leave yourself a way out. Don’t rely on yourself to have a little thing and you don’t know how to do it!" This is a young man talking and looking at my woman with jealousy in her eyes.
"Dead fat … you … I didn’t expect you to be such a person!" Listen to the sound to find three daughters of the Gongsun family, Lin Su ‘e and her escort. Her master brother not only joined their admirers, but also ran here. Several women saw Duanmu Ming’s expression and crushed the limbs of a living person without any hesitation or pity. A convulsive chill surged from the bottom of my heart. All the people seemed to have a lot of expressions, but their eyes flashed and stared at Duanmu Ming.
Duanmuming ignored these people’s noise, but planned to pull two women away from here. I didn’t expect that my hands had just touched Wu Yueer and Beigongxue, and the two women immediately retracted their arms and took a step back at the same time.
Duanmu Ming’s face sank, his brow wrinkled, and his anger in his chest was pressed again, but he heard the handsome boy slowly wake up behind him and roar, "Duanmu Ming, I will spare you! I must make your life worse than death! "
Duanmuming? The man who claim to have defeated that bloody evil spirit? Is to be recognized as a genius by the world power organization?
Most people’s first reaction is impossible. In their eyes, Duanmu Ming should be a handsome young hero rather than cold-blooded and cruel. Then they realize that if this person is Duanmu Ming, they will be famous immediately if they want to beat each other. This is a great opportunity!
If it weren’t for public, these people would probably hug Duanmu Ming and tear him to pieces. Even so, their green eyes made Duanmu Ming uncomfortable.
Duanmuming doesn’t care about their reaction, but it’s strange. Isn’t this guy afraid of death? How dare you say that in front of yourself? Duanmu Ming immediately understood his thoughts as soon as his eyes rolled.
"Well, since you are so similar, I will be you." Duanmu Ming turned around and walked to the handsome guy lying on the ground again
Just when Duanmu Ming had just moved two steps, two people stood in front of me and didn’t say that these two blind guys couldn’t have other ideas except to show off.
"What do you want?"
"What are you doing? I know you want to kill him, but this is a meeting place. No, you Hu Fei "spoke to that young man just now." The people in the health room are also your hands, right? I didn’t expect you to be so ruthless at your young age. What hatred does the other party have with you that deserves your cruel hand? You are not allowed to run wild here! "
Duan Muming flipped his eyelids. "What’s your name?"
"Oh … flying at such a time"
"Good name. I can tell you that these people have provoked me. If a woman dares to say no three no four words to my woman, she will be prepared by me."
"Young man, your thoughts are too extreme …" Another old guy in front of Duanmu Ming said earnestly to Duanmu Ming only to find that there was no figure in front of him and Duanmu Ming sounded behind them.
"Don’t you want to die? I’ll be you. "Duanmu Ming raised his right foot high and stepped on the handsome head of the handsome guy.
"Don’t!" I don’t want to watch Duanmu Ming turn into a murderous maniac. Several women shouted out together. Even Gongsun Re and Lin Su ‘e are no exception. The only thing that didn’t come out is Sharla Cheung and Duo Duo Duo, a hero. Those two people just turned around and Duanmu Ming’s feet have been stepped on.
It happened that when Duanmu Ming’s foot was about to fall on this guy’s face, this guy actually rolled on the spot and deftly avoided Duanmu Ming’s foot, but he never thought that Duanmu Ming had already prepared for his reaction. He rolled and Duanmu Ming kicked him flexibly.
Bang! The heavy sound rang again. This guy was kicked by Duanmu Ming and spilled some bright blood. It is impossible for people to stand by and watch Duanmu Ming kill so much, but they were horrified to find that it seemed too slow. Everyone seemed to move slowly. Duanmu Ming and the guy he kicked were normal. They didn’t stop it!
However, the change happened again when everyone recognized that the unlucky guy suddenly grew several tentacles. For a moment, everyone loved the handsome guy and became a monster with tentacles. In the center of the tentacles were a pair of eyes shining with green light and a big mouth full of sharp teeth.
Just now, the women who were fascinated by the handsome boy’s demeanor immediately screamed. Just now, they directly contacted Wu Yueer and Beigong Snow, and they were shocked. They realized that Duanmu Ming didn’t let this person go, and the cold feeling was because this person was a monster pretending to be Gongsun Re and Lin Suee, and looked at Duanmu Ming with complicated eyes.
Duan Muming stared at the monster beast Lvses (;
Chapter 22 Contest ()
"Duanmu Ming, you forced me!" In the middle, the monster was suspended and roared for a few times. The tentacles stretched straight and straight, and Duan Muming was still afraid.

"Ray?" Ji Dong’s eyes suddenly contracted. What does a ray represent? If it’s not a thunderbolt, then he can only make such a sound in his memory. It’s also a top-level killing skill, and the sound generated by the release is even more than the top-level killing skill. How can a senior brother do this if he doesn’t meet a strong opponent?

"Is a brother met a nemesis.
Let’s hurry. "At this time, Ji Dong has been unable to take care of many blue Bao Er’s hands and body instantaneous acceleration. With Teng snake becoming super flexible, the body releases explosive force like arrows and rushes into the first floor of the sacred island.
Blue Bao Er can clearly feel that Ji Dong is anxious at the moment, and there is not much to ask. Quickly gather magic to reduce Ji Dong’s burden as much as possible. It is a pity in her heart that Ji Dong was injured and had a metallic texture, but it was not half a point. It really felt like the sun, the moon, the double glow gloves and the monarch, the demon and the yin and yang armored armguards wrapped his own palm.
In a flash, the two men have reached the opposite mountain. Ji Dong paused a little and directly chose to climb the mountain. The mountain peak here is so high and the fighting there is so fierce. From the top of the mountain, it should be easier to determine the position of Frey and get there at the best. With the ultimate double fire and his own five-line array, Ji Dong is confident that he can help Frey.
Ji Dong Basket Bao Er’s two figures are just like a star pill jumping on that mountain, which is two kilometers long and shouting. For ordinary people, it will take several hours to climb it, but for magicians like Ji Dong and Lan Bao Er, they have gone beyond the mountainside to the clouds for a quarter of an hour, but at this time, they suddenly changed.
The whole mountain suddenly shuddered for a while, followed by a rumbling noise. Ji Dong and Lan Bao Er watched it not far from the top of their heads until the white at the top of the mountain suddenly shook, and tens of millions of tons of ice and snow crashed.
"Bad avalanche" The previous storm was too loud to shake the snow and ice roots of this mountain. It didn’t collapse until now. The dog’s natural force was exhausted. Bao Er couldn’t help but be shocked to see the snow and ice falling from the sky
Ji Dong’s reaction was faster than a fierce pull, and Bao Er put her in his arms and Suzaku became instantly released. At the same time, his body generate flapped into the sky with a strong golden red flame, and he suddenly rushed to this time when the avalanche was not finished. He did not want to hide his body.
From a distance, at this time, Ji Dong is like a big bird with wings soaring, spreading its wings like a rosefinch arrival, soaring into the sky with a golden red flame. At that distance, when the ice and snow came into contact with the extreme hot magic of Yang fire recently, it suddenly melted and directly transformed into withering steam. Before more ice and snow fell, the two men had already appeared behind Ji Dong, but at this time, the inscription had been replaced by Yang fire flying array.
Ji Dong’s arms are somewhat overbearing and make blue Bao Er uncomfortable and hot, but at this moment, it is such a hug that makes her full of security. Listening to the rumbling noise of her feet, blue Bao Er feels that her heart is trembling. If she is herself, she may have died in this ice and snow. Even the water demon master can’t stand such a terrible ice and snow arrival.
Ji Dong naturally don’t know what’s going on in Blue Bao Er’s mind at this time. His wings flap like a flaming meteor, pointing directly at the top of the mountain. Yang Huo’s soaring array increases. His flying speed is not inferior to that of flying class. The blink of an eye husband of Warcraft has reached the top of the mountain.
Until now, the avalanche power has been fully displayed, and it can be clearly seen that the mountain call has become a world of ice and snow. A large number of ice fog rises and rumbles, and the amazing power is endless.
Ji firmly landed on the top of the mountain with a broken ice. She looked at Blue Bao Er’s face in a loose embrace and whispered, "It’s okay." Blue Bao Er quickly nodded her delicate and charming sample and the panic in her purple eyes made people fall in love. She took a look at her slightly messy silver hair and whispered, "You saved me again."
Ji Dong shook his head and looked into the distance. At this time, he didn’t pay too much attention to the safety of Brother Lan Bao Er, which is the most important thing.
At this moment, there was another violent thunder and a huge noise. You can see from the high mountain where you are at this time that a blue-purple Lei Guang rose from the sky outside their three peaks, and the dark clouds in the middle of the school also lit up and flashed, as if Wan Lei’s prison rescue community had been bowed.
"Brother, we should hurry over there." Ji Dong pointed to the direction where Lei Guang appeared and was about to fly with blue Bao Er again when he was held by blue Bao Er.
"Ji Dong, you wait a moment. What do you think that is? … as he spoke, Blue Bao Er pointed sideways.
Ji Dong paused and looked in the direction of her finger. It was seven meters away from them. The solid ice on the top of the mountain seemed to have a person, a frozen ice middleman
The two people’s glances will be frozen. It’s obviously already a dead person here. It’s only exposed after the avalanche. I’m afraid I don’t know how long it’s been frozen here.
Ji Dong’s figure flashed before he came to the ice. He was surprised to find that the frozen ice turned out to be a woman wearing a dazzling golden body armor, and even her face was covered. Only a blonde hair flew in the air, and her right hand was raised in the frozen ice, but she couldn’t see the palm of her hand. There was a two-meter-long golden sword pointing forward, which seemed to be attacking.
This woman is slender and her height is even more than one meter, which is a little higher than that of Ji Dong now. Although she can’t see her appearance, there is no doubt that she is an outstanding female warrior. She should be Yin Jin, that is, Xin Jin Magic Division II. "What a beautiful armor!" Blue Bao Er can’t help but admire that gold, silver and jewelry are always the most attractive things for women, with few exceptions.
The armor of the female warrior in this frozen body is indeed dazzling. Although it is frozen, it still shines brightly. There are arc lines on the surface, showing dark golden golden body. Plus the flying blonde hair gives people a very strong sense of oppression.
Blue Bao Er said, "She’s poor. I don’t know how long she’s been frozen here."
Ji Dong said, "If you like this suit of armor, I will melt it out and give it to you."
Blue Bao Er quickly shook his head and said, "No, she’s Xin Jin and I don’t have the property."
Now that she has been buried here, don’t disturb her. "
Ji Dong smiled and said, "The avalanche has exposed her ice and snow. If we don’t make moves for someone else, I’m afraid we will directly smash her out of the ice. I’m afraid it will be even more miserable. Anyway, she is also a powerful magic teacher. Although we don’t covet anything, we will melt her out and wait until she is buried outside."
Blue Bao Er nodded. "That would be great. I really want to see what she looks like."
Ji Dong smiled slightly. "It’s easy for you to hide a little." It seems to him that melting the ice together is just a matter of lifting your hand and sticking it on the ice with your left hand. The Yin and Yang Corona transforms into a black Yin Corona, and the extreme Yin fire quietly puts a thick black flame on the floor and quickly covers the ice.

Er … Three men in Ji Dong’s room couldn’t help smiling. This little girl is so interesting.

If the water is cold, he mused, "It’s no wonder that Luo Qingfeng is likely to be restrained if he is full of water. No wonder he was attacked by Ji Dong in the front, but even so, the damage should not be so great!"
"Wait a minute" Long Tianyuan was a chair. Suddenly, he jumped up directly and almost touched the roof. He grabbed the water if it was cold on the shoulder. He suddenly moved and scared the water if it was cold, but it also made the water if it was cold and clever. They had a cold war together for many years. If the water was cold, they would have understood dragon day’s meaning.
"No?" If the water is cold murmured
The dragon * * releases the exciting light. "In addition to that, nothing can explain the three-combination skill and the three-body combination skill of the three-body combination skill. Oh, my God! This is definitely a brand-new topic. "
Ji Dong wondered, "What did you say? How can I not understand? "
Long Tiandao: "Don’t say that you are not white. None of us are very white. I can vaguely guess the situation at that time. When the combination skill of C-D and D-D broke out, Luo Qingfeng’s magical power of decyl water was not completely expelled. Thus, the three magical powers of C-D, Ding Huo and decyl water collided with each other in a special way and also produced a mutation, which is what we normally call the combination skill change. When the terrorist energy broke out, it completely destroyed him, causing almost spike damage. This should be the truth."
Shui Ruohan added, "And I’m sure it’s impossible if it’s in vitro. We’ve already tried it. It’s impossible for you two little guys to complete the combination technique. This discovery is so important that we must report it to the face immediately."
Dragon day nodded. "You go directly to the college board of directors. You should learn from the directors. You are Renshui. I know better than I do that I am here to play with these two talented junior and junior. Haha, I’m afraid this will shock the College. Chapter 45 School of Yin and Yang ().
At Ji Dong and Leng Yue, if the water is cold, he nodded and hurried away.
Leng Yue to nothing is still a little girl should be naive, but Ji Dong lost in thought. Moreover, it is the property of mutual respect. After listening to Leng Yue’s description of Ji Dong Bai, this little girl said that she would not drag her feet. It is by no means an empty talk. It can also be seen from the cold performance that the cold family of the North Water Empire is by no means an ordinary family. It is really more and more interesting. For the Ten Magicians, his cognitive doubts have increased a few minutes through today’s events.
"Teacher, did you also graduate from Tiangan College?" Ji Dong asked.
Dragon day laughed. "Who told you I was a teacher?"
"Ah?" Ji Dong was taken aback. "Are you not teachers?"
Dragon day shook his head and smiled. "Of course, we are not students like you, but our qualifications are older."
Cadet? Five champions? Ji Dong immediately thought of the previous wish to Yin and Yang School.
Long Tiandao: "Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying that we are teachers. Sometimes we will perform some teacher duties. We are a special kind of people in the college."
Ji Dong said, "You belong to the School of Yin and Yang."
Dragon day paused. "Do you also know the Yin and Yang School?"
Ji Dong said, "When I signed up before, I heard that a former senior had been there. He was also a formal student of Tiangan College."
Dragon day smiled. "He knows that it’s just skin deep, but you said it’s true that we do belong to Yin and Yang School. I rank fifth if it’s cold. I rank sixth. There is no age limit in Yin and Yang School of our college. If you want to go to college, you don’t want to rush to graduate. Besides, our students in Yin and Yang School in the college are also the loosest primary school brothers. This time, your freshman assessment can be said to be a surprise! Maybe you will be admitted to the school. In that case, you will be the lowest-ranking students who have entered the school. "
Leng Yue blinked his eyes. "What are the benefits of joining the Yin and Yang School?"
Dragon day said with a smile, "The benefits are much more, but the competition in Yin and Yang School is also fierce. Although we enjoy the highest standard treatment in the college, we also have to face the dangers that ordinary students will not face. Only when you really become a member of the school can we know."
Ji Dong said, "There is a student named Ji Yeyi at the Senior Yin and Yang School. Where is he ranked?" From dragon day’s words, he has recognized that the students of Yin and Yang School are ranked, and from the point of view that Long Tianhe and Shui Ruohan rank fifth and sixth respectively, this ranking must be based on strength.
Dragon day surprised way "do you know her night wounds that small? Are you from Ji’s family? Not right! Her family is full of dirt, but you are double fire. "
Ji Dong smiled indifferently. "It’s just an understanding."
Long Tiandao said, "Ji Yeyi is indeed the most outstanding genius in the past ten years. At the end of last year, he ranked among the top ten schools and ranked tenth."
"How many students are there in the Yin and Yang School?" Ji Dong then asked.
Ji’s questioning is an urgent issue, and dragon day has not concealed that "there are 40 students in the Yin and Yang School. If you can be admitted to the school, you will just make up 50. There have been no newcomers for several years."
If the water is cold, it will leave the residence in a hurry and come to a deeper place. It has passed several cards and stopped in front of a five-meter-high five-color giant door. It is disguised to embed the token with the special six characters in its hand in the depression next to the door.
"Don’t bother if there is nothing urgent for the directors." From the inside, a slender woman of about twenty-five or six years old comes out, and her charming body is full of mystery, purple short hair and purple pupils. The whole person looks like a mysterious spokesperson.
If the water is cold and low, "Third Sister, if it’s okay, I won’t bother you directors. That’s the case …" When he leaned into the female ear, he whispered something.
With a flash of surprise, Nv Jiao Yan, the third sister, nodded and said, "Come in with me."
If the water is cold, I will follow the girl in purple clothes into the door and walk through a wide tunnel to a room with a foot of 200 square meters. The walls of this room have strange five-color textures, and I can clearly feel that the walls contain huge magic fluctuations.
There are nine people sitting at the oval long table in the room, most of whom are over 50 years old, but the first one looks like 30 Xu, but his black eyes are full of vicissitudes of life and his appearance is somewhat out of place.
Nine people all sit in characteristic big chairs, and each has a round table with different colors. At the other end, there is a blue chair. Except for the color difference, each chair is carved with a totem, which is made of different materials but absolutely precious.
The five-crowned Renshui Grand Master entered this room with his head down all the time, and even dared not take a breath of the atmosphere and was taken to the side by the purple girl.
The first middle-aged man’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes showed a light of inquiry. The purple woman walked quickly to his side and whispered something in his ear.
"oh? Is there such a thing? If it’s cold, you can tell us about the situation. "Middle-aged people’s voices are more different from others’ appearances. They are old and deep, and there is a breathtaking magnetism.
"Yes" If the water is cold and respectful, a few steps ago, I came to the oval long table with two meters to stop and bow down. "I have seen the dean’s adult and seen the directors. This is the case …" When he assessed Ji Dong and Leng Yue, he and Longtian judged it in detail.
After listening to his story, everyone’s face was somewhat surprised. The old man in red smiled and said, "Bing Ding’s double fire is interesting. It’s really interesting. Let’s not talk about the three-combination technique, such as this double fire. I’ve heard that I want to see Chapter 45 Yin and Yang School ()
Sitting in the first middle-aged man, he smiled and said, "Congratulations, brother. You know this guy?"
The old man in red nodded his head. "He’s Bing Tian, the college away from fire. According to Bing Tian, he’s not white. This child is like a successful practice of balancing Yin and Yang. This body also created a precedent. I propose to break the rules and let the school of Yin and Yang focus on training."
"I’m afraid it’s not right to be old." Sitting opposite the old man in red is a big black chair. A black-robed old man sneers at one. "After all, he is only 14 and he is fourteen years old. If he can’t be promoted to the level of two crowns before he is sixteen, he won’t join the Yin and Yang School. If none of us know that it should be luck to achieve the Yin and Yang crown, who knows if he can achieve the second crown? If his practice is stagnant in the near future, wouldn’t it be a wave? The rules can’t be broken casually. I don’t approve of the old toast. I still have to wait until he can finish the two crowns before he is sixteen. It’s a cold girl. I don’t think it’s a big problem to break into the school of Yin and Yang. At the age of ten, she can finish one crown. At the age of sixteen, she can easily reach the realm of two crowns. I heard that this girl is your cold palm. "
The old man sitting in black is surrounded by a purple man who nodded lightly. "The moon is one of the rare geniuses in a century. This time, I also got the college recommendation qualification to apply for our Tiangan College. I have confidence in this great granddaughter."
Bang-the old man in red slapped the oval console table in front of him. The whole 200-square-meter room suddenly became fiery. "You two don’t want to talk to echo each other here. You can be admitted to our fire without exception." Don’t forget that the chief of Yin and Yang School is our fire. "
The old man in black snorted a chill and suddenly spread from his body, and the blazing heat disappeared. "Old Zhu Frey is not finished. It’s your fire. Don’t brag and stare at me. Are you sure this little fire is another Frey?"
"Okay, okay, don’t hurt the gas." The first middle-aged man motioned for the two to stop quarreling and sink a way. "From the conditions of these two children alone, they are not qualified to join the Yin and Yang School. Their own talents have not been fully displayed. It was originally impossible to destroy the admission rules of the Yin and Yang School, but don’t the directors think it is interesting for them to form a trio? We’ve studied the skill of heavenly stem magic for so many years and it’s never been realized. I’ve decided to set up a new research institute. I’m in favor of making an exception to admit these two children to the Yin and Yang School. Of course, if they can’t reach the two championships at the age of sixteen, they will also be cleared up by the school. I wonder what the directors think? "
In addition to wishing the old man, the old man and the cold man, all five of his directors nodded successively. The first middle-aged man smiled. "Well, that’s settled. You and Ruohan go to help these two little guys go through the formalities together."
Purple clothes female respectful way "yes" this just went out with water if cold.