Everyone’s face was shocked, and Xuance’s eyes were full of surprise.

Suspection.i Lord narrowed his eyes surprised tunnel "Liu Xi strength I know that if the right place at the right time and the best can cross-border fighting to defeat the fighters such as the early congenital, Liu Xi was unexpectedly defeated by this small punch."
No.12 laughed. "So we have already said that this little body has great secrets."
10 laughed "suspection.i Lord you must not see the snow shine application to report? If you see the application report, you should know why you can beat Liu Xi. "
Huangfu said, "Are you saying this?"
No.10 Road, "Do you know djinn in the west of Hedong Red Hair River?"
Huangfu said, "Those nine-yang dogs are brothers with the same name?"
No.10 Road "It was their two brothers who died not long ago"
Suspection.i main road "dead? How to die? "
No.10 Road "Xu Kill"
"Xu kill?"
Suspection.i Lord immediately stare big eyes, "if I remember correctly Hedong red hair Hexi djinn are congenital mid-term fighters! Maybe kill them? Xu killed them after being seriously injured? "
No.10 shook his head and said, "Xu has a very strong cross-border fighting ability. When he can do his best, he can cross the border and kill fighters such as congenital middle stage. Do you think that Fa can defeat a fighter with a single blow in Hexi djinn Hedong Red Hair?"
Suspection.i Lord zheng first, then narrowed his eyes and said, "No wonder you value this little fighter who can cross the border so much. He is a genius. What’s worse, he has only practiced for two or three years. If such a person can cultivate well, it won’t take a hundred years to have a big climate. Then you can get a Iliad in the worse."
No.10 smiled openly. "As I said before, he is not only from the worse place, but also from the Dragon Hall. The most important thing is that he is a national. Even if we have a chance to enhance the overall strength, we must never let No.3 go. It has been said that the worse place will pave the way all the way before the three demons break out. It is necessary for the three demons to make a climate before launching a war."
Suspection.i main road "come? According to the Ministry, everything is ready for the three major demons. It’s not certain that war will be launched in 2008 or the year after. Will he grow up? "
No.10 sighed with his hands on his back. "It depends on God’s will, and he is just a straw. Whether he can achieve great things or not, we must work hard. The core force in Wulin is of course against the mainstream forces of the three demons."
Lord suspection.i also sighed, "The three magic religions have been prepared for more than 300 years. God knows if this catastrophe will go from Wulinbo to the mundane. If the real wave is too wide, the whole China will be in turmoil, fearing that development will go backwards for decades!"
No.10 nodded slightly. "Now all we have to do is seize every opportunity. Even a little more strength is good for Wulin."
Suspection.i advocate "the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of ordinary people, how can I be immune to the martial arts catastrophe? You can rest assured that I will cultivate Xu well. "
No.10 looked serious and sincere. "Righteousness is Lord Huangfu!"
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-five War Xuance
Xu can beat Liu Xi with one move, which certainly surprised Xuance.
But this is not enough for Xuance to admit that he is qualified to be the vice president.
Xuance narrowed his eyes and said, "I really didn’t expect you to beat Liu Ce, which surprised me, but it wasn’t enough to make you vice president."
Xu said, "Are you sure you will send someone out to fight me again?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "Are you going to send fighters in the early days of birth?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "Even if I beat the fighters in the early days of birth, I am still not qualified to be the deputy leader, right?"
Xuance paused to say "yes"
Xu said, "Then what is the significance of my first world war?"
Xuance froze.
Xuance knows that it’s impossible for middle fighters to let too powerful people fight and choose people with equal strength. This is what heroes should do.
Yes, as Xu said, even if he defeated the fighters such as the early congenital period, he was still not qualified to be the deputy leader.
So what’s the point of fighting?
What’s the point of fighting like an assessment given by Xuance?
Xuance said, "What do you think?"
Xu said, "Why don’t you just tell me how I can be the vice president?"
Xuance said, "Strength, qualifications and contributions."
Xu said, "Many of you went straight into the Dragon Hall. I am different. I climbed all the way from the Dragon Group. This is my qualification."
Xuance paused, "Dragon Group, Chinese escort, Dream Strong Group, primary institutions? Climb all the way? "
Xu said, "Is this qualified?"
Xuance paused and then said "qualified"
Xu said, "When I was a dragon group, I destroyed the dark workshop that affected the world. The virus developed by the dark workshop was enough to affect human genes. If it was produced on a large scale, it could destroy a smaller country. I took the lead in destroying this dark workshop. Is this a credit? When I was in the Huaxia Guard, I also set up a dream-strengthening group. When I helped the official get two contributions from the cave of the general of the twelve branches of Ziyue Changjiao, was it a credit? It is because of these merits that I was directly recommended to join the Longdian primary organization! Are these credits enough? "
Although Xu’s contribution to the country is not much, every one can go down in the history of the Dragon Hall.
Xuance obviously didn’t expect that Xu had done so many vigorous things at a young age and immediately said, "barely enough."
Xu said, "seniority and credit are enough for the existing strength, right?"
Xuance said "Yes"
Xu said, "How can I sit in the deputy theme?"
Xuance said, "Only fighters who are born in the middle period are qualified to sit in the deputy theme."
Xu Tao: "In that case, why don’t you simply send fighters such as congenital metaphase out to me for World War I? If I can defeat the fighters such as congenital metaphase, does it mean that I am qualified to be the vice president? "
As soon as this sentence came out, everyone immediately stare big eyes.
Snow shine also stare big eyes.
Snow shine knows that Xu Shen has many magical places, but Xu is, after all, a mid-level fighter in the early congenital period. It is simply an idiotic dream to want to cross the border and wait for fighters in the middle congenital period. It is simply impossible.
Those fighters in the courtyard are even more puzzling. How can Xu have the courage to say such a thing?
Xuance also stared at the ghost and said, "Are you kidding?"
Xu said, "Why should I joke?"
Xuance squinted and said, "Do you really want to wait for the first world war in the mid-congenital period?"
Xu said, "Why not? Even if you want me to fight, it’s okay! "
The official Wulin’s most elite organization, the primary organization, has strong fighters like clouds, such as congenital metaphase. I don’t know how many Xuance can stand out from so many congenital metaphase fighters, of course, they have perfect strength.
If Xu Xuan Ce fought the first world war, wouldn’t it be a losing battle?
Xuance said, "Hum, you think very well. Even if I lose in World War I, I won’t be ashamed. After all, I am the vice president and it would be a very shameful thing if I were you in World War I. Do you think I would do such a shameful thing?"
Xuance waved his hand and shouted at the crowd, "Mr. Huo, please come out."
Xuance shouted that this man is a middle-aged man who has never spoken in the corner, and he has not paid attention to anything.
He looks very quiet, quiet, like a student studying hard at a cold window, like a lady without leaving the door.
He wears a blue gown, his face is white and clean, and he looks quiet, too.
Xuance pointed to Mr. Huo and shouted at Xu, "Mr. Huo’s name Huo Zhen was a fighter who broke through the realm of mid-congenital only three days ago. You are now a mid-congenital fighter and you are still very young. I will not say that you can have my realistic realm. If you can defeat him, I will be the first to agree that you should be the deputy leader, and I will never let him go no matter who dares to obstruct you!"
See Xuance actually shouted out the fighters such as congenital metaphase, and the suspection.i Lord’s brow also lifted.
Huangfu’s main roof said, "This guy actually shouted out the fighters in the middle of congenital period. Why can he win?"
No.10 laughed. "What we want is to make Xu defeated and defeated. Although sometimes it doesn’t make people happy, it makes people progress."
Lord suspection.i sighed, "But I can’t watch this scene, because when Huo Zhen comes out, Xu has lost the battle. I also hope that Xuance can let the fighters such as the congenital middle stage come out. I also want to see how Xu defeated the fighters such as the congenital middle stage. Now this scene is coming to an end."
Yes, this scene is coming to an end.
Of course, everyone will not believe that Xu can defeat Huozhen.
Although Xu can defeat fighters such as congenital mid-term, he is, after all, a mid-level fighter in the early stage of congenital cross-border combat, and there is a degree that can’t be exaggerated.

Du Feng stepped forward and interjected, "Has your family ever had a holiday with others?"

Cold sea is a heavy heart. How do you feel that the two catchers are so direct that they don’t give him any breathing space? Although he is angry in his heart, the names of the two people are loud. He dare not easily offend the original place and scratch his head for a moment. He replied, "It is common for businessmen to have some unhappiness when dealing with people. When it comes to killing my family, I can’t guess what will happen. If there is a holiday, it should not hurt the children and little sisters."
Zhao Tianheng moved his eyes to smile and suddenly asked, "Isn’t the master’s Taoist monk the four greatest?" Do you also believe in ghosts? "
Without waiting for an answer, Yuan replied first, "Everything has a spirit but a soul."
Zhao Tianheng, an apprentice, snorted with approval and listened to Du Feng’s way, "Master Yuan is really knowledgeable. Are you the master of helping the cold house?"
Nodding, he said, "It’s the poor monk’s shallow practice that makes life a little meager, so that the dead can rest in peace and their relatives can be gratified."
These words can be critical of Du Feng’s "Pepe", but he thinks that this monk looks extraordinary and his disciples must be first-class. But when he broke into the Lengfu Hall that day, he didn’t notice Yuan. I don’t know if he could notice that he had appeared.
Can’t help but feel annoyed that Du Feng was in a hurry that day, but he didn’t pay attention to the chanting in the hall. The monk must have been round to himself in the middle of the night, and he knew that he was not a simple person.
"Although I have only been in the old woman’s door for a short time, I am deeply impressed by the old woman’s true literary talent and martial arts. All kinds of donors who come from other mountains can rest assured." The evaluation of the circle is still very high
Zhao Tianheng looked at the back of his eyes and lifted something to guess that Leng Hai was going to the mountain, but when he didn’t see the deputy manager Ding, he asked, "Why doesn’t the deputy manager Ding?"
Leng Hai Zheng thought that he actually knew that Vice-President Ding Guan also had a mountain, and his father seemed to agree to the investigation of two famous people. With the passage, "Deputy President Ding Guan still has some things here that will take a day or two to get to the mountain", Leng Hai added that "it will take a few days for the giant Buddha in the grottoes to be properly placed, and Vice-President Ding Guan can’t get away"
Zhao Tianheng nodded and secretly thought that Deputy Chief Manager Ding was a good player, but when something happened, he could escort things outside and not see him. Immediately, he said, "The land of Buddha worship has always been a quiet place, and it is inconvenient for us to bother here. Let’s go to the mountain together!"
"I’m sorry to send you not far away." I turned around and told Yuan, "Yuan Tuer, you should go with them and recite the scriptures well. Don’t be careless."
"Yes" Yuan respectfully made a ceremony and waved his hand. Four monks came out of the slant hole carrying a big box. Du Feng saw and thought that this circle was already ready to go to the mountain. Looking carefully, the four monks recited the scriptures coldly. At this time, the four of them walked lightly and could not see whether the things in the box were heavy or light.
Du Feng secretly thought that this box is different from Leng Hai’s box, and it must be either Leng Hai’s curiosity or "Master, what is this?"
Round corner glanced at Du Feng with the wave and gestured to several monks around him. Du Feng smiled awkwardly and looked inside the box with a white cloth circle. "These are all to draw symbols to ward off evil spirits."
Leng Hai busy chimed in that "the white cloth spell in my courtyard was written by a master".
Zhao Tianheng listened to the funny quip, "I didn’t know when monks got these crooked ways."
"The scribbles made by white cloth are protective talisman and special. How can you confuse crooked ways?" Round face sank angrily.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t listen to Du Feng shrugged his shoulders and turned to the mountain.
Yuan, Leng Hai and his party said goodbye before they turned to the mountain trail. Du Feng was the last one to leave. He said, "If there is anything to bother you in the future, please thank the master for helping you."
Do a good impression on Du Feng with a smile and nod, "I know."
Du Feng was surprised to answer. It seems that he knew that Du Feng would come to Wang Daoyan. But what Du Feng said just now was a sudden intuition. Intuition told him that he would come here for what. Du Feng himself didn’t know. After all, it was an intuition.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t ask any more questions all the way. It was very quiet that Du Feng couldn’t see through him. However, Du Feng asked Leng Hai a lot of questions from his past to the present, but these were all urgent things.
A little while later, a group of people came to the cold house again, and the cold house was still in its original state, and the cold white cloth was blown up.
When they entered the posterior approach, the housekeeper was greeted and came to the hall. The housekeeper said that the cold distant mountain could not be quiet since Kricketot left. This round would make him turn over and do nothing polite. He led several monks to the hall with the housekeeper and ignored his affairs around him.
Left Leng Hai called Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng to sit down for a while, but they fell silent. There was a girl who served tea and handed water.
Leng Hai sat for a while and couldn’t help looking at Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng’s face, but they didn’t talk, and he didn’t know what to say. So he just sat and drank tea. After a while, Du Feng looked up and listened for a while, but he couldn’t understand anything. Then he asked Leng Hai, "How long has Master Yuan been practicing?"
"For two days, the master said that it would take seven days to keep quiet in this period. No one should make a big noise or walk around. The government ordered everyone to keep quiet and affect the ritual." Leng Hai said.
Du Feng nodded and thought that it was so cold and cheerless in the courtyard. In the slant hall, people ask questions again. Zhao Tianheng never leaves his mouth, but he just sits quietly sipping tea. It seems that he is in a very different mood. But he has never asked questions since the mountain threw out a few questions, but he has been paying attention to Leng Hai’s every move and movement. This combination gives people the heaviest psychological impact. Zhao Tianheng wants to see some clues from here.
Du Feng didn’t know what Zhao Tianheng was going to do. After sitting for a while, he felt like chatting, "Can you walk around?"
Leng Hai said, "My father has confessed that the arrest is arbitrary, just don’t disturb the master’s practice."
"This is natural" Du Feng said and went out of the slant hall.
Chapter 6 Monitoring Cold Bowing
Du Feng walked out of the slant hall and looked around at random. He went through the corridor. He came to the backyard and saw a servant girl walking in a hurry but walking very lightly. He thought for a moment and stopped the servant girl.
The servant girl took a quick look at Du Feng’s sudden appearance. She had already seen Du Feng and knew his identity as a fast catcher. Then she bowed down and said, "Don’t bother. I have a few questions to ask you. Just answer me truthfully."
The servant girl nodded repeatedly and looked very respectful.
Du Feng touched Ba He didn’t really want to ask anything, so he casually said, "The first question is who does your grandfather usually associate with? Have you ever had Jianghu people?"
The servant girl is passive and Nuo Nuo said, "I don’t know that the servant girl is a little servant girl around my wife, and I never know anything."
"Bi Er, what are you doing?" With a slight accent, the servant girl hurried back and took a few small steps to salute and said, "Bi Er visits Madame."
Du Fengwen looked and saw that it was a middle-aged woman with a brocade and a hairpin, fine eyebrows and big eyes. She looked at Du Feng and frowned slightly. It didn’t seem that she knew this person and didn’t pay much attention to Du Feng. She turned around and took Bi Er.
Behind the woman, she followed a woman with a frown and a blank veils. Ronaldinho was very beautiful. When she turned around, she looked at Du Feng with expectation. Du Feng immediately looked at this woman like this.
At this moment, I heard two butlers coming. He looked at the women who went out and said, "These two ladies are the second young master, the first lady and the third lady."
Du Feng nodded his head. Du Feng asked Lenghai that his eldest brother had two wives and knees, a man and two women. He had three wives and knees, and a man and two women died. The child was born to his second wife. But just now, the first lady was dressed in style, and the third lady usually tied a white cloth to her head.
This Du Feng doubts in his heart, but family affairs like this have always been difficult to break. Du Feng can secretly shake his head.
"Can these two ladies have a holiday?" I don’t know when Zhao Tianheng appeared behind two people and asked as soon as he came.
Road housekeeper got a fright and looked around. She couldn’t help but caress her chest and pretended to be too frightened. She didn’t hear the question clearly and did not answer it.
Zhao Tianheng didn’t care if the housekeeper answered or didn’t answer. Looking at the direction of the middle-aged woman who left, he said coldly, "The first lady didn’t get the second wife, but they have contradictions, right?"
The housekeeper’s face turned pale and he said quickly, "Isn’t it too much to say that the first lady and the second lady really don’t get along, but they don’t have conflicts because of what they have?"
Zhao Tianheng glanced sideways at Lu Guanjia. Lu Guanjia couldn’t help shivering. Zhao Tianheng asked, "Can she feel at ease if there are no descendants after being unfilial?"
Lu Guanjia sighed with a bitter face and said, "The second lady’s father is a martial artist named Pan Genglong, but it’s not bad. The second young master followed his father-in-law to practice martial arts when he was young, so he also cherished the second lady especially, but the first lady was huotang legally, and she was the eldest daughter of Cheng Hongzhuang, the owner of Chengjiazhuang Village across the town. The second young master loved her and had a rich family, and even the master gave her three points of comity."
Du Feng is curious about this. "What is the origin of Cheng Jia Zhuang Cheng Hong?"
Lu Guanjia whispered, "The martial arts of Cheng Hongzhuang, the master of Chengjiazhuang, is naturally not weak, and he has rich family wealth. In recent years, this generation has been quite famous for giving him the nickname" Breaking Hands "because his palm is strong and strong, and he has this nickname because he has expanded from the middle to both sides."
Zhao Tianheng said, "What about her martial arts?"
"The big lady knows some martial arts, but I haven’t learned martial arts since I married into the cold house. I don’t know how high or low it is." The road housekeeper seemed to know this time and said something about the big lady in the past.
It turns out that the second husband’s first lady’s name is Cheng Lingyu, and she walked through the Jianghu before she got married. Because her study was what her father did, many people gave her the nickname Xiao Liangyu.
Zhao Tianheng frowned and didn’t ask questions after hearing this, but he also had doubts about Cheng Lingyu, the first lady, because in his opinion, all three people who died were people with strong martial arts who broke their necks and died.
"The third lady is a woman again?" Du Feng remembered that just now, Mrs. San’s appearance and expression were unspeakable, and she always felt that she had something to hide.
"The third lady is the daughter of Qianjia Satin Village in the town, whose name is Qian Ya," said the housekeeper.
Two people listen to the road housekeeper said that many people have opinions on the second young master. His family seems to be very unusual, especially many questions about his huotang legally. They all think that a small cold house second young master has an affair with so many Jianghu people.
Out of the hospital, but I saw a man coming in from the cold house. This man was tall, square, big-faced, big-eared, and well-respected at the age of 20.
I learned from Lu Guanjia that this man is Sun Zhaoyu’s nephew from Lengyuan Mountain. His daughter has young marriage, but his daughter is dead. This Su Zhaoyu even came to mourn.
As soon as Sun Zhaoyu came into the hall, he went to greet Leng Yuanshan. He didn’t go to the memorial tablet of Leng Yuanshan’s daughter to worship incense. When he left, he went to Cheng Lingyu’s room and never went to the front hall. It seemed that he had no feelings for his dating partner since childhood, which surprised Du Feng and Zhao Tianheng but didn’t go to ask deeply.
After Su Zhaoyu left, he listened to Leng Yuanshan tearfully and scolded, "This beast has no affection at all. My daughter also has a media appointment with you. He, he, ah …"
"Father and sister are a little cousin and a bloody man. They naturally don’t like her eyes when she’s gone, so don’t hurt her father." Leng Haian comforted.
Du Feng was rather surprised when he asked his father and son Leng Hai, "Don’t ask if you wash your dirty linen in public."
Du Feng does have difficulties when he sees Leng Hai and Leng Yuanshan, and he no longer asks if he wants to know the scandal of Leng Yuanshan’s daughter. The boss who has set up a shop here will know that Du Feng did not ask for it.
For half a day, I got to know about the cold house Du Feng, and so did Zhao Tianheng. The two of them no longer stayed here. After Du Feng left, Zhao Tianheng went to the yamen, but he also followed the road. After Du Feng saw Zhao Tianheng, Zhao Tianheng casually said "drop by"
Du Feng is smiling. He said that this case is of great significance to Du Feng, but for Zhao Tianheng, it is called whether such a small case was broken by him or by Du Feng. Zhao Tianheng won’t care too much. Even if he breaks it, he won’t add any vegetables to his achievements. He doesn’t need vegetables in this position anymore. The only need is to get further trust from the core of Shenji House. For the top management of Shenji House, it is irrelevant to solve the case. Du Feng is still far from Zhao Tianheng’s position, so naturally he can’t understand it.
In the evening, they arrived at the county government. Because both of them had Dali Temple producer tokens, the county master personally met them. After a greeting, Du Feng went straight to the theme county master and let the chief explain that Du Feng was slightly disappointed after listening. They investigated themselves, and their investigations were all the same. It was nothing important.
Finally, Du Feng thought twice and decided to monitor Leng Fu, but he was a dog catcher. Although he was free to investigate the case, it didn’t help to mobilize the chief officer. Du Feng thought about it, and Zhao Tianheng could do it. Then he turned his head and said to Zhao Tianheng, "Do Zhao Mingfu think it is necessary for us to monitor Lengfu?"
Zhao Tianheng glanced at Du Feng’s heart and guessed what he was going to do. At this time, I remembered Lin Jiayu’s words when he left. I sighed in my heart and replied, "It is also desirable to avoid monitoring accidents again."

Actually, I don’t blame Chen Weibin. If I’ve never seen a ghost, I don’t think I’ll believe Ouyang Hao’s words. Maybe I’ll be the second Chen Weibin to tell Hao, are you kidding me?

But now I’ve seen Momo and I’m designing one game after another!
At that time, I believed in what Ouyang Hao said.
Later, Ouyang Hao showed me his chat record with ghost netizens!
And also found the photo in Ouyang Hao’s mobile phone. Not only that, but also found a photo of Ouyang Hao taking a tombstone.
Later, I asked Hao why he wanted to shoot the tombstone with his mobile phone.
All this because I know that it is very unlucky to shoot a graveyard with a hard mobile phone or his camera equipment.
Hao told me that she did that because she received a message from your ghost netizen and asked Hao to take a picture for her.
My spine is cold when I hear this.
Later, Hao dug out the chat record and pointed to the screen of the mobile phone and said, see? This is from her! ! Let me take a photo for her and send it to him in qq chat.
I fixed my eyes on the screen of Hao’s mobile phone! It should be a chat message to be exact.
Hao is right. There are really no two people …
It shouldn’t be one person and one ghost chatting to take pictures.
I continued to look through the chat records, and then when I saw Hao send the photos to the female ghost netizen, the female ghost netizen sent me the message that I was exactly the same as three years ago.
Seeing this message, I don’t know whether I should cry or laugh.
I always feel that my spine is always cool.
Of course, I also feel sorry for this female ghost! It is estimated that this female ghost is not a bad ghost or a spectre. If it is a bad ghost or a spectre, it is estimated that Hao will not come back.
I told Hao to drink some water pressure to calm down. Isn’t it just that I met a ghost who has been in a grave for three years and felt lonely? Don’t be sad.
I smiled and then continued. Besides, isn’t our kidney still there? It’s all men who cry.
Then Ouyang Hao rushed at me and said, I want to be with him, but she is a ghost.
When I heard this, I thought of Momo.
Just when I want to talk to Momo! Sit there and press your head. Chen Weibin said, Oh, shit, that’s not easy. This is the fourth floor. Jump and you’ll meet.
After saying this, Chen Weibin squinted at the number and then turned his attention to Ouyang Hao.
I scolded a sentence in my heart, you uncle! Chen Weibin! It’s never too windy to talk! What if Hao really jumped off the building?
I turned to stare at Chen Weibin and then shouted at him and said shut up! You shut up!
After saying this sentence, Chen Weibin turned his head completely and stared at the brain screen.
Seriously, I’m drunk and I don’t know what to say.
Hao said, I don’t want to die! Who lives well and wants to commit suicide?
After hearing this, Chen Weibin just wanted to turn his head and fight back, but after looking at me, Nai waved his hand and said, forget it.
After saying this, Chen Weibin turned his head and said, I’d better play with my brain. You are all crazy!
Said Chen Weibin with a sigh!
After Chen Weibin continued, Wang Run has never been normal since I entered the door. Holding an inflatable doll is like holding a Yang Guifei. Look at Brother Bin wearing a sweater and he’s fucking afraid that I’ll grab your number for him! Say you’re a ghost again. Is your online girlfriend a ghost? That’s all you have to say. I didn’t expect there to be an idiot letter!
Grass! The last sentence idiot should be Chen Weibin, this guy, scolding me?
I squinted at Chen Weibin and said, You know a chicken feather!
After Chen Weibin said this, it was stopped!
This little mouse clicked a few times, and then his face went up to qq!
The original goods were finished like this, but Chen Weibin said, Hao, can I ask you something?
Chen Weibin turned to me and Hao again.
Even after hearing Chen Weibin’s words, Hao did not return.
And I asked, what is it?
Chen Weibin smiled and stared at my face and said, I just want to ask Yihao how to add ghost netizens.
Fuck you! This product is really 24k pure cheap
I shouted at that novel until you didn’t talk, and no one thought you were dumb! Just shut up.
Chen Weibin said that you don’t want to think if there are so many ghosts in this world! Yan Wang is in charge of eating shit?
The novel frowned when it said this, revealing a disdain!
But after Chen Weibin said this, a loud noise suddenly came to my ears!
Yes, it’s a thunder island.
It’s fucking October.
This weather is really abnormal
There was a loud noise, followed by the day after the thunder.
I just saw Chen Weibin’s little boy tremble when the thunder day blew up!
It is estimated that this cargo is also scared.
After I told Chen Weibin, don’t be so boastful and be careful to be struck by lightning!
After saying this, I added, you are also a lightning strike.
Chen Weibin didn’t dare to speak, but his eyes were already dissatisfied with my words.
Just when we are loquacious!
Lying Wang Run suddenly sat up.
Wang Run still looks like a faker! There is no help bed with both hands.
Shit! completely out of expectation
Apart from finding these four words to shape my eyes, I really can’t find its words when I see this scene
I glanced at Wang Run and said, Hey, what’s going on?

See Sarah with a wave of his arm suddenly there was a dark shadow energy thrown out.

Shadow energy gives the impression that it is cold, but Sarah throws it out, but this energy is mixed with rage and hot feeling. The black energy mass keeps churning and rolling, and it is thrown into the middle and directly shot at the leader of the nine faces.
Visible to the naked eye, the speed of the nine leaders is not small, and their bodies have become bigger on the spot. Their height has increased by one meter, but the biggest increase is their tentacles. If they used to be octopus-shaped tentacles, they are now unicorn arms.
The increase in physical attack power from whip to hammer is simply terrible.
Several paladins were startled when they went to be paladins, and the paladins all hurriedly flashed when they saw Kirin’s arm hitting them.
Only when Magny forced [God Fan] to become bigger, he became agile and greatly reduced his roots. He couldn’t escape with a shield and punched hard, even his arm was broken.
"Damn it!" The dwarf king swore.
The enemy attack suddenly increased. Duke certainly knows what is going on. This is [Sarah’s anger]. Although the deputy is quite big, cannon fodder is also called burning life.
Fortunately, [Sarah’s anger] will not enhance the vitality of the leaders.
But this is also very troublesome.
Duke really wants to promote Magny now.
Because the league is now entering this pile of demigods, he meows that there is no melee.
It’s not that he can’t let the sword emperor into the stadium, but now is not the time, and the sword emperor is not.
Duke’s face sank and shouted, "Chodil! Cooperate with me! "
Duke of armband field is naturally strong.
It’s hard for Duke to link up with Chodil, the guardian of winter, just to make the frost element magic in Azeroth. Don’t forget that Duke, a big mouse, was protected by alexstrasza and Kalecgos, which belongs to the Titan rune of Malygos magic!
In an instant, two guardians, Duke and Chodil, representing the original frost Titan rune, danced around.
Titan energy, which symbolizes the most original world law, stirs up in just one tenth of a second. Even if it is not specifically aimed at the alliance strong, the absolute level of freezing gas in the whole hall still makes the alliance strong feel a little unbearable.
"Come near me!" Kael’thas, the former elf king, shouted, and then he released five golden flames that kept spinning around him. The seemingly small flames kept circling ten meters away from Kay to draw an area that was enough to resist the cold outside.
Onyxia also knows that Duke winked at the Longan, which was taken care of by the strong alliance. After all, the whole dragon lay prostrate and mortals blocked the cold current shock wave.
"Drink" Duke drank a lot and suddenly stretched out his right hand "absolutely frozen!"
An imaginary iceberg suddenly appeared in the east, south, west and north directions.
Four icebergs collapsed in no particular order and set off a terrible ice wave that reached the top wall of the temple. It was formed by the polymerization of several frost elements. The icebergs were crushed into dust, frozen instantly, shattered again and frozen again.
This combination of physical elements and double damage has pushed the leader of the remaining face to the wall.
There was no room for resistance, and they directly collided with each other and were forced to Sarah’s side in a messy posture.
Sarah didn’t easily pass through Azeroth’s body and hurt her.
However, nine face leaders piled up beside her, which seemed strange.
What makes her livid is that Duke has obviously found her death hole.
Let these guys die next to Sarah, and when they blow themselves up, Sarah’s avatar will be destroyed with them, and then Yogger Salon will be forced out.
"Hit him to death! My hammer "Lei Guang flashes in Torim’s hand, and he once again uses his hammer to hoard thunder power.
Not only he, but also his guardians, Queen Xi and Vaschi, and other strong people are making concerted efforts.
"No" to see something bad Sarah issued a piercing scream.
The body of the Chapter 163 Ahriman arrival
The real leader also has the ability to make people mentally retarded.
Yes, if you are brainwashed by IQ reduction so early, then when Yogsalon comes out, don’t beat the powerful oppression of the ancient gods and just retire from the group to protect your IQ
Duke’s front hand is also the leader of the direct ice wave gathering face with this in mind
On the output of the attack, Duke hasn’t been empty, but those four guards can’t get close, so it’s a little painful. Duke doesn’t want a group of people who will shout 666 eat melons
Give Torim a few damage output.
"Save your strength," Duke ordered in his magic circuit.
The element boundary in unit area can send limited elements. If we limit the expansion of the element channel for minutes, it will lead to the instability of the current boundary.
What is the absolute attack of thunder force? The high instantaneous damage is far superior to the magic of fire element. Unfortunately, everyone knows that fire magic is notorious for consuming magic and explosive power, but it is more exaggerated to attack without thunder.
Charge three small fashions for three seconds!
Fortunately, Torim’s elements are not pure elements, but tend to be converted from Arcane Titan’s energy. Plus, they are half home, which does not lead to the imbalance of elements in this hall.
The scene is still gorgeous.
Torim Thunder, Freya Sunlight, Chodil Ice, Mimiron Laser, four colors of Guanghua, mixed together to form a terrorist destruction energy group.
If these big moves are released elsewhere, it is estimated that there will be a mushroom cloud on the spot, and then passers-by can drink tea and say,’ Today is another day of nuclear peace.’
But the scene is weird.
Don’t say that the rubble is splashing.
There was no explosion!
It didn’t ring!
There is very little light!
Sarah’s place seems to have a black hole invisible to the naked eye, which absorbs all the destructive energy.
Every strong man clearly saw Sarah’s twisted face.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
It was Sarah’s eyes that spewed crimson flames, and then those flames turned into thick slurry. In a second, the so-called slurry turned into some seemingly sacred energy.
Suddenly, a pair of bright wings burst the exhibition of Sarah’s back leather coat.
Sarah has become a Viku fighting angel!
I saw this scene in Duke’s game n times before, but I didn’t think there was any problem. After entering the world of Azeroth, Duke couldn’t help but wonder that the Meow Viku people had nothing to do with Yugoslavian!
Perhaps the incarnation of Yogsalon sneaked out of Audoul 10,000 years ago and spread nightmares everywhere.
Think about the fact that 10,000 years ago, ancient wars were also caused by several ancient gods who should have been suppressed. Enzos certainly had a part in it, and Yogsalon might have mind control or induced it to add fuel to the flames. That’s why Duke didn’t feel strange when he thought about it.
The semi-transparent battle angel hall circled, and the guardians only glanced at it and knew that this incarnation had not yet entered Azeroth. She was still an illusory projection.
As Viku’s fighting angel waved his arms at the central floor of the hall, he finally responded.
"scattered!" No, Duke drank hard and saw that the heroes of this experienced alliance had already dispersed.
Suddenly, all the strong people felt a strange fright in their hearts.
No one can move their eyes, and everyone’s eyes have been firmly locked by this rapid distortion.
When the hall is still, whether it’s just when fighting, it will raise dust or diffuse the smell of blood, and everything will be locked in place.
The glory full of terror surge out from that ground of the battle angel hanging in the semi-dimensional library.

Although the old river boy’s beard is white, he walks very steadily, even the clear water in the groove of his head is motionless, while the clear water is still a little swaying when the former three young river boys walk.

I know this is the performance of the river boy’s strength. The stronger the river boy is, the better he can control the clear water in his head. From this point, it is not difficult to imagine why three young river boys will behave in front of the old river boy.
The old river boy was so fast that he almost reached me in the blink of an eye. He leaned out his head and stirred up his nose like the three young river boys. Soon he smelled my smell and his face showed a ferocious expression. The difference was that he didn’t go backwards like the former three river boys after smelling my smell.
Well, he seems to have a fear of the leaves, although his performance is not as strong as that of the three young people, but he has never dared to roar in front of the cave
Seeing this, I have almost confirmed that all this is because I have two leaves in my hand, and my heart is restless. Many people want me to have something to restrain the river boy, so I still have a chance to escape.
Take out a leaf and tentatively push it forward. The white-bearded river boy really shouted and stepped back and stamped his feet.
It’s a good idea to see me. I’m finally relieved, but I still can’t be careless. Who can tell? Didn’t the former silver python still pretend to be dead to cheat the black master?
I know that I can’t wait any longer and I have to retreat into the cave before I can find a way out. I will hold that strange leaf high above my head and I will slowly lie down and prepare to retreat into the cave like this.
At this moment, the old river boy seems to have discovered my move, raised the single hair in his hand and poked it at me, so I was alert and suddenly retreated to hide the stick.
As soon as that stick was inserted into the face of the stone I just saw, the stone was directly inserted into a big hole about three or four centimeters deep by that stick like a piece of tofu.
I looked at the hole in the stone in front of me and I couldn’t help shivering. What would happen if this stick poked me? I feel numb when I think about it
This hole * * Homo habilis is smaller than people by more than one time. Of course, it can also come in, but it is impossible to wave the stick in its hand without fear when it comes in.
I now believe that the river boy is afraid of the leaves in my hand, but I also know that the stick in his hand is not afraid of this strange leaf.
I can be beaten passively outside. If I am not careful, I will definitely be hit by a river boy’s stick. I have to climb into the cave before I can settle down.
I drove the river boy back a few steps with a fan outside the leaf in my hand, and then I took this opportunity to suddenly retreat.
Chapter 167 Hunter’s prey
The cave is very crowded, the height is not more than 60 centimeters, and the width is almost the same. If I hadn’t practiced this skill and special physique since I was a child, it would be really difficult to crawl. If I were a big one like Batu, I would definitely be unable to move.
Sure enough, as I expected, after seeing me retreat into the cave, the river boy did not intend to let me go, but led by the old river boy, who went into the cave one after another and was very alert and chased me.
It’s not impossible for a river boy to walk in the cave because of his short stature, but it’s not easy to wave the stick that is close to one meter in his hand. He can poke it directly in front of wait for a while, but the power doubt is much smaller. Plus, the cave is not full of raised stones, and it’s not that simple to poke it.
And I have to drive them away with that leaf every few steps back, so it’s not easy for them to walk
Every time I walk with my hand waving, the old river boy at the front will retreat, but the road behind me is blocked by three young river boys, making them cry.
I don’t know what this leaf is in my hand, but now I have regarded it as my life-saving charm. Because if I had this leaf, the river boy wouldn’t dare to rush. If it weren’t for this leaf, I would have become a river boy’s food. I am very glad that I picked two leaves at that time.
In this way, I played against Sihetong in this narrow passage for almost ten minutes, and I also stepped back for about 100 meters.
Suddenly, I felt my body, and then a cool breeze blew through my heart. After driving the river children away again, I looked back and found that the original narrow passage behind me had disappeared, but it had become a cave with a height of four or five meters and a width of one meter.
In the small cave, I still have an advantage in dealing with the river boy, but if I get bigger, my advantage will not be over.
I’m a river boy, but I’m four. Although they are very afraid of the leaves in my hand, if they surround me and attack me from four directions at the same time, I’ll be unable to compete with four hands with both fists. I believe that if I want to destroy the leaves in my hand, the four river boys will definitely dismember me and eat me immediately.
River children are a greedy species, and they will never give up their food, and once they find it, it is difficult to get rid of it because they are between creatures and objects. They have the ability to track their prey thousands of miles away. What is even more frightening is that they are not afraid of the sun. Although their defense is not as abnormal as that of silver pythons, they don’t know how powerful they are compared with silver pythons in strength and speed.
That is to say, once they stare at it, it is difficult to get out, and even if they return to the ground, they may chase it.
However, in general, the reason why things rarely happen on the banks of rivers and children is that they are too cunning. They know that human beings are powerful almost as well as mandrills, but they dare not go to human society openly. They know that human weapons can easily harm their food supply. Who would want to take the risk?
Now that I have become their prey, they will never let me go easily if possible. I am now in an extremely dangerous moment.
And once I retreat to the open place, their chance will come, and my end will come.
I kept waving my leaves and looking around, hoping to find a better way. I searched carefully and finally found one thing, that is, this open cave is not long, it is only more than ten meters. After that, the cave becomes as narrow as it is now.
That is to say, if I can get through this distance of more than ten meters, things will not be as bad as I thought. It is simple to say, but it is actually very difficult. The river boy is almost pressing for me. This distance of more than ten meters is simply a natural barrier for me now, no matter how hard I try, I can step over it.
River children are really smart things. When they see me, they keep standing still and waving their leaves. They probably guessed that I am now in a situation where I am no longer afraid. I will poke the bachelor from time to time more than one meter away from me.
It’s a rugged rock. I blocked its stick, but I’m not happy at all because I know I’ll still be in danger if I return it to the cave.
Just when I was anxious, something that made me extremely excited happened. The old river boy kept poking at me with his stick, but it was blocked by the protruding stones. It didn’t stop. Almost every time, he poked at the rock wall. The river boy had great strength. Some of the protruding stones were not very strong. The river boy directly poked the stones and collapsed. I was blocked by the collapsed stones after a distance with the river boy.
"God help me!" At this time, I can think so in my heart. Given this opportunity, I will never get up and run at the moment when the waves and rocks collapse.
More than ten meters away, I ran into that small cave in the blink of an eye. When I looked back, I found that the old river boy had broken through the rubble and was running towards me.
I cursed in my heart and turned my head again to prepare the leaves in my hand to deal with the river boy’s body and quickly receded into the cave.
This time, the three young river boys didn’t chase the old river boys through the rubble pile, and then the rubble pile slipped down again to seal the intersection.
Seeing this situation makes me happy, because it is much easier to deal with one river boy than three at the same time. Even if this old river boy is the strongest among them, I can deal with it by virtue of the terrain and strange leaves in my hands. If I find a way out, I will be safe.
However, things were not as beautiful as I expected. The old river boy chased me alone, and it became more flexible without the three young river boys standing in the way. On several occasions, I was almost stabbed by it.
This cave is so long that I don’t even know how long I’ve been dealing with the river children in it. At this time, how can I escape when I think about it? Where is the concept of time and distance?
There was a loud noise and the old river boy smashed a prominent stone again.
I took this opportunity to quickly retreat a little bit from the river boy, and I knew in my heart that it was all in vain. It won’t be long before the river boy will come back to this narrow place again, which occupies a congenital advantage. Even though I have been trained in this field since I was a child, it is simply a drop in the bucket compared with it.
"Mom, why are you so patient? Isn’t that big piece of snake meat enough for you? You have to chase after the old! It’s really unlucky! " Looking at the old river boy who is close to me again, I waved the leaves in my hand and spat at it, cursing loudly.
The old river boy seems to understand what I said, beating the surrounding rock wall with his stick, stomping his feet and making shrill and strange calls.
"If you can understand the old saying, get out of here or you won’t be able to run away if you want to!" Maybe it’s because I’ve been running away for too long, and I may have a little despair in my heart, and I’m not so afraid of this river boy anymore.
After listening to my words, the river boy paused a little, but soon it became more urgent and roared, and its feet and sticks became stronger.
"Mom can really understand the old saying?" I took a step back and said to myself.
If the old river boy can really understand me, he must have a high IQ, maybe it is just as he said, but I am even more dangerous if he has a high IQ.
Suddenly, I felt a cool breeze blowing behind me, with a hint of soil and vegetation fragrance, and at the same time, there was a faint sound of running water hitting the water surface
I’m glad that all this is a signal that I’m about to reach the ground. If I get to the ground, there will be many river boys in this cave. Although agile and powerful, the ground is dominated by us human beings after all. If I’m lucky, this river boy will pose almost no threat to me.
Thinking of this, I sped up and retreated back, and at the same time I was very alert to the old river boy.
I was a little desperate before, and I was not afraid of the old river boy, but now everything is different. Now I hope that if I were killed by the river boy at this time, it would be a great loss.
Once again, the cave withdrew for hundreds of kilometers and turned a corner along the cave, finally seeing the exit position.
But after seeing the exit, I was not happy, but I felt like crying, because this cave is indeed an exit and I can already see the original forest outside, but this exit is not as beautiful as I thought.
The cliff face of this cave is a river, and the water in front of it is not far from this cave. There is a cave next to it that flows out and hits the river.
I have made a visual observation that it is at least 40 to 50 meters away from the surface river, and the surface water should not be shallow, but I dare not jump now.
Because the surrounding scene tells me that it is still in the original forest, how can anyone haunt this original forest?
Now in the cave, I can still play against the river boy with my hands and leaves, and I can guarantee that I won’t be killed by the river boy, but if I jump, everything will be hard to say.
The river boy knows that it is an aquatic creature by its name. In water, it is more powerful than land, and water has always been our human weakness. Even if I hold this kind of water in my hand, I will never be its opponent.
If I dare to jump for less than a minute, I will definitely be killed by the river boy.
16 Chapter 16 Death? Health?
I feel desperate again, and I feel that I can’t walk this time. I have two choices before me, either jumping from here or going back, but no matter which one I choose, it will not have a good result, and the old river boy can’t let me go easily.
Although I still have two leaves in my hand, who knows how long these two leaves will last? When this leaf is no longer effective, the river boy will definitely come and tear me to pieces at the first time.
It’s not a good choice to jump from here, regardless of the height and whether I can master the balance. The water is the main battlefield of the river children, and I can still pull some distance from it with the leaves in my hand. If I don’t have all the advantages in the water, maybe I will be killed if I can’t even see it in the water.
After hesitating for a moment, I decided to wait here, pick up little wood blade, the black grandfather, and resist the leaves from the river boy to keep him at an safe distance from me.
Sitting in the cave and staring out, I hope that a miracle will appear and let me see the figure. If someone appears, I can call for help. When a large number of people arrive here, I will not be afraid of the river boy anymore.
But this time, God didn’t help me sit for three or four hours, and I never saw anything.
The sky in the east has slowly turned out a trace of a fish-belly grey, and it’s another day. After sitting here for so long, my stomach growled. When we started to count, we had something to eat early that day to look for Hiderigami, and we haven’t eaten for more than forty hours now.
Some things don’t want to be okay, and the more I think about it, the more I think about it. When I endure hunger, my body reacts, my limbs become strong, and my forehead slowly appears fine cold sweat.
I cried out in my heart that it was not good to know that I had no chance of survival until I dragged on like this.
The old river boy also seems to have to wait a little anxious. Two hands as small as monkeys are clutching the hair bachelor, constantly banging on some loose gravel around the surrounding rock cave. I am very alert and look at it. Holding the black master in his hand, wood blade’s strength is not increased a few minutes.

"Don’t go, don’t you want to learn divination? Although you have a bad talent, I will teach you not to go and learn?"

"get out!"
The more Qianling clasped her head with both hands, she didn’t yell back, and I could feel a cold war involuntarily after such a long separation.
"Don’t learn to pull down"
Hearing the penetrating sound of Yue Qianling coming from the balcony, Xiao Lianshan came over with a plate of fruit and casually asked while eating.
"Elder brother you put qian ling zha again? Look at the gas. "
"It’s nothing. I just told her that I smelled the last dish. You don’t know that I want to vomit when I smell Mapo tofu. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten it in my life …"
I haven’t finished my words yet. Xiao Lianshan’s fruit bowl has fallen to the ground, staring at me with a face of shock and confusion.
"Elder brother … you … you smell it? !”
"Why are you reacting so much?" I pointed to Xiao Lianshan and asked tentatively, "Lianshan, you should … you shouldn’t buy it from Qian Ling. I won, right? !”
"Brother, my dear brother, why can’t you say so earlier?" I stamped my feet in a hurry
I feel greatly wronged and stand with a wry smile to answer.
"None of you asked me!"
☆, Chapter seventy-nine Destiny
The next day, the competition was arranged in the afternoon, and Qianling was a listless sample from morning till now. I knew it was far away from her.
Compared with yesterday, it looks orderly today, but it will be different from yesterday. There are a lot of stones of different sizes in the courtyard
There is no banquet in the courtyard, which is particularly spacious. Everyone sits at the front with green tea in front of their seats.
"I don’t know how to get so many stones today?" Xiao Lianshan stared at the pile of stones and asked curiously
"That’s jade, also called jadeite original stone!" After all, the more thunder, the more knowledgeable people look at the pile of stones and frown and say, "Yesterday was a divination to predict the name of the dish. Uncle Gu didn’t want them to bet on stones today, did he?"
"Bet stone? !” Xiao Lianshan was very curious and asked, "What is there to bet on?"
Gu Anqi explained to Xiao Lianshan.
"The so-called gambling stone is rough jade to gamble. It takes a lot of knowledge and technology to know the advantages and disadvantages of jade through its skin. Today, there is no instrument that can detect it. The raw materials of jade are excavated and covered with a layer of rock shell. What is inside the shell is still unclear. The process of judging jade is called gambling stone."
Lan Qing wanted to think, shook his head and said for sure
"It shouldn’t be a bet stone. The so-called immortal can’t break an inch of jade. Even if you take high metaphysics, you can’t see through what’s going on in the stone. There are five things in the competition. Yesterday is better than divination. Today will not be the same."
While others were talking, Gu Xiaotian and Kong Guanwei Yu sat in the courtyard to be quiet.
"It’s said that fortune-telling fortune-teller cheated for ten years. It’s no problem to say that it’s a few years or even more. No matter whether the fortune-teller reacts or not, he can’t find anyone." Gu Xiaotian smiled deeply and said, "So I thought of a way to see if the seven players in the field are Jianghu magic sticks or straight talk."
Kong Guan got up and walked to the front of the pile of stones and said with an expression
"This is jadeite jade, which was pulled from a mine in Myanmar without selection. It’s up to you whether there is jade or waste stone in this pile of stones."
"The rules of the competition are very simple. There are seven of you, but there are five people in the first round, which means that two people will be eliminated. For example, whoever chooses the most valuable stone will win and rank the last two out!" GuXiao day very calmly said
GuXiao day opponent nodded and soon came in front of seven people side by side.
"I’m afraid you seven people don’t know anything about gambling stones. It’s really hard for you to choose for yourself. So I’ve found seven experts for you. You are all hot people in the gambling stone business in front of you, and what you seven have to do is to choose people from these seven experts to help you gamble stones!"
I suddenly realized after hearing GuXiao words and smiled and said
"This arrangement is really clever. The second competition is the life of the five Taoist techniques!"
GuXiao day up slowly walked to the front of the seven people to participate in the competition unhurried said
"It’s said that fate determines how much money each person brings. You seven have long been doomed. Just look at their faces and see who brings the most money and who is the most prosperous today. Usually, it’s a funeral, and no one knows. Today, I’d like to see who you are. It’s a psychic."
The thunder still confused shook his head and said
"Even if you invite seven experts in the stone gambling business, you can never be sure of gambling. It’s too formal to bet on luck."
"This arrangement really has his profound meaning." I smiled and explained to Yue Lei that "it’s hard for a fairy to break an inch of jade to bet on a stone. It’s only luck that counts, but everyone’s fortune has its ups and downs. If a person chooses a jade stone, of course, he will have a big fortune. Even if he gives him a good jade, he may have nothing."
Kong Guan took out a sealed carton and put it in front of seven people, solemnly saying
"In order to be fair, whoever chooses first will choose later. There are seven numbers in this box. You can choose which number to choose together, and the first person will be resigned!"
Song Huixuan is number one.
Zhou fuxuan is number two
Lu yongxuan is number three.
Teng Guoyuan chose No.4.
Changle Yuanxuan is the fifth.
Ouyang chose number six by mistake.
When the first six orders were arranged, I saw Lanqing’s face was very worried. I looked as if nothing was wrong and held up the note in my hand with a so-called expression.
Number seven!
What is Bai Lanqing worried about in my heart? The six people in front of me are not ordinary people. The more forward I go, the better my chances of winning. I chose the seventh one, that is, there is no choice left, and others give up. It can be seen that the face left in the end will not be good!
When Gu Xiao gave everyone a wick, the incense on the table had burned by a third.
The first candidate was in the first competition before Song Hui, and his divination was divined at will, which is still fresh in people’s memory today.
Choose one of the seven people in front of you today. It seems that it is not difficult for Song to come back.
He walked back and forth several times in front of seven people, and everyone watched carefully and finally stopped and nodded meaningfully in front of the third person.
I think Song Huixuan was somewhat disappointed in his heart. Yesterday, Song Huixuan’s divination and divination were impressive and memorable. He was the best of these seven people, but after all, Song Huixuan’s attainments in daoist magic were far higher than his physiognomy.
He chose human life to belong to sheep, heaven and fire, five elements of earth and wood, sun and water, intelligence, intelligence, kindness, water and prosperity, dark face, clear language and thoughtful people, resourcefulness and great knowledge. This person was born in the official position of Wuji when he was born in the official position of Wuji, so he said that he was sitting in the official position of Wuji, and Chen belonged to the water bureau, which made C’s anger and life very expensive.
But today, compared with the day’s luck, this person is less than satisfactory, because those who love water like the north, but his position today is just northwest. There must be fire to help dry water, but avoid gold and more water, but the metal in the five elements is in the west. His luck today is not very good!
Song Hui chose a piece from the pile of stones to solve the stone, and the stone was cut in a few minutes in front of everyone.
I know a little about jade, but a green line has been cut into stones, which is about three or four centimeters wide. Unfortunately, it is not very thick. I can’t make a few pieces of jade at most, but the color of jade is very transparent and the value should be high.
People in the courtyard are amazed at gambling on stones. This business has always been mysterious and exciting, but most of it is a technical work place. There are fewer people in the underworld than gambling on stones. I can’t help but hear it today.
But it’s even more amazing for everyone that Song Hui didn’t understand gambling stones, but it’s not surprising that he was able to choose such a jade stone by looking at it.
The second candidate was Zhou Fu, who walked back and forth as seriously as Song Hui, and chose the first person on the left.
Zhou Fu, a man named Lan Qing, specially told me that he is a senior, but I am somewhat disappointed to see him choose this man today. This man is born in autumn, and he must have gold to help him avoid soil, water and wood, and fire. This man is sitting on a financial column, killing life and killing life. Although it is not a prosperous day today, his fortune is not low!
But Zhou Fu seems to forget what day it is today. On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the cow is ugly and the sheep is washed. This person belongs to the sheep, which means that everything is not suitable today.
The stone has been solved, and Zhou Fu looks pale. It seems that he doesn’t believe that he has chosen people to choose stones.
There is a deep green crack in the stone before it is solved, and the color is soft, but it can be removed with one knife. There are many fine cracks in the green, and the root can’t be decorated completely, just like a waste stone.
☆ Chapter 10 Go against fate and change your life.
Before taking part in the competition, it was obvious that Song Hui was much higher than Zhou Fu in terms of axiology. At present, Song Hui temporarily ranks first.
The third appearance is Lu Yong, who chooses people faster than the first two. It seems that he has been optimistic for a long time and went to choose the last person in the queue.
When I look at Liu Yong’s candidate, I have to admire it. It seems that Liu Yong is really a hollow reputation. Let’s not talk about his candidate’s birthday list. There is a purple color in this life palace. I can be sure that this person will get money today. It seems that this Liu Yong is also a master of physiognomy!
Lu Yong selected a small stone from the pile of stones, and the stone-solver cut it across the board. A crystal clear jade appeared in the stone with a thick thumb. Everyone could not help but marvel at such a large piece of jade with such good color, which was absolutely priceless.
After the competition, the three people ranked Lu Yong, Song Hui and Zhou Fu in turn.
The fourth person is Teng Guoyuan. Unlike the first three candidates, he didn’t even look at everyone’s birthday, but walked around everyone and finally chose the thinnest one among the remaining people.
Gu Anqi told me that Teng Guoyuan is famous in Hong Kong’s metaphysical circle. Today, it is really remarkable to see his candidate. He views the five elements!
The reader first wants to distinguish the five shapes and five elements, which are Jin Mu fire, water, soil, gold, vajrayana, deep wood, wood resources, wealth and water. The article "Expensive fire, opportunity, fruit, soil, thick soil, rich soil, rich and rich treasury, white wood, thin white wood, green water, fat, black fire, not too sharp, red soil, thick today’s color, and yellow".
Wood-shaped people are thin, but their bones are straight and thin, but they are not withered. They are fresh and energetic, and the young people are upright and unscrupulous. The trick is admirable. Just now, Teng Guoyuan was selected just like this.
I just finished thinking that the man had chosen a stone, and the so-called gambling expert was even worse. None of the basic tools were ordinary, and the stone was solved. At that time, it shocked the place. Some people were even more than the stone Teng Guoyuan by Lu Yongcai just now. Even people who don’t understand it can see that it is more than enough to make two jade bracelets.

Then he slammed the door and left.

Xuan Ming Xin sighed.
The Black Gate From Sarah, he knew that the so-called black gate was the place where prisoners were detained or the place where the demon king dealt with people who didn’t like him.
The whole castle is divided into nine floors, and there are three floors. The top floor is black area, gray area and brown area. The fifth floor is white area, the third floor is orange area, and the first floor is pink area, which is the private area of Lord Sarah.
The demon clan in the orange area or the white area where the guests live has been demonized successfully by the demon king warrior wizard. The stronger the ranking power, the higher the residence.
And that brown area are the temporary experimental fields of those demonize human beings.
Finally, the gray area and the black area are all human beings who failed to demonize in exile, but the black area is directly connected with the fault. Anyone who failed to demonize in exile to the black area was either swallowed up by the violent flow and left his soul, or ate his companions alive and mutated into ugly monsters.
On which result Xuan Ming will become, the lich king is very willing to see it, but he didn’t expect to kill a Sarah halfway.
If it weren’t for Sarah’s special status, the lich king would have killed Sarah and thrown the Xuan name into the black area.
However, it is not clear what Sarah is. Sarah means that she is special, but she is always vague about it.
Suddenly there was a door sound. It turned out that Sarah had gone and returned to see her. She vomitted to stick out her tongue. Hey, hey, smiled and took the bowl to persuade Xuan Ming to eat.
Xuan Ming seems that this girl named Sarah is sometimes just like a child, simply terrible.
When the last ray of afterglow of the sun sets and dusk falls on Xuanming, his door is knocked again.
It was Sarah who poked her head out of the door, but Xuanming frowned uncontrollably.
Whether to come or not, he closed his eyes tightly
Sarah’s fingers slowly caressed Xuan Ming’s chest, moving slowly from his collarbone to his lower abdomen, and deliberately lingered for a while.
Laugh in a low voice but cover up the sound. The owner is deliberately depressed and excited.
Her fingers slowly picked out the mysterious clothes.
Xuan Ming endured Sarah’s fingers with closed eyes to tease the smiling face of Night Feather, trying to ignore the disgusting touch brought to him by her wandering fingers.
Yes, it is, but every day when the sun goes down, Sarah seems to be a different person. Generally, she is no longer so naive. At night, she is synonymous with debauchery and charm!
"Hehehe, don’t be so tight."
Sarah’s finger poked at Xuan’s chest maliciously and then she bowed her head and licked her tongue.
Xuanming shuddered. Don’t misunderstand that it was goose bumps …
"Mmm … it tastes good."
Sarah licked the corners of her mouth. "I have a good eye. You are really delicious."
"I just don’t know if it will be as delicious later?"
She picked the Xuan robe with her fingers and bent down to lick it.
This mysterious name doesn’t panic. Sarah has been playing with his body with her fingers the other day, but this time …
"Well …"
I don’t know what she bought that made him feel cold and excited.
Xuan Ming bit his teeth so hard that he wouldn’t make a shameful sound
"It’s so cute."

Feather anchor took Fluttershy and got up the courage to enter the "Liuxiang Pavilion" stairs.

All the way, the fragrance of singing and dancing is fragrant, and I feel as if I have really entered a dreamland.
A few coquettish girls surrounded the feather contact and Fluttershy, and kept greeting the feather contact, and Fluttershy reluctantly agreed with a smile and hid behind the feather contact with a blue face.
How to find the phoenix flying smoke? Feather Zhen secretly worried.
Just then, the madam came over and saw these two beautiful strange boys laughing like flowers. "Is this the first time for the two young men?" Do you want me to introduce you to a good girl? "
Feather beard brushed off the pimp and put on her slender fingers. Although feather beard came to the 21st century, it’s really strange to meet this situation for the first time.
Take a closer look at this pimp in her forties, dressed like a peony in full bloom, with a graceful figure. I think she was also a beautiful and charming woman when she was young. Seeing a big mole on her mouth in front of her, the image of a gaudy old lady is quite different. It seems that when she goes back, she must give advice to the director of costume drama. The characters can’t be made into faces.
Madam didn’t care at all and still smiled like a flower. "Don’t you already have a lover?"
Feather Zhen crustily skin of head and said, "I want to find Miss Feng Fei Yan."
The procuress looked at a feather and Fluttershy smiled and said, "Do you know how much gold you have to pay to see the phoenix flying smoke? And I think you two seem to be females? "
Feather and Fluttershy were taken aback. The procuress was so experienced that she saw through that they were disguised as men, but Feather stood up without weakness. "Why can’t a girl come to Liuxiangge?"
There was a stalemate when a little girl came upstairs and said to the procuress gently, "Mother Feiyan wants to see these two gentlemen."
It’s not good for the procuress to say that when she sees her baby cash cow. Throw a handkerchief and let my girl lead Feather Ao and Fluttershy upstairs.
My little girl led them into a quiet house and noticed that there was a signboard hanging on the door.
Walking into the refined house is like walking into a well-bred embroidered room. The room is elegant, exquisite and not tacky. On the south half of the wall, there is a huge shelf filled with various nationalities. By the window, it is an antique piano. A beautiful woman with graceful purple gauze is singing on the piano.
The melodious strings of the strings flow from the fingertips, sometimes high and sometimes sad, sometimes confused and beautiful, and the sound of the piano deeply attracts the ears of the feathers.
See feather Zhen and Fluttershy came in, purple beauty hands a stringed piano to a screeching halt, Tingting led the way, and the little girl closed the door and quit.
Feather gazed at the purple girl in front of her, her figure was light for ten years, and her eyes were as gentle as water and as pure and misty as the West Lake, which really made me pity.
I can’t believe that this fireworks field can produce such a stunning beauty.
Yu Zhen secretly thought, "If it is such a beautiful young woman with excellent piano and chess paintings in modern life, she must have been a sensational beauty and fashionable girl, but it is really sad that she has fallen into the mire in this era!"
Feng Feiyan also looked at her and Fluttershy carefully when Yu Zhen looked at Feng Feiyan.
Although both of them are now dressed in men’s clothes, the makeup and jade carving make them sharp-eyed and see through them at a glance. Both of them are girls.
Phoenix flies and smoke gently opens Zhu’s lips. "Are you looking for me?"
Feather Zhen was interrupted and smiled shyly. "You must be sister Feng Feiyan. I’m here for a long time, but I also want to find someone through you."
Feng Feiyan rushed to Feather and Fluttershy smiled and pointed to the chair. "Two girls please sit down."
She saw through her identity. Feather Zhen smiled awkwardly. She pulled up a chair and sat down with Fluttershy.
Feng Feiyan herself is as light as a cloud, and she sits opposite them, and the micro side of her face seems to wait for the feather.
After a silence in the house, the feather could not help but break the silence and she cleared her throat.
"Let me introduce myself first-my name is Lan Yuqian, and this is my sister Zhuang Fluttershy, Feng Feiyan. I wonder if you know a man named Mu Chenxing?" See the mountain from the feather gate.
Feng Fei, smoke, light eyebrows and slight frowning eyes, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do know Mu Gong?"
Feather is excited. This phoenix is really very frank. "Is he you …?" Suddenly realized that it’s hard to say things in person. Feather stopped the car quickly.
However, Feng Feiyan didn’t mind that she got up and walked gracefully to the window and looked at the moon and said, "He is not my guest, but he is my confidant."
Feather Qian said seriously, "Sister Feng, how can you be friends with such a person? Is he a thief or a pervert?"
Feng Feiyan "sloped" and smiled. She turned her head. "Sister Feather, you may have prejudice against Mu Gongyou. He is a gentleman and a good man."
Feathers pout angrily. Good guy? Hum!
This phoenix flying smoke looks really likable and gives people a very cordial feeling, but what about Mu Chenxing? Dare not compliment
Feather Zhen angrily thinking about face expression is very obvious.
"For the phoenix elder sister where can I find Mu Morningstar? He stole something very important from us, and I’m looking for him just to ask for my things back. "Feather Qi angrily.
"oh? Is this it? " Feng Feiyan turned around and took out a bag from the bed closet to put Lan Yuqiao and Fluttershy in front of him. At first glance, it turned out that he was really lost. The bag full of silver and silver tickets was full of those possessions.
"Mu Gong knew that you would come and specifically asked me to give it to you when you came. Anyway, this money is also for you to help the poor people. He is just joking with you." Feng Feiyan said airily.
Feather Qian happily wrapped up her bag, and she couldn’t help but sit up and take notice of Feng Feiyan. Such a large sum of property seems to be unworthy in her eyes. This famous prostitute in brothel really has something to offer.

Lian Yan Jing Mo, he knew that the emperor said it was something. Lian Yan Hong ascended the throne for so many years, and the issue of inheritance has always been something for a willing heart. Now the imperial concubine has at least given birth to a big emperor.

But it can also suspend the situation. Once something happens, it is still the emperor’s short board.
Lotus Yan Hong looked at Dong Ling, who was stupefied. "I don’t want anything in my face today. Please show me if it is destiny takes a hand or someone is secretly bad …"
It’s not that the emperor hasn’t checked any clues about this matter.
"I know you’re worried about things like rest assured. I will naturally give you enough benefits to avoid others. Not everyone can ask you to treat you then." Lotus Yan Hong added a chip.
Indeed, what Dong Yuling is most worried about is that she, a civilian with a little power, can order her to see a doctor, seek physical support and have children, so will she refuse?
A child in a big family is a woman. If all the chips are raised by her, it will not be a tragedy!
Since the emperor promised so much, Dong Yuling would no longer refuse to raise his hand and build the emperor’s wrist.
Although it is no good to know much about this royal secret, she is already riding a tiger.
Besides, Dong Hong-ling’s view of the emperor is not like that of history, so he slightly worried about himself.
If she really wants to save her family’s life, she can still do it, even if the other party is an emperor.
This time, Dong Yuling took the pulse for a long time and scanned the emperor several times, and finally let go of frowning and meditation.
See dong ling such emperor and lotus Yan jiing didn’t presume to disturb is slightly worried glances quietly waiting for the verdict.
"What did the imperial doctors say?" Dong ling slightly puzzled mouth asked
"All the doctors say that I am in good health." Lianyan Hongnai Institute can’t find the cause and root of the disease.
Is it difficult to say that you are not sick? It seems that the Lian family didn’t have such a legacy. For example, when the first emperor Lian Yanhong ascended the throne, ten emperors and seven princesses were still alive!
Since all the doctors say that Lian Yan-hong is healthy, is it a woman who has a problem?
If it is modern monogamy, it must be this and that.
But the palace doesn’t make sense. One or two women have problems. Maybe all women in the harem have problems?
No wonder Lian Yan-hong will wonder if there is anyone behind this …
After understanding these things, Dong Yuling was even more puzzled because she diagnosed that the emperor was in good health as the doctors, and he was healthier than ordinary people after practicing martial arts.
However, Dong Yuling knows that the problem may really show the activity of the emperor’s tadpoles, but she can’t know how this is caused by taking the pulse. After all, she doesn’t know much about the emperor
"How is your brother’s health?" See Dong Ling don’t talk Lian Yan Jing can’t help but ask.
In fact, he is more worried about his body than Lian Yuhong.
"The physician is right. The emperor’s health is fine." Dong Yuling said frankly.
Lotus Yan Jiing frowned and glanced at her disappointed brother. "That …"
"Is it really destiny takes a hand?" The emperor’s voice was empty and his expression was sad.
"Since there is no reason for the body, there are many situations that cause this phenomenon." It is really difficult for Dong Yuling to explain to the two big men what the concept of activity and inactivity can be the simplest solution in words. "I hope I can pulse his imperial concubine once if I can."
Seeing that the emperor was somewhat listless, Dong Hong said a key, "In addition, my daughter hopes to observe the emperor’s basic necessities for a while, which means that she has some habits with the emperor on weekdays."
"Your brother has been very disciplined since childhood and has no bad habits!" Lotus Yan jiing said some don’t want to.
Dong Yuling is going to observe the emperor’s food, clothing, housing and transportation, so he can’t be close to his body. The palace can be so close to the emperor, except the maid-in-waiting or the princess-in-waiting. I feel sad to think about it.
There are still some lost emperors who are amused by his brother’s reaction. Although it is not obvious to ordinary people, they grew up together. Can you not know these subtle mood changes?
"You mean there’s still salvation?" When the emperor saw that Dong Yuling didn’t tell the story to death like his healer did, he didn’t falter and couldn’t tell clearly how much his heart was, and he still hoped that Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Chapter 150 hadn’t eaten it, okay?
Dong Fengling nodded. "I think it’s that a little emperor can still make the imperial concubine empress have a big emperor. That representative won’t be unable to observe for a while and maybe find out the reason."
Moreover, in recent years, besides Yu Guifei, there are also palace princesses who are pregnant, but they have not been able to keep them.
That proves that the emperor didn’t die completely, but his activity was too low to be pregnant.
Even the key training of the harem beauty emperor casting a wide net can be seen.
So when the carriage stopped at the entrance of Wangfu, the emperor got the letter from Dong Wei, and somehow relaxed his mood, and anyway, he didn’t expect to be disappointed so much, so he wouldn’t be too hard.
Moreover, the emperor expressed great interest in the rare reaction to the world, and he was still in the mood to ridicule.
"You usually don’t give your back to others, so this girl can help you push the wheelchair?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and smiled thoughtfully.

"You know" Xuanyuan Tianyue should have a dim eye, and he still insisted on putting his cloak on his shallow body.

Shallow sneer threw his hand and threw the cloak to the ground. "Today, except for your Tiange, who can fabricate your words and marry Sue? Today, except for your Tiange information, I can’t think of anyone who can make Mu Sheng Xiao believe me. Should I thank you for helping me get rid of Mu Sheng Xiao now?"
"Shallow …" Xuanyuan Tianyue frowned slightly and held out his hand to be close to shallow.
Raise your hand lightly and hit him with a cold hand, saying, "Don’t call me that. Do you know how I wish I’d never known you?" Those eyes are as cold as ice and snow in the extreme north, just like her attitude towards him at first sight. She turned around and walked directly outside.
The wind slowly blew through the lavender robe, rolled up and fell, and the tall figure stood for a long time. Looking at the snow-colored figure disappearing direction, the handsome face could not tell the loneliness, and he knew that there would be a day when his cloak trembled gently and was finally forgotten by his master.
Chapter 4 Let’s just let it be.
Back to the residence, Xuanyuan Tianyue was preparing to go to their room. Suddenly, South Sorrow came over and looked at him and said, "What’s going on?" Her face is very bad. "I can’t stop being murderous and cold. It’s very good if I don’t know that she has recently suppressed the heart-eating method. She is really a heart-eating method.
Xuanyuan Tianyue took one look at the direction of the building and said, "I’ll go and see her." And he directly crossed the south sorrow.
South sorrow frowned. What’s wrong with these two people? It’s strange that she ignored him when he talked to him just now.
Before the building, I heard the drumming sound of the floor. Xuanyuan Tianyue looked up at the woman coming from the face. Her light face was cold and cold without any emotion.
Looking at her thin clothes, his heart tightened slightly before she spoke.
But the snowy figure seems to have not seen the person in front of her. Her footsteps are just wrong, and his figure is moving towards the front.
Xuanyuan Tianyue lived in a handsome face, although he didn’t see much anger, but his body breath was freezing. He was used to it, and the more calm he became, the more unusual he became.
"Where are you going?" South sorrow looked shallow and couldn’t help but ask, are you going out as soon as you get back? She just woke up not long ago.
Shallow ignored him going toward outside walk.
South sorrow looked at the shallow distance and felt that something had happened. He couldn’t help looking back at Xuanyuan Tianyue and said, "What the hell is going on?" It is rare to see Yan so angry that she is angry and full of danger and is on the verge of explosion. However, when she looks back, she just touches those pale purple eyes, which are as deep as the sea and have pain.
Sure enough, something happened to them
I don’t know how much wine I drank, but it was already late at night when I returned to my room. Looking at the door, Xuanyuan Tianyue crossed her eyes and went straight into the room, walked to the couch and lay sideways, facing inside.
Xuanyuan Tianyue looked at the side with his back to his own person’s eyes dim and went directly into the clean room behind him. From the inside, he hit a basin of water and went to the couch to twist the handkerchief. Looking at the figure that still turned his back to him, he said in a low voice, "Get up and wipe your face or you will fall asleep late."
However, shallow seems to be asleep and generally breathes evenly without answering.
Xuanyuantianyue wanted to help her wipe it, but the girl just reached out and turned inside.
She resisted him. Xuanyuan Tianyue hung his hand and instantly froze. He smiled bitterly and put his hand away. He went to the next cabinet and took out a bed of cotton from the inside and lay down on the floor.
This night, people sleep on the couch, tossing and turning, and they can’t sleep well
When she woke up, she had already cleaned it up. She touched her head and still had some pain. It seemed that she got up several times in the middle of the night yesterday and vomited, or it was a dream. She got out of bed and was ready to go out when she saw a piece of paper and a bowl of steaming soup on the table.
"Drink this hangover soup in the closet before eating in the noodles."
Shallow threw the paper aside and looked at the table, soup bowl and a pair of eyes. Vision Wei went straight to the cupboard to get clothes and went out.
On the first floor of the hall, Nanxun and others have already sat in the hall. Xuanyuan Tianyue sat in a few people’s eyes, but he didn’t feel that he looked at the door of the building. The whole person was quiet. Surprisingly, the rest of the table was infected with the atmosphere and dared not go out.
It was not long before the shallow people came from the building to feel relieved.
"Xiaoyan son, you can get up and come to dinner." Yi Nanxun greeted him first. He was hungry and stuck his chest on his back.
Shallow invisible nodded and sat opposite Xuanyuan Tianyue.
Xuanyuan Tianyue looked at the light face without any emotion. I don’t know if she was a little pale because of hangover. He directly handed a bowl of bird’s nest porridge to "drink some porridge to warm up first"
Glancing at the porridge bowl in front of me, I picked up a bowl and scooped up a bowl of soybean milk and put it in front of me.
If the people at the table are not white, these two people will be so cold to whom even if they say little about the cold war. It seems that things are really serious.
Yi Nanxun waved his eyes suddenly and smiled and said, "Xiaoyan, did you leave the sleeping floor yesterday? Look at his face. He didn’t sleep all night. Even if he doesn’t like cooking, he wants to teach him a lesson, but you are too hard." These two people have been strange since yesterday. Something must have happened and it seems that he is wrong or away from here.
South sorrow took a look at Yi Nanxun and rolled his eyes in his heart. When can this man be a peacemaker? But he went to make sure it was to help Tai?
Shallow looked up and saw Xuanyuan Tianyue one eye. He looked a little pale last night … Thought of here, she was upset and took a sip of soybean milk on the table. Perhaps because of drinking last night, her appetite was not good. She wanted to vomit when she smelled the beany smell. She frowned and put the bowl on the table.
"If you don’t like the taste, don’t drink it for a while and let people make you some sweet and sour drinks," said Xuanyuan Tianyue, who is opposite.
Did you really sleep on the floor since yesterday? Yi Nanxun took a shallow look at Xuanyuan Tianyue and suddenly gave birth to this idea, because the communication between the two people was so peaceful that they looked like strangers.
Shallow light said, "No, this taste is very good." She picked up the bowl and fought back her discomfort. She drank the bowl of soybean milk, but just after drinking it, there was a surge in her stomach. "Oh …" She retched sideways.
"Shallow …" Xuanyuan Tianyue suddenly got up and walked quickly to the front of the shallow "? Is it very uncomfortable? "
Listening to the eager words of others, I frowned slightly and shook my hands. "I’m fine." I got up directly. "I have something to go out for a trip. You are slow!" Said she don’t look at all strange face directly toward the outside.
Xuanyuan Tianyue stood stiffly in the same place and looked at the decisively left figure with a bitter taste in her eyes.
Yi Nanxun watched and couldn’t help but get up and go to Xuanyuan Tianyue and frown and say, "What happened? I looked at her and looked pale."
"It’s okay" Xuanyuan Tianyue shook his head and followed the shallow and went out.
South sorrow cloud hidden two people glance at each other and say that something in her heart can make it more and more cold war, even if it is too much to make her forbear things, and this change happened after they came back from the government. So is it Wang Shiyou, one end of the dead princes list? !
When I came back in the evening, Xuanyuan Tianyue saw her approaching him in front of the gate and said, "Shallow came back, is it cold?" During the day, he went out with her all the way, but then she didn’t seem to want to see him, and he could follow him far away. Now she just came back here first.